Where we honour Canada’s contributions to the world of mat mayhem.

When SLAM! Wrestling launched in late 1996, one of its first big features was the Canadian Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame. The qualifications are fairly loose: a wrestler must have been born in Canada, immigrated to Canada, become a Canadian citizen, grown up in Canada or have had Canada or a Canadian promotion as the focal point of their career, and it might not have been a long career, or still in progress. It is by no means a complete list, and we welcome feedback as the new version of the Canadian Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame grows at SlamWrestling.net.

We’ve mixed everybody in together for ease of maintenance and clarity–the men, the women (W), the little people (midgets or dwarfs), the referees, the non-wrestlers; unless noted, their career was primarily as a wrestler.


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Abdullah the Butcher
Kenny Ackles
Little John Adams (little person)
Bob Adessky
Agent Orange (Warren Kowalson)
Jason Agnew (media)
Joe Aiello (media)
Akam (Sunny Dhinsa)
Josh Alexander
Rahim Ali
Alicia Atout (W) (announcer)
Aliyah (W)
Bad News Allen (Allen Coage)
Gary “The King” Allen (ref)
The All-Knighters (Robin Knightwing & Joey Knight) * Career Record
Andy Anderson
Jason “The Sledgehammer” Anderson
Andre the Giant
KC Andrews
Gino Angelo (Angelo Curto)
Tony Angelo (Hank Pardi)
“The Animal” Bob Anger
John Anson / Karl von Shotz
Lloyd, Orest & Bill Antonation
Otis Apollo
Farmer Bill Armstrong
Ernie Arthur
Ovila Asselin
Fred Atkins
Phil Atlas
Vince Austin
Milt Avruskin (announcer/promoter)
Hercules Ayala
Azaelle (Janik Bélanger) (W)
Azeem the Dream


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Otto Bahn (manager)
“Speedball” Mike Bailey
The Baillargeon brothers (Lionel, Paul, Tony, Charles, Adrien, Jean)
Roger Baker (photographer)
Sonny Baker
Brent Banks
Tony Baroni
“No Class” Bobby Bass
Ben Bassarab
Bruiser Bastein (Jean Claude Abraham)
Cuddly Cubbie Baxter (little person)
The Beast (Yvon Cormier)
The Beast (John Yachetti)
Dick Beddoes (media)
Sammy Berg / Samson Burke
Phil Belanger
Chris Benoit
Brute Bernard
Ali Bey (George Stefanides)
Big Mac (Mervyn McKie)
Mike Bilinsky
Bobby Bilitsky (Rick Rawluck)
Jeff Black
Joe Black (photographer)
Monty Black
Tommy Blade
Michael Richard Blais
Jennifer Blake (W)
Pat Blake
Blue Angel (Ruby McGynn) (W)
Frank Blues
Sinn Bohdi / Kizarny
Rick Bolton
Steve Bolus
The Bollywood Boys (Gurv & Harv Sihra)
Rock Bowley / Chief Little Bear (Sheldon Bowley)
Max Boyer
Dino Bravo (Adolfo Bresciano)
Dino Bravo
John E. Bravo (manager)
Tyler Breeze
Eugene Brie (ref)
Gino Brito * Gino Brito Sr. Career Record
Gino Brito Jr.
Jack Britton (promoter)
Caveman Broda
Farmer Brooks (little person)
Traci Brooks (W)
Bulldog Bob Brown
Kerry Brown
King Kong Brule (Bob Billedeau)
Beau Brummell (little person)
Charles Buffong
Bunny / Allie / Cherry Bomb (W)
J.R. Bundy (Mike Phillips)
Leo Burke
Markus Burke


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Christian Cage (Jay Reso)
Jason Cage
Calamity Kate (W)
Ray Calendar
Don Callis / Cyrus / Jackyl
Andrew Calvert (media)
Canadian Bulldog (media)
Canadian Extreme
Crybaby George Cannon
Lumberjack Johnny Canuck
Bianca Carelli (W)
Crusher Carlsen
Edouard Carpentier
Eddy Carson (ref)
Wayne Cashman (ref)
Raymond Cazeaux
Gus “Frenchy” Champagne
Kwan Chang
Richard Charland
Outlaw Scott Chase
Covey Christ
Joe “Killer” Christie
Jade Chung (W)
RJ City
Irish Bobby Clancy
Bob Clark (promoter)
“Sailor” Bob Clark
Jay Clintstock (Gerry Paquette)
“Super Genie” Melissa Coates (W)
Glenn Cole (media)
“Rebel” Bobby Collins
“Irish” Tom Collins (George Larson)
Pat Collumb
Tyler Colton
“Big Train” Lionel Conacher
Deanna Conda (W)
Tony Condello
Jack Corcoran (promoter)
Steve Corino
Corsica Jean (Jean-Louis Roy)
Cathie Cougar (W)
PCP Crazy Manny (Manny Eleftheriou)
Eddie “The Brain” Creatchman (manager)
Floyd Creatchman (manager)
Nelson Creed
Crash Crimson
Chi Chi Cruz
Wayne Cryderman
Cuban Assassin (Angel Acevedo)
Miss May Cullen (W)
Jack Curran (announcer)
Bill Custers (executive)
Collin Cutler
Murray Cummings
Bill Curry


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Jaime D (W)
Melissa Dahl (W)
“Playboy” Will Damon (Dan King)
Scott D’Amore
Allison Danger (W)
Miss Danyah (W)
Dolly Darcel (Normande Gagnon) (W) (little person)
Dark Angel (Roshik May)
The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson)
Terry Dart (photographer)
Brian Da Silva (superfan)
“The Latin Lover” Martin Dasko
Jim Davies (announcer)
Ron Davies
Rick Davis
Cody Deaner
Danni Deeds
Nick DeCarlo
Claude Decharme (ref)
Don De Laun
Bob Della Serra
Rocky Della Serra
Delta Dawn (W)
Carl Demarco (promoter)
Harry Demerjian (ref)
Big Joe Dempsey (ref)
Eric Denis
“Dirty” Dan Denton (Dennis Turner) * “Dirty” Dan Denton Column Archive
Dominic Denucci
Johnny DePaulo
Adrien Desbois (ref)
Roland (Bull Neck) Desjardins
Larry Destiny
Miles Deville
Johnny Devine * Johnny Devine Column Archive
Chuck DeVona
Paul Diamond (Paul Lehman)
Paul Diamond (Tom Boric)
Kaitlyn Diemond (W)
Jim Dimitri
Fred Diotte
Ron Doner
Leo Donoghue
Bill Donovan (ref)
Doug & Red Donovan
Tod ‘The Bod’ Douglas
Bill Dromo * Bill Dromo Career Record
Neil Drummond (manager)
Ronald Dube (ref)
Sam Dubé (announcer)
Michel DuBois/Alexis Smirnoff
Rachael Dubois (W)
Rolly Duguay (promoter)
Bunny Dunlop
Emile Dupre
Jeff Dupre
René Dupre
Lucille Dupree (W)
Danny Duggan
Yvon Durelle
Duke Durrango
Kobe Durst
Tyson Dux
The Dynamite Kid



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Don Eagle
War Eagle
George “Red” Eakin
Ebony X-press (J.Q. Publik and Reggie Marley)
Edge (Adam Copeland)
El Phantasmo
Artie Edmunds
Stoney Edwards (Mike Olsen)
Michael Elgin
Jeremy Elliott
Stefan Epic
Eric the Red
Ever-Rise (Chase Parker et Matt Martel)


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Farmer Pete (little person)
Farhan Faruqui
Rod Fenton
Vinnie Fever (Otto Gentile)
Anthony Fiasco
Dutch Fielding / Max Devlin
Adam Firestorm
Pat Flanagan
The Flatliners (Asylum and Matt Burns)
Clarey Flemming (announcer)
Timothy Flowers * Timothy Flowers Career Record
Athol Foley (manager)
J.R. Foley (manager)
Celine Fontaine (little person)
Layne Fontaine
Jack Forsgren
John Foti
Frank Fozo
Roger Francouer
Dave “The Kidd” Franks
Johnny Franks
Franky the Mobster
Mario Frattaroli
Fernand Fréchette
Jim Freedman (media)
Eric Froelich * Eric Froelich Career Record
The Frog (Terry Tomko)
El Fuego (Rob Etcheverria)
Disco Fury
Jim Fury


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George “Scrap Iron” Gadaski
Hubert Gallant
Ron Garvin
Terry Garvin (Terry Joyal)
Denis Gauthier
Tim Geohagen
Tim Gerrard
Dangerous Dan Gervais
Giant Gustave
“Farmer” Elmer Gibson
Steve Gillespie
Bradford Gillis
Mr. Gillis
Alec Girard
Pat Girard
Ron Gogan
Chief Golden Hawke
Marty Goldstein
George Gordienko
Tommy Gorman (promoter)
Sam Gotter (ref)
Archie “The Stomper” Gouldie
Rene Goulet
Fran Gravette (W)
Stu Grayson
The Great Antonio
The Great Kasaki
Chelsea Green (W)
The Green Phantom (Joseph Fitzmorris)
Sylvain Grenier
Ted Grizzly


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The Hacker
Bambi Hall
Mike Hammer (little person)
The Hangman (Neil Guay)
Major Hardway
Gary Howard (writer)
Bobby Hart
Diana Hart (W)
Frankie Hart
The Hart Family
Bret Hart * Bret Hart Career Record
Owen Hart * Owen Hart Career Record
Smith Hart
Stu Hart and wife Helen
Teddy Hart
Tor Hart (superfan)
Rod Hater (ref)
Cedric Hathaway (ref)
Misty Haven (W)
Gil Hayes
Sonny Boy Hayes (Donald Belway) (little person)
Louis Hebert (ref)
Jason Helton
Jamie Hemmings (writer)
“Big Cat” Scott Henson
Doug Hepburn
Ted Herbert / Kuroshio Taro
Hans-Jochen Herrman (ref)
Joffre L’Heuréux
“Tarzan” Frank Hewitt
The Highlanders
John Hill (Jerry Valiant, Guy Mitchell, etc.)
Dean Ho (Dean Higuchi)
Bob “Doc” Holliday  (promoter)
KC Houston (W)
Sandy Hoyt (announcer)
Kowboy Mike Hughes
Len Hughes
Hollywood Hunks (Custom Made Man & Stunning Sean & Sexy Baby Jamie Jackson)
Ricky Hunter (The Gladiator)
Scott Hunter (announcer)
James Hutchinson
“Wonderboy” Ron Hutchison
Martin Hutzler
Too Damn Hype


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Judas Icarus
Aaron Idol
Rip Impact

Murder Inc.


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Mo Jabari (Mohammed Adan)
“Sexy Baby” Jamie Jackson
Tiger Jackson (little person)
Brandon Jacobs
Eddington James (Jim Connolly) (ref)
Kingdom James (Anthony Ruttgaizer)
Pee Wee James (little person)
Dane Jarris (Dann Pigozzo)
Jason the Terrible (Karl Moffatt)
Bobby Jay
Kevin Jefferies
Chris Jericho
Don Leo Jonathan * Don Leo Jonathan Career Record
Bull Johnson
Bullwhip Danny Johnson
Ken Johnson
Randy Johnson
Ricky Johnson
Rocky Johnson * Rocky Johnson Career Archive
Bobby Jones
Gentleman Jimmy Jordan


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Kalamity (W)
Geza Kalman Jr.
Tor Kamata
Karate Kid Chris Dube (little person)
Ed Karl (announcer)
Miss Kitty Karson (W)
Larry & Alex Kasaboski
John Katan
Bobby Kay
Rudy Kay
Brad Keene (announcer)
“Gentleman” Jim Kelly (ref)
Pat and Mike Kelly
Tyson Kidd / TJ Wilson
Gail Kim (W)
Norm Kimber (announcer)
Gene Kiniski * Gene Kiniski Career Archive
Kelly Kiniski
Kira (W)
Cowboy Kirk (Ray Daigle)
Klondike Bill
Johnny K-9 / Bruiser Bedlam
Adam Knight
Kobra Kai (Steve Cvjetkovich )
Ivan Koloff
“Iron” Mike Koncur
Jim Korderas (ref)
Al “Krusher” Korman
Sandor Kovacs
Wladek “Killer” Kowalski
Nick Kozak
Jerry Kozak
Steve Kozak
Vanessa Kraven (W)
“Cowboy” Dan Kroffat
Killer Karl Krupp
Glenn Kulka
Kurrgan (Robert Maillet)
Sabrina Kyle


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George Labash (superfan)
Phil Lafon (Dan Kroffat)
Raven Lake (Thereasa Hall) (W)
Frenchy Lamont (little person)
Buddy Lane
Cowboy Frankie Lane
Cowboy Lang (little person)
Bob “Legs” Langevin
Tony Lanza
Herb Larson
L’artiste / Phil Latio (Dave Linton Rector)
Jack Laskin
Louis “The Farmer” Laurence
John and Lord Athol Layton
Jean Ledoux
Carl LeDuc
Jos Leduc
Paul Leduc
Sky Hi Lee (Robert Leedy)
Pierre “Mad Dog” Lefebvre
Joe E. Legend * Joe E. Legend Column Archive
Leo L’Heureux
Bob Leonard (photographer/promoter)
Lil Nasty Boy (Danny Campbell) (little person)
Little Beaver (little person)
Little Bruiser (little person)
Little Brutus (Jean Jacques Girard) (little person)
Little Brutus (Bob Loucks)
George Little (Dan McLeod)
Lord Littlebrook (little person)
Danny Littlewolf (Danny Marsh)
Bernie “The Cat” Livingston
Ron Logue
Johnny London (John Rosenburg) (ref)
Chief Lone Eagle (Jimmy Buckle) (little person)
Michel Longtin (promotions)
Bob & Paul Lortie
Don Lortie
Mike Lozanski
Angelina Love (W)
Hartford Love (Wes Hutchins)
Reginald Love (Johnny Evans)
Al Lovelock (Alexander Newman)
Bronko Lubich
LuFisto (W)
Lumberjack Luke (Don Morrison)
Kenny Lush
Dr. Luther (Len Olson)
Diana Lynn (W)
Billy Red Lyons


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Luigi Macera
Terrance R. Machalek
“Silent” Brian Mackney
Harry Madison
Shane Madison
Tom Magee
Jinder Mahal
Joe Maich
“StarBuck” Michael Majalahti
Daniel Makabe
Jewells Malone (W)
Moondog Manson
Maple Grizzly (Juan Carlos Olivares)
Santino Marella
Omer Marchessault / Masked Marvel
Bob & Joe Marcus
Flying Bobby Marshall (Marshall Caplan)
Dick Marshall
Michel Martel
Rick Martel
Frenchy Martin
Pepper Martin
Charles Mascall (announcer)
Carter Mason
Deepak Massand
Massive Damage (Sean Dunster)
Nicole Matthews (W)
The Mauler (Stuart Brown)
Gair Maxwell (announcer)
Roy McClarty
Earl McCready
Bill MacCulloch (announcer)
Playboy McColl
Stu McCullum
Danny McDonald
Dano McDonald
Knobby McDonald
Maddog McFly
Velvet McIntyre (W)
Dave “The Wildman” McKigney
Roy & Don McLarty
Dan McLeod
Pat McMahon
Duncan McTavish (Matt Gilmore)
Pat Meehan
Rosa Mendes (W)
Al Mercier
Sonny Meyers
J.D. Michaels
Ivan Mickailoff (promoter)
Maddison Miles
Al Mills
Alma Mills * Alma Mills Career Record
Tiny Mills
Pat Milosh (promoter)
Anna Minoushka (W)
Chuck Molnar
Frankie Monet / Taya Valkyrie
Geto Mongol (Newton Tattrie)
Chief Montour (Arthur C. Montour)
Ernie “The Executioner” Moore
Larry Moquin
Bob Morgan (ref)
Terry Morgan
Moose Morowski
Ron Morrier (announcer)
Pierre Morrison (ref)
Eddie & Gerry Morrow
Angelo Mosca
Angelo Mosca Jr.
Jack Munroe
Dropkick Murphy (Mike Willis)
Shawn Murphy
Skull Murphy


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Bronko Nagurski
Jim Neidhart
Nattie Neidhart (W)
Art Neilson
Stan Neilson (Stan Holek)
Moe Nels
Gord Nelson
Dino Nero (Peppi DiPasquale)
Vance Nevada (Vern May)
Lou “Shoulders” Newman
Alexia Nicole (W)
Nikita (Jane Miroshnykova) (W)
Michel Normandin (announcer)
Notorious T.I.D.


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Arda Ocal / Kyle Edwards
Al Oeming
“The Phoenix” Meave O’Farrell (W)
Ole Olsen
Todd “Oly” Olsen
Kenny Omega
Dru Onyx
Kyle O’Reilly
Bud & Ray Osborne
Eddie Osbourne
Scotty O’Shea
Danno O’Shocker (Jack Lloyd)
Shillelagh O’Sullivan (Pat McMahon)
Maryse Ouellet (W)
PCO (Carl Ouelett)
Kevin Owens / Kevin Steen


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Pancho the Bull (Ferdinand Tucci) (little person)
Ethan Page
Louis Papineau
Renee Paquette / Renee Young (W) (announcer)
Tony Parisi
“D-Man” Daniel Parker
Cliff Parker (promoter)
Emily Parker (W) (ref)
Frank Parker (ref)
Sandy Parker (W)
Billy “Dinty” Parks
Herb Parks
Reggie Parks * Reggie Parks Career Archive
Bernie Pascall (announcer)
Mike Patry (promoter)
Pat Patterson * Pat Patterson Career Archive
Rick Patterson / Leatherface
Chase Pearce
Helen Peebles (W)
Stompin Paul Peller
Puppy Dog Peloquin
Chris Pepper
Sammy Peppers
Portia Perez (W) * Portia Perez Column Archive
Desiree Petersen (W)
Big Stephen Petitpas
Bouncing Bobby Phillips
Dick Phillips (Masked Marvel, Black Terror)
Mike Phillips (J.R. Bundy, Sgt. Tom Steele)
Ma Pickles (superfan)
Dave Pinsky
Roddy Piper * Roddy Piper Career Archive
Lou Pitoscia
Lanny Poffo
Gilles “The Fish” Poisson
Eric Pomeroy / Stan Vachon / Stan Pulaski / Stan Kalmikoff
Mark Posey
Principal Richard Pound
Cat Power (W)
Johnny Powers
Alexander Prime
Jeremy Prophet
Jean Pusie


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Big John Quinn
Eddie Quinn (promoter)


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Big John Radocaj
Rob Rage (Rob Thomson)
Mauro Ranallo (manager/announcer)
Randy Reign
The Renegade (Nelson Mayer)
Buffy Republic (W)
Dave Republic (Dave Teixeira) (promoter)
Mad Dog Rex
“Frenchy” Ernest Rheault
Sylvain Richard
Rene Richards (ref)
Lucien Riopel (promoter)
Chad Ripley
Ron Ritchie
Steve Rivers
“The Canadian Giant” Garry Robbins
Maurice Roberre (Yvon Losier)
Yvon “Frenchy” Roberre
Yvon Robert
Yvon Robert Jr.
Buddy Roberts (Dale Hey)
Dewey Robertson (Missing Link)
Rockford 2001
Goldie Rogers
Mike Rodgers (media)
Psycho Mike Rollins
Robert Roode
Vicky Rose (W)
Mike Roselli
Rosemary / Courtney Rush (W)
Vic Rosettani
Armand Rougeau
Johnny & Jacques Sr. Rougeau
Jacques Rougeau Jr.
Raymond Rougeau * Raymond Rougeau Career Archive
Andre Roy (ref)
Robbie Royce
Dave Ruhl
Joey Russell (little person)
Michael “Llakor” Ryan (media)
Paddy Ryan  / Ace Freeman
Adam Ryder
E.Z. Ryder


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Zoë Sager (W)
AJ Sanchez
Justin Sane
Serge Saumon (Serge Daigneault)
Jonathan “Fuzzy” Sayers
Fred Scambati (media)
Hans Schmidt (Guy LaRose)
Baron Mikel Scicluna
George Scott
Jesse Scott
Pat “Moose” Scott
Sandy Scott
Scotty Mac
Ernie Schwaab
Kyle Sebastian
Jason Sensation
Glamour Boy Shane Sewell
Sexxxy Eddy
Ben & Mike Sharpe
Bobby Sharp
Iron Mike Sharpe
Gisele Shaw (W)
Sheena (Gail Robertson) (W)
She Nay Nay (W)
Walter Shefchyk
Sidewalk Sam (Adam Jack Pelley)
Verne Siebert
Sweet Daddy Siki
Alex Silva
Terry Joe Silverspoon (John Parlett)
Ruffy Silverstein
Maurice Simard (ref)
“Pretty Boy” Chuck Simms
Jimmy “Red” Simms
JP Simms
Dave Sims (Dave Pinkerton)
Tiger Dori Singh
The Great Gama Singh
Raj Singh / Fabian Ribeiro
Rhonda Singh/Monster Ripper (W)
Sunil & Samir Singh / The Bollywood Boys
Tiger Ali Singh
Tiger Jeet Singh
Walter Sirois
Ashley Sixx
Bill Skullion
Sky Low Low (little person)
Angie Skye (W)
Cyclone & Hurricane Smith
Harry Smith
Davey Boy Smith
Johnny Smith
John Smith/Soldat Gorky (Walt Allen)
Leah Sparks (W)
Shawn Spears
Artemis Spencer
KC Spinelli (W)
Spyder (James Sherwood)
The Spoiler (Don Jardine)
Farmer Bill Stack
Tom Stanton
Jet Star
Michelle Starr * Michelle Starr Career Record
Toni Starr (W)
Wavell Starr
Shawn Stasiak
Stan Stasiak
Fernand Ste-Marie (announcer)
Roland Ste-Marie (promoter)
Bob Steele (ref)
Brody Steele
Danny Steele
Jason Sterling
“Canadian Wildcat” Ernie Stephens
Allan “Turk” Stewart / Mystery Man
Robbie Stewart
Stinky the Homeless Guy (Frank Morin)
Sara Stock / Sarita (W)
Frank Stojack
Mike Stone (Mike Harris)
Stu Stone (manager, media)
Lance Storm
Trish Stratus (W)
Steve Stryker (Darren Metselaar)
Damian & Drake Styles
Sebastian Suave
“Brilliant” Billy Suede
Earl “Sully” Sullivan (trainer)
Beautiful Bruce Swayze
Scotty Sweatervest (announcer)
Bruiser Bob Sweetan (Bob Carson)
Freddie Sweetan
Jimmy Szikszay


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Tabarnak De Team (Mathieu St. Jacques and Thomas Dubois)
Suzie Tanner (W) (ref)
Ed, Gerry & Joe Tardi
Tariq / Alex Vega
Kenneth Tiger Tasker
Billy Taylor
Jack Taylor
Big John Tenta (Golga, Earthquake)
Test (Andrew Martin)
Jeff Thomas
Frank “Scotty” Thompson
Les Thornton
Jody Threat (W)
Tom Thumb (Billy Bowman) (little person)
Tiny Tom Thumb (Garry Culbreth) (little person)
Chief Thunderbird
Louie Tillet
O.J. “Ossie” Timmins
Tiny Roe (little person)
Tiny Tim (little person)
Tyler Tirva
Rick Titan (Rick Bognar)
Tokyo Joe
Chris Tolos
John Tolos
Tiger “Tweet Tweet” Tomasso
Al Tomko
Eugene Tremblay
Steve Trojack (ref)
Ron Trottier
Bad Benny Trudell
Damien Truth
Billy Two Rivers * Billy Two Rivers Career Archive
Bob Tuck
Mel Turnbow (Malcolm Cormier) (ref)
“Rocket” Randy Tyler
Tarzan Tyler
The Tyrant (Eric Dawson)
Frank Tunney (promoter)
Jack Tunney (promoter)
John Tunney (promoter)
Alex Turk (promoter)


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Merv Unger (promoter)


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Luna Vachon (W)
Maurice “Mad Dog” Vachon
Paul “Butcher” Vachon * Butcher Vachon Career Archive
Vivian Vachon (W)
Vid Vain
Vinnie Valentine (Ryan Pollard)
Quinson Valentino
Frank Valois
Leah Vaughan (W)
Nelson Veilleux
Val Venis (Sean Morley)
Venom (Craig Harris)
Persephone Vice (W)
Viktor / Apocalypse
Henry Viney (announcer)
Eric Von Brauner
Karl Von Brauner
Waldo von Erich
Kat Von Hess (W)
Kurt von Hess
Michael Von Payton
Riea Von Slasher (W)
Karl Von Steiger (Lorne Corlett)
Karl Von Stroheim
Chris & Patrick Voros


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Dan Walker (Walter Girard)
George Walker
Adrian Walls
Sunny War Cloud
Marshall Ward (writer)
Vern Warner
Phil Watson
Whipper Billy Watson * Whipper Billy Watson Career Archive
Eddie Watts
Bob Wayne
Chris Wayne (Chris Hennigar)
Mike Webster
Aaron Weiss (promoter)
Biff Wellington
Ed Whalen (announcer)
Justin White
Sailor White
Taylor Wilde (W)
Gary Will (media)
Billy Williams (Bill Boyington)
“Wildman” Gary Williams
Petey Williams
Travis Williams
Abu Wizal (Milad Elzein)
Sebastian Wolfe
The Wolfman (Willie Farkus)
Ryan Wood
“Danger Boy” Derek Wylde
Zakk Wylde


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Matt Xstatic
Adam Yawrenko (B.C. Hulk, Goliath)
Mike York
Terry Yorkston (ref)
Eric Young
Yukon Eric
Sami Zayn (El Generico)
Dr. Zhivago (Hutch Thomas)
Al Zinck (wrestler/promoter)
Abe Zvonkin
Alix Zwicker

Atlantic Grand Prix
Northland Wrestling

East York Arena, Toronto
Hart House, Calgary
Lakeshore Arena, Toronto
Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto
Ottawa Auditorium, Ottawa
Quebec City, Quebec
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario