
Slam Speaks: Memories of Jamie Hemmings
The death of our colleague Jamie Melissa Hemmings is more than a fitting reason to dust off the ol' Slam Speaks format. What...

Mat Matters: We will miss you, Jamie Hemmings
She was only 43, and we were friends for 20 of those. I only just learned the truly gutting news that Jamie Hemmings, nee Kreiser, has died. The...

Bill Melby was a top bodybuilder, wrestler
Bill Melby had one of the most memorable physiques in professional wrestling of the 1950s. A competitive bodybuilder before he ever got into the...
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Mat Matters: Me, Kurt and The Colonel
EDITOR'S NOTE: This story contains profanity and adult stories. It's a photo that cannot be reproduced here, and still gives my wife trauma. Back in the day when you had to send your film out to be processed, it came back and ... oh my God, it's a naked Colonel! He...
‘Colonel DeBeers’ Ed Wiskoski dead at 80
Ed Wiskoski, who gained late-career fame as the Colonel DeBeers character in the dying days of the AWA, has died. He was 80. A Facebook post on the Pebble Creek Softball league site noted his death: William "Ed" Wiskoski (aka The Colonel) passed away on January 22nd...
Guest column: Eulogizing Detroit’s RoughHouse Rob
By LEVI BLUE - For I broke into the wrestling business back in 1997 and left permanently in 2023. It is amazing in that amount of time how many friends that you think you have made. But what it really comes down to is how many of them stick with you...
WWE Hall of Famer, baseball icon Bob Uecker dead at 90
Bob Uecker, a celebrated professional wrestling and baseball figure, has died at 90. Uecker was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2010 for his memorable appearances at WrestleMania III and IV, where his comedic personality and celebrity involvement contributed to...
Black Bart dies at 69
Black Bart, a long-time veteran of the wrestling business has died at the age of 69. Bart was battling stage four colon cancer that spread into his liver, and he recently returned home rather than face further treatment. His wife, Linda, shared the news late in the...
Joe E. Legend says thanks to Sweet Daddy
Really saddened to have to say goodbye to one of the most influential people in my life, the great Reg Siki, but more well known worldwide as "Mr. Irresistible" Sweet Daddy Siki. I've been told he passed away on December 31st in hospital after a year's long battle...