(1919 – 1939)
aka: Mike Belinsky
Real Name: Michael Bilinsky
Height: ?
Weight: 160 pounds
Born: c. 1897
Titles Held:
Canadian Amateur Heavyweight Title 1918
Canadian Middleweight Championship (3x) 1919-1926, 1929-1931
123 Recorded Matches as of March 17, 1939
Career Record Compiled by David Creahin * dcreahin@protonmail.com
After four years in the amateur ranks, 17-year-old Mike Bilinsky wins the “amateur title of Canada” in Hamilton, Ontario.
?? Montreal, QC beat Phillip Lang
*Won the Canadian Middleweight Championship
12/11 Winnipeg, MB beat Leo Young
04/18 Winnipeg, MB beat Fat Salter Wrestler vs. Boxer Match
06/06 Winnipeg, MB beat Kid Whittaker Wrestler vs. Boxer Match
07/07 East Selkirk, MB vs. Hammerlock Sudae
*Match may have been for the Western Canadian Middleweight Title
Police Athletic Union
02/11 Winnipeg, MB drew Tom Elder
03/23 Leduc, AB beat Pete Olson
(Cranbrook Herald, Thursday, September 17, 1925)
Wednesday next a wrestling match which will doubtless be of interest will take place at Yahk, when Nels Jepson, of this place, will meet Mike Bilinsky, of Toronto, middleweight champion of Canada, and contender for the lightheavyweight crown. Jepson has successfully met all contenders, but will have to extend himself to retain his laurels against the wily Bilinsky. The mill hall at Yahk will doubtless be crowded when these two kings of the mat meet. The match will take place at 8 p.m.
Bilinsky wishes it to be known that he is ready to meet any wrestler from 160 pounds to 175 pounds or over, on the usual arrangements. He is now in training, making the Y.M.C.A. his headquarters.
Another familiar figure in the wrestling firmament has been in the city this week, in the person of Jack Milo, who is wrestling with the Conklin & Garrett show, meeting all comers. Bilinsky has expressed a willingness to meet Milo in a match, and an interesting bout would be the outcome if if (sic) could be arranged.
09/19 Cranbrook, BC drew Jack Milo
09/30 Yahk, BC lost to Nels Jepson Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
(Cranbrook Herald, Thursday, October 1, 1925)
Mike Bilinsky, eastern Ruthenian wrestler, who last week tackled Jack Milo at the Conklin & Garret show, and on Wednesday night wrestled with Nels Jepson at Kitchener, has gone to Edmonton, where he is making his headquarters for a time.
One Big Union
01/28 Winnipeg, MB vs. Harry Berg
02/04 Winnipeg, MB vs. Harry Berg
03/11 Winnipeg, MB vs. Archie McLaughlin
03/25 Winnipeg, MB vs. Billy Crossley
11/04 Winnipeg, MB vs. Billy Crossley
12/02 Winnipeg, MB vs. Mike Kuruzak
12/09 Saskatoon, SK vs. Jack Milo
*The winner of the bout was to wrestle Chicago wrestler Pete Doerksen
01/27 Winnipeg, MB vs. Billy Crossley
02/03 Winnipeg, MB vs. Mike Kuruzak
03/02 Winnipeg, MB Advertised to appear
10/?? Saskatoon, SK vs. Jack Milo
*According to the Brandon Daily Sun (10/22), after “about forty minutes of wrestling, Mike Bilinsky of Winnipeg was so seriously injured in his bout with Jack Milo that doctors were called and Bilinsky was rushed to hospital for medical treatment. Bilinsky was unconscious thirty minutes after Milo had thrown the full weight of his body on him as Bilinsky lay on his back.”
Promoter – Stark Brothers:
11/06 Brandon, MB beat Bray Willey Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match:
Grapplers Put Up Sizzling Exhibition on Mat, Presenting Greatest Bout Ever Seen Here; Match Went the Limit and Crammed Full of Thrills; Peppin K.O.’s Leclair, While Frank Mason Outpoints Opponent in Preliminary Scrap
(Brandon Daily Sun, Wednesday, November 7, 1928)
When Mike Bilinsky, who lays claim to the middleweight wrestling title of Canada, took on Bray Willey at the Armouries on Tuesday evening, he took on an opponent who will soon be rapping on the door for that same title. Bilinsky won the match, but only after it had gone the absolute limit. Thrilled by the most wonderful exhibition of grappling ever seen in a local mat, the fans stood up and cheered the two sweating, struggling wrestlers as they went through 47 minutes of the hardest kind of ring work.
The Willey-Bilinsky bout topped the card furnished Brandon fans Tuesday night.
The largest crowd that ever turned out for a wrestling and boxing bill saw a card that was most pleasing. All arrangements were well looked after and it was announced that another big show would be put on in the very near future.
Great Wrestling Bout
The wrestling bout was one to remember. Bilinsky came here with reputation of being a hard and fast worker. He lived up to it. Bray Willey made his debut in professional ranks under the favored eyes of his Brandon friends, and that he made good with a vengeance was attested by the popular acclaim that followed every minute in and out of the ring. Bilinsky was forced to give everything he had, and even at that he came within an ace of losing the match. A series of headlocks had him dizzy and groping in the ropes near end of the match. A little more strength in Bray’s brawny arms, and the match would have been his. But Bilinsky quickly came out of his dizzy spell and flopped on Willey for the third and deciding fall.
There was action from the time that then men entered the ring until they left it. Bilinsky started in by using the headlock on Wiley and for a time tried out his entire box of tricks on the local matman. Willey proved a veritable Houdini in escaping from some of the holds, and soon started to give his opponent a taste of punishment with the toe hold. In fact Bray went after that toe hold on every occasion and Bilinsky put in some agonizing moments in getting out of them. Finally the Winnipeger clamped on a body scissors and half nelson and Bilinsky had the first fall.
Toe Hold Is Punishing
Willey took the offensive when the men came out after the rest period, and he did not let up in applying that favorite toe hold. Bilinsky proved a strong man in breaking them, and in wiggling out of the holds that Bray put on in quick succession. However, the Brandon man finally got a toe hold to his liking, and Bilinsky after suffering as long as he could, tapped on the mat at the end of ten minutes and 15 seconds fast work.
The third and deciding fall came after the fans were on their feet several times yelling for the local man. Willey switched his attack to the headlock and Bilinsky life was given a hard time. Six headlocks were applied in succession and each one of them had its effect. Coming out of the last one, Bilinsky reeled around the ring and staggered into the ropes. When Willey came into him, he went on the offensive to save himself, and threw his worrying opponent to the mat. Another body scissors and half nelson pinned Willey and the match was over. The time of the last fall was [3.32?].
“The best man I have met in three years,” said Bilinsky after the match. “He’s a good clean wrestler, and I never expected a match like it.”
11/29 Saskatoon, SK lost to Canadian Middleweight Champion Henry Kolln by forfeit Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
(Lethbridge Herald, Friday, November 30, 1928)
SASKATOON, Nov. 30 — Henry Kolln, middleweight champion wrestler of Canada, stopped Mike Bilinsky of Winnipeg, in three minutes in the main bout of the Canadian Legion card here last night. Kolln threw the Winnipeg grappler heavily to the mat wrenching his shoulder so that he was unable to continue his match.
(Winnipeg Tribune, Monday, December 10, 1928)
Not satisfied with the result of his match with Henry Kolln, of Saskatoon, recently, Mike Bilinsky, local grappler, is after a return match with the westerner. Mike had the misfortune to injure his arm in the opening minutes of the bout, and was unable to continue.
?? Toronto, ON beat Oscar Levech
*Won the Canadian Middleweight Championship
02/19 Brandon, MB beat Bray Willey
03/01 Awarded the Canadian Middleweight Championship
(Brandon Daily Sun, Tuesday, October 29, 1929)
The headliners on the boxing and wrestling bill carded for next Tuesday evening are fast getting into condition. Mike Bilinsky writes that he is working twice a day with some former grappling champions, while Bray Willey is getting in his strenuous work, and is not far away from the peak of his form today. Nick Schmeling and K. O. Stahon should furnish plenty of thrills for both men pack real wallops, and are confident of success. It looks like a big evening.
(Brandon Daily Sun, November 2, 1929)
Bray Willey would like Mike Bilinsky to straighten out his wrestling proposition. Mike has put up $50 which Willey is going to cover, but not before the Winnipeg grappler explains his proposition more fully. Willey was in to the sporting office today to put up his money, but was advised to hold it until the agreement is made.
Bilinsky has guaranteed to throw Willey twice within an hour and a half. He may be betting on that, or he may be putting up his money that Willey cannot take his belt away from him in the time limit specified. A double-barreled proposal like that means nothing to Willey anyway, for he says that, Bilinsky is going to lose both ways.
A lot of fans are skeptical about grappling matches. They need have no fear about the serious nature of this match on Tuesday night. Willey is serious about convincing a lot of people that Bilinsky can be rolled over on his back and pinned to the mat. And the Bilinsky, who is a great showman, feels that this is the final appearance here for him, and is anxious to close his books with a decisive victory over the popular Brandon wrestler.
11/05 Brandon, MB drew Bray Willey Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
11/08 Winnipeg, MB beat Billy Crossley
“MIKE” OFFERS BELT TO LOCAL MAN BUT WITH A STRING ON IT. Sends Promoters Letter Saying Bray Can Have Belt if He Wins From Jussack. BUT PROTECTS HIMSELF. By Clause Telling the Promoters Not to Forget “That Belt
Belongs to Him”
(Brandon Daily Sun, Wednesday, December 4, 1929)
After Mike Bilinsky and Bray Willey wrestled to a draw on November 5, Mike intimated that he was going to quit wrestling and hand his belt (through the local promoters) to Bray Willey, after he had wrestled in Winnipeg a few days later. In the Winnipeg match he wrestled for oue (sic) hour and a quarter, and neither man was able to pin his opponent5s (sic) shoulders to the mat.
Bilinsky then sent word that he was willing to relinquish his claim to the belt in favor of Willey, but that Bray would have to meet and defeat three good men before he would be able to claim it as his own.
Not being willing to commit themselves to this proposition, things were let slide, and later Bilinsky made a further offer that when he next met the local wrestler, he would be willing to wrestle for two hours with the belt at stake.
Yesterday a letter was received from the “cauliflowered” Winnipeg grappler that he was willing to “give” his belt to Willey should be throw Jussack in their bout on Monday, but in this instance also he was careful to make the reservation to “not forget that the belt belongs to me.”
The local men would like to see Wllley in possession of Bilinsky’s belt, but state that it will have to be won on the mat, as far as they are concerned, and have intimated these sentiments to Mike.
12/06 Winnipeg, MB vs. Bill Crossley
01/17 Winnipeg, MB vs. Fred Lark
01/31 Winnipeg, MB vs. Billy Crossley
02/07 Winnipeg, MB vs. Vic Jassick
04/04 Winnipeg, MB vs. Phillip Lang
04/16 Flin Flon, MB vs. Jack Romanson
04/26 Flin Flon, MB beat Les Hansen Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
05/12 Flin Flon, MB beat Jack Romanson
05/13 The Pas, MB beat Jack Romanson
05/13 The Pas, MB beat Erik Erikson
*Romanson broke a rib during his match, so Bilinsky accepted a challenge from Erikson.
05/24 Calgary, AB vs. Paul Paulson
06/03 Winkler, MB vs. Fred Hoffman
06/11 Flin Flon, MB vs. Erik Erickson
08/16 Winnipeg, MB vs. Jack Romanson
09/24 Calgary, AB beat Frank Pilling by DQ Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
*According to the Calgary Herald (9/19), Bilinsky is “one of the foremost middleweight in Canada”.
10/11 Gleichen, AB vs. Alex Lee Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
11/18 Calgary, AB drew Frank Pilling Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
12/01 Calgary, AB beat Jud Foley Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
Promoter Danny Lynch
12/16 Calgary AB lost to Frank Pilling
?? Bilinsky becomes the wrestling instructor-manager for the Edmonton Wrestling and Physical Culture Club (Edmonton Athletic Club) based out of the York Hotel Gym. Others involved in the group include Club President Carl McDonald, Vice President John Boze and boxing instructor Alex Wynnychuk. Bilinsky later promotes shows in Edmonton under the “Bilinsky Wrestling Club” banner.

An older Mike Bilinsky.
(Calgary Herald, Wednesday, February 4, 1931)
Mike Bilinsky, who appeared in a number of wrestling bouts in this city recently, has been booked for several matches in Shelby, Butte, and other Montana centres.
02/26 Edmonton, AB Advertised to appear
03/17 Edmonton, AB drew Frank Pilling “Australian Rules” Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match (Ref: Canadian Heavyweight Champion Jack Taylor)
04/03 Edmonton, AB beat Steve Soultice Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
?? Vancouver, BC lost to Jack McLaughlin
*Lost the Canadian Middleweight Championship
Zbyszko-Maguire Wrestling Match Is Moved Ahead Veteran Pole Will Meet Indian Grappler on Friday Night
(Edmonton Journal, Monday, May 4, 1931)
Owing to the inability of Stanislaus Zbyszko to arrive in time the heavyweight wrestling match between the veteran Pole and Chief McGuire, Osage Indian, originally billed at Vegreville for Tuesday has been postponed until Friday, May 8. In the meantime Promoter Mike Bilinsky is going steadily ahead with arrangements for the show. Special seating arrangements are being made to accommodate a large crowd of fans. Advance sales of tickets are indicating that there will be a big attendance of sporting enthusiasts not only from local sources but also from all points east and west along the C.N.R. There are also a number of tickets arranged for from the north country. It is expected that two or three special buses will make the run from Edmonton to see the big grunt and grapple boys follow the gentle practice of their profession. Among the Ukrainians who are anxiously waiting the arrival of their countryman is Michael Dutka, who claims the distinction of attending school with the grand old man. He has not seen his former schoolmate since 1910 when he saw him wrestle Maestro in Buffalo. Local experts predict that Zbysko will win the match as they do not believe the red-skinned chief to be any match for the prodigious strength and skill of the former champion. Others however who have seen McGuire do his stuff believe that he will prove a tough customer for the old man. His cute little tricks with his feet may bother Zbysko somewhat.
Busses to Take Edmonton Fans To Mat Battle Zbyzsko and McGuire Wrestle at Vegreville Friday
(Edmonton Journal, Wednesday, May 6, 1931)
With interest in the wrestling match between Stanislaus Zbyzsko, former world’s champion, and Chief McGuire, Osage Indian grappler, billed at Vegreville on Friday night at a high level, special arrangements to convey Edmonton fans to the scene of conflict and return have been made. At least three special buses will carry Edmonton fans to Vegreville, leaving the city at 5:00 o’clock and starting the return Journey at 1:00 a.m. Passengers will be carried at greatly reduced rates and persons wishing to take in the bout should make inquiries at the offices of the Northland Rapid Transit company. Zbyzsko will arrive In Vegrevilte tomorrow. The veteran Pole has been wrestling regularly In the east and will be in first-class shape for his joust with the Indian chief. Since his match here two weeks ago when he lost the decision in a particularly hard-fought affair to Jack Taylor, McGuire has been training hard at Vegreville and has not a few backers who are willing to risk a little coin on his chances against Zbyzsko. Indications point to a packed house sitting in on the encounter which will be the headline feature of a fine program of bouts arranged by Mike Bilinsky
Finale of Wrestling Season Set For Empire Next Monday Zbyszko, Rogers, Yousoff Amar and Other Grapplers Promise Good Closing Show Under Catch-as-Catch-Can Rules
(Edmonton Journal, Wednesday, May 27, 1931)
Can Jack Rogers, “the Colorado Cowboy,” set a fast enough wrestling gallop to ride to a victory over Stanislaus Zbyszko, veteran Pole, wise to all the quirks there are in this mat game? He thinks he can and hopes to prove it at the Empire theatre here next Monday in the headline bout of the season’s last wrestling show. He won’t if the elderly Stanislaus can do anything to prevent it. On the same bill Youssoff Amar, known to the talent as ‘the Terrible Turk’, will try conclusions with Walter Anderson, and Mike Belinsky will tackle Walter Knudsen. It looks like a smart wrestling card. Rogers is reputed to use a combination nose-dive and flying tackle that is often disastrous to his opponents. Whether or not he can torpedo the stalwart Zbyszko with this tactic is another matter which must be decided on Monday night. It will be the first time this season that the flying tackle has been seen in wrestling here. Reports indicate that the American wrestling fans like it a lot. Youssoff Amar is 210 pounds of terror from Turkey. Walter Anderson will undertake to apply the “tear” to the Terror. Youssoff has tussled with some of the best in the mat game, Strangler Lewis, Sonnenberg and others. Anderson has also a record of considerable proportions. Mike Bilinsky and Walter Knudsen will present the curtain-raising event of the evening. Bilinsky’s arm, which has kept him out of wrestling for some time, is now in shape again. Another feature of the program will be that all bouts will be under catch-as-catch-can rules. Antipodean regulations are out, the boxing and wrestling commission has ruled. Tickets are now on sale at Mike’s News Stand.
Promoter Mike Bilinsky
06/01 Edmonton, AB lost to Walter “Kid” Knudsen
*Alex Boytzun was the referee?
(Camrose Canadian, Thursday, June 18, 1931)
The wrestling match which was to have been staged on Friday, June 19 in the municipal skating rink, under the direction of Mike Bilinsky of Edmonton, and Wm. Glatiotis, proprietor of the Palace Cafe, Camrose, has been postponed, due to a change in the plans of those who were to participate. The bout will probably be arranged for a date in the near future.
Promoter Mike Bilinsky & William Glatiotis
06/29 Camrose, AB vs. Alex Boytzen
Promoter Josef Zabaw
07/02 Calgary, AB lost to Steve Soltice
Promoter Mike Bilinsky & William Glatiotis
07/28 Camrose, AB beat Joe Somonick “Australian Rules” Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
Promoter Josef Zabaw
07/30 Calgary, AB drew Hans Knudson
Promoter William Glatiotis:
08/14 Camrose, AB vs. Walter Adams “Australian Rules” Match
08/14 Camrose, AB vs. British Empire / Canadian Heavyweight Champion Jack Taylor Handicap Match
*Bilinsky was one of eight men advertised to challenge Taylor including Bill Glatiotis, Adolph Mittlestadt, Walter Anderson, Tom Knudsen, Captain Lee and Alex Boytzen. The winner(s) would receive $50 if they could avoid being pinned by Taylor within 15 min.
Promoter Josef Zabaw
08/31 Calgary, AB drew Alex Boytzun
Canadian Defenders Athletic Club
09/16 Winnipeg, MB beat Jack Russell
Promoter Josef Zabaw
10/01 Calgary, AB beat Walter Adams
Promoter Walter Anderson
10/02 Edmonton, AB vs. Alex Boytzun
Promoter Josef Zabaw
10/30 Calgary, AB beat Les Hansen
10/31 Lethbridge, AB vs. Steve Soltice
11/10 Daysland, AB lost to Pete Jackson by DQ (Ref: Adolph Mittlestadt)
Grappling Show
(Camrose Canadian, Thursday, November 19, 1931)
Mike Bilinsky, well-known grappler is the promoter in charge of a heavyweight wrestling card which will be staged here in the Orange Hall on Tuesday, November 24th, at 8:00 p.m. Mike has matched Joe Kotelmack of Saskatoon and Adolph Mittlestadt of Camrose in the feature bout. They will wrestle for the heavyweight championship of Western Canada.
The semi-final will be between Tom Knutsen of Denmark and Joe Keslanko of Shelley, Montana. This will be Knudsen’s third appearance here. A good preliminary has also been arranged. Tickets are now on sale at the Palace Cafe.
‘In days of Yore’
(Camrose Canadian, Wednesday, November 22, 1961)
30 years ago —
November 19, 1931
With the arrival of wintery weather, the relief problem in the town is again beginning to make itself felt. Mike Bilinsky, well-known grappler, is the promoter in charge of a heavy-weight wrestling card which will be staged here in the Orange Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 24th, at 8:00 p.m. Mike has matched Joe Kotelmack of Saskatoon and Adolph Mittlestadt of Camrose in the feature bout. They will wrestle for the heavyweight championship of Western Canada.
(Camrose Canadian, Thursday, November 26, 1931)
Mike Bilinsky in town Tuesday evening, looking “down in the mouth” because arrangements for his wrestling bout had fallen through; and Constables Crossley and Waterton offering him their sympathy.
Promoter Josef Zabaw
12/03 Calgary, AB vs. Steve Soltice
03/08 Ponoka, AB drew W. Knutson
*Bilinsky also refereed the other bouts on the card.
Promoter Josef Zabaw
04/14 Calgary, AB beat Walter Adams
04/?? According to the Edmonton Bulletin (4/27), Bilinsky offers to donate 10 percent of the proceeds from his next show to help send amateur Edmonton boxers and wrestlers to Toronto to qualify for the 1932 Olympics.
06/16 Kerrobert, SK beat Les Burbank Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match?
Bilinsky Plans Grunt Carnival In Near Future
(Edmonton Daily Bulletin, August 11, 1932)
After an absence of three months, Mike Bilinsky, the local Poo-Bah of grunt and growl lanes, announces that he is planning his first fall season wrestling show on Monday night, August 22nd.
The Mike will introduce for the first time in Edmonton, Wladeck Zybysko, youthful relative of the old master, Stanley. Wladeck is a powerful young man, gifted with the flair of the showman, a spectacular grappler, wise in the tricks of modern grunt. Bilinsky has not yet decided on “Biscuits'” opponent, but he is angling for a formidable opponent, either Earl McCready, Henri De Glane or Roughhouse Saxon.
Promoter Emil Klank
09/02 Vancouver, BC lost to Oscar Shone
09/03 Vancouver, BC vs. Leo Jensen
I Saw Today
(Edmonton Bulletin, Saturday, September 17, 1932)
“Don Miguel” Bilinsky back from the wrestling wars at Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and other Pacific coast points.
Bilinsky Will Battle Pilling Tonight. ARCH ENEMIES PREPARED FOR MILD MURDER. Memorial Hall Scene of Classy Boxing and Wrestling Show
(Edmonton Daily Bulletin, Friday, October 21, 1932)
Bilinsky now entering the ring with all the flare of the master showman, bald headed Pilling, reclining on his stool in the far corner, grinning like a cheshire cat, the Mike, fanning the canvas with his mind revolving as he visions huge paws, bellowing and braying in pain and anger.
Such is the setting that Edmonton sport fans can always rely on when these two colorful characters get to war via the squirm allies with Australian Rules in force.
Tonight, at Memorial Hall, Bilinsky and Pilling leap at each other in a special six round bout that will open the big boxing and wrestling show, which marks the return of the pro leather pushers to Edmonton after an absence of many years.
Don Miguel is a double threat man in tonight’s show. In addition to taking on the Terrible Pilling man, Bilinsky is the head promoter and despite the run out powder handed him by Lomski and Lenhardt, Mike never has fallen down on the job. Rather than call off the event, he hustled around for a suitable opponent to tackle big Frank Sawyer, the pile driving mitt tosser from Vancouver. Frank Johanneson, blonde bruiser, product of Sweden and amateur boxing champion of Alberta in 1931, will trade punches with Sawyer over the six round route. Sawyer is a handy man with the gloves, his notable achievements include a four round go with Jack Dempsey, the Manassa Mauler, rated the greatest fighter of his time. Sawyer met Dempsey in exhibition match out at Vancouver a year ago and the old master was unable to send Frank down for the count. Leo Lomski could do nothing with Mr. Sawyer and was lucky to get away with a draw.
Johannson is no chump either. He has been doing considerable campaigning since winning the Alberta title and throughout Manitoba and Northern Ontario his record is an imposing one. His chief stock in trade is a terrific right, that is guaranteed to put a body to sleep whenever the weapon lands the target.
Danny Lynch, [12?] pound son of Ireland and who now makes Calgary his home takes on the best Jack Devlin can offer in an eight round bout. Without exaggeration Lynch is just about the smoothest box fighter seen in Edmonton since the good old days when [Louis?] Scaler was presenting real fight cards. Danny made his only appearance at Memorial Hall last spring and to say he stole the show would be putting it mildly. Danny has everything, style, fast afoot, flying fists and a smart quick thinking brain. He is a treat to watch and Mr. Devlin will have to be stepping smartly if he figures on mussing up the fighting Irishman.
Promoter Bilinsky made a ten strike when he signed Sammy Abranson, walloping Jewish boy from Calgary to mix with Ed. McKay, terror of the Flin Flon. This bout is billed to go four rounds.
Mike certainly has injected a swath of color into tonight’s show. It looks like the league of nations, Mike the Slay, Pilling the Mormon, Sawyer, son of Erin, Johanneson pride of Sweden, Lynch an Irishman, and McKay from the land of the heather. It’s the survival of the fittest and just about the classiest evening of entertainment any boxing or wrestling fan would wish too see.
Pilling is thirsty for Bilinsky. Bilinsky is thirsty for anything. Pilling says Mike is going to get the works tonight, even his own brothers won’t know him. Pilling, what a man! Bilinsky says “nerts” “That Cardston brayer is going to howl quits like he never howled before.” roared the colorful Don Miguel when he entered the Bulletin office last night.
Mike has never fully recovered from the ignominy of the last go with Pilling. The Cardson growler laughed in the Bilinsky pan and then proceeded to wallop the daylights out of Mons. Michael. Pilling did everything but throw Bilinsky out of Riverview Pavillon. Tonight he figures on tossing him clear out of Memorial Hall.
Baseball has Al Schact and Nick Altrock, the movies have the four Marx Brothers, but wrestling has Bilinsky and Pilling. Crowd pleasers de luxe, bitter enemies. When Pilling and Bilinsky clash, the bridgework goes and the panic is on.
The doors open at 7:30 sharp and the first event gets under way at eight o’clock.
The ticket sale is now going on at Mike’s Newstand. Get your tickets now and avoid standing in line. Any time Pilling and Bilinsky meet there is bound to be a line.
Promoter Mike Bilinsky
10/21 Edmonton, AB lost to Frank Pilling by submission Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
?? lost to Bob Meyers by referee’s decision
*This was a 10-round match
?? drew World Middleweight Champion Waino Ketonen
?? Calgary, AB lost to Jim Linton
?? Calgary, AB lost to Jim Linton
03/?? Macleod, AB lost to Jim Linton
Mike The Bilinsky To Growl and Roar Again; Colorful Old Roman Starts Southern Campaign of Squirming
(Edmonton Bulletin, Saturday, April 15, 1933)
As the flowers bloom in the spring, so “The Mike Bilinsky” blooms. The call of the mat, the rising clouds of dusty resin and the roar of the wolves has rocketed Mike’s pulse and so he is away once more.
Edmonton’s wrestling showman and promoter lifted his pedals onto a Calgary bus early this morning, bound for the Foothills City and points further towards the boundary line. Mike opens his barrage in the thriving town of McLeod Monday night where he will attempt to stiffle the ‘rasslin hopes of one Bill Hamilton. Bilinsky and Hamilton go to war in the semi-windup to the Jack Taylor-Joe Kotelmach affray.
After giving the natives of McLeod a glimpse of his famous bowl-shaved upper story, his machine-gun action and the never-to-be-forgotten Bilinsky sound effects, Don Miguel will then move in on Calgary, where he faces the masked terror, known by the wierd handle of Smitty Monk, or the Mad Monk of Painted Post.
Then to Butte, Montana. There Mike will have to be a regular King Kong if he hopes to mash his rival, none other than menacing Cyclone Thompson.
And here is his master stroke.
None other than the boisterous Earl McCready, “front page” grappler from Regina and formidable candidate for the “world’s championship” has been signed by Bilinsky to appear in Edmonton at an early date. His opponent has yet to be selected but needless to say, said opponent will have to be good, because when Mr. McCready goes to work there, is no foolin’.
04/17 Macleod, AB beat Daiby Melinick (sub. Billy Hamilton?)
Promoter Josef Zabaw
04/20 Calgary, AB beat Smithy Monck
05/27 Macleod, AB lost to Frank Pilling
*Lost Canadian Middleweight Championship?
Promoter Frank Donald
06/02 Grand Prairie, AB vs. John Demechuk
*This match was for the Alberta Middleweight Championship. According to the Grand Prairie Herald (5/25), Bilinsky has “won and lost the middleweight championship of Canada three times” with “more than nine hundred professional matches, ninety-five per cent of which have been with some of the best middleweight wrestlers in the game”.
06/23 Coleman, AB beat Albert Dietrich Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
*Bilinsky was billed as the “Ukrainian middle-weight champion of Canada”. According to the Blairmore Enterprise (6/29), Axel Boyd, of Leduc, “wired to challenge the winner of the Bilinsky-Dietrich contest”.
07/03 Coleman, AB vs. Albert Dietrich
07/21 Edmonton, AB lost to John Demchuck Edmonton Exhibition Week
*According to the Edmonton Bulletin (7/21), Demchuck was a pupil in Bilinsky’s wrestling school.
08/31 Nanton, AB beat Frank Pilling
10/29 Nanton, AB drew Tiger Jackson
Boxing and Wrestling
(Stony Plain Sun, Thursday, November 30, 1933)
Stony’s fight fans are due for a good evening’s sport when Mike Bilinsky of Edmonton brings to Stony his troupe of well-trained athletes on the evening of Friday, Dec. 1st.
The main event is billed as a six round boxing bout between Pete Jackson (180) and P Sinner (175).
Two mat champions, Joe Semmock and John Demchuk will wrestle six eight-minute rounds.
The appearance of Philip Sinner, who has been seen in the ring on several occasions in Stony, should bring a good caowd (sic).
Several good boxing prelims are also on the bill. The price of ringside seats has been set at 50c. A dance follows.
Assault Case Dismissed
(Stony Plain Sun, Thursday, December 7, 1933)
At Magistrate J. McCulla’s Court on Saturday a charge of assault against Mr. J. McDonald of Graminia, laid by Mr. G. Hennig of Golden Spike, was heard. Much conflicting evidence was given; at the conclusion of which the Magistrte dismissed the case with costs against the complainant, Hennig.
Mike Bilinsky, the fight promoter, has sent a postcard to each, inviting them to attend his next get-together party here.
Promoter Josef Zabaw
03/01 Calgary, AB beat Frank Hall
05/10 Calgary, AB drew Don Ferguson
By Bob Mamini
(Calgary Herald, Wednesday, June 5, 1935)
Social Note — Mike Bilinsky, Edmonton wrestler, is being married today to Lillian Eileen Foster of Edmonton. Mike says Canon E. Pierce Goulding will tie the knot at All Saints Cathedral at 7 o’clock this evening.
Don Ferguson Out Of Wrestling Wars Owing to Injury
(Calgary Herald, Wednesday, June 26, 1935)
Don Ferguson, middleweight wrestler, who has appeared on many of Promoter Joe Zabaw’s Victoria Pavilion squirms, will be out of action for a year or more. Don suffered an internal injury when he met Mike Bilinsky in a recent bout. He was not aware of the injury until he started working out again. Doctors have ordered him to rest.
Mike Goes to Hospital
(Stony Plain Sun, March 12, 1936)
His friends here will regret to learn that Mike Bilinsky, the well known sports impressario and all round sportsman, is seriously ill in University hospital as a result of injuries received in a recent wrestling match which aggravated other injuries received several years ago.
Mr. Bilinsky has staged several entertainments in Stony, including dances and boxing and wrestling bouts.
09/07 Lacombe, AB Advertised to appear “Harvest Moon Revue”
*According to Western Globe (9/10), Malcolm Watt was “the only local boy to take advantage of the offer made by Mike Bilinsky to take on all comers”.
11/13 Calgary, AB vs. Bob Kitchen
*Vance Nevada lists Bilinsky wrestling “Don Kitchen”
11/27 Calgary, AB lost to Emil Van Velzen
01/15 Calgary, AB beat Hec Trudeau
*Also refereed the show with Steve Soltice
01/20 Medicine Hat, AB lost to Toby Wallace Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
01/29 Calgary, AB lost to Bud Wallace
03/05 Calgary, AB drew Ed Briand
03/12 Calgary, AB lost to Jack Page by DQ
04/17 Calgary, AB beat Andy Scott
04/30 Calgary, AB lost to Dave Jacobs by DQ
05/06 Turner Valley, AB vs. Ed Briand
09/24 Calgary, AB beat Bill LaMar
09/25 Macleod, AB drew Dave Jacobs
10/01 Calgary, AB drew Ed Briand
11/10 Hanna, AB vs. Steve Soltice
11/12 Calgary, AB drew Dave Jacobs
11/15 Blairmore, AB beat Wally Shervin Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
11/17 Nanton, AB vs. Nick Harris Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
Promoter A. J. Archibald:
12/27 Nanton, AB drew Edgar Briand Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
01/14 Calgary, AB w/. Bill Sheriff lost to Steve Soltice & Nick Harris
*Earliest documented tag team match held in Western Canada
04/15 Calgary, AB referee for Sailor Franks vs. Dougherty Mud Wrestling Match
Wrestlers Perform in Sea of Mud at Pavilion
(Calgary Herald, Saturday, April 16, 1938)
Local wrestling fans found out why mud wrestling had been so popular in the United States during the past few months. They also found out why the business is very profitable to dry-cleaning firms, providing the mud is mixed into a slimy, slippery mess. That was what happened last evening when two grapplers waded through gobs of mud at the Victoria Pavilion.
All the adjectives in the King’s English could not describe how Sailor Franz and Dougherty grappled in six inches of slippery mud. One could not call it wrestling but the crowd liked it even if it did mean a few dry cleaning bills today.
And when the battle smoke cleared, Franz was the one who came out victorious. Caked with mud from head to toe it was practically impossible to recognize the grappler until a bucket of water was thrown over him.
No sooner had the main event started, when ring-side patrons scattered in all directions to escape the showers of mud. A fairly large crowd was on hand to witness the debut of mud wrestling in the city.
After pouring water for about 10 minutes, and requiring the assistance of three workmen to mix the mud up well, the two grapplers complained it was too cold. They finally agreed to go ahead.
Their own mothers would not recognize them after the grapplers had been battling for less than five minutes. Sailor Franz took a swing at Dougherty – missed – and slid half a dozen feet, and then sank almost out of sight into the mud heap. It was only after Dougherty washed his face that Referee Mike Bilinsky was able to ascertain who won the first fall. The time was 3:20 minutes.
Franz tried to take a swing at Dougherty, and almost connected when both grapplers slipped, and went headfirst into the heap. Mike tried to peer his head in between the wrestlers when he sensed something was afoul but he was awarded with a severe ducking.
The sailor let loose a haymaker but no sooner had he connected, when his two feet slipped from beneath him. Reeling like drunken sailors the mud-heap was getting worked up into excellent form. Someone fell into the heap, and Mike stumbled over to ascertain who it was. Wiping mud from his face, the ref found it to be Dougherty and he awarded the round to Sailor Franz. The time was 9:50 minutes.
Dougherty was given a mouthful of mud when he started to play foul with Franz, and for a moment, Bilinsky and the two grapplers were mixed in one heap. The sailor ran amuck for a few moments. Pushing Dougherty out of the ring, the grappler landed on the lap of a spectator. Franz then went after Mike, and the ref was relieved when Dougherty re-entered the ring. The sailor threw Dougherty down and applied a body press.
05/13 Calgary, AB drew Nick Harris
05/27 Calgary, AB beat Bill Batch
05/28 Strathmore, AB vs. Edgar Briand Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
09/05 Banff, AB beat Indian Dave Jacobs by submission
Promoter Frank Henrich
12/06 Brooks, AB lost to Alberta Heavyweight Champion Pat Meehan Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
*Meehan had to throw Bilinsky three times within 30 minutes in order to win
Promoter Josef Zabaw
12/16 Calgary, AB Begins refereeing full-time for promoter Josef Zabaw
03/17 Calgary, AB lost to King Kong Clayton
04/01 Calgary, AB vs. Jimmy Doyle (sub. Chuck Kitchen)