Welcome to the SlamWrestling.net Hollywood Headlock Movie Database, where we celebrate movies — and a few TV shows — related to professional wrestling. It’s hardly a complete list, so drop us a note at slamwrestlingcan@gmail.com anytime! Its companion is the Hollywood Headlock Actor Database.

QUICK LINKS: Movies about or featuring pro wrestling * Documentaries and TV about pro wrestling * TV series about pro wrestling * Actor database

Movies about or featuring pro wrestling

Documentaries and TV programs about pro wrestling

QUICK LINKS: Movies about or featuring pro wrestling * Documentaries and TV about pro wrestling * TV series about pro wrestling * Actor database

Television series about pro wrestling

QUICK LINKS: Movies about or featuring pro wrestling * Documentaries and TV about pro wrestling * TV series about pro wrestling * Actor database


Hollywood Headlock Actor Database

EDITOR’S NOTE: Though many people contributed to these stories and reviews through the years, it was Dave Hillhouse who was the true champion of the section and wrestling in movies. High five to Dave!