Heels is a TV series telling the fictional tale of brothers Jack and Ace Spade and their attempts to keep their late father’s wrestling promotion alive in Georgia. The show stars Stephen Amell (no stranger to the wrestling ring) and Alexander Ludwig, and features in-ring action while also following the private lives of the workers, their friends, and their families.

Heels is available on the Starz channel; information on viewing can be found here.

Follow along with Slam Wrestling as we present features and interviews with the cast and creators, as well as weekly reviews of the episodes.

Sep. 25, 2023: Starz cancels Heels

Sep. 2, 2023: ‘Heels’ goes back and forth (and back again) to the future in sixth episode

Aug 26., 2023: Crystal, chicanery, and The Condamned make their presence on ‘Heels’

Aug. 19, 2023: ‘Heels’ has some ‘heavy heads’ going into episode four

Aug. 12, 2023: ‘Heels’ packs a lot, maybe too much, into third episode of season two

Aug. 4, 2023: ‘Heels’: Big break for Crystal, unlucky break for Ace

Aug. 1, 2023: How ‘Heels’ helped heal Dick Steinborn’s daughter

July 29, 2023: No ten bell salute to start season two of ‘Heels’

Mar. 1, 2022: Film work comes first for Luke & PJ Hawx

Feb. 21, 2022: Stuntwork and cereal make J. Spade a Wildcard

Oct. 11, 2021: ‘Heels’ Season Finale: Sending the fans home … happy?

Oct. 4, 2021: ‘Heels’ Episode Seven: The go-home show before the State Fair

Sept. 19, 2021: ‘Heels’ Episode Six: A House Show with heart

Sept. 13, 2021: Heels episode five: Big breaks for both Crystal and Bobby

Sept. 6, 2021: Heels episode four: Finding the character and cutting promos

Sept. 3, 2021: ‘Heels’ stars Maldonado and Harrison took different roads to the ring

Aug. 30, 2021: ‘Heels’ episode three: Ace and Jack turn the screw

Aug. 22, 2021: ‘Heels’ episode 2: A dustup to a Dusty Finish in Spades

Aug. 20, 2021: Stephen Amell’s worlds collide on ‘Heels’

Aug. 16, 2021: ‘Heels premiere episode review: wrestling fans rejoice

Aug. 15, 2021: Behind the scenes of ‘Heels’ with Michael Waldron and Mike O’Malley

Aug. 13, 2021: Heroes that don’t wear capes: Alison Luff and Kelli Berglund of ‘Heels’ discuss their roles and experiences

Aug. 11, 2021: CM Punk talks ‘Heels,’ teases AEW on SNME Radio

July 23, 2021: ‘Heels’ creators and stars share their experiences through Comic-Con @Home

Apr. 8, 2021: Wrestling connections abound in upcoming show ‘Heels’