Welcome to the National Wrestling Alliance and this is the pay-per-view to determine if Tyrus is the undisputed champion of the (as he puts it) Twelve Pounds of Gold. Can he solidify the claim?
We’ll find out on Fite.TV as we come to you from the Egypt Shrine Center in Tampa, FL. Joe Galli and Tim Storm start off with …
The Pre-show
Missa Kate vs. La Rosa Negra
Kate is in Bears attire but, as Galli points out, her team is “not going to Super Bowl”. Ouch! The end comes with the Cookie Crash (frog splash) by Negra for the pin.
Your Winner via Pinfall: La Rosa Negra
Next is…
Dak Draper and Big Strong Mims vs. Jax Dane and Blake “Bulletproof” Troop (with Chris Silvio, Esq.)
There is no furry vest for Dane as he and Troop arrive with “SVGS Outlaws” Tees, and Silvio give the ring intros with the new tag name. We’ll see how long it lasts. It’s a one-sided affair and a nice display of power/technical expertise with Dane/Troop, but there is a point where Silvio tries to take out Mims, but he evades, and Draper stacks up Troop for the win.
Your Winners via Pinfall: Dak Draper and Big Strong Mims
Afterward Dane and Troop are not seeing eye to eye, but cooler heads prevail as Silvio steps in between.
May Valentine is backstage with EC3 on signing a contract with the NWA along with his CYN, and he says this…
“Well actually I practice celibacy. Seriously. Retention. Celibacy is one way to become who you truly are, because the NWA is where I am to ascend. The NWA is the home I have chosen to become who I am supposed to be. Through the NWA, I’ll be the over man.
Know why? Because I’m over, man.
But tonight [at] Nuff said; CYN as a brand, as an identity,y as an ideal. We’ll carry on its true mission, and that is finding people; finding people done wrong by the sport and this industry. Finding people who just need a way back.
Kevin Kiley. Tampa, Florida. I vividly remember the days of FCW developmental. You were a handpicked first-round draft pick.
What happened? The sport ate you alive. You’ve had a long road. Tumultuous journey
But you will see through CYN, and through Control Your Narrative, and through the gates of the NWA… that you can become who you’re supposed to be. You can redeem yourself you can ascend like me.”
Very Tyler Durden.
Next up is…
Odinson vs. Joe Alonzo
Alonzo does every shortcut to win, but The Muscle of Valhalla is just too strong. A mistimed Moonsault leads to the Asgardian Pounce to an airplane spin to an F-10 and earns the victory.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Odinson
Valentine is backstage with “Thrillbilly” Silas Mason on the rubber match. He states there “ain’t nothing between them but air and opportunity” and he sucked the air out, and he won’t survive the Thrillride. If only Six Falgs gave such discretions.
Next match is…
The Looks That Kill (Mercurio and Natalia Markova) vs. Jennacide and Max the Impaler (with Amy Rose)
Galli notes this is a regular tag team match, and no intergender rules apply
(Author’s Rant: If you have an issue with gender rules, please know you can kindly screw off this page. You are not welcome, you bigots!)
Rose is from ROH, and iterestingly the Sinister Minister is nowhere to be found, according to Galli. Anyway, Max is on offense for most of match. There was a miscommunication between Jennacide and Max, and then Markova delivers Beautiful Disaster to Jennacide for the win.
Your Winners via Pinfall: Natalya Marekova and Mercurio
After the match, CJ brings out Magic Jake Dumas comes out and gets in Mercurio’s grill. Maybe that will be an issue down the road. For now we go to…
The Show
On the commentary, we have Galli, Storm, and Velvet Sky for the call, and our First Match is a…

Courtesy of the NWA
Singapore Cane Match: “The King Of All Evil” Thom Latimer vs. “Psycho Boy” Fodder
Latimer chases Fodder around, then gives the cane (kendo stick) to the ref and wants a straight fight. As he step in the ring, Latimer just manhandles Fodder up and down the ring, and throws him into the steel steps. Latimer attempts to use a cane and goes up top, but Fodder cracks him on the way down to the mat. He utilizes the cane and works over Latimer with the weapon, but a mistimed move allows Latimer to take over, and he uses the cane across the back and get a crossface with the cane in Fodder’s mouth to make him tap out.
This is exactly what I wanted. I love the pain. #NWANuffSaid https://t.co/rWyuRZFfoE
— Fodder (@LoKeys910) February 12, 2023
Your Winner via Pinfall: Thom Latimer
Valentine is nowbackstage with Matt Cardona on not losing the Ten Pounds of Gold and asks if he is the real NWA Champion. Feels he should have had the belt handed back to him, but he states he didn’t get beat. He’ promises he’ll become a two-time champion after tonight.
Until then, your next match is for the…

Courtesy of the NWA
NWA Junior Heavyweight Championship: Kerry Morton (c) (with Ricky Morton) vs. Alex Taylor (with Danny Dealz)
This is Taylor’s Champions Series cash-in match, and he wants the gold around Morton’s waist. But Morton is in control early in the match, but Taylor keeps pace throughout the match. It’s a chop fest on the ring apron and Morton gets a driver to the challenger on the edge. He throws in Taylor back in the ring= and Dealz grabs his leg. Kerry looks on and stalks Dealz, but Taylor dives on the champ with a tope suicida.
In the ring, Taylor nails a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and keeps Morton grounded. He comes back and Morton gives Taylor a monkey flip, but the challenger returns fire with a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Now, Dealz looks for a weapon, and Ricky stops and punches him out. Kerry goes for his finisher and misses, and Taylor nails a Michinoku driver and gets a close two count. He sets Morton up top with punches, but he slides out and powerbombs Taylor and the Kiss it Goodbye gets a two count for the champ. Taylor lands with a superkick but Morton returns with an elbow to the back of his head and he delivers the spinning inverted elbow drop (or call if the Morton Drop™) for the pin and the win.
Your Winner via Pinfall, and Still NW Junior Heavyweight Champion: Kerry Morton
Up next is a personal matter between…

Courtesy of the NWA
Thrillbilly Silas Mason (with Pollo Del Mar) vs Kratos
This is the rubber match and it’s personal for Mason after the events of NWA POWERRR Live.
Kratos tries to go after Del Mar and talks smack, but Mason throws live bombs to defend his woman, but Kratos is in the drivers seat. Mason gets back on the attack, but Kratos launches with a plancha to the outside and the nails a backbreaker on the ring apron with punches while draping the NWA apron on his face.
It looks bad as Mason is launched with a suplex across the ring by Kratos, but the Thrillbilly goes for a comeback and nails a short lariat gets that allow him to cover Kratos for two. Del Mar leads the fans with chants for her man, and Kratos rips off the pad to expose a turnbuckle, but can’t finish the job on Mason. As fans chant for Mason, he scoops and slams the Most Feared and nails a splash and a lariat. Then Mason calls his shots and gives Kratos a powerbomb to stack him up for two. He goes for a crossbody, but Kratos catches him and transitions to a brainbuster for two. He shoots the ropes and Mason then sends him for the Thrillride for one, two..no! Mason goes for an ankle lock, but Kratos gets out. He tries to send Mason to the exposed turnbuckle but hits his head. Mason uses the opportunity to lock in a side headlock but the ref calls the match.
Your Winner via Referee Stoppage: “Thrillbilly” Silas Mason
After the match, Mason licks up the blood that is spilling from Kratos’ head. That’s hardcore!
We are all @TheGlamazonPDM right now. #NuffSaid #NWA pic.twitter.com/3LZvNBVdlD
— Scott Fishman (@smFISHMAN) February 12, 2023
Valentine is backstage with Angelina Love and she asks if she’ll be holding The Burke after tonight. Love condescendingly says “Thanks for the homework” and notes that at least she’s not a Playboy centerfold.
Love goes on to say that after tonight, the only thing to come between her and her man Fodder is The Burke.
But let’s go back to the ring for the…

Courtesy of the NWA
NWA World Women’s Tag Team Championship: Pretty Empowered (Kenzie Paige and Ella Envy) (c) vs. The Renegade Twins (Charlette Renegade and Robyn Renegade)
Paige and Charlette start and then Envy comes in and the Twins make mincemeat of one-half of the tag champs. A tag to Paige and the Twins double team and Paige is Pretty imperiled. But the tables are turned as Paige gets Robyn off the top rope and Envy takes over and she is a Renegade in Peril. A double slam to Robyn gets a two count, and as Paige comes in, Robyn knocks her down. A hot tag to Charlette and she is a Renegade en Fuego. As the Twins go for Renegades Revenge (Hart Attack), Robyn get tripped up by Paige, but Charlette gets a schoolgirl on Envy and cov ers for the pin and the win.
Your Winners, and New NWA World Tag Team Champions: The Renegade Twins
Next up is…
EC3 vs. “The Rare Breed” Kevin Kiley, Jr.
Looks like Kiley is back in business after a six-year hiatus, with an NWA shirt and pant combo. The match has EC3 toying around with Kiley, but he’s no pushover. EC3 picks up Kiley and rams him right into the post, and EC3 slows the tempo and picks him apart.
Kiley is still showing fight in the ring, but EC3 locks in The Purpose and he quickly taps out.
Your Winner via Submission: EC3
EC3 whispers in his ear, and then walks off. What could it mean?
We’ll figure it out later because our next title match is…

Courtesy of the NWA
NWA World Tag Team Championship: La Rebelión (Bestia 666 and Mecha Wolf) (c) vs. Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage and Damage) (with Aron Stevens)
Galli notes that Damien 666 is barred from ringside ( I wonder if he’ll make an appearance in March?)
Anyway, Wolf and Carnage start and it’s smash mouth wrestling at its finest. Near the end has La Rebelion hit stereo planchas, but Stevens hits Bestia with a loaded glove, but the ref catches him in the act and it’s
Your Winners via Disqualification: La Rebelion
Say says, “No wonder no woman loves you, Aron!” Can’t imagine WHY she would say something like that.
But let’s move on to a match years in the making with…

Courtesy of the NWA
Chris Adonis vs. Trevor Murdoch
Galli mentions this is a feud re-ignited from the National title days of 2020 when Adonis held the belt, and after The Champions Series that led to this fight, and now you know the rest of the story.
Neither man steps down early in the fight and then it gets personal. As Adonis goes for the Masterlock, Murdoch rolls out of the ring. Adonis follows and Murdoch chops away, followed by a backdrop to the ring apron. He then throws Adonis into the steel post, and as they go into the ring Murdoch gets a double wristlock to Adonis to keep him grounded, but he fights back with a flying shoulder tackle. Murdoch comes back and clobbers him with a clothesline for a two count. He follows up with a pop-up powerbomb and then lines up for the flying bulldog, but Adonis catches him and locks in the Masterlock, and the ref calls it.
Your Winner via Submission: Chris Adonis
Now for a really heated match, we have…

Courtesy of the NWA
No Disqualification match for the NWA World Women’s Championship: Kamille (c) vs. Angelina Love
As Love comes out for her introduction, Kamille jumps her while wearing The Burke in Daisy Duke shorts. The champ obviously came for a fight and backslides Love for two. But, the other half of Psycho Love is no pushover as she throws Kamille to the steel post and Love just hurts the champ everywhere except the ring. She sends Kamille to the barricades, and then Love grabs a steel chair and slams it across her back.
Lovie is in control, but then Kamille comes back and gets her in a torture rack to a slam for a two count, and then she grabs a trash can and places it on her body. She then goes to the other side of the ring and nails her with the Van Terminator.
.@Kamille_brick going COAST TO COAST‼‼ HOLY SH!T!! #NWANuffSaid pic.twitter.com/8MmS8uYrIq
— 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐕𝐞𝐧 (@WrestlingCovers) February 12, 2023
Now Kamille grabs a table under the ring and sets it up in the corner, and Love throws a garbage can in her face and hits the Botox Injection for a two count. Then Love goes and gets The Burke, and swings and misses. Kamille then delivers the spear through the table, and then drags her out for the three count.
Your Winner and Still NWA Women’s Champion: Kamille
May Valentine is now with Tyrus and BLK Jeez, and the short version is that amidst the small jeers of those at their keyboards, the millions cheer him on, and after tonight he predicts he will come out the undisputed champion
Speaking of, the next match is for the…
NWA National Heavyweight Championship: The Great Cyon (c) (with Austin Idol) vs. Homicide
As Idol goes on about his son, Homicide comes right after Cyon while he’s still wearing his fancy vest/cape combo. The Notorious Legend throws him out of the ring, and he is trying to rip the mask of Cyon. As he sends him back in the ring, Homicide whips Cyon hard into the corner and then transitions to a Boston crab but Idol distracts. As Homicide goes to deal with the interference, Cyon attacks from behind and sends him shoulder-first into the ring post. He works over the Notorious Legend with a backdrop to the ring apron. He then rips off the Jay Briscoe armband and starts to choke him with it.
Homicide chops away, but Cyon responds with a powerslam for a two count. Then Cyon gets him in a submission and tells Homicide to apologize. He replies with, “Austin Idol, you’re a bitch!” That fires up Cyon Cyon with punches up top the corner turnbuckle and then a T-bone suplex for a two count. Homicide counters with a tornado DDT for a two count, and then he nails the Three Amigos (Ed-Die!). Homicide goes up top but Cyon cuts him off and nails a superplex, but can’t follow up for a pin. Homicide quickly gets a neckbreaker for a two count, followed by a Koji cutter for another two. Homicide goes up top but Cyon catches him with a slam for two and a rolling DVD ends it.
Your Winner, and Still NWA National Champion: The Great Cyon
Bully Ray comes out, rather smartly dressed. He goes to ringside leading the fans in chants of, “N-W-A”, and then the Main Event is…

Courtesy of the NWA
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Tyrus (c) vs. Matt Cardona
As Tyrus mentioned on the last NWA POWERRR, the stipulation is there will be no seconds at ringside for either man. Cardona comes out with GWAR-inspired gear, and Tyrus holds the “Twelve Pounds of Gold”
As Kyle Davis addresses Eddie Graham’s family at ringside, we then go to boxing-style intros. From there, Tyrus starts with slams, and Cardona powders out of the ring. After a minute, he comes back in, but Tyrus overtakes him quickly. Then Bully Ray leaves his commentary position and goes to ringside to talk trash, and Tyrus attacks. Cardona sends him out, and he then refocuses on Tyrus as he climbs between the ropes and hits him in his…err, little monsters.
From there, Cardona breaks down the champ and covers at every opportunity but can’t keep the big man down. Then Cardona goes into the Figure Four submission to Tyrus but he won’t quit. Tyrus tries to roll out, but Cardona grabs the ropes to stop his momentum. It’s all for naught as Tyrus is in the driver’s seat and tries a splash but misses. Cardona then uses the break and nails the Reboot signature move three times to Tyrus and gets a cover for a two count.
Frustrated, Cardona grabs the Ten Pounds of Gold” and the ref intercepts him. Tyrus attempts with a Heart Punch and accidentally knocks out the ref. From there, Rolando Freeman (!) runs out with a chair and Tyrus tosses him away. Then Mike Knox comes out and nails a running crossbody. on Tyrus. As Knox grabs the ring bell, Ray knocks him out and then Tyrus comes to deliver the Tongan Death Grip to Cardona as the ref comes to and counts the one, two, and three!
Your Winner, and Still NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion: Tyrus
Bully Ray comes out on the ring and gives props to Tyrus for doing things “The Old School way”, even though no one came to defend him. Tyrus appreciates the kudos and will sign a contract to do business with him anytime, but makes it clear, “We ain’t friends.” before dropping the mic. Then Tyrus celebrates as the show fades to black.
NWA Nuff Said PPV - 02/11/2023
A solid show that solidifies Tyrus as the undisputed NWA champion. Whether Cardona sticks around to get the belt back is another story.
Kudos to The Renegade Twins on their Women’s Tag Title win, and Mason really upped the feud with Kratos near the end, and Kamille showed she’s hardcore. The rest was by the number, but that isn’t a bad thing.
For now, see you next Tuesday for NWA POWERRR.