Category: PPV Reports 1998

Nash dominates WW3

WCW World Heavyweight Champion Bill Goldberg will face his biggest challenge since he won the...

Austin fired?!?!?

World Wrestling Federation president Vince McMahon’s a man of his word. Well, sort of. On...


Slam Poll

Which match do you most want to see during Cena's retirement tour?


Jul 20: TNA Slammiversary
Aug 3: WWE SummerSlam
Aug 25: AEW All In
Aug 31: WWE Bash in Berlin
Aug 31: MLW Gold Rush Night 1
Sep 1: MLW Gold Rush Night 2
Sep 1: NXT No Mercy
Sep 1: AEW All Out
Oct 5: WWE Bad Blood
Oct 12: AEW WrestleDream
Oct 27: NXT Hallowe’en Havoc
Nov 23: AEW Full Gear
Dec 28: AEW Worlds End