It sure wasn’t Chavo Guerrero Jr.’s night. He thought he was doing the right thing but it all went so wrong.

Guerrero Jr.’s pal Andrade El Idolo faced Pac in a match that should have happened at All Out if it weren’t for those dastardly travel delays.

The match was certainly worth waiting for even if nothing was settled in the ring. That is a bonus for us though as perhaps these two will battle again. Tonight’s bout was fantastic.

Pac motioned for The Lucha Brothers to head to the back as he wanted to do this alone. Both men stared each other down as the bell rang. Pac took Andrade to the floor introducing him to the ringside barrier twice.

Andrade brought some magic to the proceedings leaping over the ropes DDTing Pac on the apron. Andrade took to the air once again with a plancha. Pac lost a battle on the top rope as Andrade hit a double stomp which saw him slide right off the apron.  The high octane offence from Andrade didn’t stop there. A RVD-esque split-legged moonsault rattled Pac.

Pac locked up Andrade in the Brutalizer. Andrade’s assistant Jose leapt onto the apron distracting the official. The Lucha Brothers pull him off the apron and super kicked him in the head. Meanwhile, Guerrero Jr. dove into the ring cracking Pac with an iPad upside his skull. Andrade pinned a dazed Pac not knowing what had happened.

On the rampway, Chavo admitted to Andrade that he clobbered Pac. Andrade clobbers Chavo with a punch to the face. A wobbly Chavo stands up arguing with Andrade some more. When he turns around the Lucha Brothers super kick him in the face and throw him back into the ring where Pac puts on the Brutalizer for quite some time punishing poor, poor Chavo.

AEW Rampage – Friday, September 10th, 2021 results

Andrade versus Pac

Winner: Andrade El Idolo 

Match Rating: 8 / 10


Sting is easily distracted by Tully. Courtesy: AEW.

Sting and Darby Allin come down to the ring to cut a promo on Tully Blanchard and Shawn Spears. Blanchard interrupts Sting. They both accuse the other of riding coat-tails throughout their careers. Like a thief in the night, Spears attacks Allin from behind dropping him on the arena floor with a C4. Sting is furious that Darby has been stung like that.

Ruby Soho, Riho and Kris Statlander versus Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter and Rebel

Since Chris Jericho isn’t on commentary tonight here is an impromptu musical interlude with Ruby Soho’s theme, the song by Rancid from the album…And Out Come the Wolves in 1995. Ruby Soho was four years old at the time it was released. Enjoy.

Back to the match…

Britt laughs at Riho as they face off first. She isn’t laughing for long as Riho kicks her so hard Britt is checking to make sure her nose isn’t broken again. Statlander tags in next. Britt doesn’t take a hike. She takes on Statlander head-on. Statlander powerslams Britt out of her boots. Riho hits a 619 on Jamie Hayter. Statlander double-suplexes Rebel and Hayter. Riho climbs on the shoulders of Statlander. Rebel dives over Baker shielding her with her own body. Riho snaps Rebel’s spine with a double stomp. Soho pins Rebel with her kick to the head.

Winners: Ruby Soho, Riho and Kris Statlander

Match Rating:  6 / 10

Brian Pillman Jr. versus Max Caster 

Brian Pillman Jr.

Pillman’s family is proud of him. Courtesy: AEW.

Hometown boy Pillman is cheered on by his family at ringside. They fuel him on during the match. Anthony Bowens is at ringside too so you know some shenanigans will occur and they do. Pillman doesn’t wait for the bell to ring. He tackles Caster tagging him with shots to the head. Caster tried to crawl out of the ring Pillman drop kicks him through the ropes. Bowens attacks Pillman on the floor getting in some cheap shots. Pillman eventually has had enough of Bowens so he splashes him on the floor. Caster misses a flying elbow smash from the top rope. Pillman pins him with an impressive springboard clothesline. Pillman celebrates with his family on the floor. Bowens and Caster double-team Pillman until another hometown hero Jon Moxley shows up to brain Bowens with the boom box and raise Pillman’s hand.

Winner: Brian Pillman Jr.

Match Rating: 7/ 10


AEW Rampage - Friday, September 10th, 2021


A decent edition of Rampage with a feel good main event that was unfortunately upstaged by such a great opening match.  It was nice to see Pillman and his family take centerstage. He is a bit rough around the edges but he makes up for that with his passion for the business. He really does have a bright future in AEW.