Goldberg screwed at Starrcade
In wrestling circles it has become known as the "Bret Hart finish" based on Vince McMahon's real-life betrayal of Hart in his final WWF match before heading to WCW. The WWF has unimaginatively used it a bazillion times since. Last night at Starrcade '99,...
Booking blows Survivor Series
If anyone disputed just how much the defection of television writers Vince Russo and Ed Ferrera to WCW has hurt the WWF, last night's sham of Survivor Series pay-per-view confirmed that the loss has severely crippled the once leading edge federation. All told,...
Tag match highlights No Mercy
It is rare that a tag team match where no gold is at stake overshadows a World Heavyweight Title match on pay-per-view though that's what happened at last night's WWF No Mercy broadcast from the Gund Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. The bitter feud between WWF World...
ECW has an Awesome new champ
It's tough to predict who will win on an ECW pay-per-view, especially when the matches bear little resemblance to the announced card. Take the main event at Sunday's Anarchy Rulz. Or what everyone thought was the main event - Taz vs Masato Tanaka for the ECW World...
Hogan – Nash, an embarrassment at Road Wild
When I was about 10 years-old I witnessed one of the worst matches I've ever seen. Former tag team partners - The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff - bumbled and stumbled their way through a surefire cure to insomnia. It was so poorly worked, so slow-paced, so...
Gunn crowned KOTR
The WWF has an "ass" for a king. Mr. Ass, that is. Despite Internet rumors which said The Big Show (Paul Wight) would come out on top, it was former D-Generation X member Billy Gunn winning the title of King Of The Ring last night in Greensboro, North Carolina....
Nash champ again at Slamboree
World Championship Wrestling was on the right track. They were improving their ailing organization. "Was" and "were" being the operative words. Excluding a fleeting step in the right direction earlier this year, WCW has slid back into mediocrity. The Nitro...
Austin wins title at WM15
They call it the "granddaddy of them all". WrestleMania, it's the Super Bowl of the sports-entertainment biz. Most years it lives up to the pomp and circumstance. Not so in 1999. Throwing all their eggs in one basket, the World Wrestling Federation casually whipped...
David Flair turns at SuperBrawl
A heel wrestler? That's a given. A heel manager? Where would wrestling be without them. A heel referee or federation owner? They're a fixture of the nineties. But a heel crowd? Whoa. World Championship Wrestling must be still shaking their heads over the audience...
Hall zapped at Souled Out
Okay. It didn't come close to Hall versus Michaels, Helmsley versus The Rock or any ECW ladder match. Hell, it wasn't even Syxx versus Eddie Guerrero. Still, the Goldberg - Hall ladder match at WCW / nWo Souled Out '99 was a superior pay-per-view main event to the...
Steph betrays Vince at Armageddon
You gotta feel sorry for Vinnie Mac. The guy can't even trust his own family. Son Shane challenged his Daddy's authority with The Corporate Ministry backing him up. McMahon's wife, Linda, sided with McMahon's mortal enemy Steve Austin in their feud. So, it was just a...
Glitches mar ECW’s N2R
In essence, ECW's November To Remember pay-per-view was about pushing future talent. Talent which ECW is counting on to carry the company through the year 2000. Rob Van Dam, the best all-around wrestler in the business today, got a huge boost by defeating the...
Heroes PPV a disappointment
On paper, it looked like so much fun. All the old stars that I grew up watching having one last go on pay-per-view. Bundy, Snuka, Orton, Abdullah. It wouldn't produce four-star matches, but it would be a good time. In reality, Sunday night's Heroes of Wrestling PPV...
Sting wins World title at Fall Brawl
WCW presented its annual Fall Brawl PPV from the Lawrence Joel Coliseum in Winston Salem, NC. This was the first WCW PPV in the post-Eric Bischoff era so you would think the company would learn from its mistakes and go in another direction. No such luck. Stupid...
Fully Loaded recycles Raw material
The World Wrestling Federation has fallen into a severe slump. Lacking any heel depth in their roster the federation has been compelled to renew old feuds and perpetuate a McMahon - Austin angle that's months past its expiration date. The WWF is running out of...
Sid returns at the Bash
Don't look now but there's another vacated locker at the ailing Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) promotion. Sidney Eudy - better known by wrestling fans as Sid Vicious (AKA: Sid, Sid Justice, Sycho Sid) - is back in World Championship Wrestling. The two-time WWF...
Backlash: Austin wins, Stephanie abducted
The World Wrestling Federation had something to prove and prove it they did. On the heels of a uninspired WrestleMania the WWF staged their best pay-per-view so far this year - Backlash - from the Civic Center in Providence, Rhode Island. Excluding a unbearably...
ECW delivers at Living Dangerously
By MIKE WHALEY -- For SLAM! Wrestling ECW once again showed why it is the greatest wrestling around today, even if the March Madness fans don't realize it, at their Living Dangerously pay per view. From Ashbury Park, NJ, the card was topped off by a rematch from the...
McMahon makes a Giant mistake at INYH
It was a massacre all right. Vince McMahon, owner and biggest baddie in the World Wrestling Federation dares to challenge "Stone Cold" Steve Austin to a steel cage match? What the heck was this guy thinking? Impersonating a punching bag at INYH: St. Valentine’s Day...
WWF Rebellion vid worth the wait
On October 2, 1999, while us poor North American jabronis were planning what we were going to do for Halloween, the WWF was in England putting on a potent pay-per-view called Rebellion. We saw bits and pieces of it on Raw Is War (the Bulldog's attack on Stephanie,...
Hart executes sixth world title reign
It was one for the record books. At the WCW Mayhem pay-per-view broadcast from the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Bret "The Hitman" Hart became a member of a select group of wrestling legends by winning the WCW World Heavyweight Title. Hart joins such other mat...
WCW rebounds at Havoc
Much to the relief of wrestling fans who've complained bitterly for the better part of two years, WCW has at long last turned that corner. The hiring of former WWF writers Vince Russo and Ed Ferrera has sparked a renewed excitement that has spread throughout the...
HHH regains title at Unforgiven
By RICH YANG -- For SLAM! Wrestling Triple H is the main man in the WWF again for the second time, which was predictable. So HHH is two time, two time, two time WWF World Heavyweight Champion... Sorry I couldn't resist. This match was predictable because of the angle...
Foley new champ at SummerSlam
Mrs. Foley's little boy has done it again and made us look oh, so bad in the process. Going against the odds and esteemed squared circle prognosticators everywhere (including us red-faced SLAM! Wrestling know-it-alls), Mankind NOT the highly-favored...
Savage new WCW champ at Bash
Last Monday on Nitro, Randy Savage and his girlfriend-valet Gorgeous George participated in a deplorable angle that has no place in the sport entertainment business. So horrible a sight was Macho Man physically abusing Gorgeous George that TSN, the network that...
Hart tragedy overshadows Taker win
It is with a heavy heart that I write this wrestling report. Tonight wrestling fans lost a talented athlete, a dedicated entertainer and a great Canadian in a needless tragedy but more importantly, Owen Hart's friends and family lost a son, a brother, a father and a...
DDP new champ at Stampede
You know, so few are picking DDP to win that I think I will. Somehow, he'll sneak out with the title, but not before punking Sting and turning heel. People will love to boo him after his ridiculously out-of-control push. - Greg Oliver - Countdown to Spring Stampede....
Flair wins title at Uncensored
The Nature Boy has done it again. The most successful champion in sports entertainment claimed the WCW World Heavyweight Title for an unprecedented fourteenth time at the annual Uncensored pay-per-view from Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky. Like some of Flair's...
McMahon wins Rumble, Rock champ again
The Royal Rumble happens just once a year and maybe this is a good thing. The first WWF Pay Per View of 1999 was a lackluster affair that had no real conclusions, no special guests in the Rumble itself (besides the re-appearance of former Men on a Mission member and...
ECW PPV delivers
By SEAN RITCHIE -- for SLAM! Wrestling Case #76: The People versus ECW PPV's. The Verdict: After much viewing, research and thought I have concluded that ECW is Guilty of presenting an excellent PPV. In the opening match Danny Doring and Roadkill took on the FBI....