The fallout from WrestleMania continues tonight and here are our predictions and prognostications.

Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Ronda Rousey – WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship – “I Quit” match


Name Prediction Winner
Matthew Byer It would seem highly unlikely that Rousey doesn’t win the SmackDown Women’s Championship on this night.  The only way Flair wins is if they do something similar to what happened during the I Quit Match between The Rock and Mankind during the WWE Attitude Era where a recording of Foley saying “I Quit” was used. Otherwise Rousey wins and perhaps turns heel in the next few months. Ronda Rousey
John Powell Rousey doesn’t really seem into the WWE or her role since her return. I have a feeling she will be done with wrestling once her contract is up. Her heart doesn’t seem to be in it at all and that has made this feud very flat. When are they going to unify the women’s championships I wonder? Charlotte Flair
Bob Kapur Even though Ronda’s return has been somewhat underwhelming, I can’t see them completely killing her character by having her lose via submission. Hopefully a win here will be a course-correction for her. Ronda Rousey

Cody Rhodes vs. Seth “Freakin” Rollins

Name Prediction Winner
Matthew Byer Since Rhodes won at WrestleMania, Rollins will win at WrestleMania Backlash to setup the rubber match at the next premium live event.  Rollins will probably win using some kind of underhanded means to win, but it should be fairly back and forth until that point. Seth Rollins
John Powell I still cannot figure out what Seth Rollins’ character is. He dresses like a clown, dances and prances around like a clown. And that stupid, annoying laugh. The only thing he doesn’t do is wrestle like a clown. I suspect the WWE will continue to overexpose Cody Rhodes and in about four months fans will be sick and tired of him. Seth Rollins
Bob Kapur Cody’s storyline is that he’s going after the World Championship. Even if that’s a long time away, I think it behooves them to keep him on a winning streak until that time. I think he wins, but Seth does something afterwards to keep the feud going. Cody Rhodes


Drew McIntyre and RK-Bro vs. The Bloodline

Name Prediction Winner
Matthew Byer So let me see if I have this correct…WWE went from having a tag team title unification match that people were interested in seeing to a six man tag team match with no stakes, no proper build, and seems to be happening on a whim.  Ugh.  With the way Reigns has been booked so dominantly the Bloodline will win and the audience will check out. The Bloodline
John Powell Is there any other predictable result? Reigns officially reached the Hulk Hogan level of push, treatment and booking a looong time ago. I can see them feeding superstar after superstar to him until he either surpasses Hogan’s original reign or Reigns has had enough. The Bloodline
Bob Kapur It would seem that Roman will keep a grip on the title unless and until they can get The Rock to face him at next year’s WrestleMania. But they will continue to feed him opponents in the meantime, and now it’s Drew’s turn. I see those two fighting their way to the back and taking them out of the match. RK-Bro will get the win over the Usos, giving them momentum until they eventually do have the title vs. title match. Drew McIntyre & RK-Bro


Edge vs. AJ Styles

Name Prediction Winners
Matthew Byer Despite Damian Priest being banned from ringside there will be some kind of interference from Edge’s next disciple which will result in a win for the Rated R Superstar. Edge
John Powell The only match I am interested in seeing simply because besides their teleporting nonsense, Judgement Day is one of the only WWE angles I am curious about at the present time. Styles scores a win but…pays the price to further this feud into SummerSlam. AJ Styles
Bob Kapur I liked their WrestleMania match, but don’t think it was an epic. I chalk that up to not having enough time so that all the other Mania trappings could be squeezed in. On a smaller event, hoping these two will be able to show off their full potential. If they want Judgement Day to be considered a threat, they need to do something here to give Edge a win. I think that comes tonight in the form of a new member. Edge



Happy Corbin vs. Madcap Moss


Name Prediction Winner
Matthew Byer

Corbin wins and this program continues endlessly.

Baron Corbin
John Powell This match perfectly exemplifies how fickle the majority of WWE fans are, how easily led they are. How in the world can they be cheering for the lame Madcap Moss? Nothing  has changed besides his affiliation with Corbin. He still dresses like one of the The Little Rascals and tells stupid jokes. Bathroom breaks for everyone! Madcap Moss
Bob Kapur Knock knock. Who’s there? Pizza guy. Pizza guy who? Pizza guy who I hope arrives with my order during this one so I can skip it. Madcap Moss



Bobby Lashley vs Omos


Name Prediction Winner
Matthew Byer

Omos wins and sadly Lashley is stuck with many more rematches.

John Powell The whole arm wrestling angle was better left back in the eighties where it belongs. This feud seems like another that is bound for SummerSlam so… Omos
Bob Kapur By having Omos lose their last match, I think that signaled that they don’t really have faith in him as a top superstar. Pairing him with MVP may have helped change that view, but is it enough? I don’t think so. Bobby Lashley