Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to a special NXT report from me. Without further ado lets get to the results….

This is the final NXT show before New Years Evil and the final of 2021 so lets see what the rainbow brand has in store for us.

Vic Joseph and welcomes us to the performance center in Orlando and he is joined by Wade Barrett.

Grayson Waller is introduced by Alicia Taylor….

As fats chant Ass….. Waller takes the mic and says there is no better way to kick off the final NXT of 2021 then to feature him. Waller talks about his appearance on RAW and he then shows the NXT universe some footage from RAW.

Waller then goes on to say that he doesn’t understand why AJ is so loved. Waller continue to put himself over and said that he would beat AJ Styles in a WWE ring if it weren’t for Apollo Crews. Waller then hyped tonight’s match with Lumis but then states that due to injury, Lumis isn’t available to wrestle but a suitable replacement has been chosen for him. Out comes Odyssey Jones……

Match 1: Grayson Waller vs. Odyssey Jones

Waller is acting cocky as Jones walks out. Jones took the mic and said that Waller thinks he’s some big time star but the truth is, is he’s a bitc#.

Waller ran back into the ring to kick the match off….

Jones with big knees in the corner now. Jones beats Waller down some more and steps on his back for a pop. Jones with an elbow to the back of the head. Waller counters out of the corner but Jones catches him with a big sidewalk slam for a close 2 count. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial.

After the break, Jones continues to beat up on Waller but Waller manages to toss Jones across the rind. This advantage doesn’t last long as Jones uses his body to toss Waller around the ring. After some back and forth, Waller takes the turnbuckle pad off the and manages to do a powerbomb on Jones on the exposed turnbuckle for a two count. Jnes tries to go for a splash but Waller moves out of the way to hit the exposed turnbuckle to give Waller the chance for a stunner, a pin and the win!

Winner: Ā Grayson Waller

after the match Waller continues to gloat in the ring until AJ Styles appears on the big screen. He thanks Waller for showing up to RAW but he says that next week at New Years Evil it will be time to put up or shut up.

The hardest working reporter in all of wrestling, McKenzie Mitchell is with Cora Jade. Jade sys that her and Raquel Gonzales can coexist against Toxic Attraction but next week is every woman for herself. Io Shirai walks up and says she wants her match for the NXT Wpmen’s Championship. Kay Lee Ra walks up and also proclaims her chance at the belt. Mandy Rose then appears on the screen behind them and makes fun of the competition.Ā  Rose then says there will be a tag team match with Jade and Gonzalez vs. KLR and Shirai. The winning team is the team who gets to challenge her in the Triple Threat at New Yearā€™s Evil. McKenzie says this will be the main event tonight.

Waller is backstage ranting about AJ Styles and how the camera needs to stay on him. He is upset about AJ ruining his celebration. Waller bumps into MSK and tells them to go screw themselves. Waller keeps walking.

Tiffany Stratton will make her in-ring debut tonight….

Xyon Quinn is backstage addressing Elektra Lopez. He says he knows Lopez wants this as much as he does, and itā€™s time for her to make a decision ā€“ pick him or Legado del Fantasma. Quinn says she must make the decision tonight.

It is now time for MSK to make their return to NXT TV….

MSK talks about how itā€™s good to be back on NXT. They also talk about their recent journey with RAW Tag Team Champion Riddle. Riddle appears on the big screen and says there was a change of plans and he couldnā€™t be there, but heā€™s there with them in another way. Riddle says it is now time to call out the NXT Tag Team Champs…

Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner come out with mics. They say MSK can do whatever they want but they will never be able to touch Imperium, and the titles will stay with the best tag team the division has ever seen, where they belong. MSK goes on and challenges Imperium to put the titles on the line tonight. WALTER appears on the big screen for a pop.

Walter sys MSK is everything wrong with the sport. He praises him Imperium Brothers. Riddle then appears again on the screen and says he cannot let Walter disrespect his boys. Riddle then issues a challenge for a 6-man tag team match…..Walter accpets.

Wade Barrett makes mention that NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes has not shown up for the contract signing of tghe unification match with the Cruiserweight belt.

Harland and Joe Gacy are shown backstage. Gacy reminds Harland how Brian Kendrick called him a freak. Gacy says Harland is not a freak. We go to commercial.

The hardest working reporter in all of pro wrestling. McKenzie Mitchell is with Edris Enofe. He talks about beating Von Wagner but Con Wagner shows up and says he was lucky. Malik Blade made an appearance to side with Enofe.

Match 2: Harland vs. Brian Kendrick

Harland is out but after playing his theme, Kendrick is nowhere to be seen. acy takes the mic and says he knew this would happen because Kendrick is like so many people in this cruel world, he talks a big game but fails to show up when confronted with their mistakes. Gacy says Kendrick is afraid to admit he was the problem and he did wrong by Harland. The music interrupts and out comes Andre Chase to boos. Chase says this is a teachable moment. Gacy says Harland was once enrolled in school himself until he was unfairly and unjustly expelled. Gacy says they want to thank Chase for stepping up and volunteering himself as Kendrickā€™s replacement. Chase isnā€™t so sure about this but Harland quickly drops him.

Chase is roughed up and bleeding. Harland brings it back in and slams Chaseā€™s face into the mat over and over. The referee calls the match and Harland wins via referee stoppage.

Winner: Harland

Gacy and Harland stand at the entrance-way but Harland isnā€™t happy just yet. One of Chase’s students try to help Chase. Harland yanks the student out of the ring, throws him up on his shoulders, and heads to the back with the man on his shoulders.

Tiffany Stratton is getting ready for her NXT 2.0 debut.

Legado del Fantasma is backstage. A camera man asks Santos Escobar what he thinks about Xyon Quinn and Elektra Lopez, but Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde yell at the camera man. Lopez also denies anything is going on…Solo Sikoa ends up entering the hallway but Legado del Fantasma isn’t happy he just walked in on their interview time. Escobar wants an apology. Solo says Escobar has misplaced hate, but if they have an issue, they can settle it in the ring.

Match 3: Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallon Henley

Tiffany Stratton made her way into the ring. Stratton made quick work of Henley as she hit a flatliner.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton

We see Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray backstage warming up for the main event. They also push whether Carmelo Hayes will show up for his contract signing.

we get a vignette with Tony Dā€™Angelo bragging about how he used the crowbar on Pete Dunne last week, and how Dunne learned the hard way that he should never have messed with Tony D. He goes on and says the beatdown will be much worse if Dunne comes back for more.

Wade Barrett introduced Roderick Strong and Diamond Mine. Malcolm Bivens assumed Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams would not show up. Trick arrived with Melo to warn Diamond Mine to back off. Barrett asked to hear from Melo and Strong. Hayes talked himself up with confidence for New Year’s Evil. The two men signed the contract. Bivens taunted Williams into staying in the ring where The Creed Brothers sent him through the signing table.

Match 4: Solo Sikoa vs. Santos Escobar

NXT showed a vignette for a future Fatal 4-Way match to determine the next No. 1 contender to the NXT Tag Team Championships: Grizzled Young Veterans vs. The Creed Brothers vs. Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs vs. Jacket Time.

Xyon Quinn challenged Elektra Lopez to choose him or Legado del Fantasma. Santos Escobar, Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde tried to question Lopez about that challenge, but Solo Sikoa interrupted. Once the match got started,Ā  Escobar hit a running knee but Sikoa got his second wind and took care of Escobar through the match.

Xyon Quinn arrived, and Escobar took him out with a suicide dive. The distraction allowed Sikoa to hit a superkick and splash for the shocking win.

Winner: Solo Sikoa

After the match, Ā Quinn holds his jaw and looks on from the entrance-way as Legado del Fantasma stares back from ringside.

McKenzie Mitchell, who goes over the New Yearā€™s Evil card for next Tuesday.

The camera cuts to the roof, where Harland and Joe Gacy have Andre Chaseā€™s student from earlier. They tease a toss but it doesn’t happen…

A camera man stops Solo Sikoa backstage, asking whatā€™s next for him. Solo issues an open challenge and enter Boa with an attack to Sikoa. We get some weird back and forth Boa and higher power face paint stuff here…Boa attacks Sikoa.

NXT aired a vignette on Tommaso Ciampa vs. Bron Breakker which is a MUST SEE! These hype videos from NXT never fail!

Match 5: Von Wagner vs. Mailk Blade

Wagner overpowered him through the match. Robert Stone watched on commentary as Wagner beat Blade into the mat with forearm strikes. He connected on a vicious clothesline but missed a second that allowed his smaller opponent to fight back with a dropkick and diving crossbody.

Wagner nearly got rolled up but escaped the pin and hit the double underhook spin-out side slam for the win. Edris Enofe saved Blade from taking more of a beating after the bell.

Winner: Von Wagner

After the match, Wagner attacks Blade but Edris Enofe comes out for the save. Stone makes his weekly appearance here checking in on Wagner again.

Match 6: Raquel Gonzalez and Cora Jade vs. Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray

Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray confronted Raquel Gonzalez and Cora Jade, both wanting the next title shot. Mandy Rose changed the match for the night. Now its the four women against each other in a tag match to determine which two women would challenge the NXT women’s champion at New Year’s Evil.

Jade found herself in trouble against the veterans on the other side of this match. KLR trapped her in a single-leg Boston crab then tried to transition into the KLR Bomb. Jade barely escaped, and Gonzalez managed to pull her partner to safety.

Ray took out Gonzalez with a suicide dive then Shirai hit a missile dropkick on Jade for a near fall. Jade ducked the double knee strike in the corner then hit Ray with an enzuigiri to get the hot tag to Gonzalez.

Gonzalez hit KLR with the Chingona Bomb, but Jade took the blind tag. As Gonzalez and Jade argued, Jade rolled up Ray for three. The two winners argued about the finish as Rose mocked them from the titantron.

Winner: Raquel Gonzalez and Cora Jade

It is now official (again) that Raquel Gonzalez and Cora Jade will compete against Mandy Rose for the NXT Championship at New Years Evil net week.

Gonzales runs back into the ring and grabs Jade. Mandy Rose appears on the screen and says their selfish desires for her title will be their d0wnfalls. She continues to pump up their match as the final NXT of 2021 goes off air.

Top Picture: Riddle and Walter interact