Time flies, doesn’t it? After a wild year in the wrestling world, here we are on the eve of Christmas. After all the uncertainty surrounding 2009, perhaps this year — more than any year in a while — has reinforced the importance of friends and family.

A Christmas card mailed out by Frank Tunney’s Maple Leaf Wrestling promotion in the 1960s.
Many wrestlers and promoters are once again working tight schedules. SLAM! Wrestling asked several of them to share some of their plans for the holidays and New Year. Can anyone top Erin Murphy, of Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling, who received a pony last year? Read on:
Dolph Ziggler – WWE Smackdown superstar
Hopefully a couple of days off and I’d love to be back in Cleveland, Ohio, where a lot of my family is, and play some football in the snow with my two younger brothers. That’s what I‘m looking forward to.
Ted DiBiase Jr. – WWE Raw superstar, star of The Marine 2
Plans for Christmas?
“Just hanging out with the fam. My life is so busy and chaotic being on the road that we’re just going to take it easy, go hang out with the Million Dollar Man … Christmas Eve.”
Is the family all getting copies of The Marine 2 for Christmas?
“Yeah, yeah, I think we’re actually going to get a couple of copies early on. I’m sending out some DVDs and Blu-Rays to the fam.”
Trish Stratus – Seven-time WWE women’s champion
Owner of Stratusphere Yoga Studio in Vaughan, Ontario
This holiday season I’m going to take advantage of being able to disconnect from the computer, appointments and work and I’m going to just breathe.
I’m going to do lots of yoga, for both my spirit and body — and yes, when I say body I mean the more yoga I do the more dessert I get to eat!
The holidays mean getting to spend time with the people that mean the most to me – my fellow students at Stratusphere, my friends, my family and my wonderful hubby!
Jaime D – Professional wrestler
I stopped by the Stratusphere on the 18th to do some yoga. They held a benefit with the donations going to a wonderful cause: Carmelina’s house. They help women who have been harmed, are lost or need positive guidance in dealing with negative issues by providing a loving and nurturing environment.

Jaime D and Amazing Kong
Trish is always doing something great with charities so when I heard about her December 18th event, I said Jaime D is so there! Anything for the former seven-time WWE women’s champ!
My brother Barry lives in Edmonton and is coming home for the holidays, so it will be very nice for me to spend time with my mother, brother, Anik, my two dear sisters, and nephew Troy.
Today [Christmas Eve], I will enjoy having dinner and watching Christmas movies. Christmas Day, just enjoy family time and be thankful for all my blessings. New Years Day? Well, I will be focusing and concentrating on becoming the best Jaime D in 2010.
I wish SLAM! Wrestling fans and everyone a great Christmas and Happy New Year!
Don Ferguson
Talent Relations, Prairie Wrestling Alliance (PWA)
This year it’s our turn to host Christmas. Our parents will be coming up for the holiday season around the 23rd. Everyone will probably take the opportunity to ride the horses through the woods in the crisp snow. There is just something about riding during the winter after a nice snow fall covers the trees that you just can’t beat. Gifts will be exchanged and too much turkey will be eaten.

Lance Storm and Don Ferguson
I’m really pleased that the PWA has been running regular shows in Calgary this past year. It has given the talent another group of fans to impress with their work. The New Year is going to be very exciting for the talent as well as the fans as we will have a new booker. Former WWE Superstar and developmental talent trainer Lance Storm has come on board with the company. Not only will he be booking but will also be acting as a road agent/producer for us. It looks to be a very exciting year coming up for the PWA.
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
Taylor Wilde – TNA Knockout
TNA women’s championship co-holder
I’m going to be home for the holidays with my family and my friends. All I can think about in January right now. My schedule in January is insane. I leave the 2nd and I’m home for, like, eight days the whole month. That’s amongst TV, pay-per-view, etc.
I really don’t believe in resolutions, like one specific thing. I’m in a really good place in my life and really happy in my own skin right now. I just want to continue those good vibes and hope they rub off on the few people that may be down in the dumps and just continue to inspire and do my best.
The Stro – “The Maestro of Wrestling”
Christmas is my favorite time of year. I’ve had some great Christmas’s in the past, like in Vancouver, Peterborough Ontario, Puerto Rico, New York, Virginia, West Virginia, San Diego, and Tennessee, for example. But I believe this Christmas I will be spending with family and friends on the North Carolina coast. It’s nice to travel, but it is always nice to come home.
I would like to wish my friends and fans around the world a very Merry Christmas and Holiday season. It is because of you that I and many of us in the wrestling industry continue to do what we do. Thank you all very much for your friendship and support. God bless you all!
D’Angelo Dinero – “The Pope”
TheElijahExpress.com — official website
Pope’s going to be real with you for a second, alright? So you’re going to have to chop this thing up, brother. Pope lives every single day as if it’s his last, but not just as if it’s his last, but every second, every minute, every new day that I see is a new year for Pope. Because it’s 12:10, or 12:30, it’s 12:45, of a new day that I did not see the previous year. So what is Pope’s New Year’s Resolution? Every night when I get in bed, I get on my knees, I lay down in bed, Pope prays for his new year, which is the next day because when I open my eyes, I realize that I have just awakened to a new year. So the only resolution that Pope worries about throughout his life is his final resolution.
— with files from Greg Oliver
- Dec. 24, 2008: Wrestlers, entertainers share holiday plans and resolutions
Kenai would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays and a healthy and prosperous 2010.