TNA’s Victory Road pay-per-view was a mix of good and bad. The talent was there, the line-up was stacked, but some matches simply couldn’t carry their weight. Where TNA had the opportunity to capitalize on the recent signings of Taz and Bobby Lashley, the company didn’t pull through and when the final bell rang, it was clear that Victory Road was more of detour ridden path.
Throughout the night, the Main Event Mafia acquired all the gold they had set out for and introduced Taz as the adviser of Samoa Joe. The main event stage was set. TNA Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle, who was wrestling through a groin injury, went toe-to-toe with co-executive shareholder of TNA, Mick Foley.
The match started off with some grappling, as Angle and Foley took the fight to the mat. As expected, Foley ditched the strict mat game relatively early on and brought the fight outside the ring, tossing Angle into the guardrails and biting him. The tide of the match changed when Angle found the opening to throw Foley knee first into the steel steps. With Foley clutching his leg, Angle continued to work it over.
Angle got Foley back into the ring and had the upperhand, until he missed his patented moonsault and got caught with a Double Arm DDT for a two count. Foley took out Mr. Socko, only to get sent into the referee and hit with a low blow from the Olympic Gold Medalist. Angle followed up with the Angle Slam, but could only muster a two.
Aggravated, Angle elbow dropped the referee and went to the outside. Angle attempted to use a steel chair, but Foley caught him with the Mandible Claw and put him down. Foley then went “Cactus Jack” on the Mafia front man and dropped an elbow on him off the apron and to the floor. Foley rolled Angle back into the ring, but only got the near fall.
The two continued to battle back and forth, with Foley catching Angle with the Mandible Claw once again. Angle fought out and eventually isolated “The Hardcore Icon” from the ropes and locked in the Ankle Lock to pick up the submission victory. The rest of the Main Event Mafia came to the ring to celebrate with their leader, rounding out a less than impressive pay-per-view offering from TNA.
TNA Victory Road 2009 PPV Report
The openers aired, as Mike Tenay and Don West did their usual welcome from ringside and pitched it to the opening contest of the evening.
Match One – TNA Knockouts Championship Match – Tara (C) vs. Angelina Love w/ Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne
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Angelina Love, once again TNA Knockouts Champion.
Tara had the Beautiful People on their toes for this match, as each time interference was attempted, she outsmarted them. Miscommunication between Velvet Sky and Angelina Love led to Love getting accidentally sprayed in the face. Out of that, Tara had the pin, but referee, Mark “Slick” Johnson, couldn’t make the count, as he was sending Sky and Madison Rayne to the backstage area. Tara continued to pour on the offense, but missed a moonsault and got covered for the pin, as her foot on the rope was missed. Decent match from them, like the progression of this feud.
Winner Via Pinfall and NEW TNA Knockouts Champion at 7:00 min – Angelina Love
Match Rating – 5/10
After the match, Tara complained to Slick Johnson about her foot being on the rope. Johnson told her he didn’t see it and ate a superkick for his troubles. Tara then hit the Widow’s Peak on Angelina Love and pulled out the spider. Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky ran out to rescue Love, as Tara placed the spider on Johnson.
Mike Tenay and Don West pushed the rest of the Victory Road card.
Backstage, Jeremy Borash spoke to the Main Event Mafia. Kurt Angle said that he wouldn’t be putting in a quality pay-per-view match, because he just wants to go out and maul Mick Foley as quickly as possible. Angle said that their would be a clean sweep on the night and that any Mafia member who lost would be personally fired.
Match Two – Matt Morgan vs. Daniels
This was a back and forth match. Daniels used his quickness and scored several near falls on Matt Morgan. Daniels’ leg got caught in the ropes midway through the match. That mistake would come back to haunt him later on, as his leg gave out during a BME attempt, which led to Morgan hitting the Carbon Footprint and the Hellevator to pick up the victory. Good push for Morgan here, match was just alright.
Winner Via Pinfall at 11:00 min – Matt Morgan
Match Rating – 5/10
Dr. Stevie was shown with Daffney. Stevie talked about how he’s been working on Abyss and said that he had no choice but to make their match No DQ. Stevie said that he owns Abyss, mind, body and soul. Daffney talked about how she loved Dr. Stevie.
Match Three – No DQ Match – Dr. Stevie vs. Abyss
This was pretty much a brawl. Abyss tossed Dr. Stevie around and even busted him open. Daffney tried to get involved and brought out the taser, but Lauren came to Abyss’ rescue and tossed Daffney into the steel steps. Dr. Stevie ran at Abyss, but was hit with the Black Hole Slam and tased by “The Monster,” leading to Abyss’ hand getting raised in victory. Good match, everything just came together nicely.
Winner Via Pinfall at 10:00 min – Abyss
Match Rating – 7/10
After the match, Lauren celebrated with Abyss and gave him a hug, as Daffney checked on Dr. Stevie.
Mick Foley talked to AJ Styles and Beer Money Inc. and told them that they needed to keep their titles with TNA.
Match Four – IWGP Tag Team Championship Match – Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) (C) vs. The British Invasion (Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams) w/ Rob Terry
The British Invasion double teamed Brother Ray throughout the match, until the tag was made in to Brother Devon. Rob Terry got involved on a few occasions as well, but after a miscue at the end of the match, where he accidentally clothesline Doug Williams, he was unceremoniously tossed from the ring. Team 3D followed up with the 3D on Williams and as expected, retained the IWGP Tag Team Championships.
Winners Via Pinfall and STILL IWGP Tag Team Champions at 11:00 min – Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon)
Match Rating – 6/10
After the match, Sheik Abdul Bashir and Kiyoshi came out and beat on Team 3D. The table was brought into play, as 3D fought back and hit a second rope powerbomb on Bashir through the wood.
Mike Tenay and Don West talked about the controversial TNA Knockouts Championship match decision.
Backstage, Lauren spoke to referee, Mark “Slick” Johnson, who said that he made a mistake and he was going to talk to Jim Cornette and if Tara could get a rematch. He then apologized to Tara.
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Jenna Morasca on top of Sharmell, on top of the referee.
Match Five – Sharmell w/ Sojournor Bolt vs. Jenna Morasca w/ Awesome Kong
Ugh, ugh, ugh. Sharmell accidentally knocks Sojo off the apron, gets hit by Awesome Kong, Jenna Morasca wins. Yuck! What a match.
Winner Via Pinfall at 6:00 min – Jenna Morasca
Match Rating – 1/10
After the match, Jenna Morasca demanded that she celebrate on Awesome Kong’s shoulders. Following that, Morasca got into it with Kong yelling at and slapping her. Kong came back with a slam and big splash to put Morasca in her place.
Jeremy Borash spoke to Kevin Nash, who said that he was fine with what Kurt Angle said earlier and that if he lost, he would retire.
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AJ Styles flies at Kevin Nash.
Match Six – TNA Legends Championship Match – AJ Styles (C) vs. Kevin Nash
AJ Styles tried to use his quickness as an advantage, but Kevin Nash overpowered him. AJ Styles scored some near falls here and there, but when he went for a springboard forearm, Nash shoved the referee into the ropes and Styles came right into a chokeslam to give Nash the win and the TNA Legends Championship belt.
Winner Via Pinfall and NEW TNA Legends Champion at 11:00 min – Kevin Nash
Match Rating – 5/10
Lauren was in the locker room, as Mark “Slick” Johnson was shown leaving a shower, followed by Madison Rayne. Oh this is angle is going to be good. Johnson’s charisma is there.
Match Seven – TNA Tag Team Championship Match – Beer Money Inc. (James Storm and Robert Roode) (C) vs. Booker T and Scott Steiner
Back and forth match here. Beer Money Inc was able to hold their own and got in some good offense, but when James Storm spit his beer in Scott Steiner’s face, he also caught the referee. This led to some confusion, which led to even more confusion when the referee was pulled out of the ring by Booker T, who said that Storm was responsible. With the referee focused on Storm, Robert Roode got hit with the Axe Kick and rolled up by Steiner, giving the Mafia another win and more gold.
Winners Via Pinfall and NEW TNA Tag Team Champions at 13:00 min – Booker T and Scott Steiner
Match Rating – 6/10
Jeremy Borash spoke to Booker T and Scott Steiner at ringside, who said that they guaranteed victory and they won.
Lauren talked to Samoa Joe, who said that he would defeat Sting and that it was “Showtime.”
Match Eight – Samoa Joe vs. Sting
This match started out as brawl, with both competitors exchanging punches and chops. Eventually Sting was able to get Samoa Joe to the mat and lock him in the Scorpion Deathlock. At this point Taz appeared, making his TNA debut. Sting let Joe out of the hold and the two went at it again. Taz’s presence was felt, as Sting came off his game and got locked up in a rear naked choke, giving Joe the submission victory.
Winner Via Submission at 11:00 min – Samoa Joe
Match Rating – 6/10
What did you think of TNA Victory Road?
It was great – 6% It was okay – 14% It sucked – 32% Didn’t see it – 48% |
Taz got in the ring and stared down Samoa Joe, before showing his approval.
Mike Tenay and Don West talked about TNA’s signing of Bobby Lashley, as a video was shown of ESPN radio making the announcement.
Jeremy Borash spoke to Mick Foley, who talked about the Main Event Mafia’s dominance and said that this may be their night. Foley said that he had something going for him and that he took him out at Slammiversary and saw what he did to Angle. He says that he knows Angle’s pains and how to exploit them and that he will walk away from Victory Road with the TNA Heavyweight Championship.
Jeremy Borash did the in-ring introductions for the main event.
Match Nine – TNA Heavyweight Championship Match – Kurt Angle (C) vs. Mick Foley
Winner Via Submission and STILL TNA Heavyweight Champion at 14:00 min – Kurt Angle
Match Rating – 7/10
After the match, the Main Event Mafia came to the ring to celebrate with Kurt Angle, who spit on Mr. Socko and stood victoriously.
Overall PPV Rating – 5/10
Chris and Bryan Sokol are from Long Island, NY and enjoy tag team reporting for SLAM! Wrestling.