Max the Impaler has run roughshod over the competition during their TV title defense in the National Wrestling Alliance. Of all the wrestlers, Carson Drake boasted of surviving their onslaught last time on NWA POWERRR, which did not sit well with the Warriors of the Wasteland. On tonight’s Samhain 2, we will see if Drake can last against in a Hell Awaits TV title showdown.
We come to you from the WEDU PBS Studios in Tampa, FL. Joe Galli, Billy Corgan, and Danny Dealz have the call, and your First Match of the Night is…

Courtesy of the NWA.
Alex Misery vs. Lev
Misery is apparently Lev’s nemesis, and we learn that his former tag partner, Jackson Drake, abandoned him. Therefore, he is no longer one of The Kidz. As for the match, Dealz nails it on the head as he calls this “a tale of two whack jobs.”
Right from the start of this junior heavyweight bout, we see some unorthodox wrestling, and Lev drills him with an STO as Misery lands on his head, and gets covered for a two count. Lev has his foot on the gas and whips him to the corner. Misery backflips and sits cross-legged in the center of the ring, daring him to come after him. Misery is in control with a suplex and a standing moonsault for a count of two. There is high-octane energy by both men and they are evenly matched in offense and they are completely out of control as Lev tumbles to the outside. all of a sudden, Gaagz the Gymp comes out to confront Lev. While Misery looks on Joe Ocasio comes into the ring from behind and clocks both Misery and Lev. The ref has no choice but to declare this a…
No Contest
Ocasio also cracks Gaagz across the face, and more refs come out to restore order, but the damage is done.
There is a vignette about “Magic” Jake Dumas, and the Magic Bastard calls out Baron von Storm. He challenges him at Samhain 2 to a submission match…but mentions his finisher The Iron Claw is banned.
May Valentine is backstage with Austin Idol, and he claims he is to professional wrestling what Patrick Mahomes is to the NFL. As for Baron von Storm, he makes it known there is a reason his finisher is banned when he faces Dumas next week.
You can feel the drama build, huh?
Well, let’s go from that old-school buildup to an old-fashioned grudge match blowoff between…

Courtesy of the NWA.
The Southern Six (Kerry Morton and “Thrillbilly” Silas Mason) vs. Colby Corino and Bryan Idol
Davis has no enthusiasm when announcing The Southern Six (I can’t imagine why). Speaking of which, Mason and Morton are sporting some Van Halen-inspired ring gear.
Once the match gets underway, Mason knocks off Idol from the apron and singles out Corino. The Six try to gang up on him, but Mason miscalculates as he accidentally knocks Morton off the ring apron, and Idol and Corino work together to get Mason out of the squared circle. They give a double suplex to send Morton into the ring the hard way, and Idol and Corino gel nicely with their tag chemistry. The Prince of Old School punctuates things with Morton with a Sonsetter for a two count. The Riz God picks up Corino and Mason adds emphasis as they drop his neck on the top rope and then…
Ads (Again, how does this make sense on the “X” platform?)
We come back, and Corino is getting stretched and stomped by The Southern Six, putting him In Peril Old School style. Corino manages to reverse Morton’s hold with the Old School Expulsion, but he recovers and brings him back to Mason. Corino goes for a crossbody and gets caught by Big Daddy Thrill. Mason takes him to the opposite corner for a high-risk maneuver, but Corino rams his head into the turnbuckle, and they fall back hard to the mat. Corino crawls to his corner to get the tag, and Morton knocks Idol off the ring apron again. This turns into a Pier Four brawl as the ref tries to contain the chaos. Corino nails him with a thrust kick and goes to reach for Idol, but he is pulled off again by Mason from the floor. Now Mason comes swinging, but The Prince of Old School rolls through and now gets the hot tag to Idol and he shows The Southern Six why he has the Looks That Kill en Fuego. He sends Mason up the top turnbuckle, but Morton distracts from behind and sends him crashing to the mat. Mason attempts a senton and misses the mark. Idol comes back with a sling blade and tags in Corino who accentuates with a Swanton. Then he and Idol nail Morton with a slingshot superkick but Mason is nearby and goes for a ThrillRide to Corino. Idol blocks the finisher and he gets super kicked out of the ring by him and Corino. He dives after Mason into the Florida crowd, and Corino ends things with The El Driver and pins Morton in the center of the ring.
Your Winners via Pinfall: Bryan Idol and Colby Corino
You probably heard the news, but NWA Texas is getting bigger as they added Texas Style Wrestling (TSW) into the fold, alongside Dogg Pound Pro Wrestling.
The National Wrestling Alliance introduces Texas Style Wrestling (TSW) as the latest member of recently-announced NWA Texas!
Read more:
— NWA (@nwa) December 8, 2024
Also coming up this weekend, Dec 14th, is the next Signature Live Event, The Looks That Kill, in Dothan, AL. You’ll want to get your tickets if your in the area.
IT'S TIME!!! Tickets for LOOKS THAT KILL in Dothan, AL (and all live events) are 20% OFF using code: CYBER
Get yours now!
— NWA (@nwa) December 2, 2024
Valentine now has the current NWA Women’s World Tag Team Champions The It Girls, Ms. Starr and Ella Envy, and she asks what they want for Christmas. Envy replies her Christmas wish is that Valentine would quit and not come back.
As for the competition, they aren’t worried about Ruthie Jay and La Rosa Negra, Caribbean Flow. As for them talking smack. Ms. Starr tells them to shush.
Time for the Main Event, and this is the…

Courtesy of the NWA.
Hell Awaits Match for the NWA Television Title: Max the Impaler (with Father James Mitchell)(c) vs. Carson Bartholomew Drake
This match is billed as no disqualifications, no count outs, no time limit, and there is no chance Drake is living through this. Even the fans agree with that assessment as they chant, “Max is gonna kill you!”
Once the bell rings Max tackles Drake to the mat. He grabs a steel chair and slams it across their back but Max is not fazed. He throws the chair to the ref, who promptly throws it back. Max unfolds the chair and decides to show himself out of the ring, and Mitchell is there to give him a face full of powder to blind him. Dealz proclaims Mitchell as a “master of that powder,” referencing the last Samhain PPV when the powder was involved.
Outside the ring, Max bites his face and proceeds to whip him. Drake smacks them with a decorative tombstone to no avail. Max is getting incensed and Mitchell looks to have problems controlling his Warrior of the Wasteland. Now the Television champ grabs a Christmas tree, tosses it at Drake, and breaks in across his back. Truly this is a yuletide beat down, and the fans get into it with chants of, “Mer-ree Christ-mas!” *clap clap*clap clap clap. Drake tries a staple gun at Max’s abdomen and they come back with a dollar bill and staple it to his tongue and then…
Ads (Ugh! Just when this Nightmare before Christmas was getting good.)
We come back, and Drake slams their head on the steel steps. He goes in the back for a wrapped present and Max clocks him with a lunchbox on his noggin. Then they place a pumpkin on his head and slam him to the steps, splitting the squash all over the place. Now Max pulls out a table and sets it in the corner. They throw Drake back in the ring and attempt a suplex but he blocks it and they both go for a series of reversals. Max spears him to the table but it does not break, but once they toss Drake into the wooden structure it now cracks in half. Fans at ringside chant, “Thank you, Max!” and the beatings continue with an unwrapped chair and Max props it in the corner. The chair falls and Drake tosses them to the upended chair and the leg jams in the stomach of the Warrior of the Wasteland. Drake unzips his boot to use on Max, and that’s when Mitchell gets on the apron to distract the brash young man. Max tries to attack but Drake ducks out and they almost knock off their mentor. Drake uses the confusion to roll them up with a handful of tights and pins Max in one, two, and three.
Your Winner, And New NWA Television Champion: Carson Drake

Courtesy of the NWA.
Drake is amazed as the ref awards him his first major title. Meanwhile, Mitchell gives Max an earful, but he pokes the bear once too often and gets a clothesline for his trouble. As Max stands over their fallen benefactor, more refs come out to try to calm down The Warrior of the Wasteland as the show goes to the credits.
Final Thoughts:
Gotta say I loved the surprise finish at the end. Drake has certainly proven he has channeled The Power of Douchenozzlery™, and this win freshens up new challengers for the Television title. As for what Max will do next, it remains to be seen. The blowoff between the Southern Six and Corino/Idol was as good as advertised, and Misery/Lev was very exciting.
For now, see ya next Tuesday for more Seasons Beatings from Samhain 2 on X.