The National Wrestling Alliance these days in the Lightning One era has done a good job spotlighting upcoming talent in the squared circle, and tonight is no different. Also in the main event, Kamille will in a non-title exhibition match with an up-and-comer Ruthie Jay, who wants to make her mark on The Brickhouse.
There’s a lot to cover as we go to the PBS Studios in Tampa, FL. Joe Galli, Tim Storm, and Velvet Sky have the call, starting with the First Match of the night between…
Trevor Murdoch vs. Beast Mode
Galli mentions that Beast mode is seven foot three inches, and damn if that isn’t the case. Apparently, he is a Puerto Rican basketball player named Peter John Ramos, and has been doing professional wrestling since 2020.
Either way, the dude reminds me of a leftover Retribution stablemate.
Did you see @TheRealTMurdoch's opponent tonight?!
On #NWAPowerrr, Murdoch proved he backs down from NO ONE.
— NWA (@nwa) March 7, 2023
In any case, Murdoch lights up Beast but gets whipped hard to one corner followed by a corner splash and another hard whip to the corner that rattles the former NWA Heavyweight champ. Murdoch tries to attack the big man as he climbs the ropes but gets a goozle as he gets back in the ring. Beast gives him a scoop and a slam and is methodical in breaking down Murdoch. He fires back at the Beast with multiple clotheslines and goes up for the flying bulldog. Another wrestler who Galli identifies as Daisy Kill (channeling serious Scotty Flamingo vibes) interferes and assists Beast with the dual beatdown, and then the ref throws out the match.
Your Winner via Disqualification: Trevor Murdoch
After the match, Kill wants to befriend the big Beast, but obviously, the big man ain’t having it so he beats a hasty retreat.
BLK Jeez and EC3 are walking purposefully to The Podium, and Jeez takes over the mic. He proclaims with the new partnership with Church’s Money Entertainment and CYN, they are all about creating opportunity and entertainment. Apparently, he puts over EC3 who has three-percent body fat, and lets the NWA fans know he is the OverMan because he’s over…maaaaan.
With that, The Essential Character makes his way to the ring for the next match…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
EC3 (with BLK Jeez) vs. Dontae Smiley
Apparently, Smiley had previously wrestled in CYN, as well as on AEW Dark. Plus, he seems to be something of a music artist, if you check his YouTube channel
Smiley also showcases his offense early, as he gets some nice arm drags to take EC3 off his feet. But the offense is short-lived as EC3 runs to the ropes to stun the upstart and follows up with a Thesz Press. He proceeds to give chops to Smiley in the corner and EC3 whips him hard into the corner turnbuckles. Then a snap suplex to Smiley and EC3 gets him in a headlock to keep him grounded, but he fights back to a vertical base and gets a lawbreaker. Now Smiley is firing on all cylinders with a Pele kick, then a German suplex, and caps it off with an impressive midair double stomp to rock EC3. He rolls out, but Smiley sends him back into the ring. As he climbs through the ropes, he stuns Smiley with a pendulum DDT makes him submit to The Purpose.
Your Winner via Submission: EC3
May Valentine is backstage with the NWA Television Champion, Thom Latimer. Asks about La Rosa Negra challenging his wife, Kamille, for The Burke. Latimer states he respects her, but no one yet has been able to beat his missus. Valentine then asks what’s next for him, and Latimer lays it out: the plan is to be the next Heavyweight champ, so he needs to defend the belt seven times per the Television title stipulation and then cash in a title opportunity for the Ten Pounds of Gold.
We get a video promo of two of the four women vying in the tournament to crown the NWA World Women’s Television champion. “The Sinister Minister” speaks on behalf of Max The Impaler, and Taya Valkyrie offers a rebuttal. Valkyrie feels like she has a chance since she had to fight monsters in Mexico and this is no different, but Mitchell suggests Max will be the one to take out La Wera Loca to claim the belt as her own.
There’s another ad to pre-order Madusa’s book that our own Greg Oliver helped write (if you want to see about getting it here). But Valentine is backstage interviewing the woman herself, Madusa. As the General Manager of the NWA USA, she says she strives for equality, hence why she created the NWA Women’s Television title and the tournament to crown the new champ. That brings out Chris Silvio, Esq., and he feels like equality should go to tag teams like the SVGS when it comes to title opportunities in the NWA, and he feels like that is a problem for his clients. That makes Madusa mutter under her breath, “You are the problem.” Heh.
But let’s get back to ringside as another feud is underway, and it’s between…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
Sal the Pal vs. Gaagz the Gymp (with “The Sinister Minister” Father James Mitchell)
Galli let’s us know that this match has a stipulation that this will be a “hair versus mask” match. Just as interesting is that Mitchell isn’t taking any sides as he wants both his Miserably Faithful stablemates to fight it out.
The bell rings and Sal goes to rip Gymp’s mask straightaway. He fends him off briefly, but Gymp has no answer for the unorthodox offense by Sal as he beats him down and stomps him to the mat. He follows with a punt kick to Gymp’s chest, and then goes to the corner seeking Mitchell’s approval and yells at him to focus. Sal covers Gymp for a two count.
The Gymp doesn’t want to fight and pleads with his former tag member, but Sal continues the beatdown. The Gymp gets tied up on the ropes as Sal chokes him to the floor. They fight outside and then quickly run back at the nine count. Both men start throwing haymakers, but Gymps comes back with a head butt with the horns into Sal’s sternum. Sal comes back and hits a Tiger Feint Kick to Gymp. They battle on the ring apron and then Gymp attempts the Sliced Bread but Sal throws him off. Sal goes up the top turnbuckle, and Gymp knocks him down. He runs up the top and punches Sal, and then he tries to unzip his mask for the tongue, but Sal kicks him to send him down to the mat. He rushes at him, but Gymp evades and now delivers the Sliced Bread, and…he doesn’t want to cover him. He goes out of the ring and pleads with Mitchell, but The Sinister Minister gives him the badmouth. Sal rolls out of the ring clutching his head, and Gymp is trying to talk sense (?) to Mitchell to no avail, and the ref begins the count. As they bicker, the ref gets to ten and that means…
No Winner via Double Count Out
So Sal keeps his hair, Gymp keeps his mask, and Mitchell is irritated with his minions. It’s doubtful this is far from over.
Ashley D’Amboise and Kenzie Paige cut promos on being in the Women’s Television title tournament. Paige knows what it means to hold the gold, and D’Amboise feels the belt would be better on her. Either way, that match will happen on next week’s POWERRR
There is a recap of Bobby Fulton leading Rhett Titus and Chris Adonis to get The Fixers to give up the NWA US Tag Titles but read it here if you missed that on last Saturday’s NWA USA.
Now Valentine is with Blunt Force Trauma and she apologizes for her bridezilla attack because of Aron Stevens. They aren’t as receptive so….moving along. She wants to know if there is a way through beating La Rebelion, and Carnage and Damage offered these thoughts:
Me: Insightful
But it’s time for the Main Event between…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
Kamille vs. “Five Star Athlete” Ruthie Jay
Jay has only been wrestling a couple of years but she definitely shows poise as she enters the ring to square off on The Brickhouse, despite a height disadvantage. Kamille backs her up to the turnbuckles, and Jay climbs up to gain the upper ground, but she drops the Athlete to the mat. Jay is undeterred as her athleticism is on display with a rolling dropkick to the champ and she covers for a two count. She follows up with a running crossbody and adds double knees to Kamille to cover again for a one count.
Kamille tries to send her to the ropes, but Jay stomps her foot and then she manages a head scissors takedown. But it isn’t long before The Brickhouse is back in control as she sends the challenger face-first into the turnbuckle and then hits a corner splash. Kamille follows with an Oklahoma Stampede and a cover that garners a two count. She gets Jay up, and the Five Star Athlete reverses to a legsweep and cinches a reverse STF (called The Goldrush by Jay), but Kamille powers through the submission. She finally takes control and nails a Finley Roll to Jay and a spear finishes off the upstart as Kamille pins her for the one, two, and three.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Kamille
Kamille celebrates the latest victory as the show goes to the credits.
NWA POWERRR - 03/07/2023
Final Thoughts:
A good show with new talent coming into the NWA. Nothing really mind-blowing, but it wasn’t boring, either. Wrestlers like Beast Mode, Daisy Kill, Ruthie Jay, and Dontae Smiley could make a big difference down the road
Until then, see you in seven!