Your friends at SLAM! Wrestling are reporting on WrestleMania 35 — both from in the stadium and watching at home. Thanks for being along for the ride!
Hope you have been following along all week, from our coverage of the non-WWE shows, the massive G1 Supershow, NXT, WWE Fan Axxess, plus Jan Murphy’s exclusive interviews from WWE media day on Friday.
JOHN POWELL, 12:58 am: A decent show if inconsistent show. There were too many predictable matches and the main event just didn’t deliver as solidly as it should have after months and months of hype. It was definitely a letdown, especially the finish. It was a mid-range Mania that I won’t watch in its entirety again. I would revisit some of the matches but not the whole show. Kofi Kingston versus Daniel Bryan was the match of the night as it really delivered on an emotional level. A good Mania but not a great or unforgettable one.
BOB KAPUR, 12:30 am: Overall, a good show. Daniel-Kofi was match of the night. The women delivered. Lots of sensible booking overall. And Baron Corbin was there too.
DALE PLUMMER, 12:26 am: Thanks for joining us and good night everybody. Get some sleep!
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 12:29 am: Everyone is gone but Ronda Rousey remains at ringside, stunned.
MATTHEW ASHER, 12:24 am: A flash pin for The Man? Unexpected way to close out Mania but not a bad call. Definitely better than the last 4 matches combined. Way to go Man! Asher out for the night!
BOB KAPUR, 12:23am. Did Ronda’s shoulders come up after the 1-count? The fact that they focused on that in the commentary and the replay suggests it was either planned, or too obvious to overlook. That’s a shame. Excellent match, and the right finish. But the win is a bit diminished by the ending, in my view.
DALE PLUMMER, 12:23am: Well that was an awkward finish, but we got what we wanted. It only took over 7 hours….
JOHN POWELL, 12:21 am: This match is lacking that Mania magic. It ain’t the crowd or the length of Mania either. Disappointing main event for sure even though Lynch deserves the win after all her hard work. Not a main event people will be talking about years from now and it wasn’t a clean win for Lynch. Mute Rene’s microphone forever someone. Thanks.
GREG OLIVER, 12:22 am: Becky wins, pinning Rousey, but there will be some controversy about shoulders being down. Flair was outside the ring at the time. Kinda anticlimatic.
DALE PLUMMER, 12:16 am: It’s ridiculous to expect the crowd to be at 100% after the mark. In fact, most people were in their seats by 6pm. It’s such a long show.
JOHN POWELL, 12:14 am: If this is a no DQ why don’t they bash each other with chairs and crap? This is for all the marbles. This is a standard match which needs something to make it WrestleMania main event level.
BOB KAPUR, 12:14am. This is exactly the fight that these three need to have – excellent story being told, with this being much more violent than most matches.
JOHN POWELL, 12:08 am: They had better turn the heat on this match up, way up. This is no different than anything on Raw or Smackdown.
BOB KAPUR, 12:08am. So many people have put on a Boston Crab tonight, but nobody’s got the win with it. Maybe Rick “the Model” Martel can put on a clinic for them?
DALE PLUMMER, 12:06 am: Sounds like Micheal Cole is about to tap out. He is sounding horse.
BOB KAPUR, 12:04am. Wow, Ronda’s bump to the floor was uglier than the guys in the front row.
BOB KAPUR, 12:02am. Wonder if Becky’s black and yellow outfit is an homage to her NXT days?
JOHN POWELL, 12:00: So Becky’s outfit is a reverse of the one in Kill Bill but that outfit was a tribute to Bruce Lee’s. What does it all mean? Oh, no. More RoboRene commentary.
DALE PLUMMER, 12:00am: Honestly, they need to start these shows at like 2 in the afternoon.
GREG OLIVER, 11:58 pm: I don’t understand Becky Lynch coming out last. There is no consistency to something as simple as champions always first or always last. Pick one and stick with it. … and why wouldn’t they use a female ref for this??
BOB KAPUR, 11:54pm. Joan Jett rules! We need to have our SLAM! Wrestling statistician figure out how many people won when they had a band perform their entrance music live.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 11:54 pm: The music is loud but the boos for Ronda Rousey are louder!
GREG OLIVER, 11:54 pm: Saw both Joan Jett and the Blackhearts live in the summer and the documentary about her, Bad Reputation. Both were awesome. This show, not so much.
GREG OLIVER, 11:52 pm: Just explained to my son about Ric Flair arriving at the Great American Bash in a helicopter, but he landed IN the stadium … a few less people at that show!
JOHN POWELL, 11:51: Wait. Didn’t Ric Flair arrive at a main event in a copter just like this?
BOB KAPUR, 11:50pm. Helicopter brings in Charlotte. I knew it was going to be used at some point. Chekov rules.
BOB KAPUR, 11:44pm. What’s up? Not any of the kids who have school tomorrow. This show has been a marathon.
JOHN POWELL, 11:43: Finally the main event. Just give the belt to Stone Cold Becky already. Not one of the stronger WrestleManias, it was decent and nothing more, not as good the NJPW-RoH G1 Show last night as it had too many dead moments, predictable matches.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 11:44 pm: There has definitely been some thinning out of the crowd but the large majority remains.
GREG OLIVER, 11:42 pm: Alexa Bliss is back, and announced the attendance as 82,265, which tops the last Mania in MetLife. Fireworks and lots and lots of them … maybe because there is a curfew where they can’t explode things after midnight. Bliss said we needed a BREAK. WHAT THE HELL? R-Truth and Carmella lead a dance break.
BOB KAPUR, 11:40pm. Finn’s demon make-up is like Popeye’s spinach. Why doesn’t he just wear it all the time?
GREG OLIVER, 11:40 pm: Finn Balor won the IC title for the second time after the flying stomp thing he does. (Too tired for specifics.)
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 11:40 pm: I believe I have felt a few scant rain drops … Ruh roh.
BOB KAPUR, 11:38pm. How can Bobby Lashley be such a crowd-killer when he does things like the spear through the ropes and to the floor? That looked great.
JOHN POWELL, 11:37: What is clear is that the sub-standard WWE announce crew cannot handle such a long show. The RoH, NJPW announcers did better last night.
GREG OLIVER, 11:36 pm: Bobby Lashley against Finn Balor for the Intercontinental title on next. Balor came out as the Demon.
BOB KAPUR, 11:34pm. My buddy just pointed out how Finn Balor looks like David Lee Roth on the cover of the “Eat ’em and Smile” album.
MATTHEW ASHER, 11:28 pm: Remind me why I have to listen to John Cena rap terribly but I can’t watch him wrestle Kurt Angle as a nice bookend? No shade at Baron Corbin but that was a lackluster match. Please ditch the constable look and go back to being the Lone Wolf. Godspeed Kurt Angle. As you requested: YOU SUCK!!!!
BOB KAPUR, 11:26pm. Well, the ending made sense, even if the opponent was lacklustre. #ThankYouKurt
GREG OLIVER, 11:26 pm: Naturally, Kurt Angle lost. He encouraged the “you suck” chant post-match.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 11:25 pm: A gentleman sitting behind me just got so upset Corbin was still in this match that he got up and left and said he was going to demand a refund. Seriously.
BOB KAPUR, 11:17pm. My buddy’s kid: “I can’t decide if Baron looks more like a white supremacist or a pedo.” My buddy: It can be both.
GREG OLIVER, 11:16 pm: Kurt Angle’s retirement match is up next. JBL is the special announcer. Baron Corbin came out to crickets, but JBL said he’s a future world champion.
BOB KAPUR, 11:15pm. So, Alexa’s total contribution as host has been to conjure up Hulk Hogan for a lame opening promo (but thankfully free of racist rhetoric), delivered the SNL guys up to be molested by the Outsiders, and shilled some T-shirts. Great gig.
GREG OLIVER, 11:15 pm: Alexa Bliss hawked T-shirts saying Daniel Bryan is still the planet’s champion with the B-Team, and Ron Simmons’ game out with a “Damn!”
GREG OLIVER, 11:14 pm: Ric Flair came out and slipped Triple H a second sledgehammer, which he used on Batista for the win. Slow.
BOB KAPUR, 11:12pm. Even though Batista hadn’t competed for a few years, it’s just like riding a bike. Like really, really slowly riding a bike.
DALE PLUMMER, 11:09pm: At this rate are the women even going to have any time to main event?
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 11:08 pm: I’ve been to the last four Manias and with the exception of last year, the crowd has been dead silent for all of Triple H’s matches. This year is no different.
MATTHEW ASHER, 11:02 p.m. Watching the Triple H/Batista match with my coworker. Trying to figure out exactly when Batista and Hunter thought pulling Dave’s nose ring out would count as entertainment? We have Hunter coming out to a Mad Max theme and he’s gone Lord Humongous or the Toe Cutter more accurately by using these weapons.
BOB KAPUR, 11:03pm. How much better would this match have been if Jim Ross was calling it? Sorry, but Cole, Corey, and HBK brought no emotion whatsoever to the big table spots.
BOB KAPUR, 10:54am. E-C-Dub! E-C-Dub! Triple H “nose” how to deliver the punishment.
JOHN POWELL, 10:49: Batista’s back looks like a box of Crayolas exploded on it.
JOHN POWELL, 10:46: What was that? Mini Max? He needed to be Thanos.
DALE PLUMMER. 10:44pm: I think George Miller gonna sue somebody.
BOB KAPUR, 10:44pm. An old skeletal figure sitting on the back of a vintage dragster. That’s like Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies.
BOB KAPUR, 10:40pm. Batista has so much ink now that he doesn’t even need makeup to play Drax anymore. That belly tattoo probably seemed like a good idea at the time. It wasn’t.
GREG OLIVER, 10:34 pm: Batista against Triple H is next. It took forever, but Batista came out with a big motorcade befitting a Hollywood star. Triple H did a Mad Max Fury Road thing.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 10:33 pm: Biggest thing to come out of this … Maybe they actually ARE doing Angle-Corbin. Gulp.
BOB KAPUR, 10:29pm. Two things. First, John Cena looks about as young as he did when he first used the rapper gimmick. Second, they’re actually going to stick with Baron Corbin in the Kurt Angle match, which is terrible.
GREG OLIVER, 10:29 pm: They ran a Babe Ruth video, and then John Cena as the Doctor of Thuganomics came out.
BOB KAPUR, 10:27pm. After the baseball video, I was hoping they’d bring out Abe “Knuckleball” Schwartz – aka the Brooklyn Brawler. What a hometown reception he’d get!
JOHN POWELL, 10:26: These Elias musical interludes are a waste of time. What a way to kill momentum. Just put the guy in a match already. He should have been the new Honkytonk Man by now.
BOB KAPUR, 10:25pm. In the back, Vince is fuming because now they have to pay royalties to the White Stripes.
DALE PLUMMER, 10:25: Could it be said that Elias was just playing with himself?
BOB KAPUR, 10:22pm. Elias just stole Heath Slater’s “one man band” gimmick.
GREG OLIVER, 10:21 pm: Elias in pre-tapes, playing the drums, and piano, and then cutting to him live in the ring with his guitar. The projections of him on the other instruments are shown to the TV crowd at least.
BOB KAPUR, 10:18pm. Roman vs. Drew was about as good as can be expected. The crowd wasn’t heard too well on TV, I wonder if the Roman boo-birds were back and they tried to hide that?
GREG OLIVER, 10:18 pm: Roman Reigns beat McIntyre.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 10:17 pm: The fans in the upper deck have started doing the wave, in case you’re wondering what the commotion is.
JOHN POWELL, 10:05: Evil bagpipers for the win!
BOB KAPUR, 10:04pm. Drew comes out with a full pipe band – throwback to Roddy Piper’s introduction at the first Mania.
JOHN POWELL, 10:02: Batista’s new movie Stuber looks Stu-pid.
GREG OLIVER, 10:02 pm: Roman Reigns against Drew McIntyre coming up next.
BOB KAPUR, 9:57pm: Joe beat Rey in less time than their combined ring introductions.
GREG OLIVER, 9:57 pm: Blink and you miss it, Samoa Joe beat Rey Mysterio quick. They spent longer going around the world with all the international commentators.
BOB KAPUR, 9:54pm. They cut off the Hindi announcer midway through. Sure, but when they need help with their computers, they’ll be sorry. I’m the only one at SLAM! Wrestling who can get away with that one.
GREG OLIVER, 9:51 pm: Finding posts like this on Facebook or Twitter only enhance the moment. Here’s a note from Mike Bucci (who wrestled as Simon Dean and Nova): “My very first hire when I ran the Developmental System was Kofi Sarkodie-Mensah. He turned out to be the best hire I ever made. Congrats kid. You did it. The business got it right tonight.”
GREG OLIVER, 9:50 pm: Alexa Bliss makes only her second appearance as host, consoling the SNL guys, assuring them they are in good hands — Dr. Scott Hall and Dr. Kevin Nash.
BOB KAPUR, 9:44pm. That was stellar. Great match, perfect ending. Classic.
GREG OLIVER, 9:44 pm: Kofi did it! He beat Bryan. The New Day had the blinged-out WWE title under the cover to present to him — no eco-title for Kofi. He doesn’t care about the planet. Fireworks going off. The cynic in me thinks this is the one for the fans, and Charlotte Flair or Ronda Rousey will go over in the end, instead of Becky Lynch.
BOB KAPUR, 9:36pm. The evil looks Bryan keeps giving to the camera… brilliant. #WhatAHeel
BOB KAPUR, 9:29pm. They should show all the heels watching the TV in the other end of the building cheering on Daniel Bryan.
DALE PLUMMER, 9:21pm: I mean, there’s no way Kofi is winning, right? WWE isn’t that progressive.
BOB KAPUR, 9:19pm. An amazing show of support by the WWE Universe for Kofi. Even for a cynical, negative internet critic like me it’s hard not to appreciate his amazing journey to this point. JOHN POWELL, 9:17: Looks like they have a women’s unified title at ringside under that drape cover.
JOHN POWELL, 9:12: I want Kofi to lose just so I can witness the dumpster fire that is Twitter have a collective meltdown.
NOLAN HOWELL, 9:12 PM: Kofi vs. Bryan. This is going to create a reaction either way and I can’t wait.
GREG OLIVER, 9:16 pm: Kofi Kingston against Daniel Bryan next, and Bryan is the first champ to come in after the challenger.
DALE PLUMMER, 9:09pm: Nick Tylwalk can’t stand the IIconics, so of course they win the tag team title. And of course, I just laughed and laughed at him.
GREG OLIVER, 9:09 pm: The IIconics won the titles.
NOLAN HOWELL, 9:07 PM: The match was nothing to write home about, but an IIconic moment for the new champions and a breath of fresh air for the finish! Looking forward to that run.
JAMIE HEMMINGS, 9:06pm: There’s an old Sesame Street song about one of these things doesn’t belong here and for this match it’s Tamina.
JOHN POWELL, 9:06: Did Sasha just do a fourth move? Rewind that now. Yes! Boring Bayley and Static Sasha dethroned.
BOB KAPUR, 9:05pm. Paige just said that Eddie Guerrero is Peyton Royce’s inspiration. Eddie Guerrero is like, “Hey, esse, don’t blame this on me.”
GREG OLIVER, 9:02 pm: Then I realized the Oliver 3:16 sign was probably for John Oliver, and not me …
BOB KAPUR, 8:59pm. Yeesh, a lot of sloppiness in this match. Some of these moves have been executed with the grace of a toddler unfolding a lawn chair. Let’s just have one of Beth or Nattie in there at all times, so they can direct traffic and control the pace.
DALE PLUMMER, 8:56pm: Is that the same guy every year with the “Vancouver for Wrestlemania” sign? If so, that’s dedication.
BOB KAPUR, 8:52pm. Paige: I never thought I’d see a women’s tag team championship. Jumping Bomb Angels: Hold our beers.
DALE PLUMMER, 8:50pm: Greg, I didn’t realize you had such a big following. Or was the guy with the “Oliver 3:16” sign family?
BOB KAPUR, 8:51pm. The commentators were just talking about the Tube Men not being fully inflated. Bobby Heenan would have said something like “This is New York, maybe they got shot.” I miss the Brain.
JOHN POWELL, 8:50: Oh, no. Rene Cyborg Young is back. I thought she powered down. WWE stop handing out those printed cards in the audience on the hard camera side. They are so obviously planted. Ugh.
DON DAVIES. 8:50pm. Oh wow. Gary Vanderchuk was front row behind Paige and Michael Cole.
GREG OLIVER, 8:49 pm: Paige is out for commentary, joining Michael Cole and Renee Young, for the women’s tag team title bout. All evening, the champs have come out first.
NOLAN HOWELL, 8:47 PM: Shane McMahon WrestleMania moments never fail to amaze.
JOHN POWELL, 8:46: Now that’s a superplex!
BOB KAPUR, 8:45pm. Back in the day, with my LJN wrestling figures, I had Big John Studd beat Hulk Hogan for the championship by pinning him in the same way as Shane pinned Miz after a superplex from the top of the steel cage. I want royalties for that finish.
GREG OLIVER, 8:45 pm: The Miz suplexed Shane McMahon off a scaffold onto a stage that collapsed, and the ref counted McMahon as the winner, since he landed on top of The Miz. Big bump for sure, entertaining, but really silly to have Miz’s father jump the barrier a day after a fan does the same thing and gets the @#*(^@ beat out of him.
JOHN POWELL, 8:42: A scaffold? Where are The Road Warriors and the Midnight Express?
BOB KAPUR, 8:40pm. What a great bump by Shane, but Miz can only get the 2-count. Better get the kryptonite, because nothing else is putting him down.
GREG OLIVER, 8:39 pm: “Oliver 3:16” is my favourite sign ever. I believe it refers to how I just wrote a good sentence.
BOB KAPUR, 8:38pm. Miz just whacked Shane repeatedly in the leg with a chair. while Shane is scrambling to get away. And Miz is the good guy?
NOLAN HOWELL, 8:37 PM: This hasn’t been pretty, yet it totally works for a match like this. I’m loving it.
JOHN POWELL, 8:35: A Falls Count Anywhere match yet they are fighting in and around the ring. Ugh.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 8:32 pm: Miz is currently being attended to by the doctors at the announce table. I believe he’s been busted open.
BOB KAPUR, 8:32pm. Hey, a crazy fan just ran into the ring, shades of the Hall of Fame incident. Good for Shane for beating him up.
JOHN POWELL, 8:30: Shane is gonna make some mashed potatoes out of Mr. Miz.
BOB KAPUR, 8:30pm. People can knock Shane all they want, but that leap over the barricade was pretty darn impressive. #BestInTheWorld
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 8:28 pm: Shane McMahon is wearing a dark jersey. That’s how you KNOW he’s a bad guy.
GREG OLIVER, 8:24 pm: That Miz-Shane McMahon recap was almost as long as Cesaro spun Ricochet for.
NOLAN HOWELL, 8:23 PM: Decent Hall of Fame segment, though they went to video package right before Bret and HBK were about to shake hands. Miz and Shane O’Mac next in what might be a dark horse for a great match if they get wild enough.
JOHN POWELL, 8:23: I wonder if Daddy Potato Face will be there tonight. Heh. Heh.
BOB KAPUR, 8:22pm. How come the line “my father can beat up your father” never came up in this feud? Though, you have to think that Vince would wipe the floor with Miz’ dad.
BOB KAPUR, 8:19pm. DX’s music might be the best theme song of all time. Even hearing it now, I’m throwing crotch chops in my basement.
GREG OLIVER, 8:17 pm: No one thought, Hmm, maybe we shouldn’t out the rude, crude D-Generation X on right after introducing the awesome human being Sue Atchison (Warrior Award winner) with a Make-A-Wish kid? Talk about an odd juxtaposition.
GREG OLIVER, 8:16 pm: They just finished the WWE Hall of Fame recap, and introducing the inductees. Oddly, no mention of a crazed fan jumping Bret Hart.
JAN MURPHY, AT MANIA IN THE PRESS BOX, 8:16 pm: The traditional food report from the press box: Chicken fingers, hot dogs, fries, salad, ribs, some spinach dip, breadsticks. Dessert cookies and some mini cheesecakes.
BOB KAPUR, 8:11pm. See, Young Bucks? That’s how you can have a match with lots of superkicks, but they actually look good and not cartoonish.
GREG OLIVER, 8:11 pm: Usos do their double jump onto Sheamus to score the pin and keep the Smackdown tag titles.
BOB KAPUR, 8:07pm. If they win, I propose Nakamura and Rusev come up with an actual team name. Nakamusev, anyone?
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 8:05 pm: Ricochet’s kids are going to be dizzy!
BOB KAPUR, 8:05pm. Cesaro could probably keep the swing going until WrestleMania 36.
JOHN POWELL, 8:01: So great to see Black at WrestleMania. He is the future of the WWE. “I do the things you never could and we won’t ever be equal.”
DALE PLUMMER, 8:00: Sorry for the lack of contributions, but the pizza arrived, and seeing as the last match was Smackdown, I was like, you know, doing my job.
BOB KAPUR, 7:59pm. My buddy and his son just arrived at Chez Kapur (perfect timing, as they were in transit for Orton’s match). His son is watching his first WrestleMania ever.

Another shot of the annoying lights, taken from Twitter.
NOLAN HOWELL, 8:00 PM: I don’t think this tag match will be bad, just depends on how long it goes. Either way, a bit of a slow stretch after the hot start.
GREG OLIVER, 7:55 pm: The Smackdown tag titles are on the line next, and the Usos came out first, followed by The Bar, and then Shinsuke Nakamura on his own in a red flasher outfit, followed by Rusev, and then finally Ricochet (on his own) and Aleister Black (on his own).
GREG OLIVER, 7:53 pm: Lacey Evans came out and then left. Why?
JOHN POWELL, 7:50: Apparently the yellow lights are blinding some people in the stadium. That is why they are booing. The WrestleMania booking is like old school WrestleMania booking.
GREG OLIVER, 7:50 pm: Styles beat Orton.
PAT LAPRADE, AT MANIA, 7:49 pm: This is why fans are chanting about the lights. #WresteMania35

Can you see the light?
BOB KAPUR, 7:44pm. His dad did it better. #CowboyBob #Ace
BOB KAPUR, 7:43pm. I had set up a GoFundMe to raise enough money to pay Randy Orton to leave wrestling for good. Unfortunately, we fell short of our goal of $1 million by exactly $1 million. So to all of you who didn’t contribute, this is all your fault.
NOLAN HOWELL, 7:41 PM: This was my expected disappointment of the card. Styles has sort of lost his magic after an initial hot run and Orton is who he is at this point. Been rather lackluster and the crowd is a big tell.
JOHN POWELL, 7:41: Do these announcers ever shut up? You don’t need to fill every, single silence.
JAMIE HEMMINGS, 7:40pm: Fun fact: Styles and I have the same hair style!
GREG OLIVER, 7:38 pm: Says Mr. Front Row in Tie-Dye himself, Bloodthirsty Bob Kapur! I DID see Ata Maivia there … and we KNOW she can afford tickets since her son has done okay for himself. But it also likely means that Nia Jax’s bout will be on early and then she’ll be out of that primo spot.
BOB KAPUR, 7:37pm. Looking at that front row, you have to wonder how any of those guys can afford those seats. It certainly wasn’t from their modelling careers. Just saying.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 7:32 pm: Another “turn the light off” chant from the crowd toward WWE, who insists on blasting bright lights directly at the crowd and distract from their own matches.
JOHN POWELL, 7:33: Bob? What happened to that Orton petition? Orton versus Styles? Why am I seeing this?
BOB KAPUR, 7:31pm. Yeah, I guess the best way to follow up an exciting upbeat moment like Seth’s title win is to bore people back to normal with a Randy Orton match. AJ Styles is going to earn his money tonight if he can make Orton interesting.
JOHN POWELL, 7:30: So an atomic low blow wins the title after all Lesnar has faced from other foes? Very, very lame. Not a good start to the show.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 7:32 pm: Referees trying now to wipe up all of Lesnar’s sweat from the ring. He left a big wet spot where he laid forever.
GREG OLIVER, 7:30 pm: Second bout is AJ Styles against Randy Orton. Styles is out first.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 7:30 pm: Brock Lesnar taking his time in the ring after the match, seemingly taking in the moment.
BOB KAPUR, 7:27pm. So, what does that mean for Brock? Does he stay with WWE and continue the story? Or is he really gone this time? Monday Night RAW is going to be pretty interesting.
NOLAN HOWELL, 7:26 PM: WOW! Lesnar loses and probably goes to the UFC for a final fight. What a hot moment to start the show.
JOHN POWELL, 7:26: Well, that was a whole lot of nothing. Flop and fail!
GREG OLIVER, 7:26 pm: Three curb stomps and Lesnar is done, and Seth Rollins is the new Universal champion.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 7:25 pm: Some of the crowd turning on Lesnar with a “same old stuff” chant.
JOHN POWELL, 7:24: Kill him dead, Brock!
NOLAN HOWELL, 7:23 PM: Already one of Lesnar’s best WrestleMania performances in recent memory and the match only just started.
DALE PLUMMER, 7:22: The German announcer just took a bump!
BOB KAPUR, 7:22pm. The German announcer just got blitzed. Somewhere the Spanish commentary team are smiling. #Shadenfreude
JOHN POWELL, 7:21: Rollins is flying to more destinations than Air Canada does. 🙂
BOB KAPUR, 7:15pm. Well, that’s a big FU to the “purists” who were outraged that the world title match isn’t the main event. Love it. A great way to kick off the PPV, and completely lets the women’s main event not be overshadowed.
JOHN POWELL, 7:15: Vince really has no faith in the main event, does he? Wow.
DALE PLUMMER, 7:15: WOW! Who had Lesnar with the opening match?
GREG OLIVER, 7:15 pm: Paul Heyman came out and demanded Lesnar go on immediately — since he wasn’t in the main event — since they had to go to Las Vegas where he is “ultimately” appreciated. So it’s Lesnar against Seth Rollins right at the start.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 7:14 pm: Paul Heyman??? Oh wow.
BOB KAPUR, 7:13pm. Heyman on the mic is bigger than a Hogan appearance.
JOHN POWELL, 7:13: Pukeamania is dead!
BOB KAPUR, 7:12 pm. Hogan at least got the building name right. No Superdome, Silverdome confusion.
DALE PLUMMER, 7:11: I’m not even going to waste my breath booing this guy. Hogan needs to go.
JAMIE HEMMINGS, 7:10pm: It’s not officially WrestleMania until I see the “Vancouver for WrestleMania” sign each year
JOHN POWELL, 7:09: Love the Vancouver for WrestleMania sign.
GREG OLIVER, 7:09 pm: Alexa Bliss, as host, is out first. She snapped her finger and out came Hulk Hogan!
NOLAN HOWELL, 7:07 PM: Not one of my favorite Mania video packages. Pretty basic.
GREG OLIVER, 7:07 pm: Video had some Shakespeare and “we are the storytellers” repeated often. A good place to plug my next book! The Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame: The Storytellers, out in August.
BOB KAPUR, 7:04pm. If Shane McMahon doesn’t do a giant leap from one of those helicopters, then I’m going to be really disappointed. #ChekovsGun
JOHN POWELL, 7:04: HHH should have parachuted from one of those copters.:)
GREG OLIVER, 7:03 pm: America the Beautiful, and then some helicopters … which seemed weird … but then there were fireworks in the air once they left the air space above the stadium. … cool opening video.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 6:58 pm: I’ve got my money on The Miz and Shane McMahon to open the show.
GREG OLIVER, 6:57 pm: When they listed people who main evented WrestleMania, they didn’t say Lawrence Taylor, and they are in Giants territory. And, no surprise, no mention of Chris Jericho either.
JAMIE HEMMINGS, 6:53pm: Very worried Ali is going to lose an eye. That suplex elimination was ugly.
DALE PLUMMER, 6:52. Nick Tylwalk has finally arrived as Casa de Plummer.
BOB KAPUR, 6:51pm. Hey, Sam Roberts! Ay-kay abe-fay on Andrade’s otch-bay! Nice cover by Booker T. Somewhere, Vince McMahon is seething.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 6:51 pm: Ali just got up after Strowman lifted the trophy and is being helped to the back mostly under his own power.
GREG OLIVER, 6:49 pm: Braun Strowman won, but when you beat Saturday Night Live actors at the end, does it really count?
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 6:47 pm: Ali appears to be hurt. He is still down after his elimination with three doctors attending to him with a towel over him. That was nasty.
BOB KAPUR, 6:47pm. Why wouldn’t they just bring back Dr. Shelby? At least he has history with WWE.
GREG OLIVER, 6:46 pm: I don’t know who this SNL guy is, but he has a Cleveland Browns jersey on (#13 Odell Beckman Jr., to troll the Giants fans), so he’s gold.
GREG OLIVER, 6:46 pm: SNL guys just came out from under the ring. Strowman sent out the Hardys.
BOB KAPUR, 6:44pm. Wow! Harper has Ali up for a suplex on the apron, and Braun kicks him in the face, so he falls while still holding Ali vertically. So much potential for disaster with that spot – thankfully, all appear to be unharmed. Scary.
GREG OLIVER, 6:43 pm: Big spot – Strowman knocked Luke Harper, who was suplexing Ali, out of the ring. Andrade, Crews, both Hardys and Strowman left.
BOB KAPUR, 6:41pm. Did anyone think he really had a chance? No way, Jose.
NOLAN HOWELL, 6:40 PM: The Weekend Update guys have got to be bottom of the barrel as far as Mania celebrities go, right?
BOB KAPUR, 6:38pm. What happened to Braun’s straps? We’re not going to be treated with the inevitable nipple slip now.
JOHN POWELL, 6:36: The extended version of the Hardy Boys theme song. They arrived in the ring 10 mins ago.
JAMIE HEMMINGS, 6:39pm: How come the men’s battle royal trophy doesn’t have giant testicles on it? Yes I’m still fixating on the Fallopian tube trophy.
GREG OLIVER, 6:35 pm: Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal up next.
JAMIE HEMMINGS, 6:35pm: I despise celebrities being in wrestling matches. Keep it old school and let them ring the bell instead.
JOHN POWELL, 6:30: Renee Young is gone but now David Otunga? What are doing to me WWE?
BOB KAPUR, 6:26pm. Hmmm… Carmella wins the battle royal, and now Hawkins and Ryder win the tag belts. My guess is they’re front-loading the show with hometown winners to service the NJ/NY crowd, only to counterbalance that with a bunch of heel wins later on. Sorry, Kofi.
GREG OLIVER, 6:24 pm: American Ninja Warrior being pimped now. Sigh. Way to focus on the tag title change.
DALE PLUMMER, 6:24. I don’t dive into the WWE Network enough, but the other day I discovered that Ryder and Hawkins have a show where they buy collectible toys. After watching 3 of the 4 episodes I can say that Ryder has a problem.
NOLAN HOWELL, 6:28 PM: The Streak is over!
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 6:27 pm: The streak is over! The streak is over!
GREG OLIVER, 6:24 pm: Ryder and Hawkins won the Raw tag titles, Hawkins finally a winner.
JAN MURPHY, AT MANIA, 6:25 pm: Huge props to MetLife Stadium and WWE for the security efforts here today. No one got in this building without passing bomb-sniffing dogs, through a metal detector and the police presence is off the charts. I’ve never felt safer.
GREG OLIVER, 6:18 pm: For all my friends in the Maritimes, the ref looks like a younger Frank Parker, R.I.P., especially with the slicked back hair.
GREG OLIVER, 6:16 pm: Jan Murphy interviewed the Revival on Friday, and may I say, having read the transcript, I like them more. Story some time in the coming days.

Meet Audrey. Her favourite wrestler of all time? Ernie “The Cat” Ladd, naturally.
JOHN POWELL, 6:14: Laughing at Rene v 2.0 accusing Corey of not having a soul.
BOB KAPUR, 6:14pm. Curt Hawkins looks like he dug out an old Spirit Squad uniform. And look where those guys are now.
GREG OLIVER, 6:14 pm: Just want to brag … my wife made some amazing butter chicken for dinner.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 6:12 pm: It’s been a day of local wins here, with both Tony Nese and Carmella winning — can Zack Ruder and Curt Hawkins keep it going?
NOLAN HOWELL, 6:12 PM: Ryder and Hawkins? That’s a throwback of a team!
BOB KAPUR, 6:09pm. Really, do we need Michael Cole and Sam Roberts trash-talking one another? Seriously, why not just whip out your microphones and measure them?
JOHN POWELL, 6:08: Even Audrey the cat is excited about WrestleMania.
GREG OLIVER, 5:54 pm: Raw tag team title match is the next on the pre-show. Revival out first.
MATT BISHOP, AT MANIA, 6:10 pm: Let me tell you … I’m glad I didn’t walk out of my hotel room in shorts and a T-shirt like I was planning. A bright, warm sunny day in NYC has turned into a brisk, cloudy evening in New Jersey. The wind has been picking up on and off, which definitely leaves a chill.

Matt Bishop’s sightline.
JOHN POWELL, 5:58: Bradshaw thinks people will be talking about the main event 20 years from now? Methinks he has taken one too many head butts.
JOHN POWELL, 5;55: Yes, WWE. Keep burying boring Asuka. Someone please turn off Renee Young’s microphone. Thanks.
NOLAN HOWELL, 5:55 PM: Against all odds, fun battle royal!
DALE PLUMMER, 5:54pm. I was shocked that Sarah Logan won, but didn’t realize that Carmella was never eliminated. I hope people that bet Lacey Evans get their money back.
BOB KAPUR, 5:54pm. OK, that might not ever be considered a classic Mania match, but the women’s battle royal was pretty fun.
GREG OLIVER, 5:54 pm: Carmella superkicked Sarah Logan who was on the apron for the win.
GREG OLIVER, 5:53 pm: Carmella was outside, sneaky. Sarah Logan versus Carmella is last.
JAMIE HEMMINGS, 5:52 pm: So I guess WWE is not taking the suggestion to rename this the Chyna Memorial Women’s Battle Royal. We’re never getting a better trophy.
GREG OLIVER, 5:52 pm: Last three, Asuka, Sonya DeVille, and Sarah Logan.
BOB KAPUR, 5:50pm. That may have been the first “Dana Brooke” chant ever.
JOHN POWELL, 5:50: Lana booted Ember Moon? Too funny. Dana Brooke chants? Are you serious? Dana throws herself out? Botchamania.
DON DAVIES, 5:50pm. I didn’t realize how bad Lana was until she was out there with all the other women.
BOB KAPUR, 5:45pm. Correction… she KIND OF hit an Eclipse on Lana.
GREG OLIVER, 5:45 pm: Lana has a great Wonder Woman outfit. Naomi got eliminated. Ember Moon did a highspot.
DALE PLUMMER, 5:45. So only Naomi and Asuka get entrances for the Women’s Battle Royal. In other news, off shore betting sites had Lacey Evans at 1-1 to win this thing. I don’t even see her in the ring. Although, I guess she could come out in the middle of this thing.
JOHN POWELL, 5:44: Asuka and Naomi get entrances but nobody else does? I am so over Asuka who hasn’t changed or evolved since being called up to the main roster. Here is the robotic call by Rene Young v 2.0
GREG OLIVER, 5:44 pm: Nikki Cross acting wild. Maria Kanellis out first after running a lot.
JAMIE HEMMINGS, 5:43 pm: They are still going with the Fallopian tube trophy for the women’s battle royal?
GREG OLIVER, 5:42 pm: I lied. A ton of them went down at once. Naomi got an entrance, and Asuka.
GREG OLIVER, 5:41 pm: Women’s battle royal is up next. No entrances for anyone, they all just went down the ramp.
GREG OLIVER, 5:40 pm: They brought Lawler up to crack jokes with the panel. The jokes were straight out of the 1950s.
BOB KAPUR, 5:38pm. Jerry Lawler pulling material out of the Henny Youngman jokebook. I guess in the Womens Revolution era, his calls for “puppies” wouldn’t be too well-received?
JOHN POWELL, 5:36: Great win for the Premiere Athlete! What’s with dude’s shorts?
BOB KAPUR, 5:35pm. Love the Impractical Jokers! Would much rather have them involved on the show than the SNL guys.
GREG OLIVER, 5:36 pm: What is Impractical Jokers? Never heard of this show. Don’t care. Weird choice for talking heads. And having heard from them, I care even less.
NOLAN HOWELL, 5:35 PM: Can’t ask for a better opener. Nese gets the win and cruiserweight title from Murphy. Intense match!
GREG OLIVER, 5:34 pm: Nese won in a good, back and forth match. Unfortunately you knew it wouldn’t be a pin when the announcers said it was “all over!”
JOHN POWELL, 5:25 pm: Pizza mystery. Why is a circular pizza packaged in a square box?
GREG OLIVER, 5:22 pm: Blood! Just above Buddy Murphy’s eye.
DALE PLUMMER, 5:24. What kind of message is WWE sending when they go to a split screen to air a Wrestlemania promo during the Cruiserweight title match? If they don’t care, why should we?
BOB KAPUR, 5:22pm. With respect to abs, Tony Nese has an 8-pack. Pffft… I have a full keg.
JOHN POWELL: You would think WWE could splurge on fireworks for Mania. Sigh. Welcome to The Big Show Tony Nese!
DALE PLUMMER, 5:22pm. I saw Buddy Murphy take on Tony Nese last Sunday in Hershey. People used it as the bathroom break match. What are we going to do now that it has kicked off the show?
GREG OLIVER, 5:22 pm: Buddy Murphy against hometown boy Tony Nese for the Cruiserweight title is the first bout.
JOHN POWELL: Can WM live up to NXT’s amazing Takeover show or NJPW/ROH’s phenomenal G1 show? We shall see. Stay tuned.
GREG OLIVER, 5:17 pm: There will be plenty of changes of announcers through the night. Jerry Lawler is scheduled to do at least one match, and Paige said she was calling one, and JBL will cover the Kurt Angle retirement.
DALE PLUMMER, 5:15. I hope everyone has a comfortable seat. I predict this show goes to almost midnight.
Nolan Howell, 5:15 PM: Will Coach’s bowtie or the preshow notes blow away first?
DON DAVIES, 5:14. As much as I wanted to attend Wrestlemania today, I’m happy to watch it from my couch so that I don’t have to sit in an uncomfortable chair for 7 hours.
GREG OLIVER, 5:14 pm: Alexa Bliss did not look comfortable hosting her Moment of Bliss, and it looked pre-taped.
BOB KAPUR, 5:13pm. Speaking of Doink, Alexa is wearing way too much make-up. She looks so much better with the natural look, IMO.

Jan Murphy’s spot in the media box to cover for the entire Postmedia chain.
DALE PLUMMER, 5:10pm. Did no one tell pat McAfee that he wasn’t going to behind a desk?
BOB KAPUR, 5:07pm. Did Pat McAfee forget his pants? Was that a dress? Perry Saturn would be proud.
MATT BISHOP, 5:06 p.m. – I have to say, even though the area around MetLife Stadium is a total dump, the stadium is really nice! It was also significantly easier to get into the stadium than it was in Dallas, Orlando or New Orleans the last three years.
GREG OLIVER, 5:02 pm: Jonathan Coachman, JBL, Paige and Sam Roberts are the pre-show hosts.
BOB KAPUR, 5:01pm. Sam Roberts’ head looks like he’s wearing a Doink the Clown frightwig. On a related note, remember when Sy Sperling appeared at WrestleMania that one time?
DALE PLUMMER, 5:01pm. Who’s ready for 7 plus hours of wrestling! Let’s do this!
Nolan Howell, 5:00 PM, from the couch: I don’t have the WrestleMania tuxedo on, but I’m ready to go nonetheless.
JOHN POWELL: Netflix on for the wife. Pizza ordered. Pop chilling in the fridge. Snacks ready to go in the oven. Let’s do this thing!
BOB KAPUR, 4:56pm. OK. Time to down a couple of Red Bulls… this is gonna be a long night.
The WWE Hall of Fame was a talking point too, from the meathead who rushed Bret Hart, to the speeches … and the couples.
JOHN POWELL: Curious thing about last night’s WWE Hall of Fame red carpet. Charlotte Flair and Andrade are a thing? Who knew?
GREG OLIVER: And that’s the ONE couple that Ricky Havlik didn’t seem to get for our gallery!
GREG OLIVER: Good to see some of our SLAM! Wrestling folks have made it to the building.

George Tahinos in the parking lot.

Jan Murphy, Ricky Havlik and Steve Argintaru.

Betrand Hebert’s seat.