What red-blooded male hasn’t wanted to get a peek at what goes on at a girls’ pajama party? If the movies are to be believed, the night consists of sexy girls, possibly drunk, wearing very little, and engaging in risqué party games until the wee hours of the morning. Kayfabe Commentaries provides such a glimpse on their recent DVD release called Missy Hyatt’s Pajama Party.

The video is essentially a shoot interview done in slumber party format, with Missy Hyatt joined by current TNA Knockout Lacey Von Erich and independent wrestler Amy Lee. Decked out in skimpy lingerie on a pink bed, the three women dish on a number of topics — well, mainly wrestling and sex — with the occasional game thrown in for good measure. The interview is very open, with seemingly no topic considered taboo. While some critics may be tempted to dismiss this as low-rent sleaze, there are actually some pretty interesting moments.

Those moments generally involve the segments where Missy interviews Lacey one-on-one. Lacey tells some stories about growing up in the industry, and shares memories about her father, Kerry Von Erich, her grandfather, the legendary Fritz Von Erich, and other names from World Class Championship Wrestling’s heyday.

She also discusses her career up to that point. Evidently, the DVD was filmed either before Lacey joined TNA or very shortly thereafter, since she doesn’t mention the company, and her comments about WWE suggest it was shortly after she was released from her developmental contract. Contrary to the way she’s portrayed on TV, Von Erich comes across as quite intelligent and grounded during these moments — you end up genuinely liking her as a result.

The other segments range from fun and goofy to tawdry, with Lee joining in on the girl talk and party games. They talk about other indy wrestlers, sharing opinions both favourable and not. They gossip about sex, and play games like Truth or Dare and F-Marry-Kill. Some other fun moments include them making prank phone calls to Dawn Marie and The Honky Tonk Man, and having a “Big O” competition.

The DVD certainly won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. Anyone looking for a serious documentary or an in-depth shoot interview is recommended to look elsewhere. But for wrestling fans who are looking for a quirky diversion, or simply want to look at women in skimpy clothing and talking dirty, Missy Hyatt’s Pajama Party is just the ticket.