DETROIT — Dixie Carter, the president of TNA, is in the equivalent position to Vince McMahon in the WWE. Would you ever see McMahon walking around the crowd before a major PPV shaking hands and taking photos with fans?

That is exactly what Carter did before TNA’s biggest show to date, Sunday’s Bound for Glory PPV from the Compuware Arena in Plymouth, Mich.

And she wasn’t quiet about it. She was announced as she walked through the crowd, and she was swarmed by fans. She was like one of the wrestlers that work for her.

Although very busy, Carter was able to find time to talk to SLAM! Wrestling about Kurt Angle, the PPV and the future of TNA.

Kurt Angle recently signed a contract with TNA making it the largest signing by the organization to date. It’s too early to tell what impact he will play, but Carter was optimistic and excited about the possibilities.

“I think (signing Angle) means everything to TNA,” Carter explained. “I compare him to a franchise quarterback. He will raise the level of everything within the company.”

Before TNA signed Angle, it was heavily rumored he was near a contract with a Mixed Martial Arts organization. His signing would shut out that possibility, but it appears TNA is being very accommodating to Angle.

“I am going to leave everything open. If that is his interest, we will support him.”

Did she think that he would venture into MMA? “Angle signed with TNA because he loves wrestling. That is his first priority and love.”

The future of TNA seemed hopeful for Carter with many changes and new ventures happening recently. She pointed to a 9 p.m. timeslot on Spike TV (starting on November 16) as being a big change for TNA.

“This is huge for us. The earlier time brings great possibilities for the fans to see us.”

And Carter wanted to see the fans. She was walking around the main ballroom at Saturday’s FanFest. She was in as many photos and signed as many autographs as the wrestlers in attendance.

Bound for Glory was TNA’s first monthly PPV held outside Orlando, Fla. It was a true test for the future and changes that TNA is trying to make.

“This is huge. I had butterflies when I flew into Detroit. The fans came, they paid to see TNA and there is a World Series taking place in the same town.”

You see that not only does Carter take pride in her organization but she takes pride in her fans. She realizes the fans make or break you, and you have to listen to what they want.

She was pleased to see 4,500 fans showed up for the event, making it the largest crowd in the five-year history of the organization.

As she looked around she commented, “It blows me away.”