Tag: Media policy

Mat Matters: An open letter to WWFE

Sports Entertainment sure is ‘big business’. Nowhere is it more readily evident than in the WWF’s head offices where decisions are made which directly affect the marketplace, the fans and the news media. Though...

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Slam Poll

Which match do you most want to see during Cena's retirement tour?


Jul 20: TNA Slammiversary
Aug 3: WWE SummerSlam
Aug 25: AEW All In
Aug 31: WWE Bash in Berlin
Aug 31: MLW Gold Rush Night 1
Sep 1: MLW Gold Rush Night 2
Sep 1: NXT No Mercy
Sep 1: AEW All Out
Oct 5: WWE Bad Blood
Oct 12: AEW WrestleDream
Oct 27: NXT Hallowe’en Havoc
Nov 23: AEW Full Gear
Dec 28: AEW Worlds End