John Cena opened Raw tonight with another rant ripping fans who he says abused him in what he calls a “toxic relationship”.

A stoic Cena came out to massive chants of : “John Cena sucks! John Cena sucks!”.

“Is there something on your mind? It seems like you have something you want to say to me,” asked Cena in the middle of the ring as the crowd continued chanting.

Cena spoke about how he has turned the tables on the WWE Universe.

“I have turned the spotlight on you and now you know that I can pick apart any one of you random ticket holders and rip you to shreds right now! You know that no one is safe! Last week, I put a clueless kid on blast. His poor, pathetic face was everywhere. WWE posted it and you all loved it! I am the one guy who actually always tells the truth. You are the ones who love to watch and re-watch and meme a poor, defenseless little kid getting destroyed. I don’t need to single out anyone here because you are all horrible people!” he said.

“For 25 years, I have listened to your lies and your noise but I didn’t waste that time being mean, like you. No, I paid attention. While you were chanting profanity at the top of your lungs I’ve been paying attention. I’ve been learning from you, quizzing you, studying you, testing you, prodding you, rewarding you for playing along with your stupid, childish, curse-ridden nursery rhymes. In doing so you have told me every single thing about you. You know nothing about me. I know more about you than you. The truth is your life is sad because this is the best it’s going to get. This is all you have. But to me, you have been nothing more than an experiment. You have been rats in a cage,” he continued ranting.

Cena then explained that he was amused that the fanbase flipped out when he created the ‘spinner’ championship belt design for his title reign.

“You all told me loud and clear how stupid I was because I changed your championship into a toy and the championship is not a toy. The championship is a symbol of the center of all this and the toy belt I made for you disrespected tradition and disrespected your legacy,” he said.

Cena then revealed his revenge plan.

“Listen closely, because that was the biggest mistake you ever made in that one single moment you were vulnerable enough to actually tell you what means the most to you in this life and now that I know that I am going to ruin wrestling. I am going to ruin wrestling for every fan, for every wrestler for everyone. At WrestleMania I will make history by winning a 17th championship and I finally force you to forget the name of the fun machine, jet-flying Ric Flair. You will forever say the name: John Cena. I’m going to win that championship, the center of every superstar of this entire business, of every fan in this building, I will win that championship and retire with it. I am taking it home with me and leaving all of you to create a brand new toy belt because the real one comes home with me. I will be the last REAL champion in WWE. Revenge is best served cold and I pay you back by ripping your heart out and forcing you to watch as I just walk away with your memories with your traditions and your dreams and there is nothing you can do to stop me,” he said.

The WWE Undisputed Champion, Cody Rhodes, had heard enough and came to the ring.

“I’m sorry. What did you say? You said you were going to take THIS away from THEM. Don’t you think you need to take it away from me first?…The mistake (you made) was saying what you just said in front of these lovely people while I was in the building,” said Cody.

He then laid down the belt between them and dared Cena to take it, now.

Cena blew on his knuckles, appeared ready to fight and then walked away.