Vengeance Day Pre-Show
- Cory Graves interviews Bayley. She reminisces about her time about NXT and her return. When she was rehabbing she got to know a lot of the superstars and feels obliged to give back.
- Axiom and Nathan Frazer chat in a ring backstage. They review their formation as a tag team. They wonder how they would do against main roster team? They want to take this ride as far as they can go.
- A-Town Down Under is interviewed by Sarah Schreiber. They go over how important NXT was to their careers. Waller celebrates taking Johnny Gargano out. Theory reminds him that he was in The Way at the time. Waller brushes that off. It is in the past. They have come back to NXT to teach Femi a lesson in what stardom really is.
Vengeance Day Main Show
Fallon Henley vs. Stephanie Vaquer – NXT Women’s North American Championship match
Jaida Parker is in the audience looking on as is Kelani Jordan and Karmen Petrovic. The crowd is loudly cheering for Vaquer. The rest of Fatal Influence is at ringside. Vaquer puts Henley in a crossface. Henley makes it to the ropes. Henley is about to have her head smashed into the canvas by Vaquer. She rolls to the ropes to put an end to that. Henley puts Vaquer in an arm bar. Vaquer flips that into an attempted pinfall.
Henley drop kicks Vaquer off the ropes. She falls to the floor. Jazmyn Nyx distracts the official by leaping up on the apron. Jacy Jayne hits Vaquer with a kick to the face and then rolls her back into the ring.
Henley takes over choking Vaquer over the ropes again and again.
“Yee-haw, baby!” shouts Henley.
A blockbuster off the second rope almost pins Vaquer. Henley pulls Vaquer down to the canvass with her hair. Vaquer does the same back. 6:19, high cross body off the top rope, a bellyt0-back suplex primes Henley to have her head slammed into the canvass by Vaquer for a two count.
Vaquer hits a dragon screw while Henley is stuck in the ropes. A meteora stuns Henley. Jayne punches Vaquer through the ropes. Vaquer kicks out at two. Vaquer punches Henley off the ropes. Henley falls to the floor. Vaquer slams Henley’s head into a steel post. She ducks a punch by Jayne, clotheslines Nyx and then takes care of both women with super kicks.
Vaquer spikes Henley on the apron. She leaps off the top rope onto all of Fatal Influence on the floor. Vaquer hits the SVB and pins Henley with her corkscrew flip off the top rope.
Winner: …and new NXT Women’s North American Champion…Stephanie Vaquer.
Rating: 7.5 / 10
Sol Ruca and Zaria train on the beach with varied comedic results.
Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura – NXT Tag Team Championship match
Briggs comes to the ring with a smoking skull on one shoulder of his vest. Pretty cool that. Frazer and Axiom double team Inamura and then Briggs. Axiom clotheslines him in the back of the head and Axiom DDTs him. A chop from Inamura knocks Axiom off his feet. Briggs chokeslams Axiom on Inamura’s knee for a two count.
Inamura lights up Axiom with combination punches and chops in a corner. They get into a chop for chop battle. Inamura puts his arms behind his back. Axiom gives him a Golden Ration super kick instead. Frazer hot tag in tagging both Briggs and Axiom. Axiom splashes Briggs from the top rope. Frazer gets a springboard leg drop off the ropes for a two count.
Briggs catches Axiom in the air and gives him a backbreaker. Axiom catches Inamura on the top rope with a kick and a Spanish Fly from the top rope. Briggs chokeslams Frazer onto Axiom from the top rope.
Inamura pounces Axiom into a corner. Inamura picks him up and starts spinning him around. Frazer leaps onto Inamura’s back with a sleeper hold. Inamura fights it off spinning both men round and round. He slams Frazer onto Axiom for a two count.
Axiom moonsaults Briggs on the floor. As Frazer holds him in place, Axiom missile drop kicks Inamura from the top rope as Frazer hits him low for the 1, 2, 3.
Everyone shakes hands in the middle of the ring. Four hooded, masked wrestlers attack. They are the ones from the various promos on NXT lately. Inamura is put through a barricade. Axiom and Frazer are heaved into each other. Briggs is taken out too.
The crowd chants…Who are you? Who are you?
Saquon Shugars, Cutler James, Dion Lennox and Joshua Black scamper off.
Winners: …and still NXT Tag Team Champions, Nathan Frazer & Axiom.
Rating: 8 / 10
Stacks sitting in an Italian restaurant talking to someone while seated at a table about what happened to The Family on NXT. He especially goes off on Izzy Dame for her betrayal. Stacks isn’t sure when Tony will be back after taking that tire iron to the knee.
“Spears and his gang are going to pay for their sins!” he proclaims.
The camera pulls back and there is nobody there with Stacks. He talks directly to the camera.
“Spears wants family versus family? Fine! Tuesday, we take the head off that snake!” he says.
Trick Williams vs. Eddy Thorpe – Strap match
Thorpe attacks Williams before the bell can even ring and the strap attached to both men. Williams clotheslines Thorpe over the top rope and batters him on the floor. Williams back body drops Thorpe in the ring and attaches himself to the strap. Williams throws the other end to Thorpe. Williams assists Thorpe as the bell finally rings. Williams clothesline Thorpe with the strap for a two count.
Thorpe rolls out to the floor. Williams pulls Thorpe into a steel ring post. Thorpe crumples under a pop-up haymaker. Thrope uses the strap to pull William off the top rope. Thorpe wraps the strap around Williams’ legs so he can stomp and punch him.
Williams pulls Thorpe off the top rope. Williams gets caught up in the rope. Thorpe whips Williams with the strap in the ring and on the floor.
The crowd chants: F–k you, Eddy!
Williams slams Thorpe’s head into the announce table. Thorpe slams Williams into a steel post. Thorpe ties him to it. He whips Williams with the strap. Thorpe pulls Williams into the steel post. Thorpe uses the strap to sling Williams right into a turnbuckle over and over again.
Williams puts the strap into Thorpe’s mouth and pulls back. Thorpe reaches the ropes but the official reminds him that doesn’t matter in a match like this. Williams whips and whips Thorpe across the back.
Williams misses the Trick Shot. Thorpe pulls the strap between Willaims’ legs. Thorpe pins Williams with a running knee strike. The crowd is stunned by the three count.
Winner: Eddy Thorpe
Rating: 7.5 / 10
We hear more from Ricky Starks. He announces that he will be signing his contract on NXT next Tuesday.
Je’Von Evans vs. Ethan Page
Evans puts in a mouth guard before the match begins. Evans takes swings at Page. Page ducks fleeing the ring. Evans leaps through the ropes at Page. They both go over the announce table. Evans punches Page as he backpedals. Evans has Page on the announce table just haymakering him. Evans leaps off the table driving Page into a ringside barricade. Back in the ring, Evans Blue Thunder Bombs Page for a two count. A big flying clothesline off the top rope scores Evans a two count.
Evans leaps off the top rope dropping Page with a cutter on the apron. Evans puts Page’s head on the stair and is about to stomp him. Page escapes put Evans’ leg between the stairs and the post. He drop kicks it injuring Evans’ legs. Page focuses on the leg. Page’s nose is bloody. A flying punch on one leg stuns Page.
Page gives Evans an Ego’s Edge from the top rope for a two count. Page argues with the official. Evans wins a slugfest and gives Page a spinning kick off the ropes. Evans stomps on Page’s jaw before diving onto him on the floor. Evans jumps off the ropes. Page catches him with a punch off the ropes knocking the mouth guard out of his mouth. Page hits his neckbreaker for the win.
Winner: Ethan Page
Rating: 7.5 / 10
Sarah Schreiber interviews the new champ, Stephanie Vaquer. Her night isn’t over. She is going to hang around to watch the main event.
Oba Femi vs. Austin Theory vs. Grayson Waller – NXT Championship Triple Threat match
Theory and Waller have separate entrances. Waller and Theory double team Femi right out of the gate with clotheslines and Stinger Splashes. Femi stops a double clothesline and slams both men to the mat. Femi stops a double suplex slamming both men down.
Femi is double clotheslined over the top rope. Waller and Theory start shoving each other. Femi pulls Waller out of the ring, labels Theory. Waller DDTs Femi on the steel steps. Waller gives Femi hammer and anvil shots. He belts him with a steel chair driving it into Femi’s chest. Femi gives Waller a Sidewalk Slam on a steel chair. Theory breaks up the pinfall but is holding his left arm in pain.
Theory puts Femi in the Electric Chair. Femi pulls Waller of the top rope when everyone goes down and over.
Femi pulls a table out from under the ring. Theory and Waller swarm Femi before he can use it. Theory holds Femi on the table while Waller leaps off the top rope with a flying elbow smash putting Femi through the table.
Theory rolls Femi back into the ring. Femi kicks out. Waller is angry. He tells Theory he put his body on the line for them. Femi splashes both men in a corner. Femi slams Waller through a table. Theory strikes from behind with a steel chair. Femi punches the chair out of Theory’s hand. Theory has Femi pinned with A-Town Down. Waller pulls the official out of the ring. Theory yells at Waller from inside the ring. Femi slams Theory from behind. Femi rolls out of the way at the same time Waller goes for a cutter. Waller spikes Theory instead. Femi pins Waller with a Fall From Grace.
Winner: …winner and still NXT Champion, Oba Femi.
Rating: 7.5 / 10
As Femi is celebrating the lights go off. We see Saquon Shugars, Cutler James, Dion Lennox and Joshua Black in different parts of the arena when the lights snap back on and off. They attack Obi Femi. They powerbomb Femi to the mat. They stand over a fallen Oba but we still don’t have a name for them.
Giulia vs. Bayley vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Cora Jade – Fatal 4-Way, NXT Women’s Championship match
Lots to keep track of here but we will hit the big moments. Perez, Bayley and Jade begin to fight. Giulia sits in the opposite corner looking on. She finally leaps off the top rope drop kicking Bayley and Perez. Jade mouths off to Giulia. Giulia head butts her. Perez and Bayley leap onto Giulia and Jade on the floor. Jade and Perez pull Giulia to the floor. Bayley drop kicks them. Bayley and Giulia team up on Jade and Perez.
Jade whips Perez into Giulia in a corner but comes charging in to blindside Perez. Jade pushes Perez out of the ring to the floor. Jade leaps onto Giulia and Bayley on the floor from the top rope. Jade climbs to the top rope. Perez stops her pulling her by the hair off the top rope. Perez leaps onto top of Jade laying in punches.
Bayley slams down Jade for a two count. Giulia makes the save. Bayley flips over Giulia driving her into a corner. Perez is going to deliver Pop Rocks. Jade labels her with a running knee smash. Jade has Bayley pinned with a double underhook DDT. Perez makes the save. As Jade has Perez by the hair, Giulia sneaks up from behind dropping Jade with a German Suplex. She delivers one to Perez too. Everyone is involved in a Tower of Doom in a corner. They all come crashing down with Jade pulling them down.
Bayley and Perez, Jade and Giulia pair off on the floor. Perez dives Bayley through the arena floor with Pop Rocks. Perez nails another Pop Rocks on Bayley back inside the ring. Jade rolls up Perez for a two count. Jade hits Perez with a DDT. Giulia breaks up the pin with a running knee to Jade’s face. She gives another to Perez and pins her with a Northern Lights Bomb.
Winner: …and still NXT Women’s Champion, Giulia.
Rating: 8 / 10
Stephanie Vaquer comes out with her belt. She and Giulia bump fists in the middle of the ring until….Jordynne Grace’s music hits confirming she is in NXT. She enters the ring staring down both Giulia and Vaquer.
Vengeance Day Summary
It didn’t look that great on paper but this show was above average especially the main event. NXT proves it still have the best women’s division in wrestling. It would have been a better show though if main roster talent didn’t take up spots NXT talent could have been featured in.