The Ring Boys scandal is once again back in the spotlight.

WWE, Vince McMahon, Linda McMahon and TKO Group Holdings are being sued by five alleged victims named John Does 1 to 5.

The suit was filed by Greg Gutzler, Mark DiCello, Bobby DiCello, Adam Prom, Emma Bruder of DiCello Levitt, and William H. “Billy” Murphy, Jr. of Murphy, Falcon & Murphy.

The suit states: “The underaged Ring Boys were groomed, exploited, and sexually abused by Phillips, who targeted children from broken homes. His sexual assaults occurred not only at wrestling venues but also in hotel rooms and other locations where Phillips would shuttle the boys in plain sight. Defendants were fully aware of the systemic and pervasive abuse and did nothing to prevent or stop it.”

Melvin Phillips Jr. hired the boys to assist with errands around the company. He has since passed away.

“Thanks to the bravery of our clients, we finally have a chance to hold accountable those who allowed and enabled the open, rampant sexual abuse of these young boys,” said Greg Gutzler, a partner at DiCello Levitt leading the litigation. “That so many were aware of the sexual abuse of the Ring Boys and did nothing to prevent or stop it is simply unconscionable.”

“The WWE and McMahons had a responsibility to these underaged boys, and they failed them in the worst way possible. We will vigorously fight to uncover the truth about this systemic, insidious, and life-altering abuse,” stated Mark DiCello, founding partner of DiCello Levitt. “We commend our clients for their bravery in coming forward and promise to relentlessly seek justice for them.”

“These survivors are profiles in courage. One third of child sex abuse victims never come forward, because the shame, humiliation, trauma, and physical and psychological injuries silence them,” said Professor Marci Hamilton, founder and CEO of CHILD USA, a leading nonprofit think tank fighting to preserve and strengthen children’s rights. “Sadly, we know that 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 13 boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. CHILD USA is fighting child sex abuse and trafficking, and one of the greatest tools in our arsenal is to push for statute of limitations reform so perpetrators and their enabling institutions can be held accountable in cases of delayed disclosure. Due to the Maryland window we fought for, these brave survivors can seek justice.”

Ann Callis, attorney for Janel Grant, the former WWE employee and sexual assault and human trafficking survivor who has filed a lawsuit against former WWE CEO Vince McMahon, WWE executive John Laurinaitis, and the WWE organization, released the following statement on the new “ring boys” lawsuit.

“The allegations in the ‘ring boys’ lawsuit against WWE are deeply troubling. Vince McMahon made sexual abuse and human trafficking a hallmark of WWE’s culture for decades. Survivors like Janel Grant and other former WWE employees deserve their day in court. All former WWE employees who experienced sexual abuse and harassment should be allowed to tell the truth by having their non-disclosure agreements waived. Ms. Grant stands by all WWE survivors and believes that Mr. McMahon, WWE, and all involved parties must be held accountable,” she stated.