It was a good episode of TNA Impact. The heels and babyfaces were clearly defined, which made it easy to understand what they were doing in each segment. The standout matches were Bailey vs. Slater and Cardona vs. Nemeth. I liked Slater vs. Bailey a little bit more than the Nemeth match, but they were both good matches. Watching Slater trying to overcome injury to beat a veteran made for good drama, which is why I prefer that match.

It had its silly moments and some sloppiness in the ring, but nothing offensive. I wish the Hardys were not doing a Full Metal Mayhem match given their history with injuries. Some of PCO’s bumps made me cringe a bit too, but it was overall a decent show that was easy to follow.

Show open

The show opened with a graphic for Joe Koff.

They did a highlight package then went right to Rhino’s entrance.

Rhino vs. PCO – Pick your poison match – Digital Media Title and International Championship

Two titles were on the line in this No DQ match. The wrestlers were out on the floor early in the match. PCO took several ill-advised bumps including onto the ring steps and a dive headfirst into a trash can. Ouch.

Rhino got a table which drew the biggest pop of the match. Rhino tried to spear PCO into the table, but PCO moved. PCO then hit a moonsault for the win.

Winner: PCO

Thoughts: Not my type of match, but the crowd got up for the big spots and seemed happy with it.

Nic Nemeth was interviewed backstage. He said he is going to steal the show.

Ash By Elegance vs. Brinley Reece

Arianna Grace introduced Brinley Reece. I am not familiar with her, but she is an NXT wrestler.

Ash’s manager told the crowd that Johnny Cash “sucked.” He made several other remarks about Cash. Then he introduced Ash by Elegance. Ash is the former Dana Brooke.

They did a spot where Ash’s manager put lipstick on her in the middle of the match. Then Brinley Reece smeared the lipstick all over Ash’s face. Ash screamed on the outside.

There was another spot where they both did pushups to try to show each other up.

Ash’s manager created a distraction which led to the finish.

Winner: Ash by Elegance

After the match, Ash smeared lipstick over Brinley’s face. Xia Brookside ran in for the save.

Thoughts: Not particularly good, but there was a clear heel and babyface, which made it easy to follow the story they were telling.

Rosemary and NXT’s Wendy Choo did a spooky vignette.

Leon Slater vs. Mike Bailey

The announcers mentioned Amazing Red being the youngest X Division Champion. Leon is trying to take over that spot.

There was an offscreen graphic of “X Factors” for each wrestler. It is something you would see in an NFL game. Nice touch.

Bailey used a “ground game,” which surprised the announcers. Later in the match, Bailey used strikes including a series of kicks.

Slater injured his shoulder in the match, which gave Bailey an opening to take control. Bailey had been working over that shoulder throughout the match.

The crowd chanted “Fight forever” and “This is awesome” late.

Leon made an incredible leap over the turnbuckle onto Bailey at the ringside. Eventually, Bailey hit three finishing moves ending the match after a Flamingo Driver.

Winner: Bailey

Thoughts: Good match. The crowd was really into it, and they did an excellent job getting the fans to root for Slater.

They aired a highlight package of the Hardys vs. The System vs. ABC feud.

The Hardys were then backstage with ABC. ABC told them how much they admire the Hardys, but they said they will beat them in the Full Metal Mayhem match at Bound for Glory. That is a tables, ladders, and chairs match under a different name.

Steve Maclin promo

Maclin called out Josh Alexander. He wanted answers for Alexander’s recent actions.

Josh said the fans turned on him, which is why he does not care anymore. They argued about who has been more important to TNA. Josh’s henchmen attacked Maclin and zip tied his hands.

Josh slaps Maclin repeatedly and eventually laid him out.

Thoughts: I do not want to see the Hardys in a TLC match, but they did a good video package on the match. The Maclin segment was fine and accomplished what they set out to do.

Arianna Grace was backstage with Santino, her real-life dad. Frankie Kazarian interrupted and insulted father and daughter.

Mike Santana vs. Brian Myers

This was a first-time ever match. Santana had a chain before the match. The System attacked Santana at the start, but Santana laid them all out.

Winner: No contest

Santana went looking for Moose, the other member of The System. He found him the hard way when Moose hit Santana with a bat.

Thoughts: They put Santana over by having him take out three guys. Moose’s sneak attack made it clear who the babyface and the heel were. A fine segment.

Jordynne Grace faced off with Masha Slamovich

The two women were doing a sit-down interview. Jordynne wanted answers from Masha. It was clear they used to be close. They chatted about their relationship and even apologized to each other at different points. Masha told Jordynne she “loves her” before leaving the interview.

Thoughts: A little odd because they were so respectful. They were trying a different tone with the interview. A unique way to promote a match.

Nic Nemeth vs. Matt Cardona – Pick your poison match

Frankie Kazarian came to the announce table. He was wearing an Elvis outfit and glasses. The announcers even referred to him as “The king.”

Nemeth took a face first bump off the ring steps, which turned the tide of the match. Eventually, Nemeth dropped Cardona face first to the canvas to take back control. Poetry.

Cardona hit a low-blow on Nemeth. PCO’s entrance video and music played. This distracted Cardona and Nemeth took advantage to win the match.

Winner: Nic Nemeth

PCO carried Cardona off with Matt doing a silly spot where he held on to the entrance set. Kazarian jumped Nemeth, which brought Joe Hendry out for the save. Nemeth and Hendry face-off at Bound for Glory. Kazarian then revealed he is the special ref for the that match.

Thoughts: Good match. This was the longest match of the show if not the best. They left on a cliffhanger with the reveal of Kazarian as referee. It does not make a lot of sense, but maybe they will explain it next week.