Good evening, everyone!

LA Knight (c) vs. Andrade – US Championship match

LA Knight attempts an early cover with an inside cradle, yet Andrade managed to wiggle out of it. He also made sure to avoid a close call with the BFT. Andrade continued to take the fight to the Champion with massive chops to the chest. Knight provided a compelling defense in return as he kicked out of a flying crossbody.

LA Knight blocked Andrade from bouncing his head against the announcement desk, then he grabbed hold of his challenger’s cranium and dribbled it on the table. The champ had Andrade reeling for a while with that flying shoulder tackle from the apron.

Knight had Andrade on his shoulder as they stood on the apron. Whatever the champ had planned, he wasn’t able to initiate it due to Andrade’s sudden elbows to his face, then the motion of harshly shoving the Megastar into the post. Oof. Andrade followed that up with an impressive Moonsault. LA Knight wasn’t able to move the same way since.

Later on, LA Knight surprised Andrade with an abrupt roll up, but it failed to retain the gold. So, Andrade forced him into a headlock center ring. Knight did his best to fight out of it only to collide with a knee to the gut. It has been an evenly performed match as Andrade and Knight crash into one another just as they prepared to attack.

Andrade went for the Meteora, but Knight moved out of the way in time and hit his opponent with a DDT that didn’t end this fight in the Megastar’s favor. That simply demanded him to add more pressure as he squashed Andrade in the corner. LA Knight looked irritated.

Andrade nearly pinned Knight with that quick double Moonsault. It shows in his eyes how close that was. He finally connected with the Meteora, yet Knight remained in the game. Knight demonstrated real tenacity when he still managed to kick out of that spinning back elbow maneuver Andrade is prone to do.

Andrade was giving it all he’s got when he tried to perform the Message from the top rope, LA Knight was prepared to avoid that. Since that move was out of the picture, Andrade went for a drop kick, Knight sidestepped and delivered a winning BFT. There was a great show of sportsmanship between the two.

After I got a closer look at LA Knight, that back elbow cut him open in the corner of his right eye as a bit of blood dripped down. That proved this was a war.

Andrade’s night wasn’t over after that. Backstage, he bumped into Carmelo Hayes, who continues to have to the nerve to insult Andrade at every turn. Hayes gloated that Andrade choked and lost, that that could never be him. Because of this, they start brawling. Hmm, hmm, hmm.

Winner: LA Knight

Earlier today, I imagine, Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes met up in an Atlanta football field where Reigns played, to discuss their upcoming Tag Team match versus the Bloodline. I already described this unfitting union for what it is last week. I think Roman knows that. He informed Rhodes that he entered into a lose-lose situation because he has something to lose, while Fatu and Sikoa don’t.

For the first time in a long ass time, Reigns has no weight on his shoulders. Nothing to worry about. However, Cody does. He contradicts Roman’s perspective, though, with one of his own. It sounded like he acknowledged Solo as the Tribal Chief now… Ooh, new development. Rhodes wants Reigns to give him his word that he’ll fight for him, so the champ could fight for Roman.

It did shock me a bit, but Roman gave Cody his word that he’ll have his back. But, and it’s a HUGE but, once this pairing is over, Reigns will be coming for what’s his. Although, Cody said it’s not his title to take, Roman made it very clear that the American Nightmare is in his way… in life.

Apollo Crews vs. Giovanni Vinci

I suspected that after that nonsensical and embarrassingly fast debut match Vinci had upon returning, he’d have another one against the man who pinned him in a matter of three seconds, Apollo Crews. I hope this time Giovanni is better prepared because my God was that sad two weeks ago.

Anyway, Vinci was the first to land a couple of well-placed punches to Crews’ body in the early goings of this match. Gio kept hammering down blows on Apollo, not allowing him to get off of the ropes. Gio delivered a painful clothesline followed by power slams. You know, regardless of all his efforts, Vinci still lost as he falls victim to a sudden roll up again. Ha! The shock on his face… Gio was pissed, so he went after Crews.

Winner: Apollo Crews

Knowing he’s been an object of assaults after assaults orchestrated by the Bloodline for over three years, Kevin Owens felt a little odd towards the teaming of Roman and Cody. He barely had the chance to fully explain how he felt about the issue when the very people he despised with his whole being interrupt him.

Someone backstage should have thought twice before giving Tama Tonga a microphone. Ha! I’ve been waiting for this man to speak more only for him to snare at me. Owens speeds the the process up by inviting them into the ring. It’s no surprise that he was overwhelmed. Luckily, DIY came to add support. Given how often this erupting mess keeps happening, Nick Aldis made the decision to officiate a 6-man Tag Team match in the main event.

Naomi & Bayley vs. Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton – Tornado Tag Team match

In case some of you forgot: if either Bayley or Naomi pin Nia or Tiffany, they’ll get a Championship opportunity at Bad Blood. But if Jax or Stratton manage to pin Naomi or Bayley, one person from the losing duo will have to leave SmackDown permanently. All four women will be in the ring at the same time since there’s no need for an actual tag to be made.

Earlier this evening, Jax warned Stratton that if she gets pinned down for the three count, she’ll have to leave SmackDown instead. Well, better make some space on Mondays. Naomi and Bayley work together as they corner their opponents in opposite corners of the ring. God knows how this is going to end…

After enduring the attacks, Nia finally gets the wind back in her sails she shoved Bayley aside, then dropped Naomi from a high distance. Once Tiffany came back into the fold, she and Nia performed a beautiful blockbuster Samoan Drop combination on Bayley. Jax and Stratton were in control of their challengers.

Naomi made a small comeback by driving Nia until the mat, while Stratton kept Bayley busy on the outside. Later on, a BIG ouchy to Naomi came in the form of her shoulder colliding with a post. Jax even sent Naomi into the timekeeper’s area.

At some point, Bayley managed to guide Nia towards Naomi’s leg attack and knock her ass out. Elsewhere, Bayley delivered a clothesline to Stratton. She did a great job staying on Tiffany. Naomi was able to take down Nia with a suicide dive. Back inside the ring, Bayley and Naomi were doing great with their teamwork, but Bayley eventually went for the cover, which didn’t sit right with Naomi as she dragged her out of the cover.

A regular person’s head would have exploded, but Bayley didn’t seem too upset knowing what’s at stake. Before anything else could happen, if at all, Naomi shoved Bayley out of the way as an incoming Nia charges through her by taking the bullet. They were able to perform a colossal back drop on Nia by doing it together.

Jax, however, got up almost effortlessly. A double cover done by both teams that got immediately cancelled forced this match to continue. Naomi amazed us all with a flexible counter called the X-Factor to Nia hoisting her up for a powerbomb, I believe. Funnily enough, just as Naomi went for the cover, Stratton accidently Swantoned Nia as soon as Naomi rolled out of the way. Ha!

What made me even happier was witnessing Bayley and Naomi performing the One D on Tiffy. A move I haven’t seen in a while. I think the last time I saw it was when Jey Uso and Sami Zayn tagged this year versus the Judgment Day. Anyway, Naomi and Bayley won by overcrowding Nia with a pin. That means either one of them get an opportunity. Jax is shocked…

Winners: Naomi & Bayley

I’ve never seen Michael Cole jump around as much as he did when he learned that Vicky Guerrero suggested that Michin and Chelsea Green have a Dumpster match in two weeks. Ha! Cole was so happy, too happy. Damn. Also, we’re going to run it back again with Carmelo Hayes and Andrade Part VI next Friday. Because Naomi AND Bayley pinned Nia at the same time, a match next week will determine who will face Jax at Bad Blood.

Kevin Owens & DYI… wait, The Street Profits? vs. The Bloodline – 6-man Tag Team match

Kevin already made his entrance, and while he was waiting for his Tag Team partners, we’re shown backstage footage of the Bloodline assaulting DIY. The look on Owens’ face said he knew this was going to happen. He meets with the Bloodline on the ramp in a 3-on-1 situation. The Street Profits rushed to the ring to help Owens. They were in control of the Bloodline’s Tonga Loa.

It took a while, but Loa finally delivered an offensive attack in the form of a clothesline to Ford before tagging Fatu into the match. Jacob now enforced his will upon Montez at full strength. Tama Tonga joined the party as well, providing a very enthralling defense for the Bloodline. He looked as though he was enjoying himself.

Jacob is tagged in again and bulldozed through Montez like paper. BIG yikes. However, Ford dodged a bullet, resulting in Fatu crashing in the corner. Dawkins was tagged in to offer some more muscle. That was all well and good until Angelo ran into a boot to the face from Jacob.

Angelo hasn’t really had the chance to breath since Tama got his hands on him following what Fatu did to him. And speaking of the Samoan Werewolf, he came into the ring to stop Dawkins from tagging his partners. Jacob was malicious in his beatings. Even with that in mind, he couldn’t avoid Angelo’s high kick to his jaw.

Dawkins tagged Ford as he exploded out of the corner with a crossbody to Tama. He and Montez were slugging it out in-ring. Ford tagged Owens as he wrecked shop by taking everyone out. Kevin caught Tama with a Swanton that nearly ended this battle if it weren’t for Fatu’s interference. That’s why Dawkins sent him to the outside.

Tama tried to superplex Owens like many others have, but he also failed unsurprisingly so. Ha! Loa saved things by pulling Kevin out of the pinning attempt twice. The second time became too much as Loa shoved Owens into the steel stairs, resulting in an abrupt conclusion. Dawkins came out of nowhere and rammed Loa into the barricades.

A brawl became the central point now. DIY wobble their way to the stage to get their pound of flesh only to be easily overtaken. Happily, Owens still has some backup in Cody Rhodes. For a moment, once the Bloodline have scattered, Kevin looked as though he wanted to hit Rhodes with the chair the champ brought with him. Hmm. What’s this I see??

Winners: No one


TOP PHOTO: LA Knight shows Andrade respect after the match. Courtesy or WWE