The National Wrestling Alliance has recently acquired new territories in Exodus Pro, Kross Fire Wrestling, and Joe Cazana Promotions. On this NWA POWERRR, the champions from each promotion have a chance to shine as we go Back to the Territories. The Stew Crew is defending their NWA-JCP Southeast tag titles against The Fixers, but Juventud Gurrera will Zyon with the Kross Fire belt on the line.
We come to you from the Karns High School in Knoxville, TN. Joe Galli and Danny Dealz have the call as we kick off the show with The First Match of the Night for the…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
NWA Exodus Pro Midwest Championship: “Pretty Boy” Smooth(with Pastor C-Lo) (c) vs. “Big Strong” Mims (with BLK Jeez)
If this is your first look at the 6′ 9″ Smooth, he is impressive in Exodus Pro as well as on the NWA. Check out his match on the Journey II signature event. As for Mims, he’s been busy hopping between the territories, according to Galli. His new attitude under Jeez’s learning tree has been something of an eye-opener, and not in a good way.
As for the match, right from the start, both men eyeball each other. They lock up, and Smooth’s distinctive height advantage is more than a match for Mims’ power. He goes for a flying shoulder tackle, but Smooth is unfazed and gives him a standing STO. Things go the way of the Urban Playboy until Jeez gets on the mat to distract Smooth. As he looks his way, Mims uses the opportunity to rock Smooth. The big man stages a comeback with a front slam and then a leg drop. He rushes after him for a big boot but Mims catches it and gives Smooth a headbutt to his forehead (actually, it’s so big, it might as well be an ‘eight head’, but I digress) followed by a body slam. Smooth rolls out and Mims goes after him. He stuns Mims and sends him out once he gets back in the ring. He and Jeez contemplate their strategy until he and Smooth battle on the outside. The ref starts counting as Mims rams him in the ring post, but Smooth connects with the big boot. Smooth rolls back in but Mims gestures he’s had enough of this and that means…
Your Winner via Countout and Still NWA Exodus Pro Midwest Championship: Pretty Boy Smooth
As Smooth and Pastor C-Lo celebrate the win, Mims comes back into the ring and blasts Smooth with the belt. C-Lo protests for all the good it does him, and you can bet they will lock horns in the future.
Now onto the women’s action for the…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
NWA Women’s World Tag Title Championship: The King Bees (Danni Bee and Charity King) (c) vs. Caribbean Flow (La Rosa Negra and Ruthie Jay)
I thought I misheard Kyle Davis’ ring announcement, but it looks like Jay and Negra are now an official tag team in the women’s ranks. As for the match, this is the latest attempt both women face The King Bees for the belts.
Negra and King start and the veteran shows her moves, while King showcases her strength. A tag to Bee and they highlight their tag chemistry as King uses Bee to front suplex onto a prone Negra for a two count. She isolates Bee in the corner and a tag to Jay allows her to reveal why she is a Five Star Athlete with a spinning heel kick for a count of two. Bee fights back and she and King give a delayed double vertical suplex to slow the Carribean Flow of Jay, and King adds the punctuation mark with the senton for a near fall. Jay is getting worked over, but fights out and gets the hot tag to Negra and she has Carribean Flow that is en Fuego on The King Bees. She pins Bee but King is there to break the count. Galli notes the match becomes a demolition derby of sorts as Negra nails Bee with a Superkick. She goes up to the high-rent district for the Cokey splash but belly flops on the way down as she misses the mark. Bee quickly rolls up for the pin and the win.
Your Winners, and Still NWA Women’s World Tag Team Champions: The King Bees
Not a lot of title changes, but things look a little juicy as your next match is for the…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
NWA Krossfire Wrestling Championship: Juventud Guerrera (c) vs. Zyon (with Austin Idol)
Last time we saw Guerrera he was doling out punishment to Chris Jericho on AEW Programming. I have to agree with Galli that, “The Juice is loose in the NWA.” The former WCW cruiserweight champ comes out wearing his father Fuerza Guerrera’s mask, and then gets on the mic to let us know, “The Juice has come back to Knoxville!”
As the bell rings, Zyon is firmly in control early in the match, but his moves aren’t as juicy as Guerrera’s as he gives some lucha love to the masked man, who is becoming very frustrated. Back in the ring, Zyon unloads with a clothesline and proceeds to stomp the KFW champ. One leaping fist drop later allows him a cover for two on Guerrera. He tries to get back on offense but Zyon stops him with a swinging neckbreaker. Guerrera manages to whip him into the corner and lights up his chest with knife-edge chops, but Zyon slams him hard to the mat and follows with a top rope fist drop for another two count. Guerrera gets another second wind with a basement huracanrana for a near fall and follows with the Juvi Driver. He ascends the top rope and nails a frog splash to pin but Zyon kicks out at two. He goes back up the top turnbuckle, and Idol grabs his leg to allow Zyon to yank him down hard to the mat and clamp on the Z-Clutch. Guerrera tries to fight out of the submission and gets his hand on the bottom ropes, but Zyon does not let go. The ref instructs the masked man to release the hold and when he refuses to yield to his commands, he has no choice but to call this match. Therefore…
Your Winner via Disqualification, and Still NWA Kross Fire Champion: Juventud Guerrera
Again, another cheap finish that may have implications down the road, at least as far as Kross Fire Wrestling is concerned.
Now for the Main Event, and it is for the…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
NWA Joe Cazana Promotions Southeastern Tag Title Match: The Stew Crew (Dylan and Zach Stewart) (c) vs. The Fixers (Jay Bradley and Wrecking Ball Legursky)
It’s been a while since we last saw the Stew Crew in the first round of The Crockett Cup, and there is a huge pop from the Knoxville, TN crowd for the hometown favorites. As for The Fixers, they decide it’s better to jump the champs right away, and it’s a Pier Four brawl on the outside with all men swinging for the fences. Bradley and Dylan are in the ring after the fracas dies down, and now the bell rings and that’s time for…
Ads (SIGHHH!!! Why do this in the middle of a match? I ask ya, The CW. Why is it necessary?!)
We come back and The Fixers have Dylan isolated in the corner, and he is Twisted Steel in Peril as Bradley holds him down to the mat while Legursky clocks him with a diving head butt. Tag to “The Boss” as Dylan tries valiantly to fight his way out against Bradley. He gets headbutted hard and Dylan stumbles backward to the corner, where Zack manages to get the tag but the Silverback is stymied by Legursky’s power. He attempts a sunset flip and Legursky drops for a sit-down slam. Zack moves away as The Fixer winds up with a brusied tailbone. Zack then gets behind Legursky with a crucifix pin and the ref slaps the mat for the one, two, and three.
Your Winners, and Still NWA JCP Southeastern Tag Team Champions: The Stew Crew
Before the brothers can celebrate their successful title defense, The Fixers prove to be the epitome of sore losers and beat them down after the match. Once they finish, Legursky and Bradley admire their handiwork as the show goes to the credits.
NWA POWERRR - 09/17/2024
Final Thoughts:
Karns High School – Knoxville, TN
As I was saying to a friend earlier, I liked how this show highlighted the talents and the champions from each of the promotions affiliated with the NWA. A little more seasoning and some of the new faces like Smooth and The Stew Crew could make big ripples on POWERRR in the future. But I wish the championship matches were spaced out between episodes, and with less cheap wins. But that’s my only quibble.
Until then, we’ll see ya next Tuesday at The CW!