Greetings and salutations! After a quick turn around since Emergence, we are back on TNA+ with Victory Road. We have a jam packed card including Nic Nemeth defending  the TNA World Championship against Moose. On the Knockouts side we have Jordynne Grace defending the TNA Knockouts World Championship against NXT’s Wendy Choo. We also have a match built on respect as Josh Alexander said his name and will take on Joe Hendry. With all this and so much more, let’s get to the action.

Countdown To TNA Victory Road

KUSHIDA VS Leon Slater

Slater with a hard kick to  KUSHIDA. KUSHIDA comes right back and sends Slater to the outside, and then he dives onto Slater. KUSHIDA is looing for the Hoverboard Lock so he is trying to get that arm weak. As KUSHIDA has the advantage, Slater rallies but takes a hard Dropkick. Slater finally comes back and goes toe to toe with KUSHIDA as they trade blows. KUSHIDA comes right back and locks in the Hover board Lock, but Slater escapes and is able to send KUSHIDA to the outside. Slater with a Tope dive onto KUSHIDA. Back in the ring, KUSHIDA with a hard slam and locks in an arm bar. Slater can’t take it anymore and is forced to tap.


Backstage, Josh Alexander discusses his upcoming match against Joe Hendry.

A video package airs and it shows us the feud between Nic Nemeth and Moose

Hammerstone & Jake Something VS Eric Young & Steve Maclin

Something takes the fight to Maclin at ringside. Something and Hammerstone are able to cut Maclin off from his partner. Eventually, Maclin fights off Something and Hammerstone and gets the hot tag. Young clears house with a flurry of offense.Young hits a gutwrench powerbomb, but Hammerstone delivers a big boot. Maclin hits a running Spear in the corner, and Young gets a 2-count with a diving elbow drop. Something takes the fight to Maclin and Hammerstone traps Maclin in the Torture Wrack, but Young breaks it up. Something hits Into the Void on Young and gets the win.

Winners: Hammerstone & Jake Something

TNA Victory Road Results

We get a video package hyping all the feuds and matches for the night.

The Hardys (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy) VS First Class (A.J. Francis & KC Navarro)

Francis uses his strength and size to keep Matt grounded. Francis wants to mock The Hardys and he climbs to the top and goes for a Swanton, but Matt moves out of the way and gets the hot tag on Jeff. Jeff cleans house. The Hardys take Francis down with a double suplex. Francis hits a diving splash. Francis goes for a double chokeslam, but The Hardys drop him with a DDT and they hit a clothesline that send shim to ringside. Jeff hits Navarro with a Twist of Fate and Matt follows that up with a Neckbreaker. The Hardys hit a Twist of Fate/Swanton and get the huge win that will get the closer to a Tag Team Title shot.

Winners: The Hardys

TNA X-Division Championship: Zachary Wentz (c) VS “Speedball” Mike Bailey

Wentz slams Bailey right on the concrete at ringside. Back in the ring, Wentz goes for a Swanton, but Bailey gets his knees up. Wentz with a Diving Cutter and gets a 2-count. Bailey takes control and hits a Shooting Star Press for a near fall. Bailey looks for Ultimate Weapon, but Wentz moves out of the way and gets a cheeky pin for a 2-count. Bailey catches Wentz with a Poison-rana, then Wentz hits a running kick but Bailey hits the Flamingo Driver for the win.

Winner: and new TNA X-Division Champion: Mike Bailey

The System talk in the back, Moose looks utterly disinterested in all of this and I don’t think he was supposed to come off like that.

PCO & Rhino VS Matt Cardona & Steph De Lander

De Lander gets a mic and says that her careers as of late has felt like a dream and she is proud to be part of TNA. De Lander says that PCO and Cardona need to figure things out.

She then announces that she needs neck surgery and has needed it for quite some time, but this is not a retirement speech. De Lander says Cardona has been a jerk lately, but she could never forget everything they had been through. De Lander thanks Cardona and tells PCO she found true love in TNA. De Lander hugs PCO, and they walk to the back. Cardona kicks the ropes while Rhino is leaving and hits a Radio Silence.

Backstage, TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth re-iterates how happy he is in TNA and says that its the place to be all while disrespecting Moose.


TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: Masha Slamovich & Tasha Steelz (c) (with Alisha Edwards) VS Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat)

Threat hits a Three Amigos, but Steelz takes the fight back. Luna gets the hot tag and clears house. Luna with a Powerbomb for a 2-count. Threat eats a Sliced Bread but Luna makes the save on the pin attempt. Luna and Threat hit a double-team move for the win.

Winners and new TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Champions: Spitfire (Jody Threat & Dani Luna)

Edwards and Slamovich get face to face and Steelz attacks Slamovich from behind. Steelz and Edwards stand tall over Slamovich.

Backstage, Hammerstone and Jake Something celebrate their win and say anyone who gets in their way will suffer the same fate.

Joe Hendry VS Josh Alexander

Alexander counters the Standing Ovation, but Hendry still manages to hit a powerbomb. Alexander drops Hendry with a backbreaker, and is looking for a C4 Spike, but Hendry lifts him up and crotches Alexander on the ropes. Hendry with a Fallaway Slam from the second rope. Alexander locks Hendry in the ankle lock, but Hendry reaches the ropes and breaks the hold.

Hendry makes the comeback and eventually the ref takes a bump. Alexander takes control and looks for the C4, but Hendry counters and locks an Ankle Lock. Alexander taps out, but the referee is down. Alexander kicks Hendry in the gonads, but this doesn’t phase Hendry as he is wearing a cup. Hendry hits a Standing Ovation and locks an Ankle lock that makes Alexander tap out.

Winner: Joe Hendry

TNA World Tag Team Championship: ABC (Chris Bey & Ace Austin) (c) VS The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) (with Alisha Edwards)

Edwards and Myers cut Bey from Austin, but eventually Bey makes his way to his partner only for Edwards to pull Austin from the apron. Bey rallies, and Austin finally gets the hot tag in. Austin clears house. ABC now with their double team action, but Edwards dumps Bey with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Myers with a Roster Cut on Austin. Bey is making a comeback, but Alisha grabs his ankle. Myers hits a Spear, and Edwards pins Bey with Boston Knee Party to win the titles.

Winners and new TNA World Tag Team Champions: The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers)

TNA Knockouts World Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) VS Wendy Choo

Choo gains the upper hand until Grace rallies and slams her way out of a sleeper hold. Grace keeps the momentum going. Choo hits a belly-to-belly Suplex and a Brainbuster for a 2-count of her own. Grace comes back and is looking for a Juggernaut Driver but Choo evades it and gets Suplexed. Choo locks in a sleeper, but Grace reaches the ropes to breka the hold. Choo suplexes Grace amd locks in a Sleeper hold, but Grace fights back and manages to hit the Juggernaut Driver for the win.

Winner and still TNA Knockouts World Champion: Jordynne Grace

After the match, Rosemary attacks Grace as Choo traps her in a sleeper. The two spooky sisters celebrate.

Santino Marella is shown backstage, and Arianna Grace speaks with him.

TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) VS Moose

Moose slams Nemeth onto the apron. Nemeth comes back with some punches and a Clothesline on Moose that send him over the ropes. Nemeth witha German suplex at ringside. Moose powerbombs Nemeth through a table at ringside. Back in the ring, Nemeth evades a Spear hits a Fameasser and a Spear for a 2-count. The System comes out and distracts Nemeth. Nemeth with a Danger Zone, but Moose slams Nemeth instead for a 2-count. Moose grabs the title, but Mike Santana rips it away and brawls with JDC at ringside. Nemeth is back at it and hits Danger Zone for another 2-count.

Moose fights back and looks for a Powerbomb, but Nemeth counters its and turns it into a Powerbomb. Nemeth with a pin, but The System pulls the referee out of the ring. The ref has seen enough and ejects The System from ringside. JBL is out and attacks both men. Moose with a Spear 2-count. Nemeth and Moose go at it again, until Nemeth clotheslines Moose, superkicks him, and hits Danger Zone for the win.

Winner and still TNA World Champion: Nic Nemeth