Hello, hello, hello everyone!!

TJP vs. Kenta – Opera Cup Semi-Finals 

Kenta attacked TJP from behind while he was basking in the chanting of his and his opponent’s name from the audience. It was a smart move from Kenta, however, TJP fired back. TJP started to show more ruthlessness by aiming at Kenta’s head numerous times. Ken managed to escape that Sharpshooter.

TJP stayed on his challenger, which Kenta noticed as he rolled out of the ring to avoid TJ and slammed him against the post, laying a trap. Kenta held the controller of this game as TJP reeled in the corner. Ken was pressing his feet across TJP’s throat as the referee counted to three or four to encourage him to break the hold. Every pin cover from Kenta seemed to have exhausted TJP as he kicked out of three of them.

TJP practically popped Kenta’s shoulder out by cracking his arm backwards, the same maneuver he performed on Tom Lawlor not too long ago. TJ had that submission move cinched in tight, yet Kenta fell forward into the ropes. Commentary reckons that was the only way he could have stopped the agony. And speaking of pain, just as TJ leaped from the air, Kenta had his knees up. Big ouchy there.

Kenta was looking for the GTS, but TJP had him scouted with a few countering shots done at quick speed. Ken bounced back with a vicious right hand, stunning TJ. This turned into a stand-still when both men are left on the mat. They amazed me with their back and forth letting neither get the winning pin.

Shockingly, Kenta hit two low blows to TJP followed by a successful GTS to advance to the Opera Cup Finals.

Winner: Kenta 

CONTRA Unit’s Minoru Suzuki and Ikuro Kwon secured Tag Team gold from CozyMax, Janai Kai remains our World Featherweight Champion as one title is left in the purview of Mads Krugger in the name of the World Heavyweight Championship on Satoshi Kojima’s shoulder. This is how it was written and so it shall be according to Krugger.

Bad Dude Tito Escondido vs. Mistico – Opera Cup Semi-Finals 

Since Tito is such a big man, it was somewhat difficult for Mistico to drag him along like he wanted. Tito nearly got him those times, fortunately, Mistico kicked him in the lower gut. He continues with a suicide dive towards the barricades. Alas, Tito stomped on Mistico with a couple of heavy chops to the chest.

Tito had the majority of this match in his hands as he threw Mistico across the ring after not being able to emerge victorious, so he decided to put Mistico through further hell. Luckily, Mistico caught Tito with an around-the-world performance.

Tito was momentarily caught in La Mistica, but he magically rolled through and powerbombs his opponent. What he didn’t suspect was that crucifix driver that was enough to keep him on the ground. Later tonight, Mistico will face Kenta.

Winner: Mistico

Donovan Dijak vs. Timothy Thatcher 

I may not have seen many of his matches, but I do recognize Dijak from NXT. This is a surprising turn for me to see him here. Jacob Fatu went to WWE Friday Night SmackDown while Donovan came here.

Thatcher had a really tight hold on Dijak’s head that he looked like a lemon getting squeezed. Ha! He continues with his onslaught when he caught Donovan with a massive uppercut. Donovan fights back with a power slam.

Later on, Thatcher had Donovan by the throat, possibly attempting another choke hold, yet Dijak managed to shove Timothy outside the ring. Oof. Oof. Oof. Donovan laughed as he tossed Thatcher again. Timothy tried to apply a submission that he’s used to tap out countless others, yet Donovan isn’t one of those men.

Dijak knocked Thatcher over with the Falcon, ending this match in his favor on his debut.

Winner: Donovan Dijak

Bomaye Fight Club vs. The Andersons – Tag Team match 

Following the previous match, Brett Ryan Gosselin and Bobby Fish join commentary to offer their unwanted opinions with the debut of the Andersons, too. I see they still have something useless to say.

There was barely any control in the early goings of the fight because they started verbally arguing with each other, which annoyed Gosselin. Ha! Anything that bothers him is a blessing. At some point, the roaring stopped as Kane bulldozed through one of the Andersons, Brock.

It came as a shock when the Andersons were now the ones punishing Kane. Mr. Thomas came swooping in as he crushed the challengers in a quick rage, however, that came to an abrupt end once WC Anderson got ahold of his leg and wounded it, trying to take away Thomas’ power gain. Given all that assault, Mr. Thomas did manage to escape and tag Alex.

The suplex assassin performed a couple of offensive maneuvers to both Andersons before attempting to pin Brock if it weren’t for CW’s interference. Things began to turn sour when Kane collided with the referee in order to squash CW in the corner.

Because of this, Mr. Thomas body splashed Brock for a cover that would have been standard if the official wasn’t taken out. Kane counted to seven before being overwhelmed by Bobby Fish and Brett Ryan Gosselin with the help of the Andersons. Kevin Knight, soon-to-be debuting Superstar here at MLW, didn’t like what he was seeing, so he made his presence known by launching himself.

I didn’t think this match was still going…. What was more baffling was the sudden and confusing arrival of Hall of Famer JBL as he knocked Mr. Thomas out silly, leading to an unpleasant win for the Andersons. We’re also asking what JBL whispered into Brock Anderson’s ear before leaving…

At this point, I don’t I really care. I care even less when Gosselin felt like yelling into a microphone. Brett got paid to say “We make the ladies fall in love, and break their hearts, baby!” Dear Lord…

Winners: The Andersons 

Backstage, Bad Dude Tito realized he lost and had the Opera Cup in his hands, so he couldn’t handle it as he kicked over a chair, then got into an alteration with Matthew Justice. Saying he’s a baby isn’t enough of a description.

Adam Priest vs. Shigeo Okumura

After losing the World Tag Team Championships to Ikuro Kwon and Minoru Suzuki at Summer of the Beast, commentary wonders if Okumura’s focus is slightly diverted elsewhere. But that pondering is left on hold as CONTRA Unit’s logo glitched on the screen. But, to go back to the match, Shigeo remained sharp in the present.

Okumura drops Priest with a shoulder tackle and a few well-placed kicks to the groin of his challenger. He even caught Adam off guard with that deep arm drag. Annoyingly so, Priest tricked Okumura with sportsmanship only to knock him in the gut followed by a high drop kick. Shigeo is now on the receiving end.

Shigeo regains life performing a tilt-the-world back breaker plus a delicious clothesline that nearly gets the win. He set up some offense by paying homage to Kojima with a Cozy Cutter from the middle rope. It was good, but not sufficient. Okumura’s fisherman buster awarded him a much needed victory, especially for what could have transpired next.

Ikuro Kwon and two Sentai Death Squad members loomed over the ring. Whatever they intended to do was thwarted by Akira with a large kendo stick.

Winner: Shigeo Okumura 

Matt Riddle was simply having some fun with Satoshi Kojima backstage. Nothing else should have occurred… until Mister Saint Laurent popped out from a behind a corner like an untrustworthy creep. Riddle’s face reflected mine, too. Irritated with the sound of that man’s voice. Matt looked baked. Ha!

Laurent issued a challenge that if Riddle has enough balls, he’ll put his golden ticket opportunity he won at Battle Riot VI on the line against Tom Lawlor. Riddle… agreed? Oh, well, that’s that.

Satoshi Kojima (c) vs. Mads Krugger – World Heavyweight Championship match

Just as the ring announcer introduced Kojima, Krugger pounced on him, blindsiding him before he could remove his wrestling jacket gear. Commentary speculated that when fighting Mads, it’s not just the title that’s at risk, it’s your life. Krugger is another kind of monster I rarely see, but I’m glad I get to witness more of him. He reminds me of Braun Strowman, if Strowman were a black-hearted, Hitler-infused cult leader.

I’m learning right now that it’s Kojima’s birthday, and what a way to celebrate by strutting on hot stones to hell. Satoshi tried to take out Krugger’s knee, but it came to no effect, crashing back first against the apron by Mads. Kojima fired away those menacing chops to the chest like his life depended on it. Signs of determination begins to show more efficiently.

Krugger’s inhumanity is second to none as he got back up after receiving two DDTs like nothing happened. The third one only unleashed his inner Undertaker. Mads almost gained victory with a belly-to-back suplex. He was far too close for comfort. It came to mind that after Kojima’s Cozy Cutter that that may have been his best shot since Krugger kicked out.

Satoshi wasn’t able to hit that lariat the first time due to that shoulder tackle. but he was successful the second time around. That could have, might have been it for Mads, and it shows since he didn’t grab the bottom rope, nor attempt to kick out if it weren’t for Janai Kai.

While this is taking place on stage, elsewhere, CONTRA Unit are seen ominously marching. Akira and Okumura seek them out and get engulfed by their own efforts. As we return to the main attraction, Mads threw FIRE at Satoshi’s face. The referee quickly got a towel and some water to sweetly soothe the pain. That didn’t sit right with Kai, so she took the poor man out. Mads has the title in hand.

They were looking to put Kojima in a body bag, luckily they get interrupted by Matt Riddle, who said he was leaving only to either return or to have remained here long enough to notice the injustice taking place. He said he had something to take care of, and he pops up with braids… Why? Is that what he needed to take care of??

Anyway, Ikuro Kwon materialized out of nowhere only to get stomped out by Riddle. Akira swooped in to disable Janai and go for Krugger. So much anarchy occurred that we no longer know where Satoshi is. He got burned and went missing. I hope he’ll be all right soon.

Winner: No one

Slaughterhouse is coming up on October 4 where a Tag Team Championship match has already been officiated between the new Champions Minoru Suzuki and Ikuro Kwon versus the Bomaye Fight Club. Matthew Justice seeks gold in the form of the World National Openweight Championship around Bad Dude Tito’s waist.

People like Mistico, Donovan Dijak, Akira, the Road Collective of BRG, the Andersons and Bobby Fish; Matt Riddle, Tom Lawlor, Delmi Exo, Cesar Duran and Salina de la Renta will be in the house. Also, come join MLW Pit-Fighters Sept 26 on YouTube.

Mistico vs. Kenta – Opera Cup Finals

It took God knows how long for these men to start fighting due to the mind games brought forth mostly by Kenta. Mistico was able to land the first blow to Ken’s leg. Mistico continues to show the mastery of his playbook by connecting his cranium with Kenta’s.

Mistico spilled onto the outside after being pushed off the apron. He was just laying there for a couple of seconds trying to get feeling back into his body. Kenta didn’t allow him to fully regain his strength. He temporarily became a cat by scratching Mistico’s chest and back. Kenta’s aggression has been very useful to his advantage.

Mistico revived himself by performing a Tiger Vein to Kenta’s face, followed a missile drop kick that sent his challenger outside. He continues with his beautiful athleticism with a corkscrew plantra. Mistico nearly got the win with that stack up cradle. Later on, Kenta caught Mistico in the stomach just as he was bouncing off the ropes. I’m sure that would have given him a concussion.

Because that double stomp from the top didn’t work, Kenta resorted to a different method, the GTS. Mistico frantically wiggled out of there, went for the poisonara and instead got a sloppy, but nearly conclusive stack up due to an incredible counter on Kenta’s part. Even more so that he shoved Mistico into the official. Twice has that man gotten squished by big, sweaty men. Ha!

The length of this match shows in the fatigue as Kenta ventured to use a steel chair while the referee isn’t aware. He missed and got kicked in the face with the chair for his troubles. Mistico could have used that chair as well, but he didn’t. The honorable heart in him didn’t see the low blow coming immediately followed by the Busaiku Knee Kenta thought was the end of it.

That sunset flip didn’t award Mistico the win, but La Mistica forced Kenta to tap out making Mistico this year’s Opera Cup winner. Whoo!! His wish to bring the Cup to Mexico was granted.

Winner: Mistico


TOP PHOTO: Mistico wins the Opera Cup. Courtesy of MLW