Greetings and salutations! AEW is in its last major stop before Sunday’s All In 2: Electric Bugaloo. This week they are in Cardiff Wales and this is what was advertised:

  • Chris Jericho vs. Tommy Billington
  • Serpentico vs. Michael Oku
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (c) vs. Saraya
  • AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Claudio Castagnolimkck
  • Darby Allin & FTR vs. The Elite

Are you excited for All In? Keep it locked in here on Slam! Wrestling all weekend as we will have predictions and coverage. With all of this and more, let’s get to the action.

TBS Championship Contract Signing

Tony Schiavone is out and both welcomes us to the show. He then introduced both Britt Baker and Mercedes Moné. Tony reminds them that they have agreed to no physicality. Mercedes Moné says when she makes Baker tap on Sunday people will know Britt’s the past and she will forever be the future. Moné signs the contract.

Britt Baker says before there was a CEO there was a DMD. Moné says Baker makes her sick and the fans only like Baker because they see themselves in her, as a loser. Moné asks if Baker is really All In and says this isa dream match for Baker, but not for her. Mercedes says Baker won’t beat her at All In and Britt says she has the guts, the heart, and the balls. Baker calls herself the baddest bitch on the block.

Baker gives Mercedes some credit and says she walked so she could run. Britt says Mercedes made a difference but that person doesn’t exist anymore. Baker says Mercedes now only cares about being the highest-paid woman in wrestling than being the best in the world. Baker says she’s not going to attack Mercedes but attacks Kamille with a microphone and follows that up with a Crossbody. Mercedes backs up to end the segment.

The Learning Tree is backstage and Chris Jericho says he’s bothered that Billington has to call himself the Dynamite Kid besides the fact that he’s his uncle. Jericho says what he does to Billington tonight will be nothing compared to what he will do to HOOK on Sunday at All In.

Chris Jericho w/ Bryan Keith & Big Bill VS Tommy Billington

Billington gets things going with an Arm drag. Jericho gets a wrist lock, but Billington breaks the wrist lock by going over the top. Billington with a few shoulder blocks on Jericho. Billington with a Shotgun dropkick off the top rope which sends both men to ringside. Jericho distracts the referee and Big Bill sends Billington to the post.

Back in the ring, both men hit a Double crossbody. Billington was up and hit a Clothesline, followed by a Scoop Slam. Billington goes for and misses a Dropkick. Jericho hits a Lionsault for a 2-count. Jericho is looking for The Walls of Jericho, and was able to lock it in. Billington escapes and hits a Snap Suplex and a Tombstone Piledriver. Billington heads up top for the headbutt but sees Bryan Keith trying to make his presence known and takes him out with a dive. Billington  heads back to the top after Bill tried to distract him and off the jump, Jericho lands a mid-air with a Code Breaker for the win.

Winner: Chris Jericho

After the match Jericho gets on the microphone and calls HOOK a stupid bastard and says that if HOOK was there he’d rip him apart branch by branch. HOOK comes out and while face to face with Jericho, gets a chokeslam from Big Bill.

AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (c) VS Saraya

The match starts as Storm lock in a Headlock and a rollup. Saraya ends up at ringside and pulled Storm through the ropes. Saraya hit Storm with a hard Knees right in the face.

Storm makes a comeback as she hits a Headbutt, followed by a DDT. Storm continues the swarm by hitting a Fisherman’s Suplex for a 2-count of her own. Storm  looking for a Storm Zero, but Saraya blocks it and counters with the Knightcap for a 2-count. Both Storm and Saraya are battling at the ropes, and Saraya connects with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. Saraya follows that up with an Elevated spike DDT and Saraya goes for a pin, but Storm grabs the bottom rope at 2.999999.

Storm fights back and hits a Sky High. Harley Cameron jumps on the apron and Storm kisses her on the mouth to distract her. Saraya uses this distraction and goes to elbow Storm, but hits Cameron instead. Storm Zero from Storm for the win

Winner: and STILL AEW Women’s World Champion: Toni Storm

After the match, Mariah May attacks Storm with her with a shoe.

The Conglomeration is backstage, they want a match on Collision this Saturday and are ready for anything.

MJF and Will Ospreay go face-to-face

Ospreay says he’s going to clean up MJF’s mess. MJF says he returned early from his injury to clean up Ospreay’s mess. Ospreay says MJF holding the AEW World Championship was a joke that went on for far too long. Ospreay says Tony Khan brought him into All In last year because Khan couldn’t rely on MJF to have a good match. Ospreay says AEW is meant to be the alternative and he will restore AEW back to that.

MJF says he actually believed TK when he said the company would be safe in Ospreay’s hands when he was out injured. MJF says he’s the best in the world and asks who told Ospreay he was the best in the world? Ospreay says the fans did. MJF says the fans don’t know anything.

MJF says that a Tiger Driver could beat him, but he’s too much of a coward to use it. MJF loses his cool and says the fans loved him until Ospreay got there! MJF cracks a joke about Ospreay’s family and Ospreay asks Tony Schiavone how much the fine is for hitting him. Tony tells him it’s 100 pounds and then cracks MJF good. Security is there and this allows MJF to put on the Dynamite Diamond Ring and punch Ospreay with it. MJF hits the Brainbuster on Ospreay and teases a Tiger Driver but the security and Christopher Daniels stop him.

Hangman Page is backstage and says he’ll be in the Casino Gauntlet match on Sunday and he will run anyone over that he needs to win the match. Evil Uno comes in and mentions that he’s in the Casino Gauntlet and Hangman attacks him with a chair. Page says there’s nothing more he wants than to make Swerve’s dreams and happiness go up in smoke.

AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada VS Claudio Castagnoli

There was a lot of back and forth in the early stages of this match. Claudio hits a massive Uppercut for a 2. Okada is in the corer, and Claudio goes to work. Castagnoli was looking to hit a Gotch piledriver, but Okada blocks it and lands a Dropkick, followed by a Bodyslam. Castagnoli comes back and hits an Uppercut and Okada follows that up with a Shotgun Dropkick of his own.

Castagnoli drops Okada and does the Big Swing by Claudio. Okada is right back into it and hits a Dropkick and a Neckbreaker. Both men are in the middle of the ring and trade Forearms. Castagnoli with an Uppercut that sends Okada to ringside as the bell rings moments later.


The Elite come out and ask Cardiff if they want 5 more minutes. That won’t happen. Darby Allin comes out to help Claudio and this sets up the next match….

Darby Allin & FTR VS The Young Bucks & Jack Perry

Perry with a buckle bomb to Allin, but Allin is able to get the tag to Dax. Dax is in and he pounds the living daylights of Perry in the corner. Dax with two German Suplexes, followed by a Brainbuster for a 2-count.

Cash tags in and hits a Belly to Back on Perry. Perry comes back and hits a Backslide for a 2 of his own. The Bucks are tagged in and do a bunch of double team moves. The Bucks look for the EVP trigger but miss. All 6 men are in the ring and it’s absolute pandemonium. FTR and Allin drop their opponents and lock in Triple sharpshooters.

The Elite escape to ringside and threaten to walk off as they get dives. Its pandemonium again as all 6 men fight again. FTR nails the shatter machine on Perry, followed by a PowerPlex. Allin is in and hits a Coffin Drop for the win.

Winner: FTR & Darby Allin

The Acclaimed hit the stage right after the match and Max Caster calls FTR court jesters and the Young Bucks his favorite princesses. Caster says the belts will come home to The Acclaimed on Sunday at All In.  Anthony Bowens says FTR and the Bucks can’t beat The Acclaimed and they will be the next champs.

Will Ospreay is backstage and he’s confronted by Bryan Danielson. Danielson tells Ospreay to use the Tiger Driver ’91 on MJF at All In this Sunday.

The American Dragon Awakens

Nigel McGuinness is here to moderate the face to face between Swerve Strickland and Bryan Danielson. Swerve Strickland talks about what he’s done as AEW World Champion and says that he appreciates the legend that Bryan Danielson is but he feels disrespected by him.

Strickland says he’s going to do something to Danielson on Sunday that will make him not able to come back. Swerve says if Danielson tries to come back he’s going to be there to beat him up. Strickland starts talking about Danielson’s family which brings out The American Dragon.

Danielson runs down and hits Strickland with the Busaiku knee. Bryan Danielson says he doesn’t come out and talk all the time but everyone in the world knows that he’s the best f*cking wrestler in the world and he has been for the past 20 years. Danielson says this Sunday at Wembley Stadium he will have to be near death not to kick out because he’s leaving his soul in that ring.

Bryan Danielson says asks the crowd if he can beat Swerve for the AEW World Championship? The crowd chants yes to end the show.