It’s been a while but I’m back to cover another NWA Powerrr on The CW. 

Thanks to Thomas Starr for his coverage in my absence, as we have a new episode where Zyon defeated Big Strong Mims due to Austin Idol’s Interference.  Mims has backup with BLK Jeez in his corner this time in the rubber match.

We come to you from the PowerrrStation in Tampa, FL. Joe Galli and Danny Dealz have the call as we kick off the show with The First Match of the Night with…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

The Immortals (Odinson and Kratos) vs. Dark City Violence Connection (Murder One and Joe Black)

Odinson and Kratos are looking to get back to their winning ways after coming up short in The Crockett Cup

Looks like DVDC are the sacrificial lambs for this contest, as Black foolishly pie faces the Asgardian who tackles him into the corner and there are uppercuts aplenty and an exploder suplex for a two count.  Odinson follows with a dropping knee to the face and an Asgardian uppercut to Black’s back for another count of two.  Black shoves him to the corner and he and Murder One utilize their tag chemistry to cut the ring in half and keep Odinson an Asgarding in Peril. DVDC lands a tag tandem of a drop toe hold to a diving headbutt for a near fall.  Odinson still has some life in him as he gets Black with an airplane spin to drop him to the floor.  He crawls over to his corner to make the hot tag and Kratos is The Most Feared en Fuego.  He whips Black to the corner, but Kratos eats a big boot.  Black goes up the top turnbuckle and Kratos catches him with a leaping enzugiri and then he brings him crashing down with a Frankensteiner (or should it be a Kratosteiner?  Asking for a friend).  Odinson comes back and gives The Asgardian Pounce to Black to send him outside and Kratos nails a vicious clothesline to Murder One, and then they deliver Immortality to Murder One for the pin and the win.

Your Winners via Pinfall:  The Immortals

Kyle Davis talks to The Immortals post-match and Kratos says they are here to give fans the chance to show why he’s is the best in the NWA, and he points out Odinson is carved from stone. In other words; they are here and lord have mercy on the tag team that faces them next.

Now Davis has Eric Smalls, Trevor Murdoch, and Mike Knox to talk about the upcoming Back to the Territories NWA signature event and how and they have Blunt Force Trauma in their sights.  Knox gets that look in his eyes that says, “Helter Skelter”, and I’m gonna let him talk for now:

“Jeffrey the Jackalope told me a secret about you, Aron Stevens, and you’re not gonna like it at all. Oh, all these times…all the times you’d slipped went over on us. You’re so smart and you ask Smalls to come out with us. It all makes perfect sense now.

So Aron Stevens, your mama, when you were born…Jeffrey the Jackalope told me she did not name you A-A-Ron.

No, no, no.  She calls you Mo-Mo-Moron Stevens, and you absolutely prove that tonight. Jeffrey was right.

So, ‘Moron,’ thank you for proving many, many points.

‘Moron’ Stevens, we will see you, sir.”

We get another vignette for something called OnlySlams.  I dunno what it is but I’m not not sure I wanna subscribe.

For now, we go right to the action in the ring and it’s a grudge match between…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

Colby Corino vs. Alex Misery

This grudge match results from the first time they faced each other on a YouTube-exclusive show (which you can catch here if you want to know what happened).

Corino is chopping away at the lanky Misery and not even letting up on the gas.  He pummels Misery with his knees and gives him a release suplex slam, and then Corino wraps his arms and legs around the ropes and keeps on chopping away.  Misery slips to the outside and Corino goes for a baseball slide.  Misery counters and powerbombs him onto the ring apron edge.  Back in the ring, Miersy sticks his finger in Corino’s ear gauges and twists away and now the tide turns in favor of The Unholy One, but briefly.  Corino comes back with a choke slam and then attempts a moonsault that misses the mark.  Misery counters with a running knee strike and then covers for a two count.  He sets him up on the top turnbuckle for a superplex, yet Corino blocks the move and sends him crashing to the mat.  A Swanton by Corino finds the mark but he can’t capitalize on the high-risk maneuver.

They get up to a vertical base and they’re throwing live rounds at each other.  Now Corino lands with a flying forearm but doesn’t pin him right away.  He goes for the Colby Clash, but Misey escapes with a scorpion kick.  He tries to get some offense going but Corino reverses and nails the Clash to cover for another two count.  he sends Misery to the outside and now he lands the baseball slider.  Once out of the ring he gets a crazed look and so does Misery, and they both climb the scaffolding of the set display and battle up top the beam.  Misery falls down face-first to the floor, and Galli is screaming in disbelief.  Meanwhile, Dealz responds to the same thing with, “Gadzooks!”

Probably would’ve been more emphatic if the old-timey word didn’t make its way to broadcast…but, whatever.

Back in the ring, Corino delivers a Hell driver and the ref gives him the victory.

Your Winner via Pinfall:  Colby Corino

Thrillbilly Silas Mason cuts a promo on Thom Latimer calling him, among other things, a “Brit, bonger, limey cuck.”  In so many words, Mason challenges Latimer for the NWA National title, next week on NWA Powerrr ’cause that title doesn’t belong to him, and the grass isn’t greener on the other side, especially if it burns down right in front of him.  

Davis now has the NWA World Tag Team Champions, The King Bees.  He lets them know he’s hearing from Kenzie Paige about wanting to be a double champion.  Danni Bee says that won’t happen, and Charity King emphasizes they beat her sister Kylie twice to secure their claim to the belts.  They advise the Paige sisters if they want to step into their kingdom they are ready for a fight.

Speaking of tag team action, we have a title match for the…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

NWA JCP Southeast Tag Team Championship: The Stew Crew (Dylan and Zach Stewart, with Joe Cazana)(c) vs. The Miserably Faithful (Sal-Vation and Gaagz the Gymp)

Been a while since we saw “Twisted Steel” Dylan and “Silverback” Zack Stewart in the first rounds of The Crockett Cup, but they look to be doing well in one of the NWA’s key territories, especially under the guidance of Papa Joe in their corner.

Right from the get-go, Dylan is running roughshod over Sal and Gaagz, and then Zack tags in and continues to manhandle the Gymp.  That leads to a sidewalk slam by Zack to a slingshot senton by Dlyan for a two count.  He whips Gaagz to the corner, and Sal pulls him out of the way.  Dylan goes after Sal for the interference, and then he and Gaagz gang up on Dylan and he is Twisted Steel in Peril.  Dylan manages to land desperation suplexes to escape the corner.  A hot tag to Zack and he is a Silverback en Fuego on The Miserably Faithful.  Zack is setting up for the kill on Sal, but Gaagz grabs his ankle from outside the ring.  As Zack is distracted by this, Sal takes advantage with a rollup for a two count, until The Stew Crew finally has had enough and delivers the Coalfield Combo (Dylan with a German suplex, and Zack with a spinning clothesline) to retain the titles.

Your Winners, and Still NWA JCP Southeast Tag Team Champions:  The Stew Crew

Now for the Main Event and it’s between…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

Big Strong Mims (with BLK Jeez) vs. Zyon (with Austin Idol)

The bell rings and they lock up.  Mims pushes Zyon to the corner and pie faces him.  They lock up again and Zyon returns the receipt in the corner as he gives cross faces of his own to Mims.  Now Mims comes back with a Headlock and drives the masked man to the center of the mat.  Zyon reverses and tries to wear him down, but Mims keeps his shoulders off the mat to avoid a pinning situation.  He reverses to a head scissors and Zyon throws him off.  They keep going tit for tat, and neither man is making any mistakes this early in the match.

Mims is starting to become more aggressive as he mounts Zyon with punches and then gives him a blatant choke in front of the referee.  He follows with shoulder tackles to Zyon in the corner and then nails a power slam that gets him a two count.  He gets him back in a headlock but Zyon fights out of the hold.  Mims runs the ropes and Zyon catches him in the head with a jumping knee and stomps him down.  He follows with a shot to his ribs and a leaping fist drop to allow Zyon a two count.  Now both men are throwing bombs and they each land double clotheslines that drop them to the center of the ring.  Mims recovers first and connects with a belly-to-belly suplex and covers for one, two…kick out by Zyon.  He whips him into the corner but Zyon gets a boot up and then a flying knee for a near fall.  He goes back to the chops and Zyon gets Mims with a drop toehold to send him face-first to the second turnbuckle.  As the ref deals with Zyon’s aggressiveness, Idol cheap shots Mims, and now BLK Jeez gets in his former compatriot’s face.  As he and Idol jaw jack, Mims chop blocks Zyon to the back of his leg and he locks in a crossface chicken wing to make the masked man submit.

Your Winner via Submission:  Big Strong Mims

With his new attitude and added submission arsenal, Mims is feeling good and he and The Church’s Money celebrate the win as the show goes to the credits.

NWA POWERRR - 08/06/2024

Final Thoughts:

Not a bad way to get into recapping wrestling again.  Mims and Jeez have a great dynamic and I’m curious how this partnership will benefit them down the road.  Also the Immortals looks good again in tag team action, as do The Stew Crew.

Only complaint I had was during the Corino/Misery match.  It would have helped to show clips of what took place on the YouTube match to lend context why there was a grudge match, and that “Gadzooks!” comment by Dealz took me out of the drama.

Overall, a very solid show, and we will see you next Tuesday on The CW app.