Greetings and salutations! It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means? It’s time for another edition of AEW Dynamite. This week on the show we have Darby Allin facing “Hangman” Adam Page. We also have Will Ospreay taking on Lance Archer as he prepares for All In. With all this and so much more, let’s get to the action.

MJF Speaks

AEW American Champion is out and in true MJF fashion he insults the crowd. He then announces that his America Championship is the most important title in the world. MJF then looks directly into the camera as he talks “real America”. MJF calls Will Ospreay a redcoat terrorist and says he will beat him yet again at AEW All In. As the crowd heats up, MJF tells them to show some respect and rise for their “American hero.”

This gets Will Ospreay running out, but MJF in true heel fashion dips out of the ring. Ospreay says he’s going to put MJF through pain that he can’t imagine. Ospreay continues to say that he knows Americans love their flag and country, but no one acknowledges MJF’s title because the former AEW International Champions worked hard to build its prestige. Ospreay ends things by telling MJF that he’s not worthy of holding the title and that he will bring prestige back to the championship.

MJF says he doesn’t think Ospreay won’t even make it to All In because of his next match against Lance Archer. This brings out Archer as we get into the first match of the night.

Will Ospreay VS Lance Archer

Archer uses hsi strength to man handle Ospreay to get things started. Ospreay with a kick and follows that up with a dive at ringside, but Archer catches Ospreay and  slams him on the floor. Ospreay fights back and sends Archer into the barricade. Back in the ring, Ospreay with a kick to Archer, but Archer  quickly recovers and chokeslams Ospreay.

Archer continues his attack on Ospreay and looks for a Chokeslam, but Ospreay fights out and kicks Archer, but Archer knocks him with a Spinning Slam. Archer slams Ospreay with a Spinebuster for a 2-count. Ospreay hits a Spanish fly and as Ospreay is mounting the comeback, Archer stops his momentum. Archer and Ospreay keep battling and Ospreay catches Archer on the ropes and hits an Avalanche Spanish fly, followed by the Os-cutter for a 2-count. As Ospreay looked for a Hidden Blade, Archer counters it with a huge Lariat of his own. Archer looks for the Blackout DDT, but Ospreay counters that into a Hidden Blade for a quick count. Ospreay hits a second Hidden Blade for the win.

Winner: Will Ospreay

After the match, MJF attacks Ospreay, but Kyle Fletcher makes the save. Fletcher says he speaks for everyone when he says that we’re all tired of MJF and wants a match against him. MJF accepts and says they will face off next week and he will hurt him worse than he did Daniel Garcia

A video package hypes up AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland.

The Learning Tree celebrate Chris Jericho reaching 100+ days as the FTW Champion. Jericho says they took out Samoa Joe & Hook, and next will be Katsuyori Shibata. Bryan Keith challenges Shibata to a match for next week

CMLL World Women’s Championship Eliminator: Willow Nightingale VS Kris Statlander (with Stokely Hathaway)

Statlander connects with a Dropkick to get things started. Nightingale comes right back with some strikes. The two trade pin attempts. Willow elbows and hits a Suplex on Statlander. The two’s intensity spills out to ringside where Nightingale sends Statlander into the barricade. Nightingale goes for a Cannonball at ringside, but Statlander evades it causing Nightingale to crash into barricade.

Back in the ring, Statlander takes control. Nightingale comes back and hits a Spinebuster. Statlander comes right back and responds with a face-buster and an Axe Kick. Nightingale hits a Death Valley Driver on the apron and sets her sights on Hathaway. Nightingale grabs Hathaway and hits him, but Statlander blindsides Nightingale and tosses her back in the ring. Statlander hits a 450 splash for a 2-count. Hathaway gives Statlander a steel chain and hits a Discus Clothesline for the win.

Winner: Kris Statlander

Statlander attacks Nightingale with a chair after the match. Officials run in to separate them. Statlander hits some of the officials, and the referee helps Nightingale to the back.

Danielson Speaks

Bryan Danielson is out and recites one of the best lines from The Office where you don’t know that it’s the gold old days until they’re almost gone. Danielson reflects about being forced to retire and says that the last three years in AEW have been the most fun times he’s had in his career. Danielson says he was there for some special moments in AEW. He says he promised his daughter that he would stop wrestling full-time when she was seven, and he promised his family the contract he signed with AEW would be the last. Danielson announces that  says that the contract is up tomorrow and that he vowed to win the world title when he came to AEW, but he hasn’t done that yet and at All in, it will be his last chance. Danielson said that doctors don’t want him to wrestle, but he promises to go to Wembley Stadium to give it his all.

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland comes out and says he respects the hell out of Danielson for inspiring wrestlers like him to chase their dreams. He says that any other time, he would be rooting for Danielson right now, but Swerve says this is his time, and he’s one of a kind. Danielson says the title he has on his shoulder shows that he is the best in the world. Strickland says he led Team AEW to victory at Blood & Guts. Strickland then wonders if Danielson’s body was just unable to hold up to the pressure of being a champion. Strickland says he’s the most dangerous man in AEW, and Danielson will not win the title at AEW All In. Danielson puts his career on the line at AEW All In, and Strickland shakes his hand.

Backstage, Jeff Jarrett greets Danielson. Danielson challenges Jarrett to face him next week.

Roderick Strong, RUSH & The Beast Mortos VS The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe & Tomohiro Ishii)

The two teams start brawling to kick things off. Cassidy and Mortos are alone in the ring as Mortos gains control of the match. Ishii is in and takes on Mortos. Ishii and Mortos go to to tow as Ishii hits a Suplex on Mortos. RUSH is in and he takes on Ishii. RUSH drops Ishii with an elbow. Briscoe is in and he takes on RUSH. Thew two men trade blows. Strong with a Dropkick on Briscoe, and Briscoe comes right back with a Blockbuster on the floor and then dives onto RUSH and Mortos.

RUSH takes control and takes down Cassidy. Mortos and RUSH double-team Cassidy. Briscoe tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. Ishii is in and hits some German Suplexes. Briscoe hits Froggy Bow and the match it pandemonium again. RUSH dives onto The Conglomeration at ringside. Cassidy hits Strong with the Orange Punch and RUSH headbutts Briscoe. Mortos spikes Briscoe for the win.

Winners: The Beast Mortos, RUSH & Roderick Strong

The Acclaimed and “Daddy Ass” are backstage and they say they’re coming to AEW Collision looking for FTR They say FTR is nowhere to be found. Max Caster says they’re scared of The Acclaimed and say maybe FTR aren’t serious wrestlers because they didn’t show up. Anthony Bowens says they’ll come to Collision, and they hope FTR shows up.

Mariah May is asked about attacking Toni Storm. May says Storm didn’t do anything to her, and she gave Mariah everything she asked for and still loves her, but it was her turn to “eat.”

Kamille (with Mercedes Moné) VS Brittany Jade

Kamile charges Jade with strikes and slams her hard for the win.

Winner: Kamille

Moné  gets on the mic and introduces Kamille as the newest member of Moné Corporation. She says Baker has been tormenting her, and it’s like she’s obsessed with her. Moné says Baker has been suspended thanks to the EVP’s and that AEW is her house now. Moné says that losing to her will be the best thing to ever happen to Baker.

Darby Allin VS “Hangman” Adam Page

Allin and Page go back and forth until Allin sends Page to ringside. Allin goes for a five, but Page catches himn and turns it into a Suplex. Page slams Allin into the barricade. He gets a chair and argues with the referee. Allin takes advantage of this and and hits Page with a Stunner and then dives off the entrance tunnel and onto Page. Back in the ring. Page takes control and chokes Allin. Allin mounts a comeback and the lights in the arena go out for a bit as the match continues. With the lights back on, Page slams Allin into the ring post and on the ring apron. Page sends Allin into the steel steps a few times.

Page finally sends Allin back in the ring and just tosses him. Allin comes back and trips Page then gouges his eyes. Page goes to ringside and Allin dives onto him. Allin uses his pants belts and whips Page with it. Allin hits a Code Red. Allin is looking to end things and hit a Coffin Drop, but Page counters it and locks a Sleeper. Allin puts his weight on Page and turns the Sleeper into a pin attempt. Page is up and hits Allin with a huge Lariat and Powerbomb for a 2-count. Page hits two Deadeyes and goes for the Buckshot, but Allin collapses and rolls Page up for the win.

Winner: Darby Allin