Happy Thursday everyone! TNA is creeping towards Slammiversary and the card is beginning to take shape. On tonight’s edition of iMPACT we will crown a number one contender for Mustafa Ali’s X-Division Championship and Jordynne Grace is holding an open challenge for her Knockout’s title.

Tonight’s episode heads into the action with Nic Nemeth attacking Frankie Kazarian outside. Nemeth revealed to his brother Ryan that Kaz attacked him last week and tonight he was out for retribution. It took a sea of men to separate these two, but Nemeth definitely wants more.

TNA Knockout’s Championship Match: Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Izzi Dame

Answering Grace’s open challenge is WWE NXT’s Izzi Dame, if they hadn’t announced that she was from NXT I would’ve had no idea if I’m being honest.

However, before this match could start Ash By Elegance’s personal concierge interrupted to say there cannot be a championship match without Elegance, who is set to challenge for the title at Slammiversary. So, Elegance will be joining us via satellite from the Bahamas for the entire match.

Dame looked to use her height advantage early on, but Grace was quickly overpowering her opponent and slammed her on her face. The fight did spill to the outside and Grace drilled Dame into the ring post before turning her attention to Elegance’s concierge. As the concierge faced Grace, Rosemary emerged through the crowd and chased him to the back.

The distraction to Grace allowed Dame to gain control and drop the champ with a falcon arrow. She followed that with a spinning heel kick, but Grace responded with a rolling fireman’s carry. Grace now finished the job with a Juggernaut Driver to retain her title.

Winner: Still TNA Knockout’s Champion, Jordynne Grace

Santino Marella made a big announcement about tonight’s main event. It will be a wild card tag team match between the people competing in the Slammiversary main event. The team were drawn at random and it will be Joe Hendry and Josh Alexander against Steve Maclin and the TNA World Champion, Moose.

Zachary Wentz w/Trey Miguel vs. Charlie Dempsey

Another member of NXT has arrived in TNA, Charlie Dempsey. Last week, Dempsey attacked The Rascalz and tonight Wentz wanted revenge. Wentz was using his quickness early, but Dempsey slowed him down with a knuckle arm drag and then manipulated Wentz’s left arm. He was rag-dolling Wentz around the ring, continuing to focus on the left arm before hitting a German suplex. Wentz got himself back into the match with a handspring into a knee strike before landing a German suplex of his own. He then delivered a PK and a running shooting star press.

It seemed like Wentz was closing in on the win when Myles Borne, Dempsey’s fellow member of the No Quarter Catch Crew in NXT, attacked Trey Miguel at ringside. That distraction allowed Dempsey to defeat Wentz with a dragon suplex.

Winner: Charlie Dempsey

Dempsey later had a message for The Rascalz saying he knew all their tricks and used their tricks against them. They should’ve known he wasn’t coming alone and the entire New Quarter Catch Crew, Tavion Heights as well were here in TNA, they are out to prove they are the most dominant faction in wrestling. However, Santino Marella was not too impressed with their actions and let them know they would be back in TNA next week for a six-man tag.

We now heard from The System who had a strong message for The Hardy’s who will be returning next week:

X-Division Championship Number One Contender’s Triple Threat Match: Kushida vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey w/Trent Seven

This match began with a flurry of roll-ups before Bailey started firing kicks and then dove to the outside with a moonsault onto Kushida. He continued with a diving missile dropkick to Gresham and a running shooting star. Gresham did battle himself back into the match and locked Bailey into a figure-four, but the hold was broken and Kushida and Bailey delivered a double enzigiri to Gresham. Kushida now hit Bailey with a back elbow and they then began to trade kicks.

Kushida came out on top of that exchange and then dove to the outside with a crossbody onto Gresham. He now turned his attention back to Bailey only to be hit with a moonsault double knees to the chest from Bailey. Gresham then hung Bailey up on the ropes and tried to get Kushida with his black ink, however, Kushida blocked the ink and spit green mist into Gresham’s eyes. He locked Gresham into the Hover Lock, but Bailey came flying from the top rope with a shooting star double knee to both of his opponents and he pinned Gresham for the win.

Winner: “Speedball” Mike Bailey

While Bailey was celebrating his victory with Trent Seven, they were attacked from behind by the secret service of Mustafa Ali and Campaign Singh. Both men were beatdown before Ali made his way down to the ring, he then had his secret service hold Bailey and make him watch as he hit Seven with a chair in the knee. He then locked Seven into a submission while Bailey was forced to watch on in agony. Ali just sent a strong message to his challenger.

Steph De Lander sent a message to her lover PCO as she wants him to wait for her:

Digital Media Championship & International Heavyweight Championship Match: A.J. Francis (c) w/Rich Swann vs. Rhino

Francis was running his mouth on his way to the ring, so Rhino attacked him to shut his mouth and get the match started. He was calling for the Gore early, so Swann attacked Rhino just 30 seconds into the match causing a disqualification. First Cla$$ was now beating Rhino down in a two-on-one attack, which drew Santino Marella out from the back.

Marella said TNA is in Philadelphia, the home of extreme wrestling and this match will be continuing as a Philadelphia street fight! Rhino took this match to the outside to slam Francis into the ring post, but Francis attacked him with a chair. That didn’t do too much damage to Rhino and he responded by throwing the chair into Francis’ face before bringing a table into the ring. However, as he set up the table Francis hit him with a low blow and rolled him up to win the very lacklustre street fight. Francis’ match with PCO at Slammiversary is now for both of his titles.

Winner: Still Digital Media Champion, A.J. Francis

First Cla$$ continued to attack Rhino, but the lights went out and PCO appeared in the ring. He planted Swann into the mat and attempted to dive through the ropes onto Francis, but he moved out of the way and PCO took a brutal landing on the floor. Francis then dropped PCO on the ramp with the Down Payment before standing tall with his titles.

Tasha Steelz vs. Gisele Shaw

Steelz attacked Shaw in the middle of their entrance and was driving her spine-first into the ring apron. When the match officially started she drilled Shaw with an uppercut and a running knee followed by a super kick. Steelz dropped a series of elbows, but Shaw began to battle back with forearms and back elbows. She then hit a full-nelson backbreaker that she transitioned into a face-buster. Shaw now caught Steelz with a power slam and a stiff knee. She then hit The Denoument to earn the win.

Winner: Gisele Shaw

Xia Brookside is coming for Alisha Edwards:

JDC vs. Chris Bey w/Ace Austin

Bey was pelting JDC with a flurry of strikes and knocked him to the outside to fly over the top rope with a beautiful tope. He continued to hit JDC with strikes, but he attempted a springboard and JDC knocked him over the ropes to the floor. JDC then hit a suplex, an uppercut and a stiff chop. With JDC in control, Alisha and Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers of The System came to get a closer look.

However, Bey began his comeback with a big kick and a rolling neckbreaker before going to the top rope. However, Myers and Edwards got into it with Ace Austin at ringside which caused Bey to dive out onto them. Bey then went to get back in the ring, but as he was stepping in he was hit with a diving leg drop from JDC which got him the win. The System and JDC attacked ABC after the bell and left them both out in the middle of the ring.

Winner: JDC

Joe Hendry & Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin & Moose

Before the beginning of the match, Joe Hendry had some things to say. Hendry said Maclin always talks about tag em and bag em, but following tonight the only thing Maclin will be bagging is Hendry’s groceries. He can do that while all these people believe in Joe Hendry. The match was still not ready to start, as another man who will be in the six-pack challenge at Slammiversary, Frankie Kazarian made his way out to watch the match.

Hendry and Moose now began the match, Hendry laid into Moose with strikes, but he was unable to find the power to suplex him. He required some extra motivation from Alexander and he then got the champion up for stalling suplex. Alexander now tagged in, but he ran into a knee from Moose and Maclin was tagged in. With some help from Moose, Maclin sent Alexander crashing to the floor and got the champ back in the match.

Moose and Maclin kept Alexander isolated on their side of the ring as they both hit him with several strikes and maneuvers. Alexander sent Moose to the outside and hit Maclin with a boot and a German suplex to build a comeback, however, when he went to tag Hendry, Moose pulled him from the apron. Maclin now hung Alexander up on the top rope to hit a running attack before tagging Moose back in.

Alexander caught Moose with a hurricanrana and finally got Hendry into the match. Hendry hit both Maclin and Moose with a fallaway slam each. He then planted Maclin with a cutter and Moose with a pop-up powerbomb. Hendry wanted the Standing Ovation, but it was reversed and Maclin hit a psycho knee. Alexander sneakily tagged himself in to throw Maclin around with an absurd number of German suplexes.

He continued his attack with a rolling senton and a diving knee drop from the second rope. All four men were now battling in the ring, Moose dropped Hendry with a knee, but Alexander then turned Moose inside-out with a lariat. Hendry now wanted to hit Maclin with the Standing Ovation, but Kazarian jumped up on the apron to distract Hendry. Alexander was now shoved into Hendry sending him out of the ring and Alexander turned around into a spear from Moose. Maclin followed that with the K.I.A. to get the victory.

Winners: Steve Maclin & Moose