Sometimes, you have to make hard choices if you want to succeed in wrestling. That is no different in the National Wrestling Alliance, as Blunt Force Trauma has remained dominant in the tag team division. According to Aron Stevens, NWA US Tag Team champions Odinson and Kratos have an opportunity at their NWA Tag Team titles, but only if The Immortals drop their belts.
We’ll see what decision The Immortals take in these Hard Times on The CW app, as we get a video montage of what led to this moment.
And we come to you from the Dothan Civic Center in Dothan, Alabama. Joe Galli and Danny Dealz have the call, and your First Match of the Night is…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
The Fixers, LLC. (Wrecking Ball Legursky and Jay Bradley) vs. Tim Storm and ????
Storm’s tag partner Jax Dane did not make this trip to Dothan for some reason. Galli and Dealz allude to something that happened between the two former NWA Heavyweight champs but that will have to be a story for another day. J.A.C. (Jesse Alexander Carter) is introduced as the mystery partner of Storm, and he has been featured in NWA Southeast/Joe Cazana Promotions in the Tennessee area and also participates in MMA on the side.
As for how he fares in the big leagues, Bradley makes short work of J.A.C. before Storm tags in. Now he and Legursky get in the mix and hStorm channels The American Dream, if you will, and nails him with a bionic elbow. He tags back to J.A.C., and the tide turns as Legursky cinches him in a Full Nelson and spins him around the ring before dropping him to the mat. He follows that with a hip attack, and as he attempts to pull him up J.A.C. kicks him in the mush and Storm gets tagged back in. He mounts Legursky in the corner, climbs up top, lands ten punches, and follows up with a boot and a neckbreaker to cover for a two count. He gets The Iron Claw on his big melon but Legursky shoves Storm into the corner and connects with a diving head butt. Now The Fixers isolate him in the corner and Momma Storm’s baby boy is In Peril. Legurksy misses another diving head butt, and he manages hot tag to J.A.C., and he is En Fuego. He attempts a crossbody and Legursky swats him out of the sky. Bradley brawls with Storm on the outside as Legursky gives J.A.C. a Wrecking Ball Slam that finishes him off in three.
Your Winners via Pinfall: The Fixers, LLC.
Kyle Davis interviews Natalia Markova, and The Crush is primed to claim the NWA Women’s championship on next week’s POWERRR. She states she deserves it more and wants a great fight with Kenzie Paige as she finally lays claim to The Burke.
Now for women’s wrestling between…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
Taylor Rising vs. Miss Starr
Starr comes to the ring wearing a bedazzled neck brace. Dealz explains it was the result of a stinger she received from jiu-jitsu training. As the match gets underway, Starr ducks out playing the injury card holding her neck. Faster than you can say, “Andy Kaufman,” Rising comes out to attack and Starr blocks it. She attempts the Starrstruck DDT on the concrete floor, but she gets shoved into the ring post and Rising is in the driver’s seat. Back in the ring, she gives Starr a head scissors takedown followed by a wheelbarrow reversal to a bulldog and Rising covers for a count of two. She yanks on the arm/shoulder of Starr to aggravate her injury.
Rising goes to the top rope and showboats for the Dothan crowd before Starr swats her crossbody away. She heads out of the ring and Rising attempts with a baseball slide that gets blocked and Starr powerbombs her on the apron edge and lays on her neck and head on the concrete floor. The ref starts to count, but Rising manages to get back in and the beatdown continues from Miss Starr. Rising goes for a double underhook suplex, but Starr powers out and has her primed for a reverse tombstone piledriver. Rising shimmies down to her leg and rolls up Starr for the surprise pin.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Taylor Rising
Your NWA Women’s Wrestling champion Kenzie Paige is on with a promo on Markova and how she can’t make the big win when it counts. She states Markova gets handed all these opportunities and always manages to drop the ball. Paige continues to paint a beautiful pink picture, and it involves her still holding The Burke as Markova stares at the lights lying on her back in the center of the ring.
Davis is with Vampiro about taking Mecha Wolf and Alex Misery under his wing and how they will be featured in action on next week’s POWERRR. Vampiro’s responses are…lacking, to say the least (literally). Guess we’ll know more once we tune in next week on The CW app.
Now it’s time for the Main Event and it is for the…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
NWA World Tag Team Championship: Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage and Damage, with Aron Stevens)(c) vs. The Immortals (Kratos and Odinson)
To get a shot at the tag titles, The Immortals must relinquish their NWA US Tag Team belts. As The Immortals head to the ring, Odinson is dressed in his ring gear, whereas Kratos is in his gym wear. As everyone is now in the ring, Kratos has the mic and explains the reason he is still in his sweats is because his gear bag was stolen, and he is looking directly at Stevens saying that. No matter what, he continues, he and Odinson will fight for the titles. The Dothan crowd appreciates that until Stevens tells the fans does want their “half-witted opinions” and asks if they will give up the US tag belts. Kratos and Odinson say yes, and Blunt Force Trauma jumps them as they have their backs turned and we will get to the match. After these…
Ads (I am quite famous for getting agitated when that happens. In this case, that was an appropriate time to have an ad break so we could digest what just took place. If only other promotions could take the same hints to pass along to their Monkeys in the Truck. *cough*AEW*cough*)
We come back and The Immortals have Stevens cornered in the ring but the masked men jump them again, and they all get dumped out. At that point, Kratos channels his inner Undertaker and dives over the top rope(!) onto Blunt Force Trauma. Now the bell rings and Odinson faces Damage and gives Asgardian uppercuts to soften him up. Tag to Kratos and The Most Feared chops away and launches Damage halfway across the ring with his release suplex. He mounts him up the top turnbuckle for punches, and Stevens distracts him. As the ref deals with him, that allows Damage to slam him hard down to the mat. Now Blunt Force Trauma has Kratos isolated in the corner as Stevens adds injury to insult when the ref’s back is turned and he is The Most Feared in Peril. Things look dire until Kratos manages a desperation jumping enzugiri and crawls to the corner. He finally gets the hot tag to Odinson and he is an Asgardian en Fuego. He lifts and nails a Jackhammer to Carnage to cover and Damage breaks the count, but he eats a powerslam by Kratos. With victory within reach, The Immortals go for a double team but Kratos gets pulled out of the ring. Stevens tries the take a swing at Odinson with his loaded glove, but the Asgardian catches him in the act and he takes a punch from Odinson. By the time he turns around Carnage delivers a dropkick to Odinson’s face and covers for one, two, and three.
Your Winners, and Still NWA World Tag Team Champions: Blunt Force Trauma
After all that, The Immortals lose not only their US Tag Titles but a chance at the NWA World Tag titles. Just another example of Hard Times in the NWA as the show goes to the credits.
NWA Powerrr-Hard Times: 04/16/2024
Final Thoughts:
Blunt Force Trauma and Stevens are a winning combination, and it may be a while before anyone can topple this tandem in the tag ranks. Maybe something will happen as The Crockett Cup approaches in May. Kudos to Kratos and Odinson for their efforts, and hopefully this won’t be the last time they get a shot at the belts.
For now, we’ll see ya next Tuesday for more Hard Times on The CW.