Greetings and salutations! Its the yearly tradition of having an ROH card during WrestleMania weekend. While ROH might not have the most consistent TV show, they have been able to deliver on their PPV’s during this new era of the company. With such a stacked card and almost five hours of wrestling to cover, let’s get straight to the action.
Zero Hour
Josh Woods, Tony Nese & Ari Daivari (with Mark Sterling) VS Rhett Titus, Tony Deppen & Adam Priest
This match was very fast paced and it was very fun. All six guys brought it and Mark Sterling’s team had some great tandem moves. The Premier Athletes won after Neese pinned Priest.
Winners: Josh Woods, Tony Nese & Ari Daivari

Josh Woods, Tony Nese & Ari Daivari (with Mark Sterling) VS Rhett Titus, Tony Deppen & Adam Priest at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves
A video package airs that sets up the Match with no Honor for later between Dalton Castle and Johnny TV.
The ROH Women’s World Television Championship match between Billie Starkz and Queen Aminata is the next program that gets a video package.
The Beast Mortos VS Blake Christian
This was a great showing for Beast Mortos who was known as Black Taurus in the past. This was a typical Speed-vs-Strength match with Christian using his speed against Mortos’ strength. Mortos with a Pump-handle Slam for the win.
Winner: The Beast Mortos
After the match, Komander and Alex Abrahantes come to the stage and applaud The Beast Mortos… oh the drama.

The Beast Mortos’ entrance at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves
ROH World Television Champion Kyle Fletcher is interviewed by Caprice Coleman. We get some more Fletcher back story and he says that he will continue to astound as champion.
Griff Garrison & Cole Karter (with Maria Kanellis) VS Angelico & Serpentico
After your trypical tag-team story, Maria Kanellis tries to interfere with a chair, but she was caught and subsequently ejected by the Mike Posey. While all of this was happening, Garrison clips the knees of Angelico. Garrison then pulls the mask of Serpentico, and Karter with a roll-up for the win.
Winners: Griff Garrison & Cole Karter

Kole Carter with a roll-up at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves
A video package shows and sets up the STARDOM showcase match,
We get another video package showcasing the ROH Women’s title match between Athena and Hikaru Shida.
Mariah May VS Momo Kohgo
Kohgo with all the early action and close pins, but May comes back and hits a Back Suplex. May is ready to put this match away, and she does so with huge Knee to the Jaw of Kohgo.
Winner: Mariah May

Mariah May enters the arena at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves
The final video package of the night shown gives us a rundown of the between Mark Briscoe and Eddie Kingston for the ROH title.
ROH Supercard of Honor
The show kicks off with an excellent video package highlighting the entire match card with a focus on Mark Briscoe.
In the arena, Nigel McGuinness joins Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman on commentary.
ROH World Television Championship: Kyle Fletcher (c) VS Lee Johnson
Fletcher and Johnson start the match by trading offense. Johnson has control of the match and gets a roll-up for a 2-count. Johnson tosses Fletcher to the outside, but the tides turn as Fletcher Suplexes Johnson over the barricade onto the floor. The action gets back in the ring and and does a Modified Back Suplex for a 2-count. Johnson fights back yet again and hits some chops and a Neckbreaker. Fletcher regains control and hits a Suplex on Johnson. Johnson’s heart is i full display as he continues to fight back and hits a huge Blue Thunder Bomb for a 2.9-count.
Once again, Fletcher is back and kicks Johnson and gets another 2-count after hitting a Avalanche Falcon Arrow followed by a Powerbomb. Fletcher continues his barrage of offense on Johnson, but Johnson continues to show his grit. Both men trade chops and Johnson hits a Poisonrana but Fletcher comes right back with a hard kick, followed by a Piledriver for a 2-count.
Johnson once again shows that he has no quit as this is the story of the match. Johnson hits a destroyer and a frog splash for a 2.9-count. Johnson with a second Frog Splash for another 2-count. Fletcher, now feeling that his title is almost lost, throws Johnson face-first into a turnbuckle and hits him with another huge kick, followed by a Brainbuster for the win.
Winner: And STILL ROH TV Champion; Kyle Fletcher
Kyle Fletcher shakes hands with Johnson.

Kyle Fletcher delivering a Falcon Arrow on Lee Johnson at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves
Mei Seira & Empress Nexus Venus (Mina Shirakawa & Maika) VS Tam Nakano & Queen’s Quest (Saya Kamitani & AZM)
AZM starts us off, but Nakano isolates Mei. Nakano with a hard punch to get Mei down. Seria is in and she hits Nakano with a kick, followed by a Neckbreaker. Maika tags in and gets complete control of the match until everyone is in and and its Pandemonium. AZM and Maika are the legal fighters and AZM with a kick and tags Kamitani in along with Shirakawa.
The match descents back into madness as Kamitani hits a crossbody, followed by a Bridging Back Suplex. Maika makes another comeback, but rallies. Shirakawa with a Spinning Figure-Four on Kamitani for the win.
Winners: Mei Seira & Empress Nexus Venus (Mina Shirakawa and Maika)
Mariah May comes out a and confrontsher former mentor Shirakawa, but she ends up hugging her. May brings out some champagne and celebrates with the winners.

Mei Seira & Empress Nexus Venus with Tam Nakano & Queen’s Quest at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves
ROH World Tag Team Championship: The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) (c) VS The Infantry (Carlie Bravo and Capt. Shawn Dean) (with Trish Adora)
Taven and Bennett attack The Infantry and the match officially starts. Dean and Bennet slap the heck out of each other. Bennet, Dean, and Bravo all end up outside and Taven sees this as his chance so he dives onto the 3 on the outside. While still outside of the ring, Taven and Bennet use their experience as a tag team and double team Bennet. The Kingdom with a Piledriver on the ramp.
Back in the ring, The Undisputed Kingdom continue with their double team offense. Bravo is in deep as The Undisputed Kingdom have cut him off from his partner. After fighting back, Bravo fights back and is able to tag Dean into the match who takes the fight to the Undisputed Kingdom. Now its The Infantry’s job to do some double team, but Taven hits Dean with a Knee and Bennett scores a close call.
The two teams go back and forth some more until Bravo hits Taven with a Neckbreaker. Taven comes back and hits Dean with the Climax on the ramp. The match is getting hot as Bravo sets Taven up on a table and does a Frog Splash to break said table. The ref is checking on Bravo and Taven as Dean hits a Frog Splash of his own. With the ref still out, Wardlow runs in and attacks Bravo. Bennett covers him for the win.
Winner: and STILL ROH World Tag Team Champions; The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett)
Undisputed Kingdom celebrate together

The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) celebrate at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves
Tournament Final: ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Queen Aminata
It is time to crown the first ROH Women’s TV champion. This match features two up and comers with a bright future in the sport. The match starts off with both women getting a feel for their opponent. Aminata with a Suplex on Starkz, then hits her with a Knee. Starkz comes back and the match ends up at ringside for a bit. Back in the ring, Aminata gets Starkz down, but Starkz rallies and slams Aminata for a 2-count. The two women trade pin attempts, and they come down hard after a double Kick and Clothesline. Aminata continues to dominate the match as she goes for a kick that Starkz dodges and is able to dive right on her. Starkz has a window where she controls the match and she thinks she seems the end in sight as Aminata is down on the apron. Starkz climbs to the top and goes for a Senton, but Aminata evades it making Starkz crash hard on the ring apron.
Aminata comes right back as she continues to control most of the match. Aminata with a kick and a German Suplex on the floor. Back in the ring, Aminata keeps Starkz down, climbs the ropes and hits a Dive for a 2-count. Starkz is down still but on the corner and Aminata hits a Hip Attack, followed by a Boot to the face where Starkz lands hard on he floor.
Starkz appears injured and the match is stopped. Doctors check on her and put a brace on her neck. Officials are helping her out of the ring, but she is okay after all, and hits Aminata which causes her to pass out. The ref calls for the bell and Starkz is the winner.
Winner and new ROH Women’s World Television Champion: Billie Starkz
Starkz celebrates her win.

Billie Starkz celebrates her win at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves
Backstage, Top Flight, alongside Action Andretti, are interviewed as they hype their Tag Team Title Tournament Semi-Final Match on Collision.
Jay White is out and issues an open challenge for the ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship. Lance Archer and Alex Zayne answer. Archer reveals Minoru Suzuki as their partner.
ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship: Bullet Club Gold (Jay White & The Gunns) (c) vs. Lance Archer, Alex Zayne & Minoru Suzuki
White talks some trash to Suzuki and Suzuki takes exception and wrenches White’s fingers. White with a chop that literally makes Suzuki laugh. Suziki goes for a sleeper on White, but the Gunns pull White out of the ring.
Austin Gunn tags in and goes face to face with Suzuki. Suzuki with a hard shot dropping Austin. Archer and Colten Gunn tag in and Archer quickly goes for the attack and tosses Colten. Archer and Zayne double-tam Colten and drop him hard with a suplex. Bullet Club Gold isolates Zayne for a bit until Suzuki gets the hot tag. Suzuki now takes control of the match until White sneaks in and hits a Blade Runner on Zayne to get the win.
Winners: and still ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions; Bullet Club Gold
Jay White cuts a promo and The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn attack Bullet Club Gold. White sneaks a Bladerunner on Bowens and Bullet Club Gold make their escape.

Minoru Suzuki delivering a Gotch Piledriver on Jay White at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves
Fight Without Honor: Dalton Castle VS Johnny TV (with Taya Valkyrie)
This match is a No DQ match. Taya Valkyrie was ringside to help her husband. Through the match Castle took a beating. TV with a Knee to the face and a Neckbreaker. Castle tries a comeback and is somewhat successful until he goes for a kick, but TV dodges in and Castle ends up on the outside of the ring. Outside, both men want a chair, but TV just ends up beating Castle with a Kendo stick. TV uses this Kendo Stick tons.
Castle comes back and hits a couple Suplexes. Now its Castle’s time to use the Kendo Stick. Castle hits TV several times. Taya then gets involved and throws power in Castle’s face and then uses a leaf blower on him. TV slams Castle through a table and hits Starship Pain. Castle makes a major comeback and is rallied by the fans. Castle slams TV so hard, that he goes to the outside. Castle calls for a boy who is used as a weapon and is thrown by Castle in the ring onto Johnny TV on the outside. With Johnny TV back in the ring, he is alone with a Boy. The boy unmasks and its Paul Walter Hauser. Hauser slams Johnny TV and on the outside, The Boys carry Taya Valkyrie to the back. Hauser and Castle dump some tacks onto the mat and then Castle hits a Bang-a-rang onto some tacks for the win.
Winner: Dalton Castle
Castle celebrates with Paul Walter Hauser.

Dalton Castle celebrates with Paul Walter Hauser. at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves
ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena (c) VS Hikaru Shida
Athena and Shida have a match of attrition and they keep trying to one up each other. Shida with a series of Clotheslines and hits Athena with a Backbreaker. Athena finds an opening and gets Shida down. Athena now sees a target on Shida’s knee and she goes right after it. Athena with an Alabama Slam. Shida is slower to get up and Knees Ahena, but that seems to have hurt her just as much as it hurt Athena.
The women were slow to get up, and when they do they end up outside of the ring. Shida with another knee that makes Athena hit the announce table. Athena with a Suplex, and goes for the O-Face, but its blocked. Shida does for a Katana, but Athena counters it and turns it into an Ankle Lock, until Shida reaches the ropes for the break.
The women end up on the outside again and Shida with yet another knee and then drops her hard on the ramp. Shida with a Meteora for a 2-count. Athena fights back, and hits a Double Knee to Shida’s face. After some more back and forth action, Athena with a Powerbomb on Shida outside of the ring. Athena with a O-Face for a 2-count. Shida sends Athena and rocks her hard on the Turnbuckle, followed by a Katana for a 2.9-count. Athena comes right back with a kick, and an O-Face for the win.
Winner and still ROH Women’s World Champion: Athena

Athena celebrates with her ROH Women’s Title at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves
ROH World Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) VS Mark Briscoe
Kingston and Briscoe have a back and forth 50/50 battle until Kingston hits a Backdrop Driver on Briscoe. Briscoe is back at it and fires up with some “Redneck Kung Fu.” With Kingston at ringside, Briscoe hits a Cannonball. Kingston slams Briscoe onto a chair, then slams him on the broadcast table. Briscoe is now bleeding.
Briscoe and Kingston trade punches, but Kingston gets the last one as he chops the heck out of Briscoe. Kingston focuses his attack on the open wound of Briscoe and then hits a huge Lariat. Briscoe fights back and ends up biting Kingston. The two end up on the outside and Briscoe with a Suplex on the floor. Briscoe continues his attack as he hits a diving elbow drop off the apron. Kingston re-gains the advantage and drops Briscoe, but Briscoe clotheslines Kingston, and both men are down.

Eddie Kingston chopping Mark Briscoe at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves
Briscoe hits a Fisherman Buster and a Blockbuster, followed by a Froggy Bow for a 2-count. Briscoe and Kingston hit a double Clothesline and they are both down hard. The two slowly get back up and fight on the apron until Kingston slams Briscoe from the apron to the outside. Briscoe is almost counted out, but he makes it back in the ring. Briscoe with a Clothesline followed by Kingston hitting a Dragon Suplex. Kingston now with a Back Fist for a 2-count. Kingston is looing to end the match and he goes for another Backfist, but Briscoe gets our of the way and rocks Kingston with a kick. Briscoe hits a Cuthroat Driver, followed by a Jay Driller for the win.
Winner and new ROH World Champion: Mark Briscoe
Its a full celebration as Streamers rain down from the rafters. Briscoe celebrates with his family and friends who were in attendance. The locker room comes out to join on the celebration. The final image is of Kingston and Briscoe hugging…..

Mark Briscoe celebrates after winning the ROH Title at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves
TOP PHOTO: Eddie Kingston and Mark Briscoe for the ROH Title at the The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 2024. Photo by Dax J. Martin-Cheeves, Talk Time Live, @IG: daxavier_josiah website: