It’s time, it’s Velvet time!
NWA USA was in New Orleans once again, airing from the Frederick J. Sigur Civic Centre in Chalmette., LA. This was a special edition of NWA USA, as it was in collaboration with Wildkat Sports and the only match was the WildKat Revolution Rumble.
The Revolution Rumble is an annual event where 23 competitors go to battle to crown a number one contender for the Wildkat Revolution Championship. The winner of the 23-man war will be going head-to-head with Chuck Devine for the title at a future date. We now go to the rumble…

Courtesy of the NWA.
The 2022 Revolution Rumble
The over-the-top-rope Revolution Rumble will have 23 men enter, eight men will begin in the ring and after five minutes a new competitor will join the madness each minute. When two men remain in the ring, they will then go one-on-one in a regular matchup immediately to crown the winner of the rumble.
The eight men starting the match included Larry D, Jace Valor, Rhett Titus and Alex Taylor. Larry D would be the first man eliminated from the match before the first five minutes were up, and he was ironically also the biggest man in the match.
The first man to enter the ring after the five minutes were up was Danny Flamingo, the hometown favourite. He entered the ring to immediately eliminate Brady Pierce.
Luke Hawx, the last winner of the rumble was the third entrant and he was stomped out by everyone in the ring as soon as he arrived. Luckily for Luke, the next entrant was his son PJ Hawx and he came to the aid of his dad.
Anthony Mayweather, one of the favourites due to his size, came in strong eliminating Eddie Vero. Dak Draper was next to arrive and he made his presence known as he was able to military press Rhett Titus.
Jax Dane entered and was only focused on his rival Mayweather, these two were throwing blows and forgot about everyone else which caused them both to be pushed over the ropes together. Magic Jake Dumas was the final entrant to the surprise of all due to him being in a walking boot, but behind him came Jennacide to stomp on his injured foot and enter the ring herself as the final entrant.
She entered the ring strong and quickly eliminated Soda Pop and she then eliminated the big man, De’vin Graves with a pump kick. Despite her power, she was eliminated by Odinson and her afternoon ended early.
Dak Draper continued his impressive afternoon eliminating Luke Hawx, but he was then quickly thrown over himself by PJ Hawx. The final three would be PJ, Odinson and Rhett Titus; and the first to go over was PJ at the hands of Odinson.
The final two were Odinson and Titus and their one-on-one match started immediately. Odinson took advantage from the jump attacking the gassed Titus, who had been in the match since the start.
Titus started his comeback and scored the first near-fall of the match following a nicely executed belly-to-belly suplex. Titus then went to the top rope for a leap but was cut off in mid-air with a massive European uppercut.
Odinson followed the uppercut with a brutal pounce and he then went for his signature F-10, but Titus slipped out and was able to roll up Odinson to steal the win. Rhett Titus is the 2022 Revolution Rumble winner and the number-one contender for Chuck Devine’s Wildkat Sports Revolution Championship!
NWA USA: The 2022 Revolution Rumble
A very entertaining rumble on this show and some competitors really shined more than others. Rhett Titus, Odinson, PJ Hawx, Dak Draper and Jennacide all looked like stars out there and showed the great things they’re capable of.
Titus definitely stole the show with his come-from-behind win and his championship match with Chuck Devine should be a doozy.