Hey hey friends,

We start off the night with The Brawling Brutes and Drew McIntyre standing together for their upcoming match against The Bloodline later at War Games. Sheamus is back and better than ever.

The crowd chants: “Brutey” towards McIntyre to officially become part of the group for Survivor Series next week Saturday. I called this match too. Wow. I’m good. But Sami Zayn arrives saying he speaks for The Bloodline when he says they don’t care about who The Brutes’ fifth member will be. The Bloodline are going to win according to Zayn. Sheamus counters with a terrifying prediction that their fifth man will make Sami “Crap his pants”.

Mustafa Ali vs. Ricochet – Round One SmackDown World Cup

I’m really happy that Ali is making an appearance in this World Cup tournament. He’s been getting great momentum against Seth Rollins; although, he lost. Mustafa just needs more push, which he got with this tournament and against none other than the high flying master, Ricochet. This will be a tough one for me to watch because I like both wrestlers.

Earlier this past Monday, Ali fought Bobby Lashley because he had the guts to take on the All Mighty himself. He isn’t at 100%. Mustafa wanted another chance to challenge Rollins for the U.S. Championship only to be met with a trashing known as Lashley.

Ricochet was mostly concerned during the beginning of this matchup, putting Rico in the distracted area giving Ali relentless momentum. That results in a Back Stabber to Rico from the top rope causing a tremendous amount of pain to Mustafa’s already injured ribs. It was beautifully executed with a huge risk. I applaud Ali.

Even though Ricochet had an advantage over Ali with kicks to his opponent’s chest, Mustafa counters with a surprise drop kick. Rico chooses to shock Ali, too, by catching Mustafa in mid-air then proceeds to powerbomb him on the main ground.

Mustafa retaliates with an impressive Tornado DDT, which enrages Rico to perform the Shooting Star to Ali for an amazing win and a chance to advance in this World Cup. Given how sweet Rico is, he helps Ali to medical. He could’ve just walked out, but he didn’t.

Winner: Ricochet

Backstage, Jey is upset, or rather furious towards Zayn for guaranteeing wins at War Games against The Brawling Brutes. That confuses Sami and me to believe that Jey thinks they won’t win. Honestly, let’s just be calm and wait instead of saying things one might regret later. And they mostly do.

I think Jey’s paranoia isn’t wrong in wondering since when has Zayn and Jimmy gotten close. I’m questioning it too.

As we move on from that, we wonder how The New Day are doing after getting their record got upstaged by the Usos last Friday. It was sad for Kingston and Woods, but that didn’t matter to Giovanni and Ludwig, who interrupt an interview with Kayla Braxton. Gio and Kaiser believe that the tag championships were sullied when The New day were in possession of them with their trumpets and loud singing. So they think they’ll bring better representation to the titles, which leads to an abrupt match between New Day and Imperium.

And speaking of random, Emma’s crush on Madcap Moss is… new. But, cute and innocent. It seems Moss was into it with that long, gazing look he had. I can see this happening. I’ll be here weekly just to see this unfold.

Madcap Moss vs. Karrion Kross

After that agonizing Crossjacket performed by Karrion last week on Moss, he wants revenge against the dark shadow that is Kross. That’s what I’m calling him now.

Moss had momentum with punshes to Kross’ head before following that with a vertical suplex, yet Karrion does come back with a back-to-belly throw.

After Madcap gets slapped by Scarlett away from the official’s sight, Moss is in pursuit with a shoulder tackle to Kross.

Karrion has Madcap in the Crossjacket that Moss tries to break out of, but he couldn’t. Just when Madcap has the opening to beat Karrion, the dark shadow quickly rises up to put his opponent back to sleep for a win.

Emma later rushes to Madcap’s side after his loss with kind and gentle hands.

Winner: Karrion Kross

Bray Wyatt is here tonight to make amends, he says, for his actions of last week. You know, when he had a fit with LA Knight previously known, or still is, as Max Dupri.

I mean, I would be reasonably angry if someone came out of nowhere to call me a liar based on outer worldly ideals. Especially when I’m not one. Yet, Wyatt isn’t me.

As Wyatt tries to apologize for hitting Knight, Durpi doesn’t believe it. He thinks that not fearing Bray is the true face of respect… along with a cheap slap to Bray’s face. Which Wyatt says they’re even. But Knight follows with another slap that angers Bray to look like the Devil has momentarily taken him over in silence. Poetry.

Shotzi vs. Shayna Baszler

When Baszler put Shotzi to sleep with a choke hold last week, this match has been instigated to happen. Shotzi brings out her “taking care of business” tank for this fight, but I’ll wait and see if it works.

With the distraction of Ronda at ringside, Shotzi gets bulldozed by Shayna as she says that Shotzi doesn’t belong here.

Baszler has Shotzi in one of her submission maneuvers using her opponent’s arm until Shotzi shocks Baszler with a few slaps, a roll up and punches. The edge Shotzi got was quickly deflated once Ronda tried to trip her, and allowed Shayna to grab Shotzi then repeatedly kick her in the corner.

Shayna goes even further with yet another arm hold maneuver to destabilize her challenger, but Shotzi manages to release the grip Baszler has and hits her in the abdomen before swiftly getting taken down again.

The ballsy badass fights back with a harsh right hand to Shayna’s jaw followed by a wonky-looking kick that still makes an impact. Because Ronda pulled Shayna out to recapitalize, Shotzi keeps to Baszler by dragging her back into the ring.

Ronda makes fun, Shotzi gets distracted and Shayna yanks “Greenie” into a German suplex.

Shotzi was about to get her arm snapped in half until Raquel Rodriguez arrives as an intrusion that grants the ballsy badass the win with a roll up.

Winner: Shotzi

LA Knight is backstage being questioned if he should be afraid of Bray Wyatt due to earlier, but he says he isn’t. But what Knight doesn’t notice is that Uncle Howdy was listening from behind the door Dupri was about to walk into.

That backtalk of Knight results in him being left unconsciously buried under a mount of chairs, metal and other debris at the hands of… is it Wyatt or Howdy at this point? I’m starting to think they’re one in the same.

Imperium vs. The New Day & Braun Strowman – 6-man tag team match

This fight hasn’t even officially started, and all this madness started just when Braun Strowman showed up to once again assist The New Day in another fight. Gunther was scared the entire time. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Once the match does begin, Giovanni jumps from the top rope only to be knocked down by Strowman’s shoulder that surprisingly, he didn’t budge from. Braun was nailed to the ground. Gunther uses that to chop Braun, but that made the monster among monsters very upset. He literally chases after the Ring General around the main stage as if we’re playing tag, well, I’m playing anyway. Braun ploughs both Gio and Kaiser like meaningless cockroaches.

Kofi is tagged in with Ludwig, cross bodies him then proceeds to knee kicking Gunther in the abdomen for good measure.

New day performs the Midnight Hour on Ludwig for a stupendous win that Gunther could have prevented, yet the Ring General ran away because Strowman attempted to scar him. That was funny.

Winners: The New Day & Braun Strowman

Sami Zayn vs. Butch – Round One SmackDown World CupĀ 

Butch was evasive during the beginning of this match until Sami powerbombs him in the middle of the ring for a failed win. Zayn guaranteed a victory earlier this evening, will he deliver? I’m betting not.

By the way, am I the only one who noticed how silent Solo Sikoa has been? He rarely has anything to say, even when Sami and Jey go at it. He’s been very quiet, I wonder when is he going to explode and towards who. Just something to think about.

Anyway, Sami throws Butch outside the ring to taunt The Brawling Brutes to almost interfere. Butch recapitalizes with a Tornado DDT to Sami near the turnbuckles then gets distracted by Jey, which allows Sami to roll him up.

Because The Bloodline kicked Butch in the side of his head, Sheamus, Ridge Holland and McIntyre go after The Bloodline at ringside causing havoc that’s too beautiful to turn away from, and why would you? Sikoa bulldozes Drew into the announcement table.

It was pressure time for our wrestlers, hence the constipated look on Butch’s face, he delivers a Bitter End move to Sami for a win. But this wasn’t the end of this craziness. Solo takes out Butch, then Drew goes after Sikoa. Holland attacks Jimmy, while Sheamus hunts down Jey.

But surprise, surprise. Roman Reigns is here as he Superman Punches Holland then Spears Butch to oblivion before going after Drew inside the ring. Reigns looked so disappointed at Sami’s passed out carcass, his face just emote pure disgust. Ha! Hilarious.

It didn’t take long for Sheamus to meet Roman, too, with fisticuffs of his own. Sami attempts to help, but gets dunked upon by the Irish warrior, who later gets Superman Punched as well.

Just when we thought the chaos was only going to be among those present here, Kevin Owens evens the score by revealing that he’s The Brawling Brutes’ fifth member for Survivor Series War Games. Owens marches into the ring and delivers a Stunner to Reigns as he claims his place. No one knows war like Owens does.

Winner: Butch


TOP PHOTO: Kevin Owens looking on The Bloodline off camera. Courtesy of WWE