The main event on this NWA Powerrr is a very lucha-centric, as La Rebelion steps up their feud against The OGK. They even got Bestia 666’s father, Damian 666, into the mix, but Matt Taven and Mike Bennett even the odds with The Professional, Rhett Titus. This looks to be a fast-paced matchup and the National Wrestling Alliance is ready to lucha.
We come to you from the Skyway Studios in Nashville, TN. Joe Galli, Tim Storm, and Velvet Sky have the call, and we start right away with another feud

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
Flip Gordon vs. Odinson
As the bell rings, Gordon goes right on the attack, and Odinson gets out of the ring to rethink his strategy. Once he gets back in, Gordon attempts a springboard, but Odinson catches him with a European uppercut and pins for a two count. Now, Odinson’s full power is on display by delivering a spinning European uppercut to the back of Gordon’s head and he covers for another two count. Gordon tries to fight up to a vertical base but Odinson shuts that down with a standing dropkick but still gets another two count. Gordon manages a flash knee strike that rocks Odinson, and then goes on the ring apron and nails a standing enzugiri and then gets Odinson’s head, and nails a massive tornado DDT, but his back is hurting and can’t capitalize right away. A running European by Gordon followed by a superkick to a DVD to another Superkick to Odinson, and he covers for a close two count. Gordon goes up top, but Odinson catches him with another European uppercut and chokes him up top. Gordon manages to escape and kicks off Odinson off the ropes and follows with another superkick to the back of his head. He goes back up the top turnbuckle and attempts a 450 splash that misses, and Odinson turns him over with an Asgardian uppercut and a big slam for a close two count. Now Odinson goes to the chain to cause more damage, but the ref catches it. Odinson still has his paint canister but Gordon kicks away. The ref takes that away, and Odinson uses the distractions to deliver with the Asgardian Pounce for the three count.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Odinson
Odinson tries to do more damage to Gordon after the match by wrapping the chain around his bicep, but Aldis runs into the ring from backstage and scares him off. Aldis goes right to The Podium and says he’s not angry at the cheap shots at his expense by Odinson. He gets a little conspiracy theory going that he thinks he’s doing the bidding of Billy Corgan, and he says Odinson doesn’t need a shortcut. He is a specimen, but Odinson is not on his level, and Aldis is not worried about some “meathead with a mudflat over his gimmick.” (ahem), and he vows that Odinson will learn what it is to be on his level.
Earlier in a closed-set interview, the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion, Trevor Murdoch, spoke to Galli on his thoughts on his upcoming triple threat match at the Hard Times 3 PPV, as Matt Cardona and NWA World Television Champion Tyrus are gunning to take the Ten Pounds of Gold. Murdoch states he doesn’t care who’s in front of him. When he steps in the ring at the PPV and then steps out, he promises he will still be World Heavyweight Champion. Galli asks if he cares who he’d rather face that night, and Murdoch flatly states, “They’re all enemies” and all want to take what he has. Another direct statement from the champ himself.
May Valentine is backstage with Jennacide about her preparation for the non-title bout with Kamille. The Bionic Beast says it’s an opportunity to make a statement, and she’ll take it because Kamille ain’t ready for her arsenal. Confident words from the challenger herself.
Speaking of opportunities, the next match is…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
EC3 vs. Traxx
Folks, my Squash-y sense is tingling, and since I do not recap squashes, enjoy this Haiku in Review™:
Traxx crossed wrong side of
Essential Character, and
Loses his Purpose.
Your Winner via Submission: EC3
After the match, EC3 strolls to The Podium, where Kyle Davis asks why goading to fight. As he takes in the boos from the crowd, The Essential Character proclaims, “Victory after victory, EC3 is in the NWA.” He then breaks the fourth wall like he’s Deadpool or She-hulk, and says after “seeing a lifetime of nostalgia” he knows what happens next: He’ll make boasts, and goad the protagonist to the point he comes out and dares him to fight.
Right on cue, Latimer comes from out of the back and demands he step up. EC3 does not fear him and says his potential is still hidden. He goes on to accuse Latimer of being still controlled by a dangerous thing: love. Latimer retorts that he “spouts off some bollocks” and wants to get in the ring and go. EC3 says by giving the fans what they want, he’s still controlled by the endorphin rush of adulation. He states that is an addiction, and it is a nightmare. He goes on to accuse Latimer that he will never be the man he’s supposed to be, but he will give him a fight… at Hard Times because (spoilers) building up the match to the PPV is exactly how the game is played, and Latimer is playing into his hands. You’ve been warned.
(Author’s Note: Wow! a Fourth wall break inside of a fourth wall break. That’s like…sixteen breaks!)
Now, May Valentine is with Taya Valkyrie. She asks La Wera Loca about The Brickhouse standing in the way of her acquiring The Burke. Valkyrie admits that Kamille got the better of her at NWA 74, but in the rematch she has at Hard Time 3, she vows that she will upend her, and she’s not scared to take her on again.
Speaking of which, let’s head to ringside for…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
Jennacide vs. Kamille in a non-title match
This is a classic “unstoppable force versus immovable object” match, as both women trade hold for hold, and Jennacide manages to ground The Brickhouse with an armbar. She then whips the champ from corner to corner and then The Bionic Beast nails with a short arm clothesline for just a one count. Jennacide does Muay Thai-style knees to Kamille’s sternum, and then sends her back to the corner and attempts a big boot, but the champ evades, and then Kamille takes that leg and yanks hard to trip her up. Now Kamille wraps her in the ropes and clubs at Jennacide’s chest, and then shoots her to the ropes and gets a big clothesline to cover for a one count. A European uppercut gets The Bionic Beast grounded, and she throws her knees to the side of Jennacide and covers for a two count. Kamille gets a gutwrench suplex to cover for another one count and Kamille remarks that she’s got a lotta fight. Kamille goes up the rope and gets an axe handle smash to Jennacide. She goes to the well once too often and Jennacide kicks her in the midsection on her way down. Both women go blow for blow, and Jennacide manages with a belly-to-belly suplex for a two count. She chops Kamille but the champ returns the receipt with a leg lariat to cover and gets a two count. Jennacide returns back with a Shining Wizard and covers for another two and now she is getting frustrated. She pulls Kamille to the corner and attempts an elbow drop that misses, and Kamille is prepped and delivers the spear that puts away Jennacide for the three count.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Jennacide
May Valentine is with The Fixers and they have news. They will hose NWA USA this weekend because The Fixers, according to Jay Bradley, equals, clicks, chicks, and tix. Legursky says they got the top names, like Dusty Rhodes, Big Van Vader, and even Jim Duggan.
HOOOOOOOooooo, waitasec. Silly Legursky! That’s copyrighted, kids!
Jamie Stanley and Bully Ray had a wrestling match on the latest NWA USA. Now normally, I’d say read my recap, but since everything went so pear-shaped (and I blame anybody else *but* me for that), go see the match here, and then leave a comment there saying “Tommy Milagro at Slam! says ‘watch Harder!'”
BLK Jeez and Tyrus are backstage with May Valentine and she inquires on the title opportunity he cashed in by relinquishing the NWA Television title, asking if both men are on the same page. Jeez talks to Tyrus and notes he’s held the championship longer than anyone else and says he needs to hold on a little longer. Tyrus seethes and tells Jeez that he respects him, but he lost at NWA 74 because he took the high road, and he can’t live with that.
An angry @PlanetTyrus is a focused Tyrus which is a very, VERY DANGEROUS TYRUS!! November 12th…#HardTimes3 …..10lbs of Gold!!! #nuffsaid #naamean
🎟🎟 🎟🎟 @nwa @WildKatSports @mayradiasgomes @FiteTV— “The Church’s Money” (@Jeez215) October 5, 2022
But leads head to the ring for your Main Event, and it is…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
Damian 666 & La Rebeliòn (Bestia 666 and Mecha Wolf) vs the OGK ( Matt Taven and Mike Bennett)and Rhett Titus
Galli mentions that this is the first time Damian is wrestling in the NWA (and, no, WCW doesn’t count, wrestling nerds!) The ref tries to get some semblance of order before the match starts. Taven and Wolf start for their respective teams, but all of a sudden it becomes a Pier Six brawl. At one point, The OGK gets all of La Rebelion into one corner and each man takes turns with corner splashes. Order finally gets restored, and then Wolf gets isolated in The OGK corner. Bennett works his arm and tags Titus, who leapfrogs over him to come down hard on Wolf’s arm. He sends Wolf to the corner and manages a monkey flip, and continues to work his arm. Wolf finally gets to his corner and a tag to Bestia and Damian, and La Rebelion picks up Titus, and Damian lands a dropkick right into Titus’…err, little professionals.
Titus is isolated in La Rebelion’s corner, making him a Professional in Peril. Wolf rushes at Titus, who gets a boot up to stop his charge. He attempts to reach The OGK for a tag, but Bestia and Damian knock them off the apron, and Titus is still in trouble as Bestia comes in and nails a stiff kick to his back. Tag back to Wolf with another stiff kick to his back and then uses a headlock to grind him down. Titus still has some fight left, and when backed into the corner, he manages to knock off Bestia and Damian and hits a slingshot belly-to-belly suplex to Wolf. He finally gets the hot tag to Bennett, and he is an OGK en Fuego. He cleans house and adds the exclamation point with a spinebuster to Bestia. A tag to Taven, who gets a splash in the corner to Bestia, and more double team action as Titus is tagged back in and he hits a standing dropkick and Bennett nails the DVD, and Taven finishes him with the Shining Wizard. Once again, we get another Pier Six, and Titus is again isolated for La Rebelion to hit a triple team move with the Crucifixion (Bestia and Wolf raise Titus by his armpits, and Damian pushes through until he rotates to a slam to the mat) and they cover for just a two count. Now all six men throw big bombs in the ring, and it isn’t long until everyone is diving to the outside of the ring with tope suicidas as all bodies hit the floor. Damian tries the mist, but Titus blocks his mouth with his hand and then gets him in a short arm scissors submission, and it’s enough for Damian 666 to tap out.
Your Winners via Submission: The OGK and Rhett Titus
Finally, Taven and Bennett get revenge with some help from Titus, as the show goes to the credits.
Final Thoughts
The main event was high-impact and truly Lucha-rific. I’m curious if after this The OGK gets a title shot. Granted they’re holding the IMPACT tag belts, but what’s to stop them from adding more gold?
Other things to note: THE EC3/Traxx match was men, but the mic work afterward made up for it. Gordon/Odinson added another element to this feud, and Kamille/Jennacide put on a fantastic women’s match.
For now, see you in seven!