VANCOUVER – The much-anticipated debut of Pro Wrestling Canada happened this past Friday with a bang! A solid crowd of 380 people attended and, after it was all over ,fans were dancing in the aisles. PWC has brought together wrestlers from ECCW in Vancouver and other stars from various promotions throughout Canada and the United States.

Moondog Manson and Cobra said there was enough of an untapped market in Canada to form a new promotion and now PWC is here. Manson and Cobra have been very busy getting this off the ground and judging by the first show, the hard work has paid off. If all the pieces fall into place this will be a cross-Canada venture with Toronto being quite possibly the next major stop.

Moondog handles the booking of talent whereas Cobra is taking care of all the advertising and sponsorship deals. PWC, in conjunction with the Variety Club telethon, brought some of BC’s special needs children to get a taste of pro wrestling. During the matches one’s eyes would wander to ringside to see the reactions on the children’s faces.

The highlight of the evening was Gama Singh. After his match, he walked over to the kids and gave them all hugs and one was nearly in tears because he was so happy to meet the Stampede legend. Speaking of Singh, upon his arrival at the Vancouver International airport he was greeted by over one hundred fans. Many were of East Indian decent and they were dressed in attire from their homeland, with loud music playing as if Singh’s arrival was that of a championship team or a movie star.

In speaking with many of the wrestlers on the card, many had felt that PWC does have the potential to become something great and factor in sponsorship deals and strong connections with wrestling talent from all over the PWC could in fact become the cutting edge promotion in Canada. In the coming weeks, SLAM! Wrestling will be bringing you more behind the scenes stories, the latest developments and interviews.

Match Results:

Cobra DQ Moondog Manson
Chi Chi Cruz pinned Eddie Watts
Ladies Choice & Machete pinned Mr. India & Nelson Creed
Scotty Mac pinned T. Kasaki
Akam Singh pinned Notorious T.I.D.
Gama Singh DQ Matt Borne

Matt Borne made his presence felt as he interfered in the opening match and one other. He was disqualified in his match with Gama Singh when Notorious T.I.D and Moondog Manson interfered. Cobra and Akam Singh made the save. Commissioner Bad News Allen was clearly irritated by all the chaos and interfering going on throughout the evening that he was originally going to issue fines of $1,000; instead he made a main event match for November 26th in Surrey, BC. It will be Gama Singh, Cobra & Akam Singh vs. Matt Borne, Notorious T.I.D. & Moondog Manson. Each team will appoint a captain and the captain of the winning team will become the first PWC Heavyweight champion.

For more on Pro Wrestling Canada, see

Ed Ludwig is a Vancouver-based writer specializing in boxing, and now, wrestling.