In an unexpected turn of events, Bret Hart’s agent has confirmed that the Canadian mat superstar was released from his contract with World Championship Wrestling yesterday afternoon just hours after she had spoken to SLAM! Wrestling.

The news delivered by Diana Myers (the head of WCW’s legal department) over the telephone, came as a complete shock to Teri Tkachuk of Bruce Allen Talent.

“I am surprised that I found out the way I did,” said Tkachuk, Hart’s agent. “I was surprised that it was leaked out somehow, SLAM! Wrestling let me know about it and then I got word later the same day.”

Tkachuk could not elaborate on why WCW chose to implement a clause in Hart’s contract so they could terminate their business relationship with him, though she assured SLAM! Wrestling that it had nothing to do with his recent comments in his Calgary Sun column.

“I can’t disclose that (the reasons why). If his contract was of public knowledge or a public right to know, then I would be able to talk about it, but I can’t,” she explained saying that WCW has always been professional with her and Bruce Allen Talent and that WCW was doing what they saw as being best for their business.

According to Tkachuk, Bruce Allen Talent is still proud to represent Hart and will be meeting with him next week to discuss his future plans which could include more film and television work.

At press time, Bret Hart was not available for comment on the situation but will speak to SLAM! Wrestling at a later date.