Tag: Stu Hart

My day in Calgary

I always said that if I ever to Calgary, that I’d drop in to meet Stu Hart just to say thanks. Thanks for sharing your family with us and providing some of the greatest pro wrestling action ever. And last Wednesday, I...

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Slam Poll

Is Raw a better show at two hours?


Oct 19: MPW Forged in Excellence
Oct 20: MPW Forged in Excellence
Oct 26: TNA Bound For Glory
Oct 27: NXT Hallowe’en Havoc
Nov 2: WWE Crown Jewel
Nov 23: AEW Full Gear
Nov 30: WWE Survivor Series
Dec 28: AEW Worlds End
Feb 1: WWE Royal Rumble
Apr 19: WWE WrestleMania
Apr 20: WWE WrestleMania
Jul 12: AEW All In
Aug 2: WWE SummerSlam
Aug 3: WWE SummerSlam