Who doesn’t love a little Nightmare Before Christmas? Certainly the National Wrestling Alliance does as they give you Samhain 2, billed as the most controversial of their signature live events. We’ll get all kinds of scares but lots of wrestling flair as we will see who will challenge for The Burke, but also in the main event Daisy Kill and Talos will revive their rivalry with The Immortals for a shot at the NWA World Tag Team Championship.
Who will come out on top?
But let’s have Father James Mitchell offer a (tamer) introduction to fans for the next few weeks of episodes that will be shown on the social media platform, “X.”
We will find out tonight as we come to you from The PowerrrStation at the WEDU PBS Studios in Tampa, FL (as the original location Sarasota was being used as a staging area from the results of Hurricanes Milton). Joe Galli, Billy Corgan, and Danny Dealz have the call for this Samhain 2 as the first match of the night is a…

Courtesy of the NWA.
Six Man By the Book Tag Team Street Fight: The Country Gentlemen (KC and AJ Cazana, with Joe Cazana) vs. The SlimeBallz (Sage Chantz and Tommy Rant) and a Mystery Partner
And the mystery partner is…The Fixers Jay Bradley. Huh. Ok, then…Looks like this match is gonna get Fixed sooner rather than later.
Once the bell rings we’re off to the races and this is a Pier Six brawl, and things are looking good for Slimeballz and Bradley as they put a beat down to AJ. At one point, Bradley gets Rant in an airplane spin and uses him to knock down any Cazanas foolish enough to get in their path. After that we get…
Ads (ahh, my nemesis when action is getting good in the ring. How I loathe thee.)
We come back and The Slimeballz hit the Goober-nade (an assisted cannonball in the corner) while Papa Joe tries to direct traffic outside the ring and grabs the branding iron. Rant and Chantz take it away from him. Joe backs up right into Bradley who’s on the ring apron edge. Before any calamity can befall the Country Gentlemen Patriarch, the Cazana boys pull Bradley off the ring and they go after The Slimeballz. Rant is sent to the outside and AJ and KC toss Chantz around like a rag doll. The Gentleman’s Touch connects and they cover but Bradley breaks the count. He gives a running boot to KC in the corner and a slam to AJ. Joe isn’t taking this and wants to get in the ring, and that’s when Bradley kicks the middle ropes right into Papa Joe’s…err, little Cazanas. Bradley hits the ropes and AJ makes the save with a spinebuster on The Boss. Now Joe takes off his belt and whips him like the proverbial government mule, and that brings out Wrecking Ball Legursky for the save. AJ knocks down the big man and once the dust settles Joe wraps the belt with the buckle showing around his knuckles and clocks Chantz to cover for the pin and the win.
Your Winners via Pinfall: The Country Gentlemen
The Cazana celebrate their win as they followed the plan By the Book.
May Valentine is backstage with Lev who looks like he raided Raven’s wardrobe and guy-liner. She asks him about his thoughts on facing Alex Misery, and Lev offers a rambling promo that culminates in that a shining path is illuminated and he is…lost.
Quoth the Raven: What about me? What About Raven, and is this gimmick infringement?
But let’s go back to the ring for the women’s division as this next match is a…

Courtesy of the NWA.
Triple Threat Elimination Match to Determine the Women’s Number One Contender: Natalia Markova vs. “Hollyhood” Haley J vs. Kylie Paige
Each of the competitors involved is looking to make an impact in facing Kenzie Piage for The Burke somewhere down the line. All three women come out swinging until Markova takes control over Haley and Kylie, and she gives a split leg drop to the younger Paige sister to cover for a two count. She hits the ropes and Haley trips Markova up from the outside. Before she can capitalize, Kylie sends Haley out and works over Markova choking her on the middle ropes. A running crossbody to her back and Kylie covers for a count of two. Now she lands a codebreaker and follows with a kick to push her in the corner and then punctuates it with a shotgun dropkick for another two count. Kylie goes to the ropes and Haley trips up again from the outside and now gets in the fight by hitting a running knee to Markova’s head. She feels confident until Kylie knocks her block off with a very high running boot to the mush and she feels Pretty Empowered with her educated feet.
Yall see how high I get my leg up? Very impressive https://t.co/5aj2Z5ZySR
— Kylie 👸🏼 (@kyliealexxa) December 3, 2024
Haley returns fire with a Backstabber and then goes up the top turnbuckle to catch Markova, who was climbing to get in position. They battle up in the high-rent district until Kylie comes up from behind and they land in a Tower of Doom and they are all splayed out in a heap. Kylie manages to get up first and she nails with a knee strike for a near fall and Markova lands with a missile dropkick to the Paige sister to pin and eliminate her. Markova celebrates until Haley attacks from behind and then…
Ads (Sigh!!!)
We come back and Haley is showing The Russian Crush why she is The Queen of the Burghetto. Markova fires back but gets a chop to the throat and Haley gives her a spinning facebuster which takes out both women. Markova returns the receipt with a Jazz Stinger for a two count, and she whips her to the corner. She rushes and attempts the Beautiful Disaster and misses. Haley uses the opportunity to nail her with the Shining Wizard for a close near fall. Frustrated Haley curb stomps Markova, but she manages to shake it off and starts to get up. The second one stops her cold and Haley finally puts her away with the pin.
Your Winner and New Number One Contender: “Hollyhood” Haley J
Let’s do a quick recap of what led to the events happening in tonight’s main event:
@nwa better get me a new uke pic.twitter.com/bwz957MbP3
— Daisy Kill (@DaisyKillNWA) November 27, 2024
Valentine is now backstage with The Southern Six, and as Kerry Morton and Alex Taylor look on, she asks “Thrillbilly” Silas Mason if they are making this feud with Colby Corino and Bryan Idol too personal after the events that took place on the last NWA Powerrr. Mason says life ain’t fair and it’s gonna get really unfair at Samhain 2. The moral of the story, he says, “When you shoot at the Six, you’d best not miss.”

May Valentine (center) is with The Southern Six, and “Thrillbilly” Silas Mason (right) says things won’t get fair for Colby Corino and Bryan Idol at Samhain 2. Courtesy of the NWA via “X”
Now for the Main Event and this is a…

Courtesy of the NWA.
Number One Contender Match for the NWA World Tag Team Championship: The Immortals (Kratos and Odinson) vs. Daisy Kill and Talos
As the introductions are made by Kyle Davis, Kratos is seen carrying Kill’s precious ukulele, and you know that’s gotta irk him.
The bell rings and it’s Kill and Odinson to start the match, and he tries to get in the Asgardian’s head. Odinson attempts to grab Kill, who keeps slipping away as he is playing mind games, but he still wants his ukulele back. He runs around the ring and then tags in Talos. As the big man climbs over the ropes and prepares to pick up business, Kill tags himself back in, much to Talos’ confusion, and he keeps up the mind games. Kill gets between the ropes to further cause consternation as the ref stops Odinson from taking advantage of a rope break, but he wanders a little to close to the Immortals corner. That’s when he tags in Kratos, and he chops away at Kill between the ropes. The Most Feared takes his sweet time with Kill as he launches him with a suplex across the ring and back. Odinson gets back in and The Immortals display their tag chemistry as he lands an Asgardian uppercut, then Kratos with a running clothesline in the corner, followed by a gutwrench suplex as Odinson covers for a two count. He proceeds to land knee drops to Kill’s head and it’s another near fall.
Odinson is having fun as he cheap shots Talos with another running Asgardian uppercut, and he goes for a springboard maneuver to Kill, but the big man goozles him from the ring apron, and chokes slams him to the mat. Kill takes advantage with stiff kicks to Odinson but can’t put the Asgardian down. He whips The Immortal back and forth in the corners, and now Talos comes in and runs roughshod over Odinson and deadlifts him for a sidewalk slam to make him an Asgardian in Peril. Kill whips him to the corner, and then Odinson hits a desperation uppercut to knock Talos off the apron and nearly sends himself over the top rope. He crawls to his corner and gets a hot tag to Kratos, and he is the Most Feared en Fuego. Talos chops him but Kratos stands his ground and they go toe to toe until Kratos manages an impressive Crucifix pin for a two count and then lands a vertical suplex to cover but Kill breaks the count. Tag back to Odinson and he nails the Asgardian uppercut. Back to Kratos who hits the ropes and Kill pulls it down to send him tumbling to the floor. As Odinson goes to check his tag partner, Kill gives him a shot to the mouth with the ukulele and Talos adds the punctuation mark with the choke slam to cover for the one, two, and three.
Your Winners and New Number One contenders: Daisy Kill and Talos
They stand triumphant until Kratos gets back in and knocks out Talos and Odinson dives after him Kratos grabs the ukulele and goes after Kill who ducks out as the show goes to the credits.
NWA Powerrr - 12/3/2024
Final Thoughts
This is a good way to kick off Samhain 2. Yes, this was taped back in October, and it is being shown in December, but you know what? Who cares?
Props to Kill/Talos and The Immortals on a strong main event, and Haley/Kylie/Markova also delivered the goods in the three-way match.
Until then, see ya next Tuesday for more Samhain on X.