It was time for B Block to begin its Super Jr. Tag League 2024 journey tonight and it did so with a stunning victory. Catch 22 (Francesco Akira and TJP), who have held the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship three times, defeated the current champions The International Jetsetters (Kushida and Kevin Knight) in first round action.

The match began with Knight and Akira take turns backing each other into the ropes and releasing without any blood being drawn. They lock up in a test of strength. Akira stomps on Knight’s foot. Knight takes down Akira with a shoulder tackle. He poses over Akira. Both men try to slam each other at the same time. Knight’s strength gains the advantage there. TJP tags himself in. Kushida tags in too.

TJP easily locks up Kushida in a head scissors. Akira comes in knocking Knight off the apron. The United Empire double-teams Kushida with some kicks. They double team Knight two with a drop kick and a blockbuster. Kushida rushes in. Akira puts him in the Tarantula over the ropes. TJP lifts Akira into an Electric Chair. Akira asks the audience to get their cameras out. Akira leaps onto Kushida.

Kushida gets taken out of the equation. Courtesy: New Japan World.

Knight trips up TJP from outside the ring. Kushida kicks TJP’s arm. Kushida throws TJP out of the ring. Knight wraps TJP’s arm around the steel post over and over. The Jetsetters work over TJP’s arm for awhile. TJP finally slides out to the apron, punches Knight in the face, slides under the bottom rope and stands up to give Kushida a Final Cutdown. Akira is tagged in. He takes out Knight with a plancha to the floor and super kicks Kushida. His crossbody press from the top rope gets a two count on Knight.

Knight flips TJP right into Akira. Knight and Kushida hit their elbow drop, splash combination. TJP makes the save. Knight leaps off the top rope to double clothesline Akira and TJP. TJP breaks up the Jetsetters’ finisher throwing Knight out of the ring. He and Akira super kick Knight as he leaps off the top rope. TJP keeps Kushida out of thing with a wrecking ball drop kick through the ropes and to the floor. Knight kicks out of Akira’s German Suplex. Kushida gets German Suplexed out of his boots. A Speed Fire and Two-By-Two pins Knight.


Super Jr. Tag League: Night 2 Results



Roppongi Re-Vice (Yoh and Rocky Romero) versus The Velocities (Paris De Silva and Jude London)

Roppongi is back together again. Courtesy: New Japan World

It is great to see Yoh and Romero back together again and hear that Roppongi Vice theme again. Paris De Silva and Jude London are an Australian tag team from PWA. They have a lot of energy and technique for sure. Sho looks like a giant compared to De Silva though. Romero and Yoh double team him with a drop kick right to the head. London tries to make the save but he is caught by Romero and Yoh who just beat him down with hammer fists to the back. London and De Silva block an attempt at the Forever Clotheslines with boots to the guts. They double team Romero drop kicking him out of the ring. They do the same to Yoh. They dive through the ropes at Romero and Yoh. London hits a springboard crossbody off the ropes for a two count on Romero. Romero hip tosses his way out of an abdominal stretch of sorts. De Silva leaps off Romero’s back to give Yoh a flying forearm which knocks him off the apron.

Yoh fights off both men. He runs off the ropes and takes a double kick to the stomach. Yoh is thrown into a corner. He dodges De Silva as he charges in and super kicks the London. Romero sets them up in opposite corners for Forever Clotheslines. He ends it with a double clothesline in the middle of the ring. London is taken right out of the ring by Romero and Yoh’s double knee strikes. De Silva is pinned with 3K.

Winners: Roppongi Re-Vice (Yoh and Rocky Romero)

The DKC and Ninja Mack versus Taiji Ishimori and Robbie X

Bullet Club is ready for action. Courtesy: New Japan World.

DKC and Ninja Mack come out with each trying to steal the spotlight from the other. When the bell rings they both appeal to and pose for the crowd to see who should start the match. A frustrated Ishimori looks out to the crowd. DKC and Ishimori counter and counter each other’s moves again and again. They come up posing for the crowd. DKC takes down Ishimori with his educated feet and a dropping haymaker to the face for a two count. As DKC bounces off the ropes Ninja Mack tags himself in. They argue and argue. Robbie X laughs suggesting they fight each other. Mack shoulder tackles Robbie to the mat. Robbie bounces back up giving him the finger. Mack leap frogs and then backflips over X. Both men jibber jabber as they stand face to face. It is a stalemate of sorts. They begin trade kicks. Mack wins that brawl, walks right over Robbie’s back and shoves his finger right in Ishimori’s face. Robbie rolls him up from behind pulling Mack’s trunks for a two count. Mack fights off both Ishimori and Robbie with chops and kicks. Mack just backdrops Ishimori over the top rope. Ishimori’s face bounces hard off the apron on his way down. Robbie and Ishimori catch Mack in mid-air slamming him to the mat. The fight goes to the floor. Ishimori bounces Mack’s head off the announce table. Ishimori chokes out Mack with one of his own imitation swords.

DKC is trapped in the middle of the ring with Bullet Club. He battles his way out of the double team with chops. Robbie uses a wheelbarrow move though to slam Ishimori on top of DKC. Mack has to dive in and save DKC from being pinned by the Robbie-Go-Round. Robbie trips up DKC as he is going for a kick. Mack accidentally kicks DKC in the face. Ishimori and Robbie put Mack away with their tag team finisher.

Winners: Taiji Ishimori and Robbie X

Catch 22 (Francesco Akira and TJP) versus International Jetsetters (Kushida and Kevin Knight)

Winners: Catch 22 (Francesco Akira and TJP)