This was an excellent show. The women’s title match, which opened the show, was one of the better women’s matches of the year. With the finish, it made sense for it to go on first. I am interested to see where they go with Giulia, because losing this early is risky. I know there was interference, but she needs some wins before losing such a big match.

I hated the garbage match. I hope this is the last of the TNA talent polluting this roster. In 2024, I cannot believe they are still doing the shopping cart with the gimmicks in it. How many times can you watch someone use a kendo stick? Or a chair? Or a table?

The two chair shots from Wentz were unprofessional. So was him dropping Lee face first on a chair. I would be happy never seeing another one of these matches.

Miz TV was exactly what it needed to be. Miz was there to provide star power and let the two men sell their match. That is exactly what happened too. Both were excellent on the mic.

The show closed with a title change. I am sorry to see Ethan Page lose, because I love his heel persona. This was the right move on many levels. They provided a big moment on their first CW show and they put the title back on NXT’s biggest star.

Show open

Shawn Michaels opened the show in the ring. He unveiled the new championship belts. Shawn said, “I just have one question for ya.” And Triple H’s disembodied voice replied, “Are you ready?” I am not sure how they snuck him in without the crowd seeing him, but they exploded when they saw him.

Roxanne Perez vs. Giulia – NXT Women’s Championship

I do not know how to describe it, but Giulia’s ring gear was amazing. She had a Bane-esque mask and a purple and gold coat on. I cannot do it justice.

The Chicago crowd was as lively as ever. The two women wrestled at an incredible pace. There were a few bobbles along the way, but you could tell they were pumped up by the crowd response.

Late in the match, a mystery woman ran out and interfered to help Roxanne win. It turned out to be Cora Jade.

The match was awesome, but I do not know about that finish. If you are not putting Giulia over here, it might have been better to have her first big match with another opponent. Losing this early might be a mistake, but we shall see.

Winner: Roxanne Perez

Fraxiom was playing the WWE video game to prepare for their match with Austin Theory and Grayson Waller. Nathan Frazer threw a fit when he lost. In the video game.

Ava made double sure that CM Punk was calling it down the middle tonight. After he told everyone, including the viewers, that he was calling it down the middle last week. She just had to make double sure. Later she can make triple sure. Why is she on this show?

Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz – Street Fight

Wes Lee made sure the viewer knew this would be a garbage match. He wheeled out a shopping cart full of the typical nonsense we have seen in garbage matches for over 25 years. Yes, this is not modern. 25 years of this. ECW, a company that was never profitable, still influences wrestling shows with this trash.

The crowd immediately chanted for tables, because they care so much about this feud and the two wrestlers.

Wentz, who throws some of the worst strikes in wrestling, decided to blast Wes Lee on his arm and low back with a chair. So, you are so scared to hit someone with a punch that you throw those phantom punches, but you have no qualms with smashing someone with a chair?

Later, Wentz dropped Lee face first into a chair sitting in the ropes. Then he put a garbage can over Lee’s head and flipped onto the trash can from the top rope. Just irresponsible.

They did a spot where Lee shoved Wentz off the top rope toward a table on the floor, only Wentz propelled himself too far and landed on the floor. Just dumb.

Pure garbage.

Winner: Wes Lee

Miz TV with Oba Femi and Tony D’Angelo

The crowd started the irritating “What?” chants during this segment. I can understand doing it to Miz, but why Tony?

The shoe game during this segment was on another level. Tony said he was from Chicago, which got the crowd to stop saying what.

Both men fired up during their promos. Femi contended Tony is a broken man, while Tony said Oba is just a man.

This was excellent. Both men looked like stars and ready for the main roster, at least on the mic.

Fatal Influence vs. Jaida Parker and Lola Vice

Jaida Parker’s ring gear is a mess. It looks like she is wearing lingerie. It is a bizarre choice. I do not think it fits her persona.

Lola and Jaida argued several times throughout the match. It did not make sense either. Lola saved Jaida from a sneak attack by Fatal Influence, but this enraged Jaida. Okay. Tension is one thing, but this made her look petty.

Jacy Jayne randomly screamed and looked to the sky like she was a werewolf. She did this a couple of times. Unintentionally hilarious.

The whole point was that Jaida was petty because she left the match. Lola accidentally bumped her, and she just left. Lola had to face Jayne and Henley by herself. They did that finish where they both hit a strike, one hits the face and the other hits the back. Why do a finish that your opponent cannot bump for?

This was a good match. Knowing for the heels and babyfaces are helps. It had a point as well, both for the heel trio in Fatal Influence and with the walkout by Jaida Parker. Well, done.

Winners: Fatal Influence

Fatal Influence called out Kelani Jordan, who was on commentary. She said she thought they might call her out, so she brought back up. Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill came out to a huge pop. They help Kelani clear the ring.

Je’Von Evans did a promo about facing Randy Orton next week. It is an incredible opportunity for the young man.

Trick Williams vs. Ethan Page – NXT Championship

Early on, Punk reinforced that he was calling it down the middle. He made a point of holding up two fingers in Ethan’s face a few times to build tension between them.

Once they got into the match, the crowd was behind Trick. Ethan was great here with his heel mannerisms and expressions.

Punk was shoved into Trick but caught him and put him into one corner. Ethan tried to take advantage but missed. Trick hit the Trick-Shot for the win.

Good match and a fantastic way to start on the CW.

Winner: Trick Williams