Greetings and salutations! We are days removed from a historic night of wrestling from Wembley Stadium over in London, England where Bryan Danielson won the AEW World Championship. Danielson will be live to address his wrestling future. Also on the show will be the returning Jamie Hayter making her in-ring return. We will also get to see the Dynamite debut of of Ricochet after making a shocking debut at All In. With all this and more, let’s get to the action.

Jon Moxley is back!

The broadcast team recaps Bryan Danielson’s win at AEW All In and Jon Moxley comes out. Tony Schiavone asks Jon Moxley how he is doing, and Moxlet says he’s been thinking about things that need to get done. Moxley has a lot to say and calls out Darby Allin, who doesn’t appear. Moxley tells Schiavone that this is not “your” company anymore….

Backstage, HOOK and The Conglomeration discuss their upcoming matches tonight. Willow Nightingale joins the interview and names a Chicago Street Fight as her stipulation for her match against Kris Statlander at AEW All Out.

“Hangman” Adam Page VS Tomohiro Ishii

The two men keep trading shots, and neither is budging. They trade shoulder tackles, and get back to trading punches. Page gets the upper hand and sends Ishii to the corner where he chops him a few times. Ishii uses his frame to take down Page and deliver a few chops of his own, which left Page unphased. Page drops Ishii with a lariat, and follows that up with a DDT on the apron. Page continues his attack on Ishii as he hits another lariat. Page is able to lock in a Figure-Four Leg-Lock, but Ishii reaches the ropes. Page hits a Clothesline, but Ishii fights through it and knocks Page down with a huge hit.

The two men fight on the ropes and Ishii takes Page down with a Superplex. Page tries to make a comeback, but Ishii slams him with a German suplex. Both men trade a few elbows and end up on the mat. Page was the first back up and locks in a Crossface. Ishii reaches the ropes and is able to break free as he kicks Page with a hard kick. They clothesline each other. Ishii goes for a Suplex, but Page flips out and hits Ishii with a Suplex of his own. Ishii gets a two-count with a lariat. Page is up fast and hits a Lariat of his own, followed byt he Buckshot Lariat for the win.

Winner: “Hangman” Adam Page

Swerve Strickland comes out after the match and confronts Page face to face. Strickland is mad that Page got in his match at AEW All In. He says he feels sorry for Page, as he has become a petulant child, and that’s driving him away from success. Strickland says he will always be referred to as a world champion, and this will always be Swerve’s House. Page tells Strickland that he’s not a champion and then proceeds to call him a “piece of shit”.  Page reminds everyone that Strickland broke into his home, and reminds Strickland that he nevber beat him without help. Page says Strickland is not as good as him and that he wants to face Strickland one-on-one. Swerve challenges Page to a Steel Cage match at AEW All Out. Strickland says Page is more of a family man while he will focus on the AEW World Championship. Swerve says Page’s career is going up in flames because he is obsessed with him and wonders what kind of man Page will be in the Steel Cage match.

Jamie Hayter VS Harley Cameron (with Saraya)

Cameron briefly takes control early in the match, but Hayter overpowers her and slams Cameron. Hayter with a kick, that sends her to ringside. Saraya distracts Hayter, but Hayter isn’t phased much. Back int he ring, Hayter hits the Hayterade for the win.

Winner: Jamie Hayter

AAfter the match, Hayter is looking for Saraya who was hiding behind Cameron. Saraya shoves Cameron into Hayter and then runs away. Hayter celebrates in the ring.

Chris Jericho, Big Bill, Bryan Keith, and Roderick Strong discuss AEW All In and look forward to their match tonight as they all get to team up against HOOK & The Conglomeration. Jericho says HOOK finally took his advice and takes credit for HOOK’s win. Jericho says he’s proud of him. Jericho returns his focus on tonight and says they’re going to make their opponents “pay the price” tonight.

MJF Speaks

MJF is out in the ring and says he’s in a tremendous amount of pain and says that at AEW All In he lost his ring, his championship, and he has two herniated discs in his spine. He says none of the fans had his back and proceeds to denounces his American citizenship, and he will no longer be associated with this “garbage country”. He says the only place that matters it the most magical place in the world, Long Island. He berates the fans for not showing him any respect.

MJF says AEW is a circus without him and knows he had Will Ospreay beat, and that this isn’t over. MJF says that Ohe will cut Ospreay at the knees when he’s abouttt to win the World Title. MJF then turns to Daniel Garcia who he calls a bum and threatens to end his life.

Garciais out and attacks MJF from behind and chokes him out. Security guards come out, and Garcia fights them. MJF attacks Garcia from behind. Garcia gains the upper hand, but security comes out and separates them. Garcia says he pawned MJF’s Dynamite Diamond Ring and now he is obsessed with ruining MJF’s life. Garcia says that he spoke to Tony Khan earlier and he will MJF at AEW All Out.

HOOK & The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly & Mark Briscoe) VS Chris Jericho, HOOK, Big Bill & Roderick Strong

HOOK  and his teammates isolate Keith to start things off. Eventually, Bill tags in and overpowers Briscoe, who is able to take the fight right to Bill. All 8-men square off in the middle of the ring and its pandemonium 2024. Jericho takes control, but Cassidy fights him and tags Briscoe in. Briscoe fires off until Strong hits Briscoe with a Backbreaker. Keith drills Briscoe, until O’Reilly is in and cleans house including delivering some hard shots to Strong. Big Bill tags back in and drops O’Reilly, then delivers an Elbow drop.

Bill continues his domination as he hits Cassidy with a Spinning Slam. O’Reilly is back in and sends Bill over the ropes righjt to ringside. HOOK tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense and even manages to hit a Suplex on Bill. Keith slams Cassidy and nails O’Reilly with a knee strike. Jericho fakes going for a dive and waves at the crowd. HOOK is in and delivers a Suplex to Jericho, followed by a Lung-blower. Cassidy dives onto Keith at ringside. Briscoe dives onto Bill. Back in the ring, HOOK locks in Redrum on Strong who gets hids foot on the rope, but yet still taps. Unfortunately for him, the ref didn’t see the foot on the rope and only saw the tap so he gives the win to HOOK.

Winners: HOOK & The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly & Mark Briscoe)

The two teams brawl again. The Undisputed Kingdom take on HOOK, but security comes out to break up the brawl. Strong poses with the FTW Championship.

Mercedes Moné Celebrates…

TBS Champion Mercedes Moné holds a party to celebrate her win at AEW All In. Private Party joins the party, and they bring up her match at NJPW Capital Collision. Isiah Kassidy hits on Mercedes. Kazuchika Okada shows up and Mercedes asks him how to say “Bye bitch” in Japanese. Okada whispers in her ear, and she says, “Sayonara, bitches.”

Mariah May speaks

Mariah May comes out and says her AEW Women’s World Championship celebration has been postponed. She then makes fun of the city of Champaign and says that they need some “Glamour.” May says she’s going to take her robe off to show everyone what she means. She shows off her AEW Women’s World Championship and says its enough as she covers back up and leaves.

From AEW All In, the Young Bucks interrupt the Grizzled Young Veterans. The Grizzled Young Veterans say they sent a message to the tag team division and they are here to stay and are coming for the titles. They also tell the Bucks that they will see them soon.

Backstage, Grizzled Young Veterans say they can’t wait to face The Outrunners on AEW Rampage and warn any and all opponents to grit their teeth.

Ricochet VS Kyle Fletcher

Ricochet sends Fletcher to ringside, but Fletcher catches Ricochet with a kick and dives onto him at ringside. Fletcher with another kick. Ricochet jumps off the barricade and onto Fletcher. Fletcher is able to regain control and send Ricochet to the floor. Ricochet hits a Springboard Clothesline, the follows that up with a Springboard Back Elbow. Ricochet continues his offense as he hits a Suplex on Fletcher, followed by a running Shooting Star Press.

Fletcher counters a splash and drills Ricochet with a kick. Fletcher hits a Brainbuster for a 2-count, but Ricochet drills plants Fletcher with a Death Valley Driver and then hits Vertigo (Lifting Reverse DDT) for the win.

Winner: Ricochet

Will Ospreay comes out and is about to say something, but is interrupted by PAC who attacks him. PAC tells him not to forget about him and then welcomes Ricochet to AEW and tells him to go to the back of the line because Ospreay belongs to him

In the back, Jon Moxley is asked about what he meant earlier when he said AEW doesn’t belong to us. Moxley says “Thou shall not cast pearls before swine”. He grabs a security guard, and Marina Shafir attacks the guard. Moxley called it a lesson in humanity.

Bryan Danielson talks about his future

AEW World Champion Bryan Danielson says he is finally the AEW World Champion. Danielson says he knew it was the favorite moment of his career. Danielson says his AEW contract expired on August 1, and he needs neck surgery. Danielson also says that his family is ready for him to come home, but he’s been doing a lot of thinking and then thanks the people who started AEW. Danielson says AEW is awesome, and AEW’s existence makes wrestling better.

Danielson says he realized it’s probably time for him to go home, but not yet. He says he will not retire as AEW World Champion, and he will FIGHT. He then issues an open challenge for AEW All Out. TNT Champion Jack Perry appears on the screen and says nobody wanted him back in AEW and he’s had to create his own future. Perry says he’s going to retire Danielson and win the AEW Title. Perry attacks Danielson from behind and he hits Danielson with a running knee and poses with both titles.