On this episode of NWA Powerrr, we will see Tiffany Nieves and Natalia Markova in action, and Thom Latimer takes on an up-and-comer in a non-title match. Sadly, the real focus will be that this is the final match of Jax Dane, who passed away over the holidays last year. While we remembered “The Dane Event” here at Slamwrestling.net, including our friend and columnist Jeremiah Plunket, his friends and colleagues, it is an emotional episode to behold. As such, I will dial down the snark a bit as we cover this latest episode on the “X” social media platform.
We come to you from the PowerrrStation at the WEDU PBS studios in Tampa, FL. Joe Galli and Danny Dealz have the call and your First Match is…
Joe Ocasio and Colby Corino vs. Zyon and “Magic” Jake Dumas
Corino and Dumas start and the Prince is going Old School on The Magic Bastard. He tags in Ocasio and displays his power moves. Zyon tags in and he has quite a bit of offense in his arsenal against Ocasio, but The Long Island LandMine is holding his own. Ocasio turns him around for a single-leg crab and with his back turned, Dumas attacks from behind. From there, they cut the ring in half and Ocasio is a Landmine in Peril. Things look bad until Ocasio fights his way out, gets the hot tag to Corino and he is En Fuego, Old School style. He gets both Dumas and Corino with a Number One Special (DDT/stunner combo), and then Ocasio comes in like a missile and tackles Zyon to knock him out of the ring as Dumas eats an El Driver by Corino to get the pin and the win.
Your Winners via Pinfall: Joe Ocasio and Colby Corino
Billy Corgan joins at commentary and we now turn back to the ring for a feud that shows it’s not going to die out anytime soon between…
“La Princesa” Tiffany Nieves vs. Natalia Markova
Markova unloads right away and has La Princesa on roller skates as she covers for a near-fall. Nieves gets back on offense with a headbutt and a flash DDT but only covers for a two count. Nieves slips out and Markova for a dive. The flight was short and barely catches Nieves in a painful spot for the Russian Crush. After the ref checks on her La Princesa throws Markova to the ring post and then the ref calls it. So Kyle Davis announces that…
This Match is a Double Count Out
Nieves grabs a Steel chair and swings with authority but misses the mark. They both keep battling until Nieves gets the better of Markova, plants her on the chair, and lands a big boot to her mush and the Crush is busted up. As the ref tries to get Nieves to back away, we see images of a bloodied Markova as everyone at commentary asks for medical attention.
There is another tribute video of Jax Dane, which is up on the NWA’s YouTube channel, which I’ll place here…
That said, let’s head ringside for your next match between…

Courtesy of the NWA.
Baron Von Storm and Jax Dane vs. Big Strong Mims and BLK Jeez
This is the first time Jeez is wrestling in almost two years, and he is no stranger to his own trials and tribulations.
Right from the start, Dane is tossing Mims around suplexing him all across the ring. The NWA National champ shows off his vicious streak with a hard clothesline and a splash for a two count. A tag to Jeez and they attempt a double-team tackle to no avail as he plows through. Storm tags in and Mims and Jeez both duck away before The Iron Claw is applied. Dane gets back in and he brings Jeez back in the ring the hard way with a suplex. Meanwhile, Mims blindsides him, drags him out of the squared circle, and throws Dane hard into the steel steps before rolling him back in for Jeez to cover for another count of two. Dane goes back to work on The Church’s Money and is again distracted by Mims from behind. As he goes to confront him, Mims stuns him by yanking his throat on the top rope, and Jeez nails a flatliner for a quick two count. He and Mims work over Dane and make sure Godzilla is in Peril. Mims attempts a single-leg crab and Dane crawls to the ropes. He pulls him away to the center of the ring and proceeds to injure the leg further. Mims whips him to the ropes and Dane comes out and nails a desperation Samoan drop. He finally gets the hot tag to Storm and he drives down Jeez. Dane runs interference on Mims as Storm drives it into Jeez’s skull that The Claw is the Law. The ref calls it and…
Your Winners via Submission: Baron von Storm and Jax Dane
Mims tries to pull off and Dane beats him down. Once he subdues the National champion, Dane then turns to calm Storm, and that is a good image to end on as fans remember The Dane Event victorious with his tag partner and rival.
Kyle Davis is ringside with Daisy Kill minus his tag partner. He inquires about their chances at getting the NWA World Tag Team Championship titles, and Kill says their chances are looking good. Unlike The Immortals who’ve probably been, “sitting at home sucking that sour milk out of their mom’s teats. It must be awful.”
Graphic imagery aside, out come Odinson and Kratos and he dares Kill to say that to his face. He obliges noting his breath must come from the same area, and Kratos smacks him across the mouth. This brings out Talos and all four men are throwing down. Kill and Talos head to the back and tell them they’ll deal with them later.
As for junior heavyweight action, next up is…

Courtesy of the NWA.
Kerry Morton vs. Connor “Hazard” Murphy
Looks like Murphy has been around the block since 2001. For those not familiar with Murphy, imagine if John Cena kept up his white rapper gimmick. Except…smaller.
In any case, he has his work cut out as he faces one-third of The Southern Six. Morton shows why he is considered “The Rizz God” of the NWA as he works over the arm but Murphy is no slouch either with explosive attacks. Morton is in the driver’s seat for most of the match, but Murphy comes back with an impressive backflip dropkick and corner crossbody to knock the wind from The Rizz God. Unfortunately, Morton is too much for Murphy as he makes him eat a Kiss It Goodbye knee and the heart stopper ends it.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Kerry Morton
We get another vignette of EC3 on dramatic examples and I’ll just let him speak:
“I know sometimes what’s more important than victory or dramatic examples; leaders do not ask for permission.
No, they create their own through violence and chaos, like when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with two tablets. I come with two fists. Like Moses split the Red Sea, Thom, in Dothan, AL, I will split your dome. Like Moses was God’s chosen Prophet, I am God’s chosen champion inside a steel cage.
Thom, I will sacrifice you upon the altar of freedom. Thom Latimer, you are the champion because I brought the best out of you. Thom Latimer, you are the best version of yourself. So I can create a perfect foil, so I can create the biggest, the greatest, the grandest, the most tremendous moment in NWA history.
Thom, [at] The Looks That Kill, the Overman will enter the steel cage. But the Overlord will leave NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion.”
Heavy words from The OverMan.
But it’s time for the Main Event and it’s a tune-up match between…
Thom Latimer vs. Tyler Franks
This is a non-title match, but clearly, Latimer wants to get some work in before he faces EC3. As for Franks, he is a product of the Jacobs-Pritchard Wrestling Academy, and is nicknamed, “All Beef.” Granted, the beef is a little lean, but give him time.
The bell rings and Franks puts on a show as he whips the champ to ropes and goes for a dropkick but Latimer halts the brakes. He attempts multiple near falls to no avail and a standing dropkick only manages to keep Latimer down for a two count. Latimer goes to town on the young lad, but Franks gives it his all with knee drops to his head. Latimer isn’t happy with that as he rushes after him in the corner. Franks ducks out and gets a springboard spinning neckbreaker for another two count. Then he connects with a backhand and a rising knee, but Latimer finally gets serious, and nails the kid with a forearm, then an atomic drop, followed by a clothesline. He’s on a roll with a back elbow and then a corner splash and that leads to his signature Fusion bay. One DDT later, Latimer delivers his pop-up powerbomb to spell the end of Tyler Franks in One, two, and three.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Thom Latimer
We’ll see the finale of this season as we gear up for The Looks That Kill event coming up in a couple of weeks, as the show comes to a close.
NWA Powerrr: 01/21/2025
Final Thoughts:
It is bittersweet to see Jax Dane for the last time in a ring, knowing this was the last time he was able to perform. I can’t imagine how hard it was to make this decision, but it was the right one. What happens in the future now that he isn’t going to be in Baron Von Storm’s corner is anybody’s guess.
Until then, we’ll see ya next Tuesday!