It’s Thursday and that means we are chatting TnA. Let us just get to the action as this week’s episode of TNA iMPACT kicks off with a recap of last week’s show.

The Rascalz VS Speedball Mountain and KUSHIDA

Kushida made a tag and ran wild on the Rascalz. Kushida put Lee in the Hoverboard Lock. Wentz dove on Seven on the outside and Bailey did a moonsault to Wentz. Lee and Kushida battled in the ring. Seven slammed Lee off the top rope for a two count. Wentz kicked Bailey off the top rope. The Rascalz triple teamed Seven. They hit the Hot Fire Flame and Wentz pinned Seven for the win.
WINNERS: The Rascalz

Video package on Jordynne Grace. She said Ash By Elegance is a terrible person, but she puts in the work. I think she made a challenge for next week, but the sound mix made it tough to hear her voice over the music.

Gia Miller interviewed Campaign Singh with the secret service. He was talking to Mustafa Ali on the phone and said it wasn’t his fault what happened at Slammiversary. He apologized. He got off the call and told Gia that Ali would win the title tonight and he would prove his loyalty. He seemed unsure.


 Rosemary went on the attack from the start and in classic form we had Ash By Elegance and The Concierge watching things. Rosemary made went in control and hit a sit-out bomb for the win.

Winner: Rosemary

After the match, the lights were out and Rosemary placed a black rose on Kristata’s hand.

The System called themselves the Dream Team and complained about losing their belts and then they vowed to regain the titles. JDC wanted to prove himself and become a member of The System. Moose talked last and hit the catchphrase.

Mike Santana said the cracks are starting to show in The System and he doesn’t want them to forget about him. Campaign Singh interrupted and said he is there to prove things to Mustafa Ali. He said he had more street credibility than Santana and challenged him to a match later!

Josh Alexander was supposed to come out but didn’t. Gia Miller asked him about Slammiversaey and he said he didn’t owe the fans an explanation. He talked about carrying the company and keeping the doors open for people like Nic Nemeth and Joe Hendry. He got heated when he kept talking about Ryan Nemeth.


Nemeth. Nemeth took Frankie down and Nemeth hit Kaz with a dropkick. Frankie suplexed Nemeth into the corner. Nemeth made a comeback. Nemeth got a two count after a neckbreaker. Nemeth suplexed Frankie for a two count. Frankie got in some offense and pinned Nemeth after a cutter.

Winner: Frankie Kazarian

Josh Alexander gave Nemeth a C-4 Spike and left.

JODY THREAT (w/Dani Luna) VS MASHA SLAMOVICH (w/Alisha Edwards)

Masha gave Jody  all the Clotheslines. Jody made a comeback but Alisha got on the apron until Dani pulled her off. Alisha pushed Dani into the ringpost. Masha gave Jody a powerbomb for a 2-Count. Alisha put the title belt around the middle turnbuckle and  Dani kicked Alisha to the mat at ringside. Jody tripped Masha into the turnbuckle with the belt. Jody gave Masha an F-5 and got the huge win!!!!!!

Winner: Jody Threat

A Joe Hendry promo video. He talked about the support of the fans making him successful. Clips of his appearances in NXT were shown, including this week’s angle where he got hit with a guitar. He vowed to win the TNA World Title.


Singh attacked Santana to start things off and Singh came back with a forearm shot and punches. Santana hit the spinning clothesline and got the pin.

Winner: Mike Santana 

Santana took the mic after the match. He challenged Moose for putting a hit out on him. He said he would be the TNA World Champion. But before that, he wanted to make Moose suffer. He said he wanted Moose’s head in a box.

TNA World Title match: NIC NEMETH (c) VS MUSTAFA ALI

Nemeth gave Ali a DDT out of the corner. Ali blocked a superkick and gave Nemeth a heel kick for a two count. Nemeth backdropped Ali over the top rope. Nemeth sent Ali into the ringpost. Nemeth knocked the secret service members to the ground on the outside, but Ali used the distraction to put Nemeth in the Sharpshooter. Nemeth reached the ropes to break the hold. Nemeth gave Ali the Famouser for a two count. Nemeth hit a superkick and a Danger Zone for the pin.

Winner: Nic Nemeth

PCO Wedding

Steph read her vows firs and said she would never complain when the electricity bill was too high. She said they were meant to be and ’til death do they part. PCO pretty much just growled. They put on the rings. PCO gave her his grandma’s ring. When Santino asked if anyone objected, First Class came down the aisle. AJ Francis said they weren’t there to cause a ruckus. He said that he and PCO put on a classic at Slammiversary. Santino pronounced them monster and bride until the lights went out and Matt Cardona’s music played. Cardona had a present that was a brick and he took out PCO with it. AJ Francis blocked Xia. Cardona and Steph argued. Steph said it was her day and it was supposed to be about her. She cried. Cardona left…..that was the show