Monday Night Raw has a murderous horror cult, Smackdown has an ever-growing Bloodline, and NXT has… Brooks Jensen. His continuous trespassing was enough for NXT General Manager Ava to open tonight’s show by reinforcing security, which proved feckless by the main event.

Tag Team Turmoil

Tonight’s opening match is a gauntlet, in layman’s terms, where the winning duo heads to Heatwave for the NXT Tag Team Championships. Malik Blade and Edris Enofe start off against New Catch Republic, who haven’t escaped NXT after all. The former unleash impressive athleticism, with a springboard assisted hangover to note, and Tyler Bate returns the favor with a dive. Pete Dunne helps connect with a double-team for the first elimination, and Smackdown’s Angel and Berto of Legado del Fantasma join next. The latter slow the pace with equally flashy maneuvers until rival Apollo Crews makes a distraction, allowing Bate to hit Tyler Driver 97 for the second fall.

The Good Brothers pick up the scraps while NXT subtly becomes the third brand. Their offense just as well runs through picture-in-picture, and Bate hits an Airplane Spin thereafter. Dunne reverses Magic Killer with a roll-up for three as Chase University makes their entrance, and OTM goads The Good Brothers towards the back. Andre Chase hits his patented C-H-A-S-E-U stomps before Dunne connects with 10 Beats of the Bodhran, and Duke Hudson makes an energetic big-man comeback – the legitimate MVP of the school. But just as big is “Strong Boi” Bate, the ironman, who takes out sacrificial Ridge Holland ringside, and Chase capitalizes with a splash for victory. Looking like an actual unit alongside Holland, Riley Osborne, and Thea Hail, Chase University caps the second enjoyable multi-man opener in a row for NXT.

Winners: Chase University


Karmen Petrovich gossips to miscellaneous women’s locker room members about Roxanne Perez’s uncalled-for attack on former rival Lola Vice. Petrovich promises she can hang with the NXT Women’s Champion, and she already does – and more – in this segment.

Commentary pays respect to the late Sika Anoa’i. After break, Dante Chen offers to be Nathan Frazer’s cornerman tonight in Heritage Rules before Axiom finally comes around for his fellow NXT Tag Team Champion. 

Regardless of Ethan Page’s def rebel flop, he carries himself like a top name while entering the ring, microphone in-hand. He contends not being eliminated from last week’s battle royal, beating the winner Je’Von Evans later that night, and invites NXT General Manager Ava to the ring. Shawn Spears interrupts her shortly after, commenting on Page’s similar roads, including beating Evans first. Waking up from this, the audience explodes for NXT Champion Trick Williams, who doesn’t mind facing either at Heatwave. The two attack Williams, and the rightful challenger Je’Von Evans makes the save as “whoop that trick” chants ring out.

New Catch Republic have a word with Ridge Holland for costing them their match, and Pete Dunne degrades him for leaving one group for another. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger try cheering them up with an exhibition next week, and cool-headed Tyler Bate accepts.

Robert Stone tells Stevie Turner he’s an asset for Ava, and the two verbally battle for second place to the general manager.

Wes Lee vs Joe Coffey 

Coffey gains control with help from Gallus, and commentary says his offense isn’t pretty following a second-rope misstep. Vic Joseph also says Coffey’s “more disoriented than Justin Timberlake” after a Lee DDT like a vintage Mauro Ranallo call. Lee finally makes a comeback with a springboard Kadiac Kick for victory, and North American Champion Oba Femi appears on the podium to congratulate his new challenger. “Wes, I’ll see you at Heatwave!” Femi says, as Lee prepares for one final attempt at the gold.

Winner: Wes Lee


Chase University celebrates their victory while Ridge Holland hides photos of him cheating in their favor last week. Andre Chase doesn’t have social media?

Nathan Frazer vs Tony D’Angelo (c) – Heritage Cup Championship

D’Angelo is interviewed for last-minute thoughts beforehand and jokes about deciding the after-party location. Frazer runs the ropes quicker than Bron Breakker and scores with a roll-up that justifies his lightning-strike tights. D’Angelo quits playing games and hosses his way to a Spinebuster to win round two, catches a dive before asking if Frazer is stupid, and throws him into the steel steps. After break, Frazer kicks out of a second Spinebuster in round four and a mid-air third in round five. He hits Coast-to-Coast on D’Angelo’s count-out break and connects with a Phoenix Splash at the bell, leading into an unpredictable even last round. The challenger races against the clock, but D’Angelo reverses momentum with a top-rope belly-to-belly and the ultimate Spinebuster to retain in an absolute battle.

Winner: Tony D’Angelo


Je’Von Evans has Trick Williams’ back tonight, but the champion wants to lock in individually. Like people have mentioned on X, dialogue between them on NXT has never been realer.

Roxanne Perez vs Karmen Petrovich

Lola Vice joins the announce table for Booker T’s “shucky ducky quack quack” moment of the night. The NXT Women’s Champion unnecessarily shrieks while on offense, and Vice tells her to shut her mouth in Spanish. Petrovich’s comeback is spoiled by Perez, who hits Pop Rox for the very decisive victory, and Vice enters the ring for payback with a real spinning backfist. Take notes, Perez!

Winner: Roxanne Perez


Noam Dar tells Meta-Four on FaceTime that he’ll be sidelined after Ethan Page’s attack. Oro Mensah expresses his love for the group before explaining his father’s injury: as a child, Mensah moved to Switzerland from Nigeria for his father’s burn therapy. He was moved to foster care and didn’t feel like he fit in anywhere until joining Meta-Four, inspiring his vengeance towards Page. “That was beautiful,” Dar says aptly over FaceTime.

Booker T gets choked up at the booth before cameras catch The Good Brothers attacking OTM backstage. Michin and Jaida Parker have a flimsy brawl too. After, a busy Ava grants Carlee Bright a match against Wendy Choo and receives the NXT Women’s Championship that was stolen by Vice.

Tavion Heights vs Damon Kemp

Olympic-wrestler Heights cordially agreed to join No Quarter Catch Crew, but Charlie Dempsey stipulated that he win this first anyway. The latter apparently pops Kemp’s shoulder back in, and the NQCC member uneventfully gains control with suplexes. Heights comes back with incredibly smooth belly-to-bellies for the win, and Dempsey raises his arm as an official member of the group.

Winner: Tavion Heights


NXT Women’s Champion Kehlani Jordan wants to be a “drama-free champion” and doesn’t mind defending against either Sol Ruca and Arianna Grace. Jaida Parker jumps in with much more gusto, calling out Michin in a street fight next week. Young “Miss Parker” is destined for stardom unlike the women’s champions on the roster.

Brinley Reece hypes up a disappointed Malik Blade and Edris Enofe, and Izzi Dame talks down on the power of positivity. Nathan Frazer is disappointed too, but Axiom looks forward to refocusing on the NXT Tag Team Championships. But Frazer has a WWE Speed match to prepare for tomorrow as a true champion of continuity.

Arianna Grace vs Sol Ruca

The winner faces Jordan for the NXT Women’s North American Championship at Heatwave. Grace gains control with uninspiring offense, and commentary is forced to note Ruca’s multiple slips on the ropes, but the latter eventually hits her eye-catching Sol Snatcher for victory like a Band-Aid.

Winner: Sol Ruca


Ava announces that NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez will defend against Lola Vice at Heatwave, and after, Jacy Jayne mocks Jordan and Ruca’s friendship with Jazmyn Nyx and Fallon Henley.

Shawn Spears vs Trick Williams

Ethan Page joins commentary, and Williams gets an ovation big enough for both his rivals. The champion gets Orlando popping for some loud chops, and the noise continues as Oro Mensah jumps Page like a new fan-favorite. Williams escapes a Crossface after picture-in-picture, but Spears foils his comeback thereafter. The former reverses momentum until it halts completely when Brooks Jensen invades, throwing Vic Joseph’s candy stash at him as security struggles to remove him. Jensen deliberately tosses the desk cover at Williams’ face, and Spears capitalizes with the C4 for his biggest victory in years.

Winner: Shawn Spears


Robert Stone and Stevie Turner argue over the NXT Championship scene at Heatwave, and Ava makes the obvious answer official: a fatal four-way between Williams, Spears, Page, and Evans.


NXT 6/25/24

Orlando, FL

Spears didn’t even win his inaugural feud against Cody Rhodes, so this is possibly his biggest singles victory ever, which says a lot. The Chase University win was another unpredictable result, but the remainder of the night was a little too calm of a calm before the Heatwave.