Ah… I’m genuinely excited for this anointment for Tonga Loa into The Bloodline since this decision has Paul Heyman shivering so much so that I can’t say that it’s not entertaining. His weasel-like ways are too great for television. Heyman makes it clear that Solo Sikoa sits at the head of the table until Roman Reigns returns.

Tama Tonga has already been welcomed into the faction, so now it’s his brother’s turn. Tama will not only be known for who we know him to be, but also as Solo’s right-hand man. And as for his brother, he’s labelled as “Infamous” Tonga Lao. After the proceedings were seemingly done, Heyman said good night, which confused Solo because he alludes to the fact that Paul forgot to thank the brothers for saving him last week from KO.

What scared me a bit was that Tama said they could have let Kevin “kill” him rather than saving him. The choice word here is “kill”. It simply made me wonder… that’s all. Anyway, after last Friday, Heyman informs The Bloodline that Owens isn’t finished with them. The Street Profits also arrive to lend some assistance.

Backstage, Solo prevents Heyman from leaving by ordering him to officiate a Triple Treat Tag Team between The Bloodline versus KO and the Profits. But if things weren’t freaky enough, another glitch summons itself on our screens. This one says thank you with the image of a crow hovering above it. People have been speculating that Uncle Howdy might be making his return at SummerSlam, and I’m starting to agree.

I should have guessed it sooner. Somehow it wasn’t obvious to me.

Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair vs. Indi Hartwell & Candice LeRae – Tag Team match

This past Monday, Jade and Bianca were defending this Tag Team Championships against Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark, yet because of Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre’s interruption, the match ended poorly when it became a 4-on-2 assault. Naturally, it wasn’t surprising to see Dawn and Fyre here tonight, and I wouldn’t be amazed by Baszler and Stark’s incoming as well.

Due to the appearance of four other women, Belair was momentarily overwhelmed by Hartwell and LeRae. Bianca rams Candice into the corner then follows that up with a suplex. The EST was scoring big points for her team, so Candice decides to grab hold of her opponent’s hair then tags Hartwell as she delivers a clothesline. Indi and Candice play a double team on Belair, yet Hartwell doesn’t go into a cover. Instead, she chooses to imitate Cargill.

Belair was able to tag Cargill at last as she ploughs through both women. I’m sure this match was over after that face plant to Hartwell, but LeRae intercepted. Bianca rolls back in to dispose of her over the ropes.

The champs play a double against Hartwell and gain another victory. However, they say never turn your back in this sort of game, but Jade and Bianca did exactly that and got trampled by the Unholy Union, Baszler and Stark.

Once they accomplished that, Isla, Alba, Zoey and Shayna started brawling amongst themselves, each holding a Tag Team belt. Belair and Cargill storm back into the fray.

Winners: Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair

Although, Nick Aldis advices Cody Rhodes to not engage into a parking lot fight with AJ Styles after his false retirement claim last week, yet Rhodes makes it clear that Styles will get hurt regardless of the contrary suggestion.

Elsewhere, Apollo Crews was attempting to detail out his revenge plot against Angel Garza during their match later tonight, yet he gets jumped not even mid interview then brought to medical. Never mind that match…

LA Knight shows up still wondering where Logan Paul is after making his intentions known about wanting the US Championship. Thank God for me that he’s not here, but LA Knight isn’t too happy. Apparently, Logan is playing… Tetris. I could have done without. Carmelo Hayes finds Knight’s overlaps of words on a weekly basis to be dull. Unbeknownst to Hayes, Knight decides to take the initiative by sanctioning a match between them, which Aldis agrees to. Ha! Carmelo’s face.

Johnny Gargano vs. Grayson Waller

At the start of the bell, Waller goes after Gargano in a hurry, yet it’s Johnny who corners him instead… until that knockout punch from Grayson. Damn. Johnny fights despite the whiplash he just suffered. Chops the chest of Grayson numerous times.

Waller counters by ramming Gargano’s back onto his knee. Luckily, Johnny retaliates in return by slinging his opponent’s body across the ring. He continues his momentum by using Waller’s move against him by turning it into a back suplex. Johnny manages to thwart Waller’s plans with that clothesline, yet he hurt himself in the process.

Grayson has the upper hand in-ring, focusing his aim towards Gargano’s lower back wounded from earlier. What he didn’t expect was Johnny’s relentless energy to keep fighting with that step up enziguri that rocks the Aussie icon to his bum. Waller counters with an up high belly-to-back suplex.

A slugfest ensues mid-ring with an impressive display of offensive moves, yet Gargano is the one who concludes it with a modified version of the Destroyer that I thought was Waller’s doing. It was Grayson’s fault, though, when he ducked out of the way leaving Austin to be crashed upon by a flying Johnny. I saw that.

Anyway, Waller shoves Gargano into the post then performs a successful flipping Unprettier. On the other hand of that celebration, Theory doesn’t look too pleased with Grayson.

Winner: Grayson Waller 

As the night continues, AJ Styles has finally arrived on SmackDown to the urging behest of Rhodes. The O.C. methodically march their way to the ring where Cody is seen waiting for them, well, him. Security get in-between them, which I find amazingly useless. Ha! It’s funny that they try.

Styles will only fight Rhodes if he gives him what he wants, an Undisputed Championship at Clash at the Castle, which Cody accepts with an additional request. Making the match an “I quit” fight. Aldis was too happy to oblige. Ha! Ha! Well done a thousand times, Nick. Yay!!

Despite the fact that Rhodes got the answer he wanted, he still felt like putting his hands on Styles. First, he ventures to remove security out of his way. Somewhat unsuccessful and it could have been left like that if Styles didn’t jump into the kafuffle.

More exciting news that a Triple Treat match for the Women’s Tag Team Championships has been made official that will include the teams of Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark, The Unholy Union, and the Champions themselves Belair and Cargill.

LA Knight vs. Carmelo Hayes

Oop, damn. I didn’t expect Hayes to be ploughing LA Knight the way he did at the beginning. The heavy and aggressive blows Carmelo pounded into Knight’s back were a bit much as if he was angry specifically towards the Megastar.

LA Knight shoots himself out of a cannon with a thunderous clothesline that turns Carmelo inside out. He continues with his onslaught by dribbling Hayes’ head against the announcement desk.

Carmelo reverses by shoving Knight’s spine with the edge of the apron. Later on, the Megastar manages to put the breaks on before colliding with the commentary table, then flings Melo over it with a back drop extremely intense. That face plant, too.

Hayes thought that face buster was the ending point of this match, yet LA Knight remained in the game after kicking out. That just upset Carmelo to chop his opponent, which LA Knight answers. A slugfest temporarily takes place.

A few reversals during pinning combinations didn’t award Carmelo the win since LA Knight was able to shift his weight and cover Hayes. Following that, LA Knight warns Logan Paul that if he won’t come on Fridays, he’ll bring SmackDown to him… just like he did to AJ. Ha!

Winner: LA Knight

Backstage, Tiffany Stratton makes the poor decision to construct an alliance with Nia Jax, calling them the Queen and Princess of the Ring. Jax was simply standing there star dazed. I would be, too, if this girl approached me. Confusion.

And speaking of complexities, I’m not entirely sure if that was good on Michin to throw a cup of ice and soda into Nia’s face. Jax literally flipped a table trying to get her hands on her. The funny bit is that Nia slipped on the liquid. Ha! Ha! Ha! Regardless of this, this Sunday, Michin has a golden opportunity at NXT Battleground in Las Vegas.

Piper has malice in her heart and destruction on her brain as she puts Bayley in her place after she unsatisfyingly bestowed respect on Niven without truly knowing her journey. The homefield advantage belongs to Piper, and she promises to reap it all.

Next week a day before Clash at the Castle, Nia Jax and Michin go one-on-one inside the ring. DIY have been invited on The Grayson Waller Effect.

Kevin Owens & The Street Profits vs. The Bloodline – 6-man Tag Team match

This match should have been a no restriction fight because the animosity in the ring between these men shouldn’t be tamed down in the slightest by rules and regulations. A waste. Alas, it doesn’t matter now. Angelo and Tama begin the fight.

Yes, Dawkins took Tama out with that spinning shoulder he does, but that wasn’t the interesting part. Tama snarled again. That took my attention very quickly that I couldn’t think of anything else. What is up with this man??

Anyway, the second Montez is tagged in and shoulder tackles Tama, he imitates his snarling towards the rest of The Bloodline. Ha! Why? Ford is so damn weird and hilarious to watch. Doing strange noises is something we have in common. Back to the match, Ford is overwhelmed by his challengers, the Tongas. For now…

Solo is seen battering Ford like a man possessed by God knows what. When he shoved Montez face first against the post, it was the most vicious version of it I’ve seen thus far. I promise you it looked like Sikoa wanted the man to bleed right then and there, or go into a coma. Damn. “Get your ass up!” is what he said.

Montez has been trying to get ahold of his teammates, but to no avail since Sikoa kept him away from them with ease. A hip toss to Ford squashes him in the corner. KO hasn’t become a facture yet as he rallies the crowd. Tama misses when he propelled himself. Ford drags his body, so he could tag Owens while Tama brings Solo.

Kevin delivers a beautiful cannonball plus a Swanton that nearly ended this match, but Sikoa remains very much alive. Girl, I’ve never seen Owens get turned inside out with a clothesline before… at least not recently. That was abrupt.

Never mind what’s happening inside, things started spilling outside. Owens was snatched by the Tongas, so Dawkins comes in and shoves Loa off, yet he’s at the mercy of Tama. Luckily, Kevin assists him, and so does Montez as he crashes on everyone.

The mess just continues to spread as Solo forces a disqualification when he slams a chair into Ford. That doesn’t stop the brawling, though. I laughed too much when I witnessed Dawkins punching Solo so hard that he exited the screen. Ha! Ha! Ha! “Good God, man!” is the perfect reaction.

Winners: Disqualification 


TOP PHOTO: The Bloodline’s anointment ceremony. Courtesy of WWE