Greetings and Salutations all! This isn’t Impact or ROH so I am excited to be writing the report for AEW Rampage. After a strong show on Wednesday from Arthur Ashe I am excited to see what a double sized episode will give us. This reminds of a a comic book annual where its double sized so without further ado, lets get to the action.
Sting & Darby Allin vs Brody King & Buddy Matthews
Darby and Allin started the match in the ring and King chopped Allin right over the ropes to a hard landing. King then rolled Sting back into the ring and began stomping on the living legend. Eventually all four men were back in the ring and Sting was able to fight off House of Blacks King and Matthews. As King and Matthews were gaining the advantage again, King hits Matthews with a clothesline. King then put his attention back on Sting and place him on the top rope. Darby made his return to the match and hit an Avalanche Code Red on King but was only able to get a two-count.
Darby was running the ropes then tagged in Sting. Sting landed some stiff punches to Matthews head. Sting climbed to the rope and King hits him making Sting land through a table. Both King and Matthews rolled Sing’s body back into the ring. Julia then took it upon herself to handcuff Sting.
Sting and Darby Allin vs Brody King and Buddy Matthews at AEW Rampage Grand Slam, taped on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY, and airing on Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos, https://georgetahinos.smugmug.comMatthews and King were beating up on Allin at the top of the ramp and went for a Dante’s Inferno but Darby gave it his all as he tried to fight back. Allin’s fighting back included a Coffin Drop from the top of the rinng of the stage right onto Matthews.
King tried to choke Allin out but the two fell off the stage and onto a bunch of tables. Matthews grabbed a bat and walked to the ring where he was still handcuffed from earlier. Right before Matthews hit Sting with the bat Keiji Muto (The Great Muta) came out to surprise everyone! Muta walked to the ring and hit Matthews with a Dragon Screw leg whip and some mist. Sting was now released and hit a Scorpion Death Drop on Matthews for the win. Oh and Julia went through a table…sorta….

The Great Muta blows mist as Sting looks on at AEW Rampage Grand Slam, taped on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY, and airing on Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos,
Winners: Sting and Darby Allin
Hook & Action Bronson vs Matt Menard & Angelo Parker
Hook and Angelo started the match and while Hook had the upperhand, Daddy Magic and Action Bronson tagged in. Bronson hit both heels with shoulder-blocks and tagged Hook back in. Hook landed a Northern lights suplex on Menard.
Menard and Parker eventually took control of the match again and were beating up on Hook. Hook was able to get the hot tag to Bronson and he once again took out Parker and Menard before tagging back Hook. Both Bronson and Hook lock in a Redrum for the win.

Hook and Action Bronson have control of Matt Menard and Angelo Parker at AEW Rampage Grand Slam, taped on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY, and airing on Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos,
Winners: Action Bronson & Hook
Samoa Joe & Wardlow vs Tony Nese & Josh Woods w/ Mark Sterling
Smart Mark called out Wardlow and OBVIOUSLY, Wardlow came out.

Mark Sterling is caught between Samoa Joe and Wardlow at AEW Rampage Grand Slam, taped on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY, and airing on Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos,
Wardlow dominated and cleared the ring. As Wardlow went over the top rope he clutched his leg. Nese went for a moonsault but in classic Joe fashion he just casually walked out of the way. Joe then landed a sidewalk slam on Nese that went straight into a Muscle Buster for the big win.
Winners: Samoa Joe and Wardlow
Jungle Boy vs Rey Fenix
Jungle Boy with his new aggressive attitude went straight after Fenix. Fenix walked the ropes for his own aggression. The two then traded some back and forth punches and forearms. Fenix then landed a a sliding dropkick to take Jungle Book to the outside of the ring. Back from the break, we saw a series of great action which saw Fenix hitting a slam on Jungle Boy (pictured below).

Jungle Boy receives a flying Rey Fenix at AEW Rampage Grand Slam, taped on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY, and airing on Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos,
We saw another series of elbows from the two and Fenix went for an Underhook Slam, but Jungle Boy countered it into a rollup for just a two count. The two ended up fighting on the ring apron and Jungle Boy hit an elbow to knock Fenix down. Fenix quickly came back and answered that with a leap in Jungle Boy’s direction but Jungle Boy landed a great looking Super Kick.
Jungle Boy was at the top rope but was cut off by Fenix and then when Jungle Boy was on the ground, Fenix hit a Frog Splash and a pin but it was only good for a two count. The two ended up back on the top rope and Fenix lifted Jungle Boy but eventually rolled Fenix up for the win.
Winner: Jungle Boy
After the match, Christian Cage came out with a microphone in hand as Luchasaurus’ music hit and went for the attack on Jungle Boy. Christian said that New York was obnoxious. He then said that Jungle Boy was a coward. Christian then said Jungle Boy could never and will never out smart him. Christian then called out Jungle Boy’s mom and sister as he told Luchasaurus to end Jungle Boy. Luchasaurus obliged and chokeslammed Jungle Boy.

Christian Cage and Luchasaurus stand over Jungle Boy at AEW Rampage Grand Slam, taped on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY, and airing on Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos,
After the match we had a backstage celebration for Chris Jericho’s surprising ROH World Title win. Jericho said the big party would take place next week on Dynamite emanating from Philadelphia.
Sammy Guevara vs Eddie Kingston
Before the match started, Sammy got on the mic and said that he was sorry to Kingston. Sammy said that he was sorry for calling Eddie a fat piece of shit. This angered Kingston and began attacking Sammy. Kingston hit Sammy with some chops and fierce headbutts. Sammy eventually fought back but Eddie hit Sammy with an eye-poke. Sammy was able to make a quick a comeback with a back-body drop that made Eddie hit his head hard on the apron.

Sammy Guevara leaps onto Eddie Kingston at AEW Rampage Grand Slam, taped on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY, and airing on Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos,
After the above Shooting Star Press, Eddie took control of the match as he moved out of the way causing Sammy to crash in the ring. This didn’t last long as Sammy hit a nasty looking knee and cutter for a VERY CLSOE TWO COUNT. Sammy tried to keep control of Eddie but Eddie responded with a Lariat on Sammy. Eddie continued his assault on Sammy as he landed Machine Gun Chops on him. Sammy found an opening and went for a springboard cutter but Kingston turned that into a belly-to-back while going for a pin right after which was only good for a two. Eddie eventually hit three back fists and a Spark Plug for the win.
Winner: Eddie Kingston
After the match, Eddie wouldn’t let go of the hold so the referee brigade came out and eventually the official decision of the match was reversed. Eddie then beat up all of the refs for their decison….
Winner: Sammy Guevara
TBS Women’s Championship match: Jade Cargill vs Diamante
This was a typical short Jade match. Diamante went for the early attack on Cargill but Cargill hit an elbow on Diamante. Diamante responded with a Shotgun Dropkick but was slammed by Cargil and quickly hit a pump kick on Diamante.
The two ended up outside of the ring and and Diamante went for a splash but was caught by Cargill and slammed her on the apron. With the two back in the ring, Cargill hit a Jaded and picked up the win.

Jade Cargill bends Diamante at AEW Rampage Grand Slam, taped on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY, and airing on Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos,
After the match, Trina attacked Diamante as she raised Cargill’s arm to celebrate the win.
Golden Ticket Battle Royal
I love a battle Royal but reporting or podcasting on them can be hard so lets go point form notes on this shall we?
Action in the Golden Ticket Battle Royal at AEW Rampage Grand Slam, taped on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY, and airing on Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos,
- Page was attacked by Andrade and his gang before the match
- Danhausen tried to curse QT Marshall and QT was elimnated super early
- Butcher eliminates Danhausen
- Brian Cage Eliminates Jake Hager and a few others
- Dalton Castle was saved by a Boy and eventually eliminates Cage
- Lance Archer punched out Trye
- Lee Moriarty eliminated Matt Hardy
- Matt Hardy eliminated The Blade after a Twist of Fate
- Rush and Butcher eliminated Hardy and Private Party
- Butcher Eliminated Evil Uno
- Page then quickly eliminated Butcher
- Rush eliminates John Silver after he posed for no good reason
- Penta Eliminates Lance Archer
- Penta eliminates Jay Lethal…but wait…Singh caught Lethal
- Page eventually really eliminates Lethal
- Last two were Rush and Page
With the last two decided they trade punches and chops to each other. Both men were on the apron as they continue punching and chopping each other. Page hit a Dead Eye on Rush and Rush slowly rolled off the apron and onto the outside to give Page the win.
Winner: Hangman Adam Page
Mark Henry segment time! Starks said that Hobbs beating him was a career moment for Hobbs. That was the gist…..Henry then said the line: ITS TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!
Lights Out match: Powerhouse Hobbs vs Ricky Starks
As the match started the two brawled and the match to the outside. Starks threw Hobbs onto the stairs. The two men ended up back in the ring and Hobbs landed a neck-breaker. Hobbs then brought a table into the ring and tossed it….literally threw it onto Starks.
After the commercial, it felt as though everything was in the ring as a weapon. Hobbs tossed Starks onto a steel chair. Starks quickly answered this with a tornado DDT which was only good for a two-count. Hobbs low blow’d Starks but Starks answered that with a Low Blow of his own. This didn’t really affect Hobb’s too much as he quickly recovered and did a back-body drop onto a couple chairs.
Powerhouse Hobbs goes to slam Ricky Starks at AEW Rampage Grand Slam, taped on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY, and airing on Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos, https://georgetahinos.smugmug.comThe match spilled to the outside again and both men fought their way up the ramp. Starks ran at Hobbs but Hobbs caught him and threw him into the lights that surround the entrance ramp. Hobbs ripped a light from the ramp as Stark’s slowly made his way back into the ring. Hobbs went to hit Starks with a light but Stark’s ducked and speared Hobbs through a table. Starks then hit Hobbs across the head with the aforementioned light fromt he ramp and hit his finisher for the WIN!
Winner: Ricky Starks
TOP PHOTO: The Great Muta and Sting reunite at AEW Rampage, taped at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, New York, on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, and airing on Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos,
AEW Rampage: September 23, 2022
This was a fun episode of Rampage. The extra time gave the show some extra matches but the show still felt overall rushed. Seeing The Great Muta was a great surprise and Darby Allin continues to risk it all for our entertainment.
The Battle Royal was good for a TV battle Royal and the winner wasn’t much of a surprise. Overall this show was very entertaining and it was a fun way to spend a Friday night as opposed to being at my regular bar.