The Revolution will be televised, but you will have to the pay for it. A week from Sunday is AEW Revolution and that mean tonight we have some card building to see. The first challenger to Jurassic Express’s tag team titles will be decided into a ten team battle royal. The Face of the Revolution ladder match could use a few more faces, too. Let’s get right to the action
Tag Team Battle Royal – #1 Contender Match
Well, this is just a total cluster. There are wrestlers in the ring, outside the ring, maybe under ring, could be in the crowd, who knows? Both tag team members need to be tossed over the top rope to be eliminated, so even though The Blade has been eliminated, the Butcher is still in the match keeping the team alive. Private Party is eliminated and Matt Hardy walks out on them. Orange Cassidy makes the save on Trent Beretta, catching him on his shoulders. That’s what friends are for!
Things get interesting with six men in the ring with out any tag teams remaining. Santana and Beretta face off much to the crowd’s delight. A high pump kick sends Trent to the apron. Santana joins him and the two battle, until Matt Jackson and Kyle O’Reilly boot them to the floor. John Silver and Dax Harwood are now left with Jackson and O’Reilly. Harwood and O’Reilly fight on apron, trading blows. Bobby Fish, despite being eliminated, kicks out Dax’s legs, sending him to the floor.

Action in the Tag Team Battle Royal at AEW Dynamite, at the Webster Bank Arena, in Bridgeport, CT, on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos, MORE PHOTOS IN THE PHOTO GALLERY!
John Silver drops Jackson in the ring and kicks him into the back of the neck. He hits him with the Spin Doctor. He then picks up O’Reilly only to get super kicked by Jackson. O’Reilly and Jackson team up on Silver. O’Reilly feigns an injury, telling Jackson to toss Silver. Matt throws Silver over the rope only for O’Reilly to pop up and dump him over the ropes.
Winner: Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish
After the match, the Young Bucks confront O’Reilly and Fish. The argument is short lived and AEW Champion Adam Page marches to the ring. He attacks Fish and O’Reilly. The Young Bucks roll out of the ring, as Adam Cole hits the ring. Page fends him off and looks for the Buckshot Lariat. Fish pulls Cole from the ring. Silver attacks Fish and O’Reilly with a cannonball. O’Reilly is rolled into the ring and Page hits him with the Buckshot.
Page decides it’s story time. He spools a yarn about Adam Cole and how he has crawled back to his friends with an eye on the AEW Championship. Page details the downfall of Cole at Revolution.
Bryan Danielson tells Tony Schiavone that he has been impressed with Daniel Garcia; he just wants Garcia to have a better mentor than 2.0. Danielson wants to show Garcia that and will then have an answer for Jon Moxley.

MJF at AEW Dynamite, at the Webster Bank Arena, in Bridgeport, CT, on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos, MORE PHOTOS IN THE PHOTO GALLERY!
MJF wants a chance to talk about CM Punk. Max talks about the photo op he had with Punk as a kid. MJF admits that he loves professional wrestling and that is what got him out of bed in the morning as a kid. MJF talk about his childhood dealing with learning disabilities and being bullied. That day the photo was taken, MJF got to meet his hero and that day meant everything to him. He made promise to himself to be like CM Punk and become best in the world.
Fast forward to 2013, MJF is watching tape and practicing promos to be just like CM Punk. Then in 2014, CM Punk walked away; it crushed MJF. He went to college and quit on his dream. MJF calls out Punk for being a gutless coward. He won’t quit because that will makes him the same as Punk.
Well, CM Punk won’t let that slide, walking out to the ring. Punk wants to know if the story MJF just told was real. With a tear in his eye, MJF walks out of the ring.
Daniel Garcia answers Bryan Danielson comments from earlier. Well, 2.0 answers for him at first. They aren’t happy that Danielson wants to mentor him. Garcia doesn’t need a lesson in violence, in fact he is going to teach Danielson a few things.
Malakai Black and Brody King vs. Pac and Penta Oscuro
Penta rising from the grave is a pretty intense entrance. Penta takes flight, wiping out the House of Black in the floor before the bell rings. Black is rolled into the ring, the bell rings and Pac hits him with the 450 splash. Malakai kicks out. Brody King lays out Pac with a clothesline. King places Black on Penta’s shoulders. He chops Pac and takes out both me with the strike. King follows with a suicide dive.
In the ring, Black and King collide. Penta takes advantage with cross body and all four men are down in the ring. Pac saves his partner from Dante’s Inferno. A kick to the jaw staggers King. Pac avoids a splash in the corner, but Black makes a blind tag. Penta sets up for the foot stomp, but Black breaks it up. Penta covers Black’s mouth, not allowing him to spray the mist. Penta rolls Blacks up to get the pin.
Winners via pinfall: Penta and Pac

Buddy Matthews attacks Penta Oscuro at AEW Dynamite, at the Webster Bank Arena, in Bridgeport, CT, on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos, MORE PHOTOS IN THE PHOTO GALLERY!
After the bell, King pummels Penta and Pac. Black grabs a shovel, as he chokes back the mist. Black looks to finish Penta, when the lights go out. The come back on and Buddy Matthews is in the ring. Matthews walks over to protect Penta and stares down Black. Matthews strikes, but attacking Pac and Penta. King wipes out the AEW security heading the ring. King slides a chair into the ring. Black wants Matthews to finish Penta off. He smashes Penta into the chair face first. The lights go out again.
To quickly recap, Chris Jericho blames Eddie Kingston for the rift in the Inner Circle. Jericho wants to act like men and not street thugs. Kingston wants to fight not talk. This isn’t “sports entertainment”. Jericho offers to give Eddie some entertainment with a story. When Jericho first heard that Kingston was coming to AEW, Jericho didn’t know who he was. That’s because Kingston looks like a jobber. But then he saw a match and saw a promo and realized Kingston was good. Jericho even told him that.

Chris Jericho and Eddie Kingston at AEW Dynamite, at the Webster Bank Arena, in Bridgeport, CT, on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos, MORE PHOTOS IN THE PHOTO GALLERY!
Jericho claims the Kingston is jealous of him because deep down Kingston now he can’t achieve what Jericho has. Kingston does things his way and no he doesn’t want to talk to him. Eddie would rather do things on his own and wants to fight. How about at Revolution? Jericho accuses Kingston of being afraid of success. He’s a failure just like his uncle and father. Eddie can’t win the big one and Jericho is the big one in AEW. Jericho accepts the match. If Kingston manages to beat Jericho; Chris will shake his hand and give him respect. Eddie wants the Jericho that was the first AEW champion. Jericho calls Kingston a loser and he can’t beat him.
“Absolute” Ricky Starks w/Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Dark Order’s 10 – Face of the Revolution Qualifying Match

Ricky Starks at AEW Dynamite, at the Webster Bank Arena, in Bridgeport, CT, on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos, MORE PHOTOS IN THE PHOTO GALLERY!
Starks has to resort to trying to rip off 10’s mask. Ricky hits him with a spear and gets the pin.
Winner via pinfall: Ricky Starks
The Young Bucks are not happy with Red Dragon, but O’Reilly reminds the Bucks that they can still qualify next week. Cole scolds Fish and O’Reilly telling them that they need to get along with the Bucks.
Jade Cargill (champion) w/Smart Mark Sterling vs. The Bunny w/Matt Hardy(challenger) – TBS Championship Match
Bunny with slap, so Jade kicks her to the mat. Cargill works the arm of Bunny, and shows off by doing push ups. Bunny sends Jade to the floor while escaping a hammer lock. On the floor, Cargill hits a Russian lag sweep into the barrier. Back in the ring, Jade with a back elbow in the corner. Bunny answers with a knee left, but gets caught charging and laid out with a spine buster. Matt Hardy jumps to the apron, sliding Bunny the brass knucks. Mark Sterling slide in the TBS belt and Cargill blocks a shot from the knucks with the title. Referee Aubrey Edwards tosses both men out of the match. Bunny and Cargill trade kicks. Jade avoids going down the rabbit hole and counters with Jaded. She covers Bunny and gets the win.
Winner…and still TBS Champion…via pinfall: Jade Cargill
After the match, Cargill takes the microphone and wants to know who’s next? Better yet, who’s left? Tay Conti answers the call, saying she is the one that will beat her. She sprints to the ring and gets in Jade’s face. The Bunny gets involved only to eat a Tay KO. Jade nails her with a pump kick as Anna Jay runs down to save her friend.

Tay Conti goes after Jade Cargill at AEW Dynamite, at the Webster Bank Arena, in Bridgeport, CT, on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos, MORE PHOTOS IN THE PHOTO GALLERY!
Keith Lee says he is only familiar with Ricky Starks. And low and behold Starks shows up, telling Lee to stay in his lane. Hobbs stares him down. Ricky tells him to save it for Revolution.
Daniel Garcia vs. Bryan Danielson
Garcia fights Danielson into the corner. Bryan blasts his way out. The two lock up in the middle of the ring and trade holds. Bryan wants Garcia to chop him. Danielson takes the chop and then takes down Garcia, who has to scramble to get to the ropes to break the hold. Garcia misses a haymaker, but cuts down Danielson with a chop block.

Daniel Garcia vs Bryan Danielson at AEW Dynamite, at the Webster Bank Arena, in Bridgeport, CT, on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. Photo by George Tahinos, MORE PHOTOS IN THE PHOTO GALLERY!
During the picture in picture, Garcia has Danielson wrapped around the ring post, focusing on the knee. Garcia follows with a dragon screw in the middle of the ring. Returning to full screen, Garcia with another dragon screw leg whip. Danielson with suplex off the apron, sending Garcia to the floor. Bryan follows with a knee strike off the apron. Danielson goes up top, connecting with a shotgun drop kick. Bryan with a leg grapevine. Garcia counters the hold and Danielson rains down elbow strikes. Garcia kicks out after a Tiger suplex, but Bryan locks in the Cattle Mutilation. Garcia is able to escape and looks for the ankle lock. He stomps on Danielson, but it’s not enough. Bryan looks for a forceful pin. Garcia gets to his feet and looks for another dragon screw. Danielson blocks it, stomps away at Garcia and locks in the triangle sleeper. Garcia passes out and the ref calls for the bell.
Winner via submission: Bryan Danielson
After the match, Bryan tells Garcia that was exactly what he wanted to see. The crowd doesn’t think Garcia was violent enough. 2.0 jumps Danielson and puts the boots to him. “Wild Thing” hits and Moxley storms out of the crowd. Mox takes out 2.0, clearing the ring. Danielson stops Garcia from hitting Moxley with a chair. Mox hits him with the Paradigm Shift. He sees Bryan holding the chair. Danielson grabs a microphone, telling Mox he doesn’t need a chair to make anyone bleed. He tells Mox that the match is on for Revolution.
TOP PHOTO: Jon Moxley and Bryan Danielson are headed for a showdown. Photo by George Tahinos,
AEW Dynamite 2/23/2022
Webster Bank Arena, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Dynamite does a great job building toward Revolution. The tag team battle royal was chaotic fun. The Face of the Revolution ladder match has another entrant. Jade Cargill is still undefeated, unless Tay Conti has something to say about it. Penta Oscura easily has the entrance of the night. Daniel Garcia and Bryan Danielson put on the match of the night, but MJF won the night with his promo that left CM Punk guessing if the story Maxwell told actually happened. Oh, and Adam Cole is having trouble keeping the Elite on the same page as he tries to prepare for Adam Page.