There are a lot of things I don’t understand about Impact Wrestling. I don’t understand why one of the best pure wrestling shows on television isn’t far more popular than it is. I don’t understand why they haven’t snagged up more of those former WWE superstars to finally put together a recognizable roster because for good or for bad, it is those names and faces on the marquee that sell professional wrestling and put butts in those seats. I don’t understand why D’Lo Brown is on commentary at all and why Matt Striker oversells everything to the point of absolute absurdity.
What I also don’t understand is why they would end this edition of Impact with Minoru Suzuki versus Josh Alexander when their champion is defending his title at Turning Point. Instead, the Eddie Edwards and Moose brawl was in the middle of the show for some reason.
Let me do Impact’s job for them…
Their segment began backstage with Eddie discussing the Turning Point match. Eddie explains how Moose has taken things way too far.
“He laid hands on my wife!” he yells…just before Moose strikes.
Moose clobbers Edwards from behind. The two men battle their way back into the arena. Edwards knocks Moose down the rampway. Moose returns fire by powerbombing Edwards twice on the ring apron. Edwards is out on the floor.
Moose pulls out a table from under the ring. He picks up Edwards’ lifeless carcass, places a chair around his neck and slams him, the chair into the steel post.
Moose’s plunder hunt around the ring takes so long that Eddie recovers. He dodges a chair shot and throws one into Moose’s face. In the ring, Eddie labels Moose with two chair shots to the back and a running knee has Moose falling through the ropes and out onto the table.

Eddie Edwards is going to have to wait until Saturday for his revenge. Courtesy: Impact Wrestling.
Eddie climbs to the top rope. He thinks about leaping onto Moose then decides against it. Instead, he brings a ladder into the ring. The crowd pops. To keep Moose down Eddie hits him in the head with a steel chair. Eddie climbs the ladder. Much to the crowd’s dismay, Moose rolls off the table before Edwards can jump. A shocked champion backpedals up the rampway.
Just as Moose is about to leave the arena, Scott D’Amore catches up with him. He wants him to know he has changed Turning Point match to a Full Metal Mayhem bout.
Was that fear in Moose’s eyes? Will he be able to put out the fire he has lit under Eddie Edwards at Turning Point? Tune in this Saturday to find out!
Impact Wrestling, Thursday, November 18th Results
Steve Maclin vs. Laredo Kid
Maclin is fighting for the right to be included in the X-Division title match at Turning Point. Laredo Kid uses his agility to keep Maclin off balance. Maclin fools Kid by dodging a splash and giving Kid one of his own which stuns the luchadore. A few minutes later though, Kid dives off a steel ring post on top of Maclin on the floor. That was wild. Kid starts playing to the audience taking his attention off Maclin. He goes to the top rope one time too many and Maclin just blasts him with a shotgun drop kick. A rolling DDT by Kid is met with a clothesline from Maclin. After a poison rana fails to pin Maclin, Kid gets frustrated and screws up. Maclin crotches him on the top rope, hits a running spear in the corner and pins him with his Michinoku Driver finisher.
Winner: Steve Maclin
Match Rating: 7 / 10
Impact hits the rewind button. We see Myers brutally attack Sam Beale on BTI with a steel chair. The onslaught ends with a nasty conchairto. Beale is saved by Rich Swann and Willie Mac who accompany him to a trainer’s room where a doctor hovers over Beale. The doctors informs Mac and Swann that Beale is “stable”. Apparently, the ambulance is delayed, we guess? Swann is so pissed he demands a match against Myers at Turning Point.
X Division Champion Trey Miguel spouts off backstage about Maclin not deserving another crack at the title.
Ace Austin is also backstage wearing a ‘I Beat Chris Sabin’ shirt. Funny that. Sabin appears from out of nowhere. He accuses Austin of taking shortcuts, cheating to beat him. He challenges Austin to another match at Turning Point to see if Austin can actually win cleanly. Austin, Sabin and Madman Fulton get into a brawl. Sabin gets the better of the duo.
Knockouts Tag Champions The IInspiration (Cassie Lee and Jessica McKay) vs. The Brides Maids (Kimber Lee and Brandi Lauren)
Did I miss something? Did Lee and Lauren get bitten by the same zombies that attacked The Miz a few months back? Kimber Lee and Brandi Lauren skulk around the ring as if they are looking for their next meal. They twitch in their corner as the crowd welcomes IInspiration in this battle of the beauties and the beasts. Cassie Lee flees the ring. Lee gives chase shambling along. IInspiration drops the boom on Lee as she creeps back into the ring. Lauren bowls over both Lee and McKay with clotheslines. A drop kick through the ropes sends Cassie Lee flying into the ringside barricade. In an abrupt ending, IInspiration throws Lee to the outside and pins Lauren with their double powerbomb deal.
The lights go out and out comes Decay. In the ring, the IInspiration try to talk their way out of this jam. Decay surrounds IInspiration who fall to the mat shivering and shaking with scared and confused looks on their faces.
Winners: The IInspiration (Cassie Lee and Jessica McKay)
Match Rating: 5 / 10
Chelsea Green and Matt Cordona chat backstage. W Morrissey interrupts Cordona saying he stands in his way of getting that Impact World Championship match. Cordona says he will see Morrissey at Turning Point.
Mercedes Martinez warns Mickie James that nobody turns their back on her. What chance does Mickie have when Martinez took out that many Knockouts all on her own? In two days Martinez predicts that the reign of the ‘OG Bad Ass’ will begin.
Doc Gallows vs. Hikuleo
Gallows’ sledge hammer blows are too much for Hikuleo. He bumbles out onto the floor. Hikuleo catches Gallows coming back into the ring. Bullet Club distracts Gallows so Hikuleo can hit a low blow. Both men collapse to the canvass after hitting each other with double clotheslines. Four kicks to the face and Hikuleo still kicks out. A powerbomb puts Hikuleo away though.
Winner: Doc Gallows
Match Rating: 6 / 10
Deonna Purrazzo sits down for her interview with Gia Miller. Miller asks Purrazzo where she has been, what she has been doing since she has been off Impact television for a month. Bottom line: Purrazzo says she doesn’t owe anyone any answers. They will have to just wait and see what’s next for her. She walks out of the interview with Matthew Rehwoldt in tow.
FinnJuice discusses their climb back to the top of Impact Wrestling. Scott D’Amore stops by and offers his advice. They just have to get focused once again. He wishes them the best of luck at Turning Point against Decay.
Eric Young warns Rhino that he is going to meet his end this weekend.
Swinger, Fallah and Hernandez versus Black Taurus, Crazzy Steve and The Demon
We know where this match is going when Swinger taunts Taurus with a red handkerchief. Swinger submits to Demon’s finisher. Swinger staggers backstage and feels there is no coming back from that loss. John E Bravo tries to encourage Swinger. Decay appears out of thin air. They offer Bravo a deal. They will help Swinger, Bravo’s pal, if Bravo helps Decay. More on that later.
Winners: Black Taurus, Crazzy Steve and The Demon
Match Rating: 3 / 10
Minoru Suzuki vs. Josh Alexander

Suzuki thrives on violence. Courtesy: Impact Wrestling.
Alexander splashes Suzuki to the floor. Once he is up on the apron though he puts Alexander in that tarantula hold. Suzuki takes the fight to the floor. He picks up a steel chair. The official and security stop Suzuki from using the weapon. Suzuki knocks the security guard into next week with one shot. On the rampway, Suzuki mashes Alexander’s face in with a running knee. Suzuki beats Alexander down in a corner but Alexander fights back with an elbow smash and punches of his own. Suzuki stands on top of Alexander after a kick off the ropes hoping to humiliate and intimidate The Walking Weapon.
Suzuki and Alexander trade chops in the middle of the ring. Suzuki dares Alexander to hit him with everything he can. Suzuki laughs demanding more. One shot has Alexander down on one knee. Suzuki locks on his sleeper hold but gets backdropped out of his Gotch Style Piledriver. A flying knee smash to the back of the head gets Alexander a two count. Suzuki forearms his way out of an ankle lock and puts the sleeper on again. Alexander escapes to hit the C4 Spike for the win.
Winner: Josh Alexander
Match Rating: 8 / 10
Swinger, Bravo meet Decay outside. Decay teleports them and some other ham and eggers to a mansion. Wrestle House II begins next week.
Impact Wrestling, Thursday, November 18th
Another solid wrestling show from Impact, however, adding all of these Turning Point matches at the last minute seems like lazy and confused booking on their part. Why isn’t Moose and whatever he is doing front and centre either at the very start or the end of the show? Why didn’t Alexander wrestle Suzuki at Turning Point? Why isn’t Alexander wrestling at Turning Point? It is this bewildering booking that is holding Impact back.